Blood on the Water

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Blood on the Water Page 12

by Mark Hildebrandt

  “Dr. Vespus, I find your sister to be a fascinating person, and I have no intention of satisfying anything other than professional curiosity. Now are we done?”

  “I believe that wraps things up. Good day Dr. Woodman.” And Marcus left. No sooner than he was outside of the door then Cassandra appeared.

  “All set? Let’s go.” She said.

  Chapter 12

  - No, you can’t have him -

  “Are you going to stand around all day.” Cassandra asked. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” That was all the prodding necessary; James was out the door and looking for her to lead the way. The pair quickly entered the nearest lift, and once inside, Cassandra looked closely at James. He had been wearing the same outfit since they left London, and it occurred to her, if she had any intention of taking him anywhere, he needed some additional clothing. “The first thing we need to do is get you some new clothes.” She said while leading him outside into the warm afternoon sun.

  He quickly responded, “I thought you liked this outfit?” And then fell silent.

  Several steps latter Cassandra noticed James was no longer at her side. She quickly turned to find he was still standing on the clinic portico staring in wide eye astonishment. At first, she wanted to laugh, here was a history professor, gawking at the city streets like a wide-eyed prepubescent male at his first debutant ball, but then she realized, he was her responsibility, and she had better tend to him. She discreetly slid up next to him and took his hand. At first, he started to jerk away, but her gentile touch seemed to lessen his anxiety. “Easy James. Surely there are busy streets in your world. It’s just the same here. Now come on, hold my hand, you will be fine. We’ll look just like any other Roman couple. There is a clothing store a couple of blocks up the street.” She said calmly looking into his uncertain eyes.

  “I’m fine. I’m just trying to absorb it all. Everything looks so different. Except for the people. They look the same, if you ignore the strange clothes that is.”

  It didn’t take long for James to loosen up. After about a block he seemed to have overcome his anxiety attack, and Cassandra, who had been carefully watching the crowds, was confident they had not drawn any unusual attention. She was aware of the bodyguards discreetly blended into the surroundings and following at a safe distance. But it wasn’t physical injury she feared, the guards would see to that, she hated being the center of attention. To her, the concept of paradise was a place where she would never be recognized, and although that was impossible in Rome, she always tried to avoid making a scene.

  Her silent vigilance was broken when James spoke, “Why do I need new clothes, I think I have finally gotten used to the color of this jacket?”

  “I hope so, I told you that was a very popular color.” She answered once again apprizing the tunic. “We are going to the country, and you are going need a few things just a bit more causal. Things that will be appropriate for hiking, biking and just enjoying the warm Tuscan sun.”

  James was able to manage a smile and answered, “That sounds like a real vacation.”

  “Here we go.” She said. Her attention focused more on the task at hand than his response. “This is the shop I had in mind. They should be able to provide some very nice things.” She started into the store, but James didn’t move, and since they were still holding hands, she didn’t move very far either. “What is it James? It’s just a clothing store.” She said impatiens beginning to show in her voice.

  “Cassandra, I have a couple of problems. As you are aware, I don’t know anything about proper attire in this world. You will have to pick out the outfits, and I will have to trust your judgment.” He grinned, “But that is not a problem. I do.”

  At first Cassandra thought, damn right you will trust me, but somehow his smile, the slight upturn at the corners of his mouth and the hint of a dimple in each cheek, softened her stalwartness. “If you trust me, I don’t understand. What’s the problem?”

  Sheepishly he answered, “I don’t have any way to pay for them. I don’t even know what form of currency is used here. Do you still use aureus and sestertius. Not that it makes any difference, I have neither.”

  Cassandra started to laugh, “Oh James you don’t have a problem. Money has never, well at least for the last two thousand years, been a problem with the Vespus family. Besides, technically you are part of the Ministry of Health and Environment, and you can think of this as an advance on your expense account.” She smiled encouragement to him and continued. “Officially we still do use aureus and sestertius, but all the transactions are made electronically, and since you don’t have a data pad, I’ll keep track of the expenses, and submit for reimbursement when I return to the lab. I won’t be out a single sestertius. Is that all right? Feel better?”

  James nodded agreement, and Cassandra pulled on his hand leading him into the store saying, “Good come on let’s go in and find some clothes.”

  They spent almost two hours in the shop, and Cassandra enjoyed every minute. Watching the amazement on James face as he examined the fitting machine, and the holographic catalogue was most amusing. Obviously, he had never seen a machine that made clothes on the person. But then on the other hand, she had never been shopping with a man, and found the experience both fascinating and frustrating. She wanted to compare and examine several different options on the holographic models, while he seemed to be content to pick something and move on. Then there was the part that he trusted her. That may have been, but it didn’t stop several heated discussions about color combinations. Time and time again, he would choose clothes in colors that looked washed out, and bland. Each time she would shake her head and replace them with things in more vibrant colors to complement his fair complexion and emerald eyes.

  She decided if he really did trust her, things would have moved faster, but all in all it was fun, and since he had to wear the items perhaps he should have some say.

  When they finally called it quits, James had a couple more tunics, slacks, short sleeve shirts, casual pants, dress pants, under garments, hiking shoes, dress shoes, sandals and a case to carry it all.

  “Well thank you.” James said as he loaded his new wardrobe into the backseat of the waiting vehicle. “Where are we going now?”

  Cassandra was checking messages and without looking up from her data pad answered, “We sir, are going to the villa for dinner. I want you to meet Irena and my niece and nephew. I was hoping for a quiet evening, dinner, a hot bath, then tomorrow we will drive up to Tuscany.”

  The trip to the villa was quiet. Cassandra answered messages and James stared out the window at the passing scenery. The silence was broken as soon as the vehicle cleared the gates and moved onto the villa property. James said without taking his eyes from the canopy, “My God, this is spectacular. It’s beautiful. The grounds and house. It is just like walking back in time to a second century Roman villa.” He then turned to Cassandra, “and this is where you grew up? Amazing.”

  Looking at James expression and then at the grounds, it was almost like she could see the villa for the first time. To her this had just been a house; it was nothing special. She rarely had playmates over to visit while growing up, so she didn’t have the constant reminder of kids telling her how lucky she was. And since it would be considered bad manners for an adult to behave like James, she had never seen this type of reaction from her infrequent adult visitors. No to her it had always just been a house “Yes, it is very beautiful.” She said, and then recalled the feelings that accompanied living in this museum. “But what you don’t realize James, is that those walls, walls designed to keep people out, soon begin to feel like prison walls. As nice as it is, I’m always glad to leave.”

  The car stopped in front of the main house. James freed his case from behind the seat and followed Cassandra into the Atrium. Two servants greeted them; one quickly took James’s case and waited instructions. “Take Dr. Woodman’s case up to the room across the hall from mine” Cassandra told him, and he quic
kly hurried from the room. The other one told them Irena was waiting on the patio.

  Cassandra noticed that Irena had left the patio roof open to the afternoon sky. It was cool this afternoon and would be a pleasant evening to enjoy the ambient night air. Unfortunately, being in the middle of town, it was impossible to view the stars. The city’s light pollution turned the evening sky a uniform dark gray, but at least the cool breezes blowing across the woods surrounding the villa would make for a soothing night.

  Cassandra quickened her pace and hurried across the patio to greet Irena. She hugged her sister-in-law then turned and motioned James closer. “Irena, this is Dr. Woodman, but please call him James. He tends to correct people if he is called Dr. Woodman. And James this is Irena, Marcus’s wife.”

  “I am very pleased to meet you James. My sister told me all about you. I hope my husband did not treat you badly at his clinic?” Irena said, obviously sizing him up as he approached.

  James smiled, “No. Not at all, other than it being a hospital, it was quite comfortable. Cassandra was kind enough to keep me company for most of the visit, and that helped make the time pass very quickly.

  “Mrs. Vespus this is spectacular. Thank you very much for inviting me to visit.” James said smiling and bowing his head slightly to Irena.

  Irena apparently found the smile infectious curtsied and said, “It is certainly my pleasure. I’m glad you and Cassandra could stay.

  “Now I have a nice evening planned with plenty of time to get acquainted, but first I think first you might enjoy the opportunity to freshen up. Cassandra can show you to your room, a servant is already preparing the bath.

  “Marcus should be home shortly. I plan to serve an aperitif here on the patio in an hour. I trust that will be enough time.”

  “That sounds perfect.” Cassandra said to Irena, “Come on James I’ll show you, your room.”

  James seemed as taken with the room as the rest of the house. Cassandra walked over to the wardrobe where she discovered the servant had already unpacked James case, and she picked out casual slacks, a silk shirt and sandals. “These clothes should be appropriate for dinner. I’ll meet you back down stairs after you get freshened up. I hear the bath running, but if you need anything, my room is directly across the hall.”

  James was looking around the room admiring the frescos and without looking at Cassandra said, “I think I will be fine. I’ll see you down stairs. And Cassandra,” he said once again looking directly at her. “Thanks. Thanks for bringing me here. It is very beautiful, and it’s defiantly better than a hotel by the hospital.”

  “James, I told you I would look out for you. Now get changed and I’ll see you down stars in about an hour.” She watched as he nodded understanding and turned his attention back to the fresco. If Marcus had gotten his way you would have been locked in a hotel room with several of Josephus’s men outside the door. She thought as she left.

  After a quick change of clothes Cassandra was back down stairs to help Irena in the Triclinium. There wasn’t really anything to do, the servants did everything, but she wanted to explain some of James’s background and hopefully deflect any potentially uncomfortable questions that might occur during dinner.

  In the middle of telling Irena a similar, but slightly more detailed, story to the one she had told her sister, Marcus arrived. After what appeared to be an obligatory kiss for Irena, he turned to Cassandra, “I’m not certain it was wise to bring Dr. Woodman to the villa. Remember our discussion last night.”

  “Yes Marcus, I remember. But this must be one of the safest places in Rome, and after all, we only plan to stay one night. It seems to me there is very little danger.” She thought, she should probably listen to her brother, but whenever he told her what to do, she seemed to regress back into a young schoolgirl. One who absolutely hated being told what to do by her big brother. Of course, that change was manifested in her doing the complete opposite.

  James appearance interrupted the staring match between the two siblings. Cassandra broke eye contact looked at James and smiled. She was pleased with his appearance. Damn it, James may still want to argue about the clothes, but she had done a good job. The green and blue silk print shirt fit perfectly, nicely reveling the contours of his chest and arms. A quick glance back to her brother and she decided to turn it up a little. She hurried to James and took his hand, “Come with me James. Let’s go to the patio and let Irena finish preparing the Triclinium for dinner.”

  She led him to the fountain and suggested they sit. “What do you want to drink?” She said motioning to the servant.

  “This is Rome, I think I should drink wine.”

  “Yes of course.” And then turning to the servant she said, “Please bring the Sangiovese.”

  “I hope my being here is not a problem with your brother?

  “Nonsense. Besides this is my house too.”

  The wine was served; both paused and took a sip, “This is very good. It has a very nice balance. Did you say this came from your family vineyards?”

  “Yes. It is where we are going tomorrow. The vineyards in Tuscany make a variety of wines. This is one of the family favorites. It is a Sangiovese grape grown in a special field on a hill near the house. No one knows exactly why, but wine made from that field is always very special. I’ll show you tomorrow when we get there.” Then she turned, stared off at nothing in particular, and let long ago thoughts of the vineyard flood into her mind, and brighten her sprit. The effect was far more invigorating than the wine alone.

  Marcus with a martini and Irena holding a glass of wine joined them and sat down on chairs near the fountain. Cassandra was pleased to see the martini had worked its magic and assuaged Marcus’s temperament somewhat. The initial conversation was a bit stiff but softened as more wine and martini were consumed.

  Cassandra was relaying stories about Tuscany when one of the servants discreetly whispered something in Marcus’s ear. He nodded, “Tell him I’ll be right there.” And the servant hurried off.

  Marcus rose to leave, and Irena grabbed and held his hand, “What is it dear? You can’t go anywhere. It’s almost dinner time, and we so rarely get to visit with Cassandra.”

  “I was just told Josephus was on the porch and had requested a minute. I won’t be long.”

  As he left the room, Cassandra could tell something was wrong just by looking at his posture. Of course, something is wrong, she thought. Why on earth would the Security Director come to the villa? Since he hadn’t called, something must be very wrong, she decided.

  In the vacuum left in Marcus’s wake, Irena immediately assumed the role of perfect hostess. She turned to James and began asking open-ended questions to restart the conversation. Cassandra was only vaguely aware of the questions, and completely impervious to James’s distress at being the recipient. Prior to last night, seeing her brother react the way he just had, or the unannounced visit by Josephus, would have had little effect on her. Not so now. It was all she could do to sit still. What the hell was this about? One thing was certain; it wasn’t good.

  Gently patting James thigh, she said, “James I will be back soon.” She then turned to Irena, “I am going to join Marcus, please see to my guest.” And as quickly as Marcus had left Cassandra was gone.

  As she approached porch in the early evening twilight, Cassandra could see her brother’s shoulders slumped, and head lowered while Josephus was talking. “What is it Marcus?” she asked when she joined them. Marcus looked at her and just shook his head. “Josephus what’s going on? Why have you come all the way out to the villa?”

  Confused Josephus looked to Marcus for guidance. “It’s all right old friend. We don’t need to keep secrets from Cassandra any longer.”

  What was that? She wondered but decided she could get her brother to explain later. She once again turned to Josephus, “Tell me what is going on?”

  Josephus first glanced at Marcus, and then cleared his throat, “Dr Vespus, yesterday afternoon we uncovered inform
ation regarding a high-level security leak within the Ministry. I was obviously shocked when I found out and followed the suspect all a day. Late this afternoon, I personally saw him pass information to Senator Kukulcan’s aid.”

  “Who was it?” Cassandra demanded.

  “It was Quintus.”

  “Quintus! Are you saying Marcus’ personnel assistant was spying for the Senate?”

  “Yes, ma’am I’m afraid so. I’m afraid the Senate knows everything that is going on inside the Ministry. Quintus had complete access.”

  “Holy shit! Marcus, Julia was right. If that busy body figured this out, the problem runs to the very core of the ministry. What are we going to do? “

  Marcus straightened and looked at Josephus, “we need to apprehend Quintus immediately”

  “It’s already been done.”

  “Excellent. Do we know what information Quintus was passing?”

  “It was the latest progress report on Dr. Cassandra Vespus’s research project”

  “My work?” Cassandra blurted. What in the hell is going on she wondered. “Marcus why would the Senate be interested in my work?”

  Marcus shook his head. “Please Cassandra, all I can tell you right now is that your work and Dr. Woodman are very important the future of the Empire.

  “Josephus do we have any intelligence about what Kukulcan plans?”

  “Apparently, he is hoping to figure out where your Dr. Woodman is and get the full Senate to issue a subpoena to apprehend him.”

  Cassandra’s head was spinning. Her first foray into politics was turning out to be more confusing than a quantum physics problem. At least with a physics problem she could identify the variables. “Marcus why are they after James?”


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