On Your Knees

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On Your Knees Page 10

by Liz Bradford

  “I was also able to get a picture of him. It’s not very good, as I was so far away, but the kids came to me without causing a ruckus, so I was able to pull my phone out and snap a photo before he knew anyone had seen him.”

  “Mrs. Brown, this is perfect. May I?” He held out his hand for the phone.

  “Of course.”

  He took the phone. “I’m going to send it to myself, so I can send it to the techs. That should be sufficient. They’ll be able to enhance the photo some to give us a better idea of what he looks like. Thank you.” From what little he could see in the small picture, the man had dark hair with a spattering of gray. Molly and Callie had both been right their descriptions.

  Once he had sent the photo, he gave the teacher back her phone. He took another student’s statement before heading back to the front office to wait for Amelia to finish her interviews with the students. As he walked past Ella’s classroom, he saw her waving to her students as they left for what he assumed was PE based on the number of gym shoes worn by the kids.

  A grin overtook her face when they made eye contact, making his heart act like it was on a trampoline.

  “Hey, Detective Jamison. What brings you to Lincoln Elementary today?”

  “Hello, Miss Perkins,” he said matching her professional tone. “Looks like we’ve got another sighting of your peeping tom. Even have picture evidence the cousins weren’t making it up.”

  “Oh, good… well, not good… but you know what I mean.”

  He chuckled. “I do. How’s your day going?”

  “Good. Thanks again for yesterday. It was really nice spending time with you.”


  “Jamison!” Amelia called out from behind him.

  He turned to see his partner. She stood near a pair of doors that led outside with alarm written all over her face. “What is it?” He jogged towards her, Ella right behind him.

  “There!” She pointed out the window. “Do you see it? It looks like a shirt hiding behind that bush.”

  “I do!” He pulled his phone out of his pocket. Putting in the passcode he looked at the picture that was still open and showed it to Amelia. “Looks exactly like the flannel shirt our creeper was wearing just a bit ago. Call it in, Johnson. I’ll go out the doors by Ella’s classroom and sneak around and try to nab him. Everyone is to stay inside.”

  “I’ll go tell the office,” Ella said.

  He reached over, squeezed her arm, and headed towards her classroom.

  “Be careful,” she yelled after him.

  He ran down the hallway and out the door.

  Amelia had spotted the man around the east side of the modular building that sat just to the north side of the school, so he went around the west.

  Adam pulled his Sig Sauer from his holster and quietly snuck around the side of the building. With slow, steady breaths he rounded the northwest corner, but a twig snapped under his foot. The simple little noise resounded like a gong.

  He picked up his pace along the north side of the modular building, but when he was halfway to the other end flannel-shirt-man started running across the clearing toward the wooded area. Adam took off after him.

  One foot after the other, Adam sprinted after the man. “Stop. Police,” he yelled and tried to catch up to the middle-aged man. Adam tried to take a breath to calm himself even as his heart sped up. The running accelerated his heart, but so did his anger. That man not only was sneaking around a school where his pseudo-nieces went to school, but he could also be Ella’s rapist. His heart pounded as hard as his feet did against the soft earth.

  The man darted into the trees. Adam was gaining on him but taking him down in the trees would be more difficult. He side stepped a tree. “STOP. POLICE.” The man didn’t stop. The man was more athletic than Adam would have expected. Adam was in excellent shape and should have caught the guy in the clearing, but this guy was fast. The guy jumped over a log. The underbrush was slowing him down, but it was also slowing Adam down.

  Adam hurdled the log with ease. “I said STOP.” He yelled again. The guy didn’t look armed so Adam popped his gun back in its holster as they left the woods and entered someone’s backyard. Tackling a suspect was easier, and safer, without a firearm in hand. Just a few more steps.

  Adam’s heart thudded against his ribs. He had to time the takedown just right. If he didn’t, the man could get away. A few more pounding steps. Adam threw his body forward and grabbed the guys shoulders. They both went flying forward. The ground came rushing at their faces. As the man’s body hit the ground, the impact reverberated through his body and into Adam’s. He struggled to catch his breath. The other guy was in worse shape.

  Keeping his weight on the man, Adam reached for his arms. The man tried to wriggle away, but Adam’s hours at the gym paid off, and he was able to overpower the suspect. Once he had the man’s arms behind his back Adam lifted himself up and restrained the man with one hand and a knee on his back. Adam reached under his blazer and pulled his handcuffs out from where they were tucked into his waistband. He took a deep breath and slapped the cuffs on the man’s wrists. “You’re under arrest.”

  “For what?”

  Adam yanked the man off the ground. “Seriously, you were lurking around an elementary school and ran away from a police officer. That’s just for starters.”

  “You mean there’s more?”

  Was this guy a complete bonehead? “Right now, you’re our top suspect in… other crimes as well.”


  “Get moving.” He pushed the guy back towards the woods.

  Ella headed back down the hallway towards where she’d left Amelia after going to tell the office what was going on. The school was now on soft lock down, no one in or out of the building, but activities would continue as usual. Amelia was right where Ella had left her but was now on the phone and pacing back and forth. Amelia’s normal pleasant expression had been replaced with worry lines and wide eyes.

  “Where’s Adam?” Ella asked. Her stomach twisted in on itself.

  Amelia moved the phone away from her mouth. “The suspect took off running, and Adam chased after him. Last I saw them they were entering the wooded area over there.”

  Ella’s chest tightened. What if something happened to Adam? What if the guy got away?

  “Hey, don’t worry. Adam will get him.” Amelia moved her phone back to her mouth and turned back towards the window. “Yes, Sarge? Correct. Wait, I see him. Looks like Jamison got him. We’ll bring him in now. Thanks.”

  Ella looked out the window and smiled. Something quickened in her heart at the sight of Adam escorting a bad guy in cuffs. She shook it off.

  “You okay?” Amelia asked.

  She shook her head to clear it. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “Okay. Maybe this is the guy, and it’ll all be over.”

  “I hope so.”

  Amelia’s smile returned. “Well, if things go well, and we get a full confession, I’ll be here to pick you up by four o’clock.”

  “Let’s pray it’s that simple.”

  “If not, I think Caleb will be able to come get you.”

  “Okay. Go get that confession.”

  Amelia left. Ella went back to her classroom and prayed for Adam and Amelia to get to the bottom of this, for God’s favor and protection, and for this all to be at an end.

  She sat at her desk and tried to focus on the papers that needed her attention, but she couldn’t. She picked up her phone. The clock face on the screen said 11:37, only twenty minutes since Adam left. Maybe Adam would text her once they knew something. She set the phone down and tried to push away the thoughts, but the events of the morning plagued her mind.

  At lunch, she barely listened to the other teachers’ chitchat. She couldn’t stop her mind from wandering to the image of Adam hauling that guy out of the woods. She picked up her phone. 12:37. Would Adam or Amelia text her an update? She set her phone down and poked at her salad.

She gave the students extended independent work time throughout the afternoon, and after they walked out the door at the end of the day, Ella tried to gather her things while Molly cleaned the white board. She wanted to get out of school. She picked up her phone from her desk. 3:37. She was tempted to text Amelia or even Adam. She was itching to know what was going on down at the police station. Was the guy she saw Adam with the guy who had raped her seventeen years ago? Was it the guy that was threating her life now? The guy who’d killed her cat? She tossed her phone in her bag.

  Knock, Knock. Ella jumped. She turned and found Caleb and Carter standing in the doorway.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” Caleb said.

  “Dad!” Molly ran over and gave him a hug.

  Ella smiled. “It’s okay. My mind is elsewhere.”

  “I bet. Sounds like it was an exciting morning around here.”

  “Indeed! Do you know how things are going down at the station?” She leaned forward in anticipation.

  “No, I just got a simple text from Amelia asking to pick you and the kids up.”

  Her shoulders dropped. “Oh.”

  “Sorry. We can leave whenever you’re ready, no rush. We don’t mind sticking around.”

  “Actually, I’d really like to get out of here today. I just need to write tomorrow’s assignments on the board, and I’m ready. Just give me five minutes.”

  “No problem.” Caleb and the kids went to the back of the room and sat on the bean bags and read a book while Ella finished up.

  Once she was finished, she slid her lesson plan book, grade book, and a stack of papers into her bag and lifted it onto her shoulder. She looked back at Caleb and the kids. She always loved seeing dads with their kids. Caleb truly was their dad, not just a stepfather. Both Molly and Carter called him dad, and sometimes she completely forgot that he wasn’t their biological father. Something she couldn’t identify stirred deep in her soul. Was it longing? Hmmm… Lord, I’ve always thought being a mom would be nice, but I just don’t see that happening. I’ve never felt it so strongly as now. Why? She shook her head trying to dismiss the thought. Having kids would mean letting someone get close. She wasn’t sure she could ever handle that. She couldn’t predict when the flashbacks would come. One time in church some overly zealous man tried to give her a hug after a small group of them had prayed together, and it sent her spiraling and running out of the room before it paralyzed her. The only people she was able to receive physical affection from were her students.

  “Ready?” Caleb said looking up at her.

  She snapped out of her thought. “Yep.”

  The kids jumped up and ran towards the door, Carter grabbed her hand. She smiled and let the four-year-old drag her out the door.

  Once they were back at the house, Ella had a snack with the kids before diving into some grading. She sat at the breakfast bar doodling when Caleb came into the kitchen.

  “Doesn’t look like you’re getting much grading done.”

  She laughed. “Nope. Waiting to hear from Amelia or Adam is driving me crazy. I want to know what’s going on. I can’t concentrate at all.”

  He opened the fridge and pulled out a package of ground beef. “Well, I heard from Amelia, but no news.”

  Her hope jumped but was smashed in one sentence. “Oh.”

  “Yeah, she just said she wasn’t going to be home in time for dinner.”

  “That’s no good.” She crossed her arms and slumped onto the counter.

  “My thoughts exactly. Well, good thing it was my night to cook anyway.” He pulled a jar of spaghetti sauce from the cabinet and held it up.

  “You two have such a great system down.”

  “It just makes sense with both of us working that I make dinner when I’m home. I can’t cook as well as she can, but, oh well.”

  She raised her pointer finger. “But you knock dessert out of the delicious ballpark.”

  He bowed slightly. “Thanks. But I can’t make pie for the life of me.”

  “But you can buy a mean one.”

  They both laughed.

  “Anything I can help with?” she asked.

  “No, just get your grading done.”

  “Yes, sir.” She looked back down at her papers and actually got to work. The quick conversation with Caleb was just the distraction she’d needed. She finished her grading just in time for dinner.

  After dinner, she settled on the couch and watched a short movie with the kids. She braided Molly’s hair and colored a picture with Carter during the movie to keep herself occupied. Once Caleb took the kids up to bed, she sat back into the couch and scrolled through Netflix. She desperately needed to keep herself distracted. The worry was eating at her stomach, and she couldn’t sit still for the life of her. When would Amelia come home? It was driving her crazy.

  She flipped past a few crime dramas, definitely not what she was in the mood for. Romantic comedy? No, thank you. This wasn’t working. Nothing looked appealing. She got up and went into the kitchen. Maybe a snack and another glass of water would help. She rummaged through the cabinets without any aim. Why hadn’t they heard anything from Amelia? And why on earth was she so anxious to see Adam?

  Chapter 11

  “It’s late, Scully, I’ll just go home.” Adam walked with Amelia back to their desks after meeting with the Captain. Amelia had invited him for dinner hours ago when they thought they might be able to leave at a reasonable hour. But that hadn’t happened.

  “No, you won’t. Caleb said there is plenty of food left over from dinner, plus I know you want to see Ella.”

  He felt his cheeks grow warm. Of course, he wanted to see Ella, but he had hoped he wasn’t so obvious. “I am hungry, and I’m not sure I have much at home to make other than a bowl of cereal.”

  “So, it’s settled.”

  Adam retrieved his blazer while Amelia got her purse. He really could use a cold beer, but he’d rather see Ella, so going to Amelia’s was definitely the best bet. He just hoped Ella would still be up. It had been a long day, and he needed to know she was safe.

  Ten minutes later Adam followed Amelia into the house through the side door that led into the kitchen. Amelia opened the door and a squeal followed by a thud came from the kitchen.

  “Oh, Ella, I’m sorry,” Amelia said, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “Ah, don’t worry about me. I’ve been jumpy all— Adam, hey.” She bent over to pick up the jar of peanut butter and knife she had dropped.

  “Hey.” The look on her face was priceless. Her big brown eyes smiled right back at him. She’s glad to see me, too. His heart soared. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a paper towel and cleaned up the peanut butter that had splattered on the floor.

  “Thanks. Ok, guys, I’ve been going nuts all day. Amelia, it’s your turn to spill it. Tell me. What happened? Is it him? Am I safe now?”

  Adam’s lungs deflated. He had known hours ago that the guy they were holding wasn’t her rapist. Why hadn’t he thought to tell her?

  “It’s not, is it? I can see it on both of your faces.” Her hands shook.

  Adam reached over and took the knife and peanut butter out of her hands and set them on the counter next to her plate and crackers. “No, it’s not him. A creep, but a different creep.”

  “I’m sorry, Ella,” Amelia said. “I know you were hoping. Should have thought to tell you earlier in the day. It just got crazy as we figured out who he was.”

  Adam watched Ella carefully. Her eyes had glazed over slightly, and her hands trembled where she held them out in front of herself.

  “Ella, what did you guys do today?” He needed to bring her back to the here and now. He had seen people experience traumatic flashbacks, and she was displaying the first signs.

  She blinked and looked at him.


  “Nothing much.” She took a stabilizing breath. “Graded papers, ate dinner, and watched a movie with the kids. You guys have to be hungry. Let’s get y
ou some food.”

  He sighed. Crisis had been averted. “That’d be great.”

  “I’m famished,” Amelia added. She nodded at Adam as to tell him “good job.”

  “You two sit. I’ll get it for you.”

  “Thanks, Ella, I’m going to run upstairs to kiss the kids first.”

  “Okay, but you need to put your feet up,” Ella pointed at Amelia.

  “What are you my mother now?” The teasing sparkle in Amelia’s eyes made Adam laugh.

  Ella was clearly amused, too. “Ha. When are you going to be on desk duty anyway? I swear you look more pregnant in just the last week.”

  Amelia put her hands on her hips and feigned offense. “What you’re saying is I look fat?”

  In the most sarcastic tone she could manage, Ella kept the teasing alive, “Yeah, that’s it.”

  “Why, thank you.” The women laughed.

  Adam slid onto a stool at the breakfast bar and laughed at the exchange. Amelia went upstairs, and Ella started pulling out dinner. It was strange to have his partner and the ‘girl that got away’ be such good friends. He was so grateful that Ella has someone as great as Amelia in her life. “How’d you and Amelia get so close?”

  Ella turned towards him and told him about how they’d been in a small group at church together. “I always dreamed about what it would be like to have a sister, and this is exactly what I imagined it would be like. Speaking of sisters, how’s Heather? I haven’t seen her in years, either. Are you two close these days?”

  He took a weighty breath. “Not as close as I’d like to be. She lives up in the D.C. area with her husband and two boys. Don’t see her as much as I’d like. Guess that’s mostly my fault. I could go up there more often than I do. We talk on the phone about once a month though. She jokes that I replaced her with Becca.”

  “Really? I didn’t realize you and Becca were that close.”

  “Yeah, Becca makes a great big sister. But I keep telling Heather that no one could replace her.” He smiled at the thought of his sister’s jealousy about Becca. It was mostly teasing, but he did tend to dote on Callie and Dani more than his nephews, but that was because he saw them more regularly, plus they were girls. Maybe he should go see Heather and the boys soon.


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