The SEAL’s Beautiful Nanny: The Admiral’s SEALs Book Two

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The SEAL’s Beautiful Nanny: The Admiral’s SEALs Book Two Page 12

by North, Leslie

  “Less clothes,” she murmured and stood to undo her jeans. She pushed them down her hips with a seductive wiggle. He thought about helping, but he was enjoying the show as her pink panties decorated with little artist palettes were revealed.

  “Cute.” He grinned. “Those are so you. Now, take them off.” A devilish gleam showed in her eyes at his command. By the time her panties were on the floor, his dick was pressed painfully against his zipper. “My turn.” He rose and worked his pants down, taking his boxers along with them to save time. He looked at her and caught her smiling as her gaze dipped to his erection.

  “I think I’d like to sculpt you,” she said, reaching out to stroke him, “just like this.”

  “You couldn’t exhibit that anywhere,” he pointed out, wildly turned on by her suggestion.

  “It would be just for us. I’d have to study you very closely. That’s the way with artists, you know. We like to examine and feel our subject matter.” She tossed a pillow on the floor and dropped to her knees in front of him. Her hands gripped the backs of his thighs as she drew his dick into her mouth. When she dragged her teeth the length of him, it was all he could do to stay upright.

  “Get a good enough look?” he gritted out a few minutes later. At some point, he’d sunk his hands into her thick hair. She put one openmouthed kiss on the tip before looking up at him. God, she was beautiful and sexy—and his.

  “For now.” She rose and placed her hands on his shoulders, pushing him down on the couch. He went willingly. When he stretched the length of it, she lay on top of him, rubbing her cunt against his erection. “I like that,” she breathed as she dragged her breasts against his chest, “and this.”

  She’d led their lovemaking for long enough. He was enjoying the hell out of it, but he wanted to pleasure her. He said a word of thanks for long arms as he slid his hands over her butt and touched her between her thighs from the back. She gasped in surprise, but he didn’t relent, playing with her as she had him. Finally, when she was panting his name, he guided her onto his erection.

  They moved together as one, pleasuring and pushing, kissing and nipping, until their orgasms hit at the same time, rocketing through them.

  Afterward, she rested her head against his chest, falling asleep almost immediately. He grabbed an afghan and draped it over them. He’d take her upstairs soon, but he wanted her to rest first. He had plans for the remainder of the night, plans to show her how much she meant to him.


  “I’m going to do it, sir. I’m going to take the step you always thought possible for me.” Colin stood in front of Admiral Anderson’s gravestone. He often visited the final resting place of the man who had taken a chance on three unruly juveniles. Colin knew his brothers visited, too. On the admiral’s birthday, all of them who were in town came together. The admiral had done more than raise them. He’d made them who they were as adults by offering tough love and amazing empathy.

  Being a parent himself now, Colin had new respect for the old guy who had given up his leisurely retirement years for the Vale brothers. The childless man had understood them as individuals, made sure each had what he needed. For Colin, the admiral had chosen the game of bridge to challenge his analytical mind and channel his attention. And he’d listened to Colin, recognizing his need for a family.

  “I got the family I always wanted. I love my brothers—you know that—but I’ve got a daughter who is truly mine, even if I’m not her biological father. And I have a woman—Lily, you’d like her—who’ll be my wife, I hope.” Colin had plans to propose that very evening. “So I get to be a husband and a dad and have the storybook family I wanted so much as a kid. You always knew that was possible for me, even when I couldn’t see it myself.”

  He chuckled and looked around the cemetery, where azaleas were in bloom, spreading their pink and white petals across the grass. “My family didn’t happen in the usual way, but I wouldn’t change anything about what I have. Well, except add a few more kids, if Lily’s willing.” He thought she would be, since she was so great with children, but he wanted her to be free, too, to pursue her dreams. They’d make it all work out somehow. He no longer doubted that was possible.

  “I hope, sir,” he said, focusing on the grave again, “that I can be half the father to my kids that you were to Zach, Alex, and me. Half of what you did would be damn special.” Colin could almost hear the old guy’s voice arguing with him, telling him that he’d be the best father his children could ever wish for. That’s what the admiral would say. For the first time in his life, Colin believed it.

  “Wish me luck, sir. It’s time to propose and have a wedding.” Colin was sure Lily would accept. She’d promised him on the night he’d been shot that she’d stay with him for as long as he wanted her. Since that was forever, since he loved her more deeply than he would have thought possible, he felt sure they’d be together and create the family of his dreams, their dreams.

  “I’ll let you know how it goes,” Colin said before resting his hand on the stone marker for a moment.

  As he walked away, he smiled in anticipation of what the day would bring. His next stop was to pick up Lily from her art class and drop her off at his brother’s house, where Sofia was already playing with Austin. Just as he rolled into the parking lot, Lily came out of the building. Her smile was wide as she said goodbye to her classmates and headed for his truck.

  How the hell had he gotten so lucky as to find her? Well, he hadn’t really found her. He’d advertised for a nanny, she’d shown up on his doorstep, and then she’d changed his life. He got out to help her stow her bag of supplies in the back.

  “Good class?” he asked after he kissed her. She was always happiest after leaving the sculpting classes. She said she hadn’t decided which medium of art she enjoyed most, but he could tell.

  “Awesome. I’m working on something special.” She had an enigmatic smile on her face.

  “What?” He imagined a nude statue of himself and hoped she wasn’t creating that in class.

  “Not that.” She blushed, seeming to read his thoughts, which happened a lot. “Something else for you, though.” He opened the truck door for her. Once she was in, he leaned closer.

  “Tell me,” he whispered, brushing his lips lightly against hers.

  “Only if you tell me what you’ve got planned for tonight.” Her hand stroked the side of his neck—a sensitive spot for him, and she knew it.

  “Nope.” She’d been trying to wheedle the information out of him ever since he’d asked her to block off the evening for a special event.

  She gave a little shrug. “I guess we’ll both have to be curious, then.”

  He got in and started driving toward his brother’s house, unwilling to give up. “Is it something you can use for self-defense?” he teased.

  “It’s heavy enough to do some damage, I suppose. That’s the only clue you’re getting, by the way.” When he didn’t comment, she huffed. “I expect one clue about tonight in exchange.”

  “You should establish the rules of a bargain before giving information. I’m under no obligation, since I didn’t agree to reveal anything.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her cross her arms over her chest. “In the spirit of goodwill, however, I guess I could offer something.”

  “What?” She pounced.

  “It’s a formal occasion. There are new dresses waiting at Carolyn’s house for you and Sofia.”

  “You bought us clothes?” she exclaimed.

  “With Carolyn’s assistance,” he clarified. He might have managed something for Sofia, since he’d purchased clothes for her before. Figuring out a style and size for Lily was a complete mystery. Carolyn had saved his bacon on that one.

  “Now I’m even more curious about what you’ve got planned, but you’ve given me a clue, so I’ll be satisfied for now,” she said as they pulled into his brother’s driveway.

  As soon as they got out of the truck, Sofia burst from the house and ran toward them. She veer
ed to Lily first, who picked her up and gave her a hug.

  “How’s my girl?” Lily asked, kissing Sofia’s cheek.

  Colin loved it that Lily said those words to Sofia. He wasn’t the sentimental type, but his heart melted when he heard them.

  Sofia whispered something to Lily.

  “Really?” Lily responded with exaggerated surprise.

  “What’d she say?” Colin asked.

  Lily and Sofia exchanged a glance. “That’s a secret between us girls. Say bye-bye to Daddy. We’ll see him again later today.” Lily passed Sofia to him, and his daughter embraced him, planting a smacking kiss on his face.

  “I’ll see you both soon.” Colin put his other arm around Lily, holding both of them for a moment and fighting the temptation to stay with them. But he wanted to stick to the plan he’d carefully devised and executed over the past week.

  * * *

  “Let me see,” Sofia said as soon as his truck was gone from sight.

  Pleased that the girl had kept the secret, Lily pulled the piece of pottery she’d crafted for Colin from her bag. It was a carefully rendered ace of hearts on one side. On the reverse, the pattern replicated one of the decks of cards that Colin held so dear. Lily had started it a few weeks earlier, and at one point she’d thought it might be her parting gift to Colin. Now she knew it would be something else.

  “Will your daddy like it?” Lily asked.

  Sofia nodded and gingerly touched both sides before smiling up at Lily. She slipped it back in the bag, waiting for the perfect opportunity to give it to him. Maybe that night; maybe she’d wait for an even more special occasion.

  During the afternoon, Lily chatted with Carolyn while the kids played and napped. Carolyn didn’t mention anything about fancy dresses until five o’clock, when she made a show of checking her watch.

  “You and Sofia have one hour to get ready,” she announced. “Go have a look in the spare bedroom.”

  Taking Sofia by the hand, Lily climbed the stairs and went to the front room. On the bed, two dresses were laid out. Lily wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but it wasn’t this. Hers was a true formal, the kind of dress she might wear to a fancy New Year’s Eve party. Sofia’s was petal pink with white roses embroidered on the bodice. The skirt had layers of ruffles going to the floor.

  Sofia squealed in delight and rushed to touch the fancy dress. Next to it was a pink headband and white patent leather shoes with a little matching purse.

  “I think she likes it,” Carolyn commented from the doorway. “What do you think of yours?”

  Stunning was what she thought. It was jade green with a sequined halter-style bodice and a column skirt that went to the floor. The skirt might have been plain but for a cascade of ruffles that went down one side, adding a little sassiness and elegance. Lily loved it.

  “Beautiful,” she said, picking the gown up to find a pair of black sling-back heels and a jewelry box from All That Sparkles.

  “Open it,” Carolyn said.

  Sofia lifted the lid. Inside, she found a silver cuff bracelet in a delicate vine pattern. “Oh my,” she breathed. Like the dress, it was perfect for her. She lowered the box so Sofia could see the bracelet. The girl ran her little finger carefully around the circle.

  “Colin picked it out. Just so you know,” Carolyn commented. “I’ll get Sofia ready while you do yourself up. I’ve left all sorts of hair products and makeup on the counter in the bathroom for you. Your ride comes in one hour.”

  * * *

  Their ride, huh? Lily sank onto the plush seat of the black limo. This was more than a ride, this was luxury. Colin was spoiling her and Sofia. The girl was next to her, safely buckled into a car seat for the drive and wide-eyed at the interior of the car.

  “Pretty fancy,” Lily commented, smoothing the material of Sofia’s skirt. Carolyn had curled the girl’s hair and applied just a smidge of lip gloss to make her feel like a big girl. “What do you think we’ll find next?” she asked aloud, not expecting Sofia to answer. They were both stunned by Colin’s attention to detail so far.

  The ride wasn’t long, but Lily couldn’t see where they were through the tinted windows until the driver opened the door. She expected a fancy restaurant, one that allowed toddlers—if such a place existed. That’s not what she saw as she stepped from the limo. A brick path lined with candles in glass jars led past trees and shrubs decorated with sparkling white lights.

  “You’re to follow the path,” the driver said once Sofia was out of the car and standing next to Lily. “Just around the curve there.”

  “Are you ready?” Lily asked Sofia as the car rolled away. She took Sofia’s hand and they did as instructed. Along the way, they stopped to smell a rose bush and admire the lights. As promised, around the curve in the path they found their destination: a wooden platform decorated with pots of fragrant flowers and flickering candles. There was a table for three, including a high chair, set in one corner, and what appeared to be a dance floor. Soft music played.

  “Boo-ti-ful!” Sofia announced.

  “You’re both beautiful.” Colin stepped out to meet them, wearing a black tuxedo.

  “Dada!” Sofia ran to her father, who swung her up in his arms.

  “You look like a princess,” he said, making her smile broaden. “Do you like the dress?”

  “Uh-huh.” Sofia tugged on his bow tie.

  How could Lily not love this man? He knew how to make his daughter happy. He was so full of love and generosity that she almost blurted out how she felt about him. He shifted Lily to his left side and focused on her. His eyes coasted down her figure, and she felt warmth suffuse her skin. She did a little twirl so he could get the full effect of her gown, which was nearly backless. Oh, he and Carolyn had chosen wisely when it came to the apparel.

  “You must be the queen,” he said, leaning closer to her to kiss her cheek.

  “The queen of what?” she asked.

  “Your own personal prom.”

  “My prom?” she gasped.

  “You said you didn’t get to go to yours in high school. I didn’t attend mine either, so I created a prom night for us.” He gestured around. “I considered inviting a few friends, but I wanted this to be our night.”

  “Wise choice.” She added thoughtful to his list of qualities. When she’d told him about missing the prom, she’d never expected him to remember the story—much less create such a special night for them.

  With Sofia in one arm, he offered the other to Lily to escort her to the table. As soon as they were settled, a waiter appeared with a silver tray containing two flutes of champagne and a fancy sippy cup for Sofia.

  “Sparkling white grape juice,” he explained to Lily.

  “You thought of everything,” she commented, knowing that was who he was. His analytical mind sorted through details, expertly arranging them into a plan. Her brain worked differently, more chaotically than his, but she could appreciate his abilities. She relaxed and let the evening unfold, confident it would end in some fabulous way.

  The waiter served their meal. She and Colin had beef medallions in a rich sauce, while Sofia had macaroni and cheese, a personal favorite of hers. They all ate a dessert of chocolate cake and ice cream. Sofia acted like a little lady the whole time and didn’t spill one drop on her fancy dress.

  “Time to dance,” Colin said, rising and holding out his hand for Lily.

  She was glad to go into his arms, to feel his warm hand on her bare back as they swayed together to the music. Just as she closed her eyes and would have rested her head against his shoulder, Sofia called to them.

  “Me, too,” she said, holding up her arms.

  “She wants to join us,” Lily said.

  “If that’s okay with you?” Colin’s gaze shifted between Lily and Sofia.

  “Of course it is,” she responded. Colin came as a package deal. She’d known that from the beginning and had come to love Sofia as much as a mother could love her own child.

ving Lily on the dance floor for a moment, Colin teased Sofia as he lifted her from the high chair. “You were supposed to stay in your seat for this part.”

  “Was she in on your plan?” Lily asked, wondering again at the elaborate arrangements.

  “Some parts of it,” he answered, returning to her.

  The three of them danced together, holding hands and turning in slow circles, until the song ended. Colin held on to Lily’s hand and dropped to one knee. Sofia, not to be outdone, knelt beside him. They both looked up at Lily. Her heart skipped a beat and nearly overflowed. The two people she loved most in the world were with her, and she guessed what was coming.

  “Lily, I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Together, we can have a perfect family.” He paused to look at Sofia, who was barely containing her excitement. She nodded, and his focus came back to Lily. “Will you marry me? Us?”

  “I love you both so much,” Lily said without hesitation. “So, yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Colin rose to his feet and pulled her to him, giving her a kiss that promised limitless happiness in their future. When the kiss ended, Lily felt a tug at her dress. Sofia was next to her with outstretched arms. Colin lifted her so the three of them were together.

  At the same time, Lily and Colin kissed Sofia’s cheeks, making her squeal in excitement. Lily wanted to make the same sound. Her eyes met Colin’s, and she knew she’d found her dream life.

  End of The SEAL’s Beautiful Nanny

  The Admiral’s SEALs Book Two

  The SEAL’s Surprise Son, April 23rd, 2020

  The SEAL’s Beautiful Nanny, April 30th, 2020

  The SEAL’s Pregnant Ex, May 7th, 2020


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