The Little Book of Life's Wisdom

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The Little Book of Life's Wisdom Page 10

by Kahlil Gibran

  T H E L I F E O F T H E S O U L


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  Speak not of peoples and laws and kingdoms,

  for the whole earth is my birthplace

  and all people are my brothers and sisters.

  Go from me,

  for you are taking away life—

  offering repentance and

  bringing needless words.

  K A H L I L G I B R A N ’ S L I T T L E B O O K O F L I F E


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  You are your own forerunner, and the towers

  you have built are but the foundation of your

  Giant Self.

  And that Self too shall be a foundation.

  And I too am my own forerunner, for the

  long shadow stretching before me at sunrise

  shall gather under my feet at the noon hour.

  Yet another sunrise shall lay another shadow

  before me, and that also shall be gathered at

  another noon.

  Always have we been our own forerunners,

  and always shall we be. And all that we have

  gathered and shall gather shall be but seeds

  for fields yet unploughed. We are the fields

  and those who plough, the gatherers and the


  When you were a wandering desire in the

  mist, I too was there, a wandering desire. Then

  we sought one another, and out of our eagerness

  dreams were born. And dreams were time limit-

  less, and dreams were space without measure.

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  And when you were a silent word upon Life’s

  quivering lips, I too was there, another silent

  word. Then Life uttered us and we came down

  the years throbbing with memories of yesterday

  and with longing for tomorrow, for yesterday

  was death conquered and tomorrow was birth


  And now we are in God’s hands. You are a

  sun in his right hand and I an earth in his left

  hand. Yet you are not more, shining, than I,

  shone upon.

  And we, sun and earth, are but the beginning

  of a greater sun and a greater earth. And always

  shall we be the beginning.

  You are your own forerunner, you—the

  stranger passing by the gate of my garden.

  And I too am my own forerunner, though

  I sit in the shadows of my trees and seem


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  You who walk facing the sun,

  what images drawn on the earth can hold you?

  You who travel with the wind,

  what weather vane shall direct your course?

  What human law shall bind you

  if you break your yoke,

  but upon no one’s prison door?

  What laws shall you fear if you dance,

  but stumble against no one’s iron chains?

  And who shall bring you to judgment

  if you tear off your garment

  yet leave it in no one’s path?

  People of Orphalese,

  you can muffle the drum,

  and you can loosen the strings of the lyre,

  but who shall command

  the skylark not to sing?

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  The image of the morning sun in a dewdrop is

  not less than the sun.

  The reflection of life in your soul is not less

  than life.

  The dewdrop mirrors the light because it is

  one with light, and you reflect life because you

  and life are one.

  The dewdrop rounding its sphere in the dusk

  of the lily is not unlike yourself gathering your

  soul in the heart of God.

  K A H L I L G I B R A N ’ S L I T T L E B O O K O F L I F E


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  You are but roots

  between the dark sod

  and the moving heavens.

  And oftentimes have I seen you

  rising to dance with the light,

  but I have also seen you shy.

  All roots are shy.

  They have hidden their hearts so long

  that they know not what to

  do with their hearts.

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  Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the

  days and the nights.

  But your ears thirst for the sound of your

  heart’s knowledge. You would know in words

  that which you have always known in thought.

  You would touch with your fingers the naked

  body of your dreams. And it is well you should.

  The hidden wellspring of your soul must

  needs rise and run murmuring to the sea. And

  the treasure of your infinite depths would be

  revealed to your eyes. But let there be no scales

  to weigh your unknown treasure. And seek

  not the depths of your knowledge with staff or

  sounding line. For self is a sea boundless and


  Say not, “I have found the truth,” but rather,

  “I have found a truth.”

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  Say not, “I have found the path of the soul.”

  Say rather, “I have met the soul walking upon

  my path.”

  For the soul walks upon all paths.

  The soul walks not upon a line, neither does

  it grow like a reed. The soul unfolds itself like a

  lotus of countless petals.

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  Pity that the stags cannot teach swiftness to the


  In your longing for your Giant Self lies your

  goodness, and that longing is in all of you.

  But in some of you that longing is a tor-

  rent rushing with might to the sea, carrying the

  secrets of the hillsides and the songs of the forest.

  And in others it is a flat stream that loses

  itself in angles and bends and lingers before it

  reaches the shore.

  But let not the one who longs much say to

  the one who longs little, “Wherefore are you

  slow and halting?”

  K A H L I L G I B R A N ’ S L I T T L E B O O K O F L I F E


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  I too am visited

  by angels and devils,

  but I get rid of them.

  When it is an angel,

  I pray an old prayer

nd he is bored.

  When it is a devil,

  I commit an old sin

  and he passes me by.

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  You may have heard of

  the Blessed Mountain.

  It is the highest mountain in our world.

  Should you reach the summit

  you would have only one desire,

  and that to descend and

  be with those who dwell

  in the deepest valley.

  That is why it is called

  the Blessed Mountain.

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  In the depth of my soul

  there is a wordless song,

  a song that lives

  in the seed of my heart.

  It refuses to melt

  with ink on parchment.

  It engulfs my affection

  in a transparent cloak and flows,

  but not upon my lips.

  How can I sigh it?

  I fear it may mingle with earthly ether.

  To whom shall I sing it?

  It dwells in the house of my soul

  in fear of harsh ears.

  When I look into my inner eyes,

  I see the shadow of its shadow.

  When I touch my fingertips,

  I feel its vibrations.

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  The deeds of my hands

  heed its presence,

  as a lake must reflect

  the glittering stars.

  My tears reveal it,

  as bright drops of dew

  reveal the secret

  of a withering rose.

  It is a song composed

  by contemplation

  and published by silence

  and shunned by clamor

  and folded by truth

  and repeated by dreams

  and understood by love

  and hidden by awakening

  and sung by the soul.

  It is the song of love.

  What Cain or Esau could sing it?

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  It is more fragrant than jasmine.

  What voice could enslave it?

  It is as heart-bound

  as a virgin’s secret.

  What string could quiver it?

  Who dares unite the roar of the sea

  and the singing of the nightingale?

  Who dares compare the shrieking tempest

  to the sigh of an infant?

  Who dares speak aloud the words

  intended for the heart to speak?

  What human dares

  sing in voice

  the song of God?

  T H E L I F E O F T H E S O U L


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  Spirits Rebellious (1908) SR

  The Broken Wings (1912) BW

  A Tear and a Smile (1914) TS

  The Procession (1918) TP

  The Madman (1918) M

  “My Countrymen” (1920s) MC

  The Forerunner (1920) F

  The Prophet (1923) P

  Sand and Foam (1926) SF

  “To Young Americans of Syrian Origin”

  (1926) YA

  Jesus The Son of Man (1928) JSM

  The Wanderer (1932) W

  The Garden of the Prophet (1933) GP

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  Selection Notes


  The Law of Nature. SR

  Said a Blade of Grass. M

  Three Dogs. W

  Shadows. M

  Song of the Rain. TS

  A Hyena and a Crocodile. W

  Two Oysters. W

  Trees Are Poems. SF

  The Red Earth. W

  The Full Moon. W

  The Supreme Ant. M

  The Pomegranate. M

  Solitude. SF

  Living Water. P

  Other Seas. F

  The River. W

  Contentment and Thrift. SF

  The Lotus-Heart. JSM. “Jonathan: Among the


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  The Shadow. W

  The Serpent and the Lark. F. “The Scholar and

  the Poet”

  Frogs: On the Nature of Disturbance. W

  Song of the Flower. TS

  Spring in Lebanon. BW


  Life’s Purpose. SF

  Singing. SF

  Secrets of the Beauty of Life. SR. “Khalil the


  The Poet. TS

  Art and Life. F

  Pleasure Is a Freedom Song. P

  Singing. GP

  Before the Throne of Beauty. TS

  The Flute. TP (editor's translation from the


  Beauty. P

  Soul of the Dancer. W

  An Hour Devoted to Beauty and Love. TS

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  Your Daily Life Is Your Temple. P

  Burying Dead Selves. M

  Giving Up a Kingdom. F

  Possessions. P

  Treasure. SF

  The Value of Time. SF

  With Senses Continually Made New. JSM. “A

  Philosopher: On Wonder and Beauty.”

  Work Is Love. P

  Builders of Bridges. W

  Renown. SF

  Life Is a Procession. SF

  Song of Humanity. TS

  Singing in the Silence. GP

  Modesty. P

  Between. SF

  Ignorance. SF

  When You Meet a Friend. P

  Strangers to Life. SF

  Life Is a Resolution. MC

  Longing. SF

  To American Immigrants from the Middle East.


  S E L E C T I O N N O T E S


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  Changing with the Seasons. BW

  No Miracles Beyond the Seasons. JSM. “Melachi

  of Babylon: An Astronomer.”

  Youth and Knowledge. SF

  Seasons. GP

  Autumn and Spring. SF

  Time. P

  All Your Hours Are Wings. P

  Be Dark. SF

  Day and Night. GP

  Shell-Life. SF

  Tides of Breath. P

  Shoreless Without a Self. GP

  Finding Fault. SF

  Every Year I Had Waited for Spring . . . JSM.

  “Rachel: A Woman Disciple.”


  Life Comes Walking. GP

  Talk. SF

  A Tale of Two Tales. W

  Confession. SF

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  Yesterday and Today. TS

  Gifts of the Earth. P

  Giving and Gaining. P

  High and Low. P

  Seeking. SF

  Freedom. P

  Limits. SF

  Owl Eyes. P

  Voices. SF

  Ocean and Foam. P

  Blessing Darkness. P

  Agreement. SF

  Jesus and Pan. JSM. “Sarkis: An Old Greek

  Shepherd Called the Madman.”


  Resurrection of Life. JSM. “Nicodemus the Poet:

  On Fools and Jugglers.”

  A Fragment. SF

  The Greater Sea. M

  Truth Is Like the Stars. SR

  Have Mercy on Me, My Soul. TS

  Trust the Dreams. P

  S E L E C T I O N N O T E S


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  The Greater Self. F

  Rising. SF

  Children of Space. P

  Leave Me, My Blamer. TS

  The Forerunner. F

  Walk Facing the Sun. P

  Soul’s Dewdrop. GP

  Roots Between. GP

  Self Is a Sea. P

  The Longing of the Giant Self. P

  Angels and Devils. SF

  Blessed Mountain. SF

  Song of the Soul. TS

  K A H L I L G I B R A N ’ S L I T T L E B O O K O F L I F E


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  About the Author

  Dates from the life of Gibran Khalil Gibran, the

  author’s full Arabic name, which due to a regis-

  tration spelling mistake at his first school in the

  United States was changed from the usual spell-

  ing to “Kahlil.”


  Born in Bsharri, a village in the north

  of Lebanon.


  Gibran’s mother immigrates to

  Boston with her four children, hop-

  ing to flee poverty and unhappi-

  ness, while her husband remains in

  Lebanon, imprisoned for embezzling

  from the government.


  Returns to Lebanon to study Arabic

  and French at a Maronite-run pre-

  paratory school in Beirut. By some

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  accounts, his mother wants to remove

  him from unsavory artistic influences

  in Boston.


  Returns to Boston. In fifteen months’

  time, he loses his mother, sister, and

  half-brother to tuberculosis.


  Through photographer Fred Holland

  Day meets Mary Haskell, a school

  headmistress, who becomes his

  patron, muse, editor, and possible

  lover. Publishes several poems in

  prose gathered later under the title A

  Tear and a Smile.

  1908-10: Funded by Mary, he attends art school


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