The Capture Series Bundle

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The Capture Series Bundle Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  I told myself to go slow, at least for this first time. But fuck, I didn’t want that. I wanted to take her with all the passion I felt.

  “You’ll only ever be mine, Ruby.” I moved back an inch to look fully in her face. She had her chin tipped up and her neck bared as she stared into my eyes. “My cock will be the only one deep inside of you from this moment on. My hands will be the only ones touching your soft, supple body.” I ground my cock against her again, her gasp filling my head. “Now, tell me how ready you are.”

  She exhaled slowly. “I’m so ready.”

  The next moments happened in a blur of clothing all but being torn off, passions running high, and my inner savageness trying to reign supreme. I wanted to be sweet with her this first time, thrust into her slowly, get her used to the monster I sported between my thighs, but the truth was I was barely hanging on to my sanity at this moment.

  I’d never felt so alive before, and even if I’d just properly met her, even if I was taking her on this fast, insane trip with me, I could see she was right there with me.

  When we were both naked I had her in my arms a second later, mindful of the small wound at her temple as I kissed her soundly. I walked us over to my bed. As much as I could have fucked her against the wall, in front of the fireplace, or hell, even on the kitchen counter, I wanted my woman on her back with her legs spread and covered in my scent.

  I took a step back and admired the view once she was on the mattress, her body gloriously nude and perfect, looking like a fucking offering. “Show me, baby. Show me what will be mine for the taking.”

  She instantly did as I said. When her thighs were open and her pussy was on clear display, a harsh groan left me. “Fuck, so damn perfect.” I was on my knees before her seconds later, needing to taste her, needing to have all her cream covering my mouth and slipping down my throat.

  I smoothed my hands over her thighs and curled my fingers into her soft flesh. Then I pulled her thighs apart even farther, smelling the sweet scent of her arousal bathe my senses in euphoria. I leaned in until there was only an inch between me and her pretty cunt.

  A small noise of need left her. “Wolf.”

  I loved it when she said my name. “This is all for me, isn’t it?”

  She licked her lips and nodded.

  “Tell me. Say the words.”

  “It’s only for you, Wolf.”

  “It’ll only ever be for me.” I made a low sound in the back of my throat, not even trying to be civilized right now. Slipping my hand between her legs, I didn’t touch her pussy right away. I just kept my fingers poised right on her inner thigh, right by that crease where her leg met the tight, hot little part of her.

  Pulling her leg even farther out with my other hand, I didn’t deny either of us. I couldn’t because I was about to lose my fucking mind right now.

  I touched her pussy and she parted her lips, gasping.

  I moved my fingers through her wet, soaked slit, grunting in arousal. She was primed for me, so damn ready that my cock was leaking pre-cum, ready to be buried deep in her pussy.

  “Christ, you so fucking want this.”

  “God, Wolf,” she whispered.

  “Tell me how much you’re ready for my cock.”

  She didn’t speak for long seconds, and I watched as she licked her lips and nodded, responding without actually saying the words.

  “I need to hear you say it, baby.”

  “I want this. I want you, Wolf.”


  I growled, because that’s all I needed to hear to finally claim her.



  God, this is happening. I want it. I want so much more.

  But only from Wolf.

  Wolf made me question my very sanity, made me realize that the life I’d been living was unexceptional. Being with Wolf, even for this short time, made me feel … alive.

  He leaned back, a dark, aroused look covering his face and turning me on even more. He stared down the length of my body, looking his fill. “Give yourself to me, let me show you how good I can make you feel, how happy I can make you.”

  Wolf was between my thighs, his face right by my pussy, his warm breath teasing the most sensitive part of me. He lifted his gaze from between my thighs and stared into my eyes. “I’m going to make you feel so fucking good you can’t walk straight tomorrow.” He spoke low, his pleasure evident in his words, in his tone.

  Oh. God.

  “I’m going to fill you up with my cum, make you take all of it.” He breathed heavier. “I’m going to pump so much into you that when you stand my seed will slip down your inner thighs.” I could tell his words were getting him worked up, that he was aroused beyond belief.

  His dirty words fueled me higher, had me nearly begging and pleading like a fiend for him to take me. This wasn’t like me at all. I didn’t jump in bed with men I hardly knew. Hell, it had been a long time since I’d even gone on a date with a guy. But with Wolf it was different. He made me want so much more. He didn’t just make me want the filthy sex we’d no doubt have … he made me want to stay with him irrevocably.

  He leaned closer so he had his mouth by my ear now. His dark, delicious words had my pussy clenching. “Say my name, baby.”

  I closed my eyes and shivered. “Wolf,” I whispered.

  “You’re primed for me, aren’t you?” he whispered.

  “Yes,” I whispered once more. I found myself moaning and thrusting my breasts against his hard, muscular chest.

  He smoothed his hand down my chest and settled it right between my breasts. His big body blocked out everything behind him, but then again I didn’t want to see anything but him. I felt his lips along my jaw, loved the scruff from his beard as it slightly abraded my flesh. Inhaling deeply, I took in his intoxicating scent, an aroma that made him all male.

  He moved his mouth along my neck, stroked my skin with his tongue, and God, did it feel so good. I knew he could be so rough with me, just take what he wanted. He was that imposing, that powerful. But right now he was being gentle.

  He moved his mouth back to my ear and whispered, “Are you ready for me? Are you ready to take my hard cock in that tight little pussy of yours?”

  I couldn’t breathe, his words so erotic they had every part of me on fire. I was dizzy, overheated, and so wet that I felt my cream coat my inner thighs.

  “I’m ready.” The words tumbled out of me on their own. “Please.” His hard cock pressed against my inner thigh, so big and long, hard and having me nearly moan with my need.

  “You have me so on edge I’m barely hanging on.” We stared into each other’s eyes. “I’m about to come before I’m even in you, baby.” I saw something shift in his eyes, a gentleness coming through. He smoothed a finger along my cheek, his gaze on my mouth. Then his lips were on mine and his tongue speared between them. He tasted potent, powerful. He tasted all man, like he was only for me.

  “Mine,” he groaned against my lips, his voice deeper, his need for me evident in the tenor. “This isn’t about me owning you,” he said almost to himself. “Because I’m yours just as much as you’re mine.”

  I should have been freaked out over the fact he spoke about me with such possession, but as strange as it was, I wanted to hear more. I wanted to feel more. Being with Wolf made me open my eyes, made me feel things I never imagined. Living in town all I felt was the grind of the day-in and day-out repetition. But here, locked away in his cabin nestled in the woods, all I felt was realness.

  It was addicting.

  He moved his thumb along the pulse right below my ear, that calming pressure having me relax even further. Wolf gently bit my lip, the sting from that action having me gasp slightly.

  I became wetter.

  “Touch me,” he said, demanded.

  I had my hands on his chest, his muscles firm beneath my palms. God, he was so strong, so big and muscular. It was clear he worked long, hard hours making this place a home … surviving.

p; “I need more,” I found myself saying involuntarily.

  He grabbed my wrists in a firm but gentle hold, and brought my arms above my head. I was stretched out for him like an offering.

  “So fucking perfect,” he murmured. He leaned down and ran his tongue along the arch of my throat, which had me moaning out for more.

  In one swift move he had me on my belly, my bottom in the air, his hands smoothing over the globes. My heart was beating in my throat and my blood rushed fiercely through my veins. Beads of sweat lined my body.

  God, I’m really doing this.

  I didn’t care that everything was happening so fast, and I wasn’t about to stop this either.

  He ground his erection against my ass and I closed my eyes and bit my lip. The tang of blood coated my tongue, and I realized I’d broken the skin of my bottom lip.

  “I need to feel all of you,” I whispered.

  “Fuck,” he groaned. A second later Wolf moved away from me only long enough to get fully undressed. I looked over my shoulder, and felt my eyes widen as I stared at the massive erection he sported.

  His cock was long, thick, and massive and my pussy clenched at the thought of him shoving all of that inside of me.

  “You like what you see?” he asked and grabbed himself, running his palm up and down his thick, long length. “You want all of this inside of you?”

  I breathed and licked my lips. Nodding, I didn’t trust my voice.

  He took a step closer. “Then get ready to be fucked, because once I’m done with you your sweet little pussy will be sore and you’ll have a hard time walking tomorrow.”

  I groaned at the visual.

  The way Wolf looked at me it was like he wanted to devour me.

  God, I wanted that.



  He was back on top of me a second later, his dick now pressed to my ass. A gasp left me at the heat that came from him and at the feeling of his pre-cum smearing along my overheated flesh.

  He placed his hands on either side of my outer thighs, and slowly moved them up. Wolf’s hands were warm, big, and slightly calloused, no doubt from the intense manual labor he did up here in order to survive.

  “You smell so fucking good, Ruby.” He pressed his dick in the crease of my ass. “You’re so ready for me.”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “You’re so wet for me.” His words were low and deep.

  I held my breath as I waited for him to claim me. But instead of penetrating me I felt Wolf move down the length of my body, his warm breath sliding along the top of my ass. He kissed and licked my flesh, sending me almost over the edge. Then he grabbed the cheeks of my bottom and clenched his fingers around the mounds, making the pleasure and pain morph into one.

  “So fucking perfect,” he all but growled. “So fucking mine.” When he spread my cheeks the cool air moved along the crease. I couldn’t breathe, felt dizzy from the pleasure.

  “So. Fucking. Juicy.” He speared a finger through my slit and I bit my lip harder.

  “Please,” I begged, not even caring how needy I sounded.

  He spanked my right cheek first, the sound of flesh being hit echoing off the walls.

  “You crave me.” He rubbed me between my legs again, proving that I was even wetter.

  “Yes.” I didn’t bother denying it.

  At the first touch of his tongue on my pussy, I couldn’t contain the cry that left me. And then he feasted on me like I was his last meal. Wolf licked up the center of my pussy and I cried out from the pain and pleasure coalescing into one.

  He groaned against me, the sloppy sounds of him eating me out filling the room.

  I was obscenely shoving my pussy against his face, seeking more, needing it. Wolf sucked my clit into the hot, wet depths of his mouth, and that was the end of it. I couldn’t hold back, didn’t even try. I came for Wolf.

  “God, yes,” I breathed out involuntarily. He sucked even harder and my breath hitched. The pleasure was never ending, stealing my breath and making me dizzy.

  “I’ll be the only one that sates your needs.” He ran his teeth along my pussy and a gasp left me.

  He pushed my legs open more and before I could contemplate what was happening he had me flat on my back again. He had both of my wrists in one of his hands once more, thrust above my head, stretching me out. And then he bent down between my thighs and had his mouth back on my pussy, devouring me.

  He was relentless as he rubbed my clit, moved that thick digit around the opening of my body, not penetrating me, but promising that he could take me any way he wanted.

  And I wanted that. I wanted him relentless with me.

  And then he started to penetrate me with his finger, just one thick finger that had me gasping. With his hand on my belly, he kept me pinned down, making me take what he gave.

  Wolf flicked his tongue back and forth over my clit, while fucking me with the digit slow and easy. “Hmmm,” he hummed and I gasped. “So fucking good.” His warm breath heated me to the core. “Mine,” he murmured against my flesh. A shiver raced through my body at the feel of his lips on me, of that lone word spearing into me deep.

  He started sucking especially hard on the little nub and I found myself coming undone for him again. Once my tremors of pleasure receded he moved up the length of my body, rubbing his cock along my cleft, up and down, making me want him even more.

  God, is that even possible?

  “You’re so ready for me.”

  I nodded. “I am.”

  We held each other’s stares for several long seconds, and then we crashed our mouths together in unison. Groans spilled from both of us, and he moved his hands behind me and dug his fingers into the flesh right above my ass. Images of us together, skin wet with sweat, muscles stretched and taut, filled my head.

  I felt my nerves vanish, felt this wanton side of me rise up. I reached down and grabbed his huge dick. When the tip was angled right at my entrance, a moment of stillness crashed between us.

  The tip of his cock became lodged in my pussy and we both breathed out roughly.

  “There’s no going back after this, Ruby.” When he slid in another inch, stretching me so good, all I could do was nod.

  “I don’t want to go back.” And God, I’d never meant that more than I did right then. “Kiss me,” I whispered.

  He didn’t make me wait.

  I moaned against his lips and clenched my pussy around his shaft. “I’m so full and you’re not even all the way in yet.”

  He groaned after I spoke. Wolf rested his forehead against mine, moaning harshly. “You haven’t felt anything yet.” In one swift move he was buried fully inside of me.

  I closed my eyes, not able to keep them open any longer. He started moving in and out of me, faster and harder.

  “Christ.” He pumped into me like a madman.

  I wrapped my legs around his hips, stabilizing myself as he fucked me. Wolf started moving in and out of me. The sounds of our flesh slapping together, of my wet skin moving along his in a very filthy, erotic way, had my pleasure mounting.

  The root of his cock rubbed against my clit every time he slammed into me.

  “You feel so fucking good.” He ground the words out and closed his eyes for a second before he opened them again and stared at me. Sweat beaded his brow, and he made this low sound when he slammed into me especially hard.

  I gasped in pleasure at the sensitivity.

  “I want to see you come.” He reached between us and pressed his thumb to my clit. “I want to feel you milking my dick.” He was breathing so harshly, like he had run a marathon. “I want to get off right along with you. I want us to come together.” He rubbed the bundle of nerves back and forth, kept that pressure right on me until I was swiveling my hips on him, seeking more. I wanted him to go impossibly deeper.

  He pressed his mouth to my ear, licking and sucking and kissing at my flesh until I was moaning for more. I could tell he was close to getting off, too.
/>   “You’re mine.” He slammed into me once, twice, and on the third time applied more pressure to my clit until I was about to come again. But right when I was there he slowed. Before I could beg him to fuck me harder, he held onto my hips with a bruising force.

  “Tell me you’re mine.”

  He was thrusting like a madman now, in and out, faster and harder, and I got so lost in the sensation and the scent and power that came from him, that I felt myself falling over the edge once more. I came long and hard, and heard him groan against my neck.

  “Say it.” Wolf growled out the words.

  “I’m yours,” I said instantly.

  I couldn’t help but give him what he wanted. It’s what I wanted, too.

  When my pleasure receded and we were both panting harshly, Wolf pulled out of me with a grunt and lay beside me, bringing me close and wrapping his arms around me.

  I turned my head and closed my eyes, breathing in his scent, this dark, intoxicating aroma that had me needy all over again. He held me like I was valuable, like I could break at a moment’s notice.

  He held me like I was truly his.

  “You are,” he said softly, his voice thick and deep, responding to what I’d assumed was an unspoken thought.

  This was instant crazy, and gave me whiplash. It would be unbelievable if I weren’t living it.

  Wolf held me even tighter and I knew in that moment that my life before him had just been a serious of events.



  I leaned against the porch, staring out at the forest, and brought my coffee mug up to my mouth. I took a slow, hesitant sip of the hot liquid, the caffeine instantly saturating my bloodstream and making me come alive. I was sore between my thighs, the memories of last night, of what Wolf and I shared, so very fresh in my mind.

  Then again, he had taken me this morning.


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