Tennessee's Whiskey (The Whiskey Collection Book 1)

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Tennessee's Whiskey (The Whiskey Collection Book 1) Page 4

by L. Loren

  “Big Country, what the hell are you smiling at?”

  “Nothing, Boss Man. Just opening the door for the purty lady.”

  “That lady is none of your concern, no matter how purty you think she is. Off limits, got it!”

  “Aww, Boss Man I was just introducing myself. I didn’t mean any harm.”

  “What did I just say, Big Country? Don’t make me repeat myself. Get in here so we can get this meeting started.”

  Damn! What crawled in his boxers and died?

  I took a seat at the table where two other people were waiting. Considering how crazy Whiskey was with me saying hello to Earl, I opted to sit next to the thin female who looked like her last meal was a month ago. She reeked of cigarette smoke and wore an array of tattoos all over her body. Her mini skirt left little to the imagination and her t-shirt looked like it came from little Wes’ closet. How she was still breathing was beyond me. I nodded my head at the man but didn’t allow my eyes to linger on him. I smiled at the lady who looked at me with curiosity and something else I couldn’t put my finger on.

  “The name’s Holly. I’m the head waitress.”

  Okay. As far as I knew we were the only two waitresses. So, Miss Holly was threatened. I needed to put her at ease. I wasn’t bucking for head waitress. I had too much going on in my life to worry about titles at a dead-end job. Don’t get me wrong, I was grateful to have the gig, but it wasn’t #careergoals. Before I could respond, Whiskey cut in.

  “Holly, shut that shit down right now. Before last night, you were the only waitress. There is no hierarchy here. I expect my team to work together as a unit. No one is higher or more important than anyone else. If someone needs to be put in their place, I will be the one to do it. Not you. Got it?”

  “Oh, Whiskey, you know I was only playing. I’m sure we’re going to get along just fine.”

  “You better or you’ll be answering to me.”


  Whiskey shook his head as if to clear the cobwebs from it and then started his meeting. He was an intense boss making sure to go over every detail that we needed in order to do our jobs. He made me and the man at the table stand up and introduce ourselves, after which he passed us uniform shirts and told us we could wear jeans, or in my case, a skirt, but under no circumstances were we to wear khakis. I found this particular rule quite comical, which earned me a deadly stare that cut my laughter off immediately.

  After the meeting, I headed to the bathroom to change into my uniform shirt. As I rounded the corner with Miss Holly hot on my heels, I was greeted by the sweetest hug from my little buddy, Wes.

  “Tensee, you’re here! I told Daddy to come get me when you came in.”

  He was the cutest thing. He called me Tensee because his little brain wouldn’t allow the word Tennessee to come out right. It didn’t bother me in the least. Everything this kid did was charming.

  “Wes! I didn’t know you were here. How was your day? What did you do in school today?”

  He started telling me about his day, but only after I agreed to pick him up so he could give me a kiss on the cheek. I watched Holly’s reaction from my peripheral. She was not pleased.

  “And just how do you know Wes?”

  She stood there with her hands on her bony hips looking at me like I was her child. One thing she would learn about me, I didn’t respond well to bitchy attitudes. If she wanted to remain standing, she was going to have to curb her tone and her overall demeanor. I chose to ignore the woman who was entitled enough to think I owed her any type of explanation. I had seen the boy’s mother, so I knew Holly had no claims to this child. If she wanted to know something, she would have to ask Whiskey. I was paying her dust. Ignoring the wench, I nuzzled Wes and whispered in his ear.

  “I have a surprise for you, but you have to ask your dad if you can have it.”

  I placed him back on his feet and he sprinted away calling for Whiskey. I turned and continued my journey into the bathroom, knowing Holly would follow me. She had some nerve thinking she could intimidate me. She had no idea what she was getting herself into.

  As soon as the bathroom door closed, she approached me. I was already waiting for her to jump, so when she did, I opened the door to the nearest stall and pushed her in. I followed suit and shut the door removing her only manner of escape. Grabbing her by the back of her neck, I forced her face down onto the toilet. It was close enough to the water to make her scared, but just far enough away to keep her from getting wet.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I think the question you should be asking is why you’re fucking with someone you don’t know. You have no idea what I am capable of. Are you sure you want to continue on this path? Say the word and I’ll let you up. Everything forgotten. Or I can flush your face in this toilet until you come to your senses. Your choice.”

  “Alright, alright. Let me up.”

  “You still have a bit of base in your voice. Let me rectify that!”

  I pushed her face further into the bowl and forced her to soak in the toilet water. I flushed and allowed her to breathe.

  “Now are we going to have any issues when I let you up?”

  “Let me go now or I’m going to tell Whiskey.”

  Her face flew back into the bowl, now full of water. I held her a little longer in the water before flushing it away this time.

  “We can do this all night. You gonna act like you got some sense or do you need another bath?”

  “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I won’t bother you anymore.”

  “And what about Whiskey?”

  “I won’t say anything. I promise.”

  “If I get in trouble for this, I will find you, Holly. It won’t be hard to do. Now clean yourself up and let’s get out here and get ready to serve some drinks. Cool?”


  As we left the bathroom after I changed and she cleaned up, we were met in the hallway by Whiskey and Wes. He gave us a questioning look but both if us pretended not to see him.

  “Everything alright, ladies?”

  “Everything’s fine, Whiskey. Tennessee was just showing me a new way to do my hair and I had to wet it. We’re getting ready for setup now.”

  I smiled at Whiskey, but he could tell something was up. Luckily my little boyfriend saved me.

  “Daddy, can I have my surprise now?”

  “First I need to see what it is.”

  I reached in my bag and took out the container of cookies I baked for Wes and handed them to Whiskey.

  “I baked these for him, well for both of you, earlier. I had some extra tip money and wanted to say thank you for the job.”

  The look on his face was pure shock. He smiled while handing the container to Wes. He never took his eyes off of me.

  “You can have two now, but you have to save the rest for later and you have to share with Mrs. Johnson when she comes to pick you up. Deal?”


  Wes toddled off into the office as Whiskey continued to burn a hole in my panties with his eyes. The man was positively sinful.

  “Thank you for that. He doesn’t get treats like this very often. I really appreciate you making him feel special.”

  “Some of those were for you too. I’m sure if he doesn’t get treated very often, neither do you. Everyone deserves to feel special, Whiskey.”

  I ran my hand down his arm, causing him to shiver. I flashed him a smile and attempted to make my way back into the bar to get ready for the Friday night crowd. However, Whiskey had other plans. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his body, my back against his chest. He left one hand on my arm as he gripped my hip with the other one. He leaned over and placed his lips against my right ear. The sensation caused me to close my eyes so I could savor the feeling of his hot breath against my skin. His breathing became labored as his heartbeat increased. I wanted desperately to look into his eyes, but I was thankful I couldn’t. It would have been my undoing. Instead he just held me there with hi
s arousal pressing against my ass.

  Our breathing began to synch as our hearts beat in time. There was no movement between us, yet I was on the verge of exploding. My panties were soaked, and my legs were trembling. Not one word was spoken. He just breathed against my ear while his hands remained firm on my arm and hip. My god I was in trouble if he could affect me like this without touching me sexually. What would happen if he rubbed my nipple or at the very least kissed me? I didn’t know, but I was willing to take the chance.

  Our euphoric moment was interrupted when Holly came barreling around the corner looking for me.

  “Tennessee, we sure could use some help out… Oh, excuse me.”

  My eyes darted open, making eye contact with a shocked Holly. She quickly turned and went back from whence she came. It took Whiskey a minute to release me. It was like he was in a trance and he needed to wake up. In the meantime, I stood completely still, willing my legs to hold me up. I felt the slightest kiss on my ear before the spell was broken. One deep breath and then I walked back into the bar area without looking back. If I had looked into those eyes, I am sure I would have seen his need and there would be no denying him.

  The music was blaring as I placed chairs on the floor and straightened up the room. I tried my best to work off the sexual frustration I was feeling. No man had ever touched me like that. My body was a live wire. If the wind blew, I believe I would come all over myself. I couldn’t prevent my mind from drifting into fantasies of kissing Whiskey’s sexy mouth. I could feel his eyes burning a hole in me as I went about my duties, trying to act like I didn’t notice. My hard nipples told a different story.

  The night went by quickly. My favorite bikers were having a party for one of their prospects. Apparently, he was patched into the club and they were celebrating. I had never seen so many bikers in one place, but they were all cool. They treated me with respect, but not Holly. They groped her, pulled her onto their laps, stole kisses and all she did was laugh. I was thankful none of them bothered me like that. It may have something to do with their president, King Pen having a crush on me. I already told him I wasn’t interested, but the man didn’t know the meaning of the word no.

  “Hey gorgeous. How’s it going tonight?”

  “What’s up King Pen? Things are going well. How was your day?”

  His face lit up as he told me about some bike he was working on and how he fixed it. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I nodded my head and smiled sweetly as he talked. He placed his order and I made my way over to the bar where Whiskey was eyeing me down.

  “I need a bottle of Jack, three glasses and some limes.”


  “My bad. Pretty please with sugar on top. Thank you. Is that better?”

  Whiskey laughed as he filled the order, not taking his eyes off me the entire time. I felt myself getting aroused and had to look away. He grinned as he placed some napkins on my tray.

  “Let me know if one of those fucking bastards gets out of line. I already warned them, but alcohol has a way of making people’s memory fail.”

  “I’m good for now, but I’ll let you know if the big bad bikers scare me.”

  I rolled my eyes at him as he smirked at my smart-ass comment. The rest of the night continued in the same fashion. The bikers drank their asses off. Whiskey and I flirted between orders and on breaks. Tips were flowing, and Holly continued to allow the Lords of Death to disrespect her. I guess she enjoyed the rude treatment because she smiled and laughed with the men all night. Not one complaint came from her until she saw King Pen paying extra attention to me. When he pushed a twenty into my hand for my tip, she about broke her neck trying to get to his table.

  “King, why are you giving her that much money?”

  The man was lit like a Christmas Tree in December and was not in the mood to be questioned.

  “Who the hell are you to question me? If I want to give her the damn key to my bike, I’ll do it. No skanky little club whore is going to change that. Just because I let you suck my dick on occasion doesn’t give you license to own me. You keep running your mouth and I’ll make you get on your knees right here in front of everyone.”

  Shocked at the way he was talking to her, I attempted to pull her away from King Pen. He was fire hot and it would have been wise for her to walk away, but she was pissed. She attempted to take her frustration out on me. Snatching her arm away from me she turned and got in my face.

  “I know your type. You think you can come in here and fuck your way to the top. I saw you in the hall with Whiskey, and now here you are getting King’s attention. I’ve got news for you. This is my territory. I am the head waitress in this bar, little girl. Nobody is taking my spot.”

  As she spoke, all the anger that I was feeling dissolved and I saw Holly for what she really was, a sad pathetic woman who put her worth in a dead end job that she had been working on for years. She was scared of losing the only thing she was good at and I was the threat to her. Instead of firing back at her, I shook my head, laughed under my breath, and turned to walk away.

  “Don’t turn your back on me!”

  I felt a whoosh of air pass over my back. When I turned around, King Pen was holding a very angry Holly up in the air with her legs kicking and her arms flailing. I know this bitch didn’t just try to hit me from behind. I laughed out loud this time.

  “You’re lucky you missed,”

  I walked away as King Pen and the rest of his crew broke out into a chorus of laughter. By closing time, I had managed to avoid the sad excuse for a woman.


  After watching Holly act nasty toward Tennessee all night, I had had enough. Tired of her antics, I sent her ass home to cool off. I would need to have another serious conversation with her before her next shift. There was no way I was letting that shit continue in my place of business. I know something happened between them in the bathroom after the staff meeting. It had been too busy to inquire about it all night, but now that it was only me and Tennessee, I was going to get the dirty details. I needed to know what was going on in my bar. If they couldn’t get along, then they needed to find somewhere else to work.

  Fuck, I hope they could work that shit out, because I needed to be near Tennessee. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She had invaded my dreams as well as my waking fantasies. I tried my best to think of something, anything else, but I kept going back to her. Her sweet smelling perfume. Her hair products. The way her eyes scrunched a bit when she smiled. The way she looked at me when she thought I wasn’t looking.

  “Tennessee, come over here. I need to ask you something.”

  “What’s up, Boss Man?”

  “Hell no! Don’t you start with that Boss Man shit. I only allow Big Country to call me that because he can’t seem to get it in his head not to. You can either call me Weston or Whiskey, but never Boss Man.”

  “Alright, Weston, what’s up?”

  I growled hearing my given name on her lips. It did something to me. I wanted to know how it would sound when she screamed it in ecstasy. Fuck! I needed to focus.

  “What went down in the bathroom earlier tonight between you and Holly?”

  “Nothing I can’t handle.”

  “I’m serious, woman. I need to know what happened. Every last detail.”

  “Weston, that is not gonna happen. I’m a big girl and can take care of myself. What transpired between two women in the bathroom of your establishment is not something you should concern yourself with. There was a problem and I solved it. Never to be spoken of again.”

  The way she spoke to me was a fuckin’ turn on. It awakened the beast in me. I was no longer in control of my thoughts and actions. Grabbing her around the throat, I pressed my lips against hers until she opened up for me. When she groaned into my mouth, I almost took her right there on the top of the bar. My left hand roamed her body until it found one of her perky nipples. Damn, she felt good. Her body was calling to me. Her arousal evident in the way she kept
moving closer. It was like she was trying to climb inside my skin. If I had a zipper, I would gladly unzip my skin and welcome her in.


  Her calling my name made me want her even more. I increased the intensity of the kiss as my hands gripped her ass. Before I knew what was happening, I had lifted her up and was walking us over to the closest wall. I slammed her body against the wall for support as I frantically tried to unbutton the pants that were in my way. I was just about to rip a hole in the material that was keeping me from my treasure when she tapped my shoulders.

  “Put me down.”

  Fuck! I hope she wasn’t changing her mind because my balls would be a lovely shade of blue if she did. To my surprise, as soon as her feet hit the ground, she removed her pants and panties in one swoop. Then she tapped my shoulders again.


  Damn! I was going to love fucking her. I lifted her and attacked her mouth with mine. Her arousal smelled so damn sweet it made my mouth water. I pulled away to look into her eyes. I needed to see her desire. I needed to know how much she wanted me. Before I could focus on what was happening, her hands were unbuckling my belt and sliding inside my jeans. The gasps she let out when she found my naked manhood made me smile.

  “That’s right baby, I’m about to tear you apart.”

  I let her play with it for a few seconds to satisfy her curiosity. Precum was leaking on the head and she used it for lube as she pumped me in her hand. That shit felt good, but I needed to be in her. I handed her a condom, which she ripped open and covered my cock like a pro. Running my finger between her juicy lips caused my mouth to drop open. She was slick and ready for me. The look in her eyes told me she was needy, and I was happy to be the one chosen to satisfy her. I kicked out of my pants and kissed her again.

  Unable to hold out any longer, I slammed into her, not allowing her time to adjust to my size. Self-control no longer existed once I felt her walls wrapped around me. I needed more and more. It was fucking magical. Her pussy felt like home. It was my new favorite place.


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