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Tennessee's Whiskey (The Whiskey Collection Book 1)

Page 9

by L. Loren

  As soon as I felt her presence I reached out for Holly and pulled her into an embrace. From Tennessee’s vantage point, it had to look like I was kissing her, but no part of my mouth would ever touch Holly. The skanky bitch giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck playing a game she didn’t even know she was in. I laughed at something she said, all the while I was fighting the bile that was rising in my throat.

  The look on Tennessee’s face said it all. She was hurt beyond repair. All I wanted to do was hold her and tell her the truth, but I had to sell this act of mine. I was in too deep to turn back now. When she walked up to me, I tried my best to fight the tears that were forming in my eyes. To my surprise, hers were dry as the desert.

  “Whiskey, what’s going on?”

  “What does it look like.”

  “It looks like you were kissing on this bitch knowing I was coming. If you want to tell me something, then be a man about it. Don’t make a scene in front of the entire bar. I’m a big girl. I can take it.”

  Fuck! What was I supposed to say to that? I wasn’t counting on her being levelheaded. I expected her to fly off the handle and curse me out. Maybe throw a few glasses and smack me. But this, I had no idea how to deal with.

  “It is what it is, Tennessee. We’re done.”

  It seemed as if the entire bar was listening to us, and then I realized this was supposed to be her party. There wasn’t any music playing because we had yet to yell surprise. That meant everybody in the joint was witness to my asshole behavior.

  “Tell my little man I love him, and I will never abandon him.”

  The hurt that flashed in Tennessee’s eyes just about broke my resolve. I’m sorry baby. I don’t mean it. Please don’t hate me. She squared her shoulders, gave me one final look and turned to leave. It took everything in me to keep from running after her. Then I remembered her gift. I needed to give it to her so she would never forget me. I got her an original painting from that artist she loved so much, Jeremy Worst. It was called Taste Test, the perfect gift for my little graduate.

  “Tennessee, wait! I forgot to give you your graduation present.”

  She stopped and turned her head to the side. Without looking back at me the coldest voice I had ever heard came out of her beautiful mouth.

  “Keep it.”

  With that my woman ripped what was left of my heart out and walked over it as she rushed out of the bar. I knew then it would be a miracle if I ever saw her again. That stupid girl Holly was still standing there in my face looking at me expectantly.

  “Good riddance.”

  The hateful words spewed from her smoky mouth and I wanted to smash her face in. I did not hit women, but she was damn near on the verge of feeling my wrath. When she tried to wrap herself around me, I pushed her off, looking at her like she disgusted me. Before I could let her have it, I was confronted by a very pissed off Jazz.

  “What the fuck did you do to my friend? She just texted me and said she was on her way home. I know you did something. You better not have hurt that girl. She’s been through too much in her short life.”

  She stood there with her hands on her hips waiting for an explanation that I couldn’t offer her. The only thing I could think to do was scream. My head was throbbing, and I wanted to hurt someone. My beast was trying to let itself loose and I had very little reason to fight it. I had broken my woman, the only woman I had ever loved. I hated myself and I hated my brother even more. Somehow, I would find a way to fix this.

  I tilted my head back and let out a blood curdling roar! The pain in my heart was intense. I gave zero fucks who knew. I turned to leave, flipping over a table on my way. Disappearing into my office before I killed someone. As soon as I closed the door and locked it, I collapsed onto the floor and cried like a fucking baby.


  My love life was in shambles, but my career was taking off. I had been so excited to see Whiskey so I could tell him about a job offer I was considering. Then I walked into the bar and his stupid ass was hanging all over that bitch Holly. I knew I never should have told him about not being able to have babies. It always pushed men away, even if they weren’t serious about me. The only ones that stayed around were degenerates who thought they could fuck me any which way and not have to clothe or feed a baby as a result. They were quickly ghosted.

  I could not believe Whiskey broke my heart like that. He wasn’t the man I thought he was. My radar must be broken because I did not peg him for a fuck boy. Damn. This shit hurt, but I refused to be broken anymore. After my last break up, I vowed never again. I was in such a dark place that I didn’t want to live anymore. I can’t believe I was that distraught over a man. So when Whiskey pulled his little disappearing act, I told myself I would survive, and I will.

  Whatever happened between Whiskey and me, I would not let that keep me from at least talking to Wes. That little boy captured my heart and I refused to abandon him like his mother did. I knew how it felt, and I would not be that person in his life that made him feel like he wasn’t good enough. I was walking home when my phone rang with Jazz’s ringtone.

  “What’s up Jazz?”

  “Where are you? I went in the back with Earl to get your cake and when I came back, you were gone.”

  “I left. I am not in the mood to talk about it right now. I’m on my way home. I’ll holler at you later.”

  “Wait, Pat…”

  I ended the call before she could ask anymore questions. Jazz had an overbearing personality that I couldn’t handle at the moment. She knew me well enough to know I needed space. When I was ready, I would reach out to her. In the meantime, I had a job offer to accept and packing to do. The job was in midtown Atlanta, so I would need to move from the suburbs of Suwanee to be closer. The new job came with a company car so that would help, and my salary was more than I could have imagined. Say hello to Battle Creek’s newest brew master. I guess when one door closes, another one opens. I just wish both doors could remain open at the same time.

  A few months later…

  “Patricia, I can’t tell you how impressed I am with your work. I have never had an employee this focused in all my years. As you know, your probationary period is up, and I am happy to offer you a 10% bump in salary and a permanent position in Dean’s department. He has had nothing but good things to say about you. Welcome to your future!”

  My boss’ boss, Mr. Keys was showing me to my new office. I had been working in a cubicle adjacent to Mr. Dean’s office, but that all ended today. I couldn’t wait to call Jazz and tell her. We hadn’t seen each other in a week, and I was missing my friend. She was busy with her job and her man. Funny how life works out. Jazz and Big Country were still going strong. I never expected them to get past a one-night stand, and look at them. On the flip side, I expected to be permanently attached to Whiskey by now, but you see how that turned out. It was weird moving on with my life without him in it. He made his choice, and I was done. I came to the conclusion that I was as clueless as Cher Horowitz’s character from the movie. Like she was reading my mind, my phone chimed with a text from Jazz, only it wasn’t Jazz.

  Jazz: Hey Tennessee, this is Big Country. I need to talk to you.

  Me: Is Jazz OK? Is she hurt? Call me now!

  My breathing became erratic and tears immediately formed in my eyes. I wasn’t one to get emotional, but at the thought of my bestie being hurt I was overwhelmed. When my phone rang, I answered on the first ring.

  “Earl, where is she? Is Jazz alright?”

  “Calm down, now. I didn’t mean to upset you. I need you to take a deep breath. Jazz is fine. She’s right here with me, but I need to tell you something important. We are outside of your job by your car. Can you come out and talk?”

  “Big Country, what is going on? I can’t just leave my job in the middle of the day without telling my boss something.”

  “Alright, can we come up? I need to tell you something important, but I can’t do it over the phone.”

I’ll call down to security and ask them to show you up.”

  After making the quick call to the security desk, I began pacing. What could possibly be wrong that Big Country was contacting me instead of Jazz? I prayed there wasn’t anything wrong with my little man, Wes. My heart couldn’t take something being wrong with that sweet child. I just had a video chat with him last night before he went to bed. I read him a story while Mrs. Johnson got him settled. Please let my boy be alright.

  I stepped into the hall and waited for the elevator door to open. It felt like one hundred years had passed when it was only a few minutes. When Earl and Jazz marched off the elevator, I knew in my heart someone was seriously injured or dead. Jazz had been crying and Earl looked like he was fighting tears. I took a deep breath before ushering them into my new office and closing the door. Before it shut all the way, I noticed Mr. Dean watching me, but I didn’t really have time to worry about my boss or his opinion.

  “What the hell is going on? You guys are scaring me?”

  Big Country stepped toward me and placed his hands on my shoulders. Oh shit. Here we go.

  “Whiskey’s been shot!”

  My body went limp, heat rose to my ears and I felt like my head was on fire. My heart started beating so fast I thought it would escape my body. Sweat beads popped on my forehead and nausea attacked my stomach. I was scared out of my mind, but then the room went silent. All background noise ceased to exist as I processed what Earl was telling me. Then it donned on me, if Whiskey had been shot, what happened to the baby?

  “Where the fuck is Wes?”

  All my fear turned into panic as I rushed to my desk to close down my computer and grab my purse. Jazz and Earl were watching me like a hawk. They must have thought I was about to lose it, but I had to remain calm for my little boy.

  “His mother has him.”

  “The fuck you say? Why does that piece of shit have my boy? Where is Mrs. Johnson?”

  “She was shot too.”

  “Wait, are you saying both Whiskey and Mrs. Johnson are dead? Is that what you’re telling me?”

  “God no! Calm down a second. Someone tried to kill Whiskey. He’s in bad shape, but he’s alive. Whoever put the hit on Whiskey attempted to kidnap Wes, but Mrs. Johnson saved him and got shot for her trouble. She is also in the hospital, but her wounds are less severe. The hospital called Beth Ann because that was the only number Wes could remember. It all went down before I could get to him or I never would have let her take him.”

  “Where did she take him?”

  “Mrs. Johnson said something about Beth Ann taking him on set of her movie. Evidently, she had to finish her shoot.”

  “Let’s go!”

  I reached in my bag and checked my gun. The magazine was full, and my extra clip was in my side pocket. I made sure my knife was still in my ankle holster and flung my door open. Not caring about decorum or office ethics, I yelled at my boss from across the room as I headed to the elevator.

  “Mr. Dean, I have a family emergency. I need to leave for the day. I will call you when I have more information.”

  He came running out of his office, but by the time he arrived in front of the elevator, the doors were closing. I didn’t need him in my business anyway. I was on a mission and may even end up in jail before the night was over. This job could be replaced, but my son was in danger and I was going to protect him. Even if it was from his own birth giver.

  Walking onto set was easier than I thought. What little security they had was so engaged with what the actors were doing, he never even saw us. Beth Ann was on set giving some hairy assed man a blow job. Her fake moans could be heard for miles. It took a minute to find Wes, but when I did, I was livid. That bitch left him alone in a room with several male porn stars in various states of undress. One asshole was jerking his dick in front of my child. I saw red! Big Country growled in anger, but I let him know I had it under control. Removing my piece from my purse, I took the safety off and shoved the gun against his head.

  “Just what the fuck are you planning on doing with that thing? Why the fuck are you playing with it in front of a five year old?”

  His hard-on went limp and the nasty bastard pissed himself. Well, he pissed the floor because he was naked.


  “Hey little man. You alright? Did this man touch you or hurt you in any way?”

  “No, but he scared me.”

  I engaged the safety then took the butt of the gun and clocked that bastard over the head. He dropped to the ground crying and holding his head.

  “Come on baby, I’m getting you out of here.”

  The commotion gained the attention of the crew and Beth Ann toddled over on her stupid high heels trying to grab at Wes. He clung to my leg and hid behind me. That child was not staying with her. I would shoot her in the face first. If she knew what was good for her, she wouldn’t give me any problems.

  “What the hell are you doing with my son?”

  I raised my weapon and glared at her.

  “You may want to rethink how you speak to me. Now, Wes is coming with me. His father is lying in the hospital because someone tried to kill him. His life is in danger and you leaving him unattended on a fucking porn set is beyond irresponsible.”

  “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  “The name’s Tennessee. If you don’t know, ask about me. I don’t have the time nor the patience to go into details. All I know is little man is coming with me. You don’t have a problem with that do you?”

  I waved the gun back and forth to let her know I wasn’t above taking him by force.

  “Besides, you have no legal rights to Wes. According to Whiskey, you relinquished your parental rights to him when you started working in this industry. Whiskey would blow a gasket if he knew his son was here. You’re lucky I don’t shoot you in the ass.”

  “I’ll call the police.”

  “Go right ahead. Do you know what your nasty ass friend was about to do to this child? Fucking freak. I’m sure the police would love to arrest a pedophile, a porn star and a poser. Sounds like a movie of the week. Now, I am walking out of here with my boy and we won’t have any issues. Will we?”

  “Whatever. I didn’t want to take care of him anyway.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  For the next three weeks, Mrs. Johnson, Earl and I took turns taking care of Wes. We rotated times to spend at the hospital with Whiskey, and keeping Wes entertained. The kid was super good. He only cried at night when he missed his dad the most. We periodically took him to see Whiskey, who was in a coma due to the swelling of his brain. I was on watch at the hospital one evening, when Whiskey shot up in the bed and yelled for Wes at the top of his lungs.

  “Wes! Wes! Where are you son?”

  I jumped from my chair and rushed to his side to calm him. I didn’t want him to injure himself. Placing a hand on his shoulder I sat on the bed to soothe him.

  “Whiskey, it’s alright. Wes is fine. He’s at home with Mrs. Johnson. He’s fine, I promise.”

  “Tennessee? I never thought I would see you again. What happened?”

  It was strange. Whiskey was talking with a New York accent. It would have been fine except he had a country drawl that I found sexy as hell. What was going on with him? Was this a side effect from the coma? I had never heard of that before, but I was not neurologist.

  “Someone shot you in the head. They tried to kill you and kidnap Wes, but everything is alright now. Wes is safe at home with Mrs. Johnson, who was injured in the attack as well. She is fine but moves just a tad bit slower after the shooting.”

  “How long have I been here?”

  “About three weeks. You’ve been in a coma, but I guess you are getting better now. Let me call a nurse to come take a look at you.”

  “Come here first. Let me hold you. I missed you, baby.”

  “I didn’t come here for that. You lost those privileges when you cheated on me. I am only here because Wes was worri
ed. He wanted someone here with you. Little man was scared the bad people would come back and hurt you. Mrs. Johnson, Earl, and I have been taking shifts to make sure you’re safe.”

  “Do they know who shot me?”

  I took a deep breath. This was going to be a hard one for him to swallow. He had to know, and I had to be the one to tell him.

  “Your brother, Garrison.”

  I got up from his bed to inform the nursing staff that he was awake when the door to his room flew open. Out of instinct, I drew my weapon and pointed in the face of a very handsome older man I had never seen before. He had a dark aura about him. I was worried he had come to finish what Whiskey’s brother started. He would have to kill me first.

  “Young lady, I suggest you lower that little gun of yours before your hurt yourself.”

  Who was this asshole? I looked up to see two hulking men with even bigger guns pointed at me. Well, if they were going to take me out, I was going to get the man in charge first. My finger was itching to pull that trigger, but before I could, Whiskey called out to me.

  “Tennessee, you might want to get that gun out of my father’s face.”

  Shit! The Don of the Daniels family? Wait a minute.

  “How do I know he isn’t here to finish what your brother started?”

  “Young lady, I have no excuse for what my youngest son did, but I can assure you, I would never hurt my first born. Now, be a good girl and go take care of whatever you ladies take care of when men talk.”

  I looked at that man like he was crazy.

  “Listen, I don’t care who you are, don’t ever dismiss me like that again. If you need to have a private conversation with my man, that’s not happening. No one speaks to him alone unless I know them. Forgive me if I don’t take your word about not wanting to hurt him. There is a handful of people that I trust right now, and you, sir, are not on that list.”

  The older Mr. Daniels chuckled and walked around me to greet his son. He had not one care that I was still pointing my gun at him.


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