Tennessee's Whiskey (The Whiskey Collection Book 1)

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Tennessee's Whiskey (The Whiskey Collection Book 1) Page 10

by L. Loren

  “Weston, I like her. She’s got good protective instincts. You need to keep her around.”

  “I’m trying to get back into her good graces, thanks to your son.”

  “What did he do to this beautiful creature?”

  “Threatened to kill her unless I broke things off with her.”

  I gasped and turned to look Whiskey in the eyes. Was he serious? Is that why he broke up with me?

  “I never would have broken her heart the way I did if I wasn’t trying to save her life.”

  He was talking to his father, but Whiskey’s eyes never left mine. Tears pricked my eyes and I needed to get out of there. Luckily, Big Country came in the room just as I was about to break.

  “Whiskey! Thank God you’re awake. Tennessee, why didn’t you call me? Oh, sorry, Mr. Daniels. I didn’t recognize you. How are you, sir?”

  “Earl, it’s nice to see you again.”

  “Big Country, since you’re here, I am going to take off. Mrs. Johnson needs to be relieved. I’m sure little man is ready to cook dinner. I’ll send the nurse in on my way out. Whiskey see you in the morning. I’ll bring Wes by before school. He’s gonna be so excited to hear you are awake.”

  “Give him a big kiss for me. I can’t wait to see him.”


  I was scared out of my mind. I must have been dreaming, but it felt so real. Wes and I were in the park playing. Mrs. Johnson had insisted on coming along. She had been on high alert ever since my brother reappeared in my life. It had been months since I had broken up with Tennessee and I was a miserable fucking bastard. All I wanted to do every hour of the day was go to her and tell her the truth. That I loved her more than l cared to admit, and I was doing this to keep her safe.

  Garrison had gone back to New York for a while, but I knew he still had eyes on me and Wes. He was notorious for playing mind games. I made the mistake of letting my guard down and that’s when he ambushed me.

  “Hello big brother. I gave you a chance to save your life, but you decided to go snooping around in my business. I can’t have you telling the old man what I’m up to, so I have to get rid of you. Don’t worry about your son. He’ll be joining you in the afterlife very soon.”

  “Wes! Run!”

  The next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital screaming. I couldn’t believe my own little brother tried to kill me and my son. He was a dead man walking. When my father got wind of what happened, he was livid. I thought it would take a miracle to get the old man out of New York to see me. I guess when your oldest son survives a murder plot it might just be considered an act of god. He placed a bounty on Garrison, who not only tried to kill me, but was attempting a coup. He was going to have my father killed as well. The boy was drunk on power and wanted more than he deserved.

  Garrison had literally disappeared from the face of the earth. Not one trace of him had been detected since his failed attempt to send me to hell. If he made the mistake of surfacing anywhere in the world he was done for. My father had eyes and ears everywhere.

  Now that I was out of the hospital and able to walk on my own, thanks to my physical therapist, I was ready to get back to loving my woman. Tennessee was still pissed at me. She understood that my intention was to keep her safe, but she was angry at the way I went about it. I could see where she was coming from, but at the time I did what I thought was best. Tonight I was planning to settle this damn thing once and for all.

  Tennessee kept her promise to our son. She came by at least once a week for their dates. I wasn’t allowed to participate, much to my chagrin. I was so happy she still wanted to be in Wes’ life. At times it seemed as if he loved the woman more than he did me. I didn’t really mind. Boys tend to love their mothers. She was good at playing that role in his life, but I hoped like hell she would be willing to accept the role of my wife.

  Tonight was supposed to be date night for Tennessee and Wes, but I convinced my son to let me hijack the night by promising to buy him tickets to go see that damn Lion King™ show. He had fallen in love with it from the first time Tennessee showed it to him. The little trickster made me promise before informing me that it was in New York. I thought some local company was putting on a performance, but Wes had other ideas. At least he asked for three tickets so I could go with him and Tennessee. Mrs. Johnson had agreed to keep him overnight so Tennessee and I could be alone.

  Earlier in the day, I had my truck detailed by a service. It was so clean you could eat off the bed. Parking the truck in the back yard, I strung lights around the rear window. In the truck bed, I laid out an air mattress that I covered with a down comforter. I threw a bunch of pillows in there so we could sit comfortably. I also had her favorite blankets she used to love snuggling under when we watched movies as a family.

  The food I ordered from her favorite restaurant arrived a few minutes ago. As I was working on getting the champagne on ice, the doorbell rang. I cued the playlist and pressed play before walking over to the door. Nerves hit me like a ton of bricks. That was new. What if she refused me? No. That wasn’t an option. I was not taking no for an answer. Tennessee was still in love with me. I could see it in her eyes every time our eyes met. That’s why she wouldn’t allow herself to be alone with me. Well tonight she was in for a surprise. I opened the door. She stood there looking like new money. Damn.

  “Good evening, Tennessee. You look lovely. Come on in.”

  “Hi, Whiskey How are you?”

  She avoided responding to my compliment, as usual. Smiling, I stepped to the side allowing her entrance. I locked the door and showed her into the kitchen area. She was going to be pissed at Wes not being home, but I hoped she would calm down enough for us to talk.

  “Something sure smells good in here. Am I interrupting dinner?”

  “No, you’re just in time. There’s a surprise waiting for you in the backyard.”

  “Oh, so that’s where my little man is. I wondered why he didn’t meet me at the door like a proper date.”

  As she made her way into the back yard, I followed behind watching her as she walked. She was so gorgeous. My nerves started to get the best of me causing me to stop and take a deep breath. It was now or never.

  “Wes, your date has arrived. Where are you? It is rude to keep a lady waiting.”

  She laughed as she turned around looking for my son. I walked up next to her and took my life into my hands when I wrapped my arm around her waist. The move was strategic to keep her from bolting.

  “He’s not here. Tonight is about you and me. This is our date night.”

  Tennessee attempted to pull out of my grasp, but I held her firmly. She was not getting away from me tonight. Never again.

  “Whiskey, what is this? Get your hands off me. You know I don’t want you touching me. How many times do I have to tell you there are no do overs? Once you cheat on me, I am done! PERIOD!”

  “I didn’t fuckin’ cheat! I have told you a million times. I used Holly to make you think I was cheating so that you would leave. Garrison was threatening your life and it was the only way to keep you safe.”

  “Well it certainly looked like you were touching her when I walked into the bar. You had your tongue down her nasty ass throat!”

  “For the millionth time, I never touched that woman! I made it look like I was kissing her, but I swear to you I have never touched her like that. I would never do that. I just needed you to think I did.”

  “Are you telling me I can’t believe what I saw with my own eyes?”

  “I’m telling you to trust your man when he tells you he didn’t do something.”

  She glared at me like I was the worst piece of shit on the planet. It pissed me off.

  “You’re not my man! Not anymore.”

  “I am your man. I’ll always be yours. Say it Tennessee. Tell me what I want to hear.”

  “Fuck you!”

  “I can do that too.”

  I picked her up and tossed her into the back of the truck before climbing i
n with her. I was on her like a tiger, ripping at her clothes and forcing her to kiss me. She was mine and she was going to admit it. I needed her to. The moment when she gave into my kisses made me leap for joy. She was kissing me back. I knew she was still mine. I just had to push her a bit. I don’t think I would have survived if she had rejected me.

  “I hate you so much Whiskey!”

  “I know, baby. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  Tennessee was wild with passion. Her hands were all over me. She unzipped my jeans, knowing there would be nothing keeping her from my manhood. The feel of her warm hand on my cock after so long made me groan in pleasure. My woman wanted me again and I would be damned if I cut this experience short.

  It had been several long months since we had made love, and I was overly sensitive. To keep from embarrassing myself, I slid down her body and attacked her sweet pussy with my mouth. The first taste was heaven. It had been too damn long.

  “God, Tennessee you taste so damn good.”

  “Don’t let me stop you from drinking your fill.”

  I chuckled as I went back to work with my face between her slick thighs. Inhaling, I savored her enticing scent. She always smelled of jasmine and vanilla and it drove me crazy. Plunging my tongue into her core, I flicked her little bundle of nerves with my thumb. This caused her hips to lift towards my mouth seeking more. I happily obliged. Tennessee was thrashing around in the back of the truck like she was high on something. The noises she made did something to me. When she came in my mouth the woman just about suffocated me with those thick thighs of hers. My God, it was glorious.

  After she finally stopped shaking from her release, my woman attacked me. I found myself on my back so fast my head was spinning. She was wearing this flowery sundress that had buttons down the front and cowboy boots. She hiked the dress up around her hips and straddled me. The buttons on her dress were open causing one side to hang off her shoulder. Her hair all over the place from my ministrations, and she was the most enchanting woman I had ever seen. I had planned to due this during dinner, but my emotions overwhelmed me, and I blurted it out before I could think.

  “Tennessee, you’re so damn beautiful. Marry me, baby, and put me out of my misery. I can’t stand to be away from you for another moment.”

  Not one word left her lips. She communicated with me through her eyes. The passion I saw fueled my sexual energy. Grabbing her head, I kissed her like there was no tomorrow. Her fingers tangled in my hair. As her nails scratched my scalp, she impaled herself onto my erection. I cried out from the most intense pleasure I had ever experienced. My woman began moving over me, rocking her hips backwards and forward. I must have done something right in life because the gods were showing me such favor by gifting me this woman. I allowed her to take control of the pace until I couldn’t take it any longer.

  The urge to show her how much I loved her took over, and I tossed her off of me. The surprised look on her face made me laugh.

  “On your knees, baby. Face down, ass up. You know how I like it.”

  “Fuck, Whiskey! You know that shit turns me on.”

  I was shaking with anticipation. She wasn’t the only one turned on. Hell I was barely holding it together. No sooner than she bent down in front of me, I grabbed her hips and slammed home. I had to stay still for a minute to get myself together. Her walls tightened on my cock as she gushed all over me. Damn! I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer so I had to make this count. Pulling out to the tip, I quickly slammed back into her. I repeated this move over and over, each time hitting her spot. She was a wild woman, meeting me thrust for thrust. I would more than likely need a new suspension system in the truck when we were done. Totally worth it!

  “Damn it, woman, give it to me now!”

  I slapped her ass cheeks as she cooed and flexed. Her orgasm shivered through her body causing a chain reaction with mine. Oh my God! I had never felt anything like what I was feeling. A total state of euphoria. Roaring like a lion on the plains in the middle of the night, I collapsed into the bed of the truck, pulling Tennessee with me.

  “Whiskey, what the hell was that?”

  “Love baby. It was love.”

  “I do love you, Whiskey.”

  “Then say yes.”

  “You mean you were serious. You want to belong to me and only me?”

  “Tennessee, I have always been your Whiskey.”

  “You’re damn right, and you always will be. Now, where the hell is my ring?”

  Take One For The Road

  Thanks you so much for taking the time to read Tennessee and Whiskey’s story. This will not be the last you hear from this hot couple. I have plans to turn this story into a series, so get ready for some high stakes action in the near future. Want to know more about Whiskey’s life before he moved down south? Well fear not, in Tennessee’s Honey, you will get to find out all about Whiskey’s past life as the prince of a mafia family. Will we see his brother again? For his sake I hope not. You’ll just have to wait and see.

  Excerpt From M’Renee Allen

  Dangerously Curvy Series Book 1 – Dean’s Addiction

  “She said what?”

  “Sir, do you really want me to repeat what I just said?”

  “Yes, Miriam, I do.”

  His elderly secretary stared down at her notebook. She took a deep breath and reread what she’d written down. “She said to tell you that, you can kiss her ass every day of the week and twice on Sundays. She said she already got permission from the city to park her food truck on that corner and she’s not moving it just because a low life like you told her to.”

  That’s what he thought she’d said. Gritting his teeth, he stared out the third story window of the building he owned.

  “I don’t think she’s going to move, sir,” Miriam told him.

  He didn’t think so either. He eyed the hideous pink truck parked in the vacant parking lot where a grocery store used to be. Stillman Groceries shut down five years ago. Since then, no one had purchased the property.

  Mainly because no one wanted to open a business on this side of town. The nearest house was two blocks over. There was a small trailer-park to the East. There was a liquor store a few buildings down. Other than that, this block was deserted.

  That was exactly why he and his business partner, Garrett, had chosen this spot for their business. No one cared about what went on down there. No one would see them coming and going at all times of the day and night.

  A few gunshots in the middle of the night wouldn’t disturb anyone. That was the norm on this side of town. Everyone minded their business and stayed out of his. That’s what made this location the perfect spot for Collins & Chambers P.I Firm.

  Now, because of her, more upstanding citizens were venturing into this part of town. That was bad for business. Bad business meant less money. He didn’t like it when people messed with his money.

  “I’ve got to get rid of her.”

  “Dean, she’s only been parking there for a few days. Give her another week. Maybe she’ll find a better spot and move on,” Miriam told him.

  “I can’t give her another week. Carlos is coming to the office Friday at nine pm. I need the street clear when he comes.”

  “She’ll be gone for the day by the time he arrives.”

  “Last night, that damn pink truck was parked there until ten.”

  “Oh. Business must’ve been good.”

  “For her. Not me. I’ve got to get rid of her.”

  “Don’t do anything rash. She seems like a sweet girl.”

  Dean faced Miriam. “Sweet? I doubt it. Sweet girls don’t tell men to kiss their ass.”

  “In her defense, this is the third time this week you’ve had me ask her to move her food truck. She was a little irritated.”

  Dean moved away from the window. “I’m the one who’s irritated.”

  “I can tell by the number of broken pencils on your desk.”

  Dean stared down at his desk.
Seven broken pencils. He had to find a better way to channel his anger. At least he’d broken pencils and not the headlights on that food truck across the street.

  “I’ll add pencils to the inventory list,” Miriam told him as she scribbled something down on her notepad.

  “That solves the pencil problem. However, it doesn’t solve my food truck problem.”

  “Perhaps we can have Carlos come through the back door when he gets here.”

  “That won’t work. The back alley has too many spots where people can hide. And Carlos has too many enemies for me to chance it. He’s coming through the front door, like he always does. And the streets will be clear, like they always are. I’ve got four look-outs who’ll keep watch on the front door. Everything is in place. Only problem is pinkie across the street. I don’t need her late-night customers getting hurt in case something does pop off. I also don’t need any witnesses in case some of Carlos’ enemies work up the nerve to come this way. I need her truck off the street before Friday.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Dean rubbed his hand through his short brown hair. “I haven’t decided yet. Where the hell is Garrett?”

  Miriam shrugged. “He stepped out for lunch about an hour ago and hasn’t returned yet.”

  “I need him back here. Try his cell.”

  “Will do.” Miriam turned to leave.

  “Hey, Miriam.”


  “What’s the chick in the truck like?”

  “She seemed sweet enough. Her food smells delicious. She’s on the plump side. But, that just means she’s not afraid to eat a steak every now and then. And, she curses like a sailor. I like her.”

  With that said, Miriam left. Dean sighed. He’d sent Miriam to talk to the woman because he didn’t like being around people. He could endure it, when it was absolutely necessary, like his upcoming meeting with Carlos.


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