"Well, we are no better off than we were before," remarked Sam, afterJosiah Crabtree had disappeared in the direction of the cabin and thetwo boys had walked forward by themselves.
"No, we are no better off, but we have succeeded in rescuing Mrs.Stanhope from old Crabtree's clutches, and that is something."
"True, but supposing we fall in the hands of the Baxters and CaptainLangless again?"
"Can't we hold them at bay, if they try to come on board this tub?"
"Perhaps. But we can't remain on board the _Wellington_ forever."
Now that the danger was over the lads found that they were hungry, andcalled upon the sailors to bring out what food the craft afforded. Theymade a hearty meal, in which Mrs. Stanhope joined. Josiah Crabtree wasnot invited, and had to eat later on with the sailors and the onesailor's wife.
"This wreck may throw us together for some time, Crabtree," said Tom,later on, when he and the former school-teacher were alone. "I want towarn you to behave yourself during that time."
"I know my own business," was the stiff reply.
"Well, you keep your distance, or there will be trouble."
"Can I not speak to Mrs. Stanhope?"
"When she speaks to you, yes. But you must not bother her with yourattentions. And if you try your hypnotic nonsense we'll pitch youoverboard," and so speaking, Tom walked off again. Josiah Crabtreelooked very black, nevertheless he took the youth's words to heart andonly spoke to Mrs. Stanhope when it was necessary.
By the time supper was over it was night and time to think of gettingsome rest. The boys took possession of one of the staterooms on board,and arranged that each should sleep five hours, Tom taking the firstwatch. Mrs. Stanhope soon retired, and so did Josiah Crabtree and oneof the Canadians.
Tom found the fat Canadian, the man to remain on deck, quite a sociablefellow, and asked him much about himself and how he had come to hireout with Crabtree. He soon discovered that the Canadians were honest tothe last degree, and had gone in for the trip thinking all wasabove-board.
"I soon see ze man haf von bad eye," said the Canadian. "I tell Menot Ino like heem. Now he has brought ruin on our ship."
The Canadian imagined that Crabtree had hypnotized the sailingqualities of the _Wellington_ as well as cast a spell over Mrs.Stanhope, and Tom saw no reason, just then, for saying anything to thecontrary.
"You must watch Crabtree," he said. "Don't let him get you in hispower. Stick by me and my brother, and you will be all right," and theCanadian promised.
"But who vill pay for ze ship?" he questioned dolefully. "'Tis allMenot and myself haf in ze worl'!" And he shook his head in sorrow.
"We will pay you well for whatever you do for us. The balance you mustget out of Crabtree." Then Tom gave the fat sailor a five-dollar bill,and from that moment the pair were warm friends.
Feeling that Crabtree would not dare to do much as matters stood, Tomdid not take the trouble to arouse Sam when he turned in, and thebrothers slept soundly until some time after sunrise.
"Say, why didn't you wake me up?" asked Sam in astonishment. "Youdidn't stay up all night, did you?"
"Not much!" answered Tom, and spoke of the Canadian, whose name wasPeglace.
"Well, what's to do?"
"I must confess I don't know. I suppose the Baxters and CaptainLangless are on the search for us."
"More than likely."
"Then we had better lay low until some vessel comes to rescue us."
"I don't think very many ships come this way."
"Neither do I, but we won't despair. Come, I'm hungry again," and theystirred around to get breakfast.
An examination showed that the _Wellington_ was hard and fast inthe mud, and likely to remain exactly as she stood for an indefinitetime. Wading around in the water below, the Canadians reported severalplanks broken and wrenched loose, and that immediate repairs seemed outof the question.
"Ze ship ees gone," said Peglace sadly. "We air like zat man,what-you-call-heem, Crusoe Robinson, hey?" And he shook his head.
"Well, I hope we don't have to stay as long on this island as RobinsonCrusoe remained on that other," remarked Sam. "Tom, I'm going for awalk on shore."
"Can I go with you?" put in Josiah Crabtree humbly. "I am tired of thisship's deck."
"All right, come on."
"I will remain with Mrs. Stanhope," said Tom. "Don't go too far, Sam."
Sam and the former teacher of Putnam Hall were soon over the side. Theboy came down the plank easily enough, but Crabtree slipped and wentinto the water and mud up to his knees.
"Ugh! I am always unfortunate!" he spluttered. "However, since theweather is warm, I don't think I'll suffer much."
At a short distance up the beach there was a headland, covered withtall trees. Sam decided to make his way to this.
"I'm going to climb the tallest of the trees and look around," he said."You can go along, if you wish."
"I will go, but I cannot climb the tree," answered Crabtree.
To get to the headland they had to make a detour around a marshy spotand then climb over a number of rough rocks. The exertion exhaustedJosiah Crabtree, and he soon fell behind.
Reaching the headland, Sam gazed around anxiously. He could see a longdistance to the north and the west, but not a sail was in sight.
"The _Peacock_ ought to be somewhere around here," he toldhimself, and then, coming to a tall tree with low, drooping branches,he began to climb to the top.
It was a difficult task, for the tree was a thickly wooded one and averitable monarch of the forest. But he persevered, and at last gainedthe topmost branch.
Here the view of the island and its vicinity was much extended, and hecould see not only the bay where the _Peacock_ had been at anchor,but also several other harbors.
"The _Peacock_ is gone!" Such were the first words which escapedhim. "She must have left the island altogether!"
With anxious eye he turned his gaze to the other harbors, and suddenlygave a start.
"A steam tug! How lucky!" He had discovered the _Rocket_, whichwas just getting up steam in order to follow the _Peacock_; thescrew being now repaired and ready for use.
As fast as he could he descended to the ground, his one thought beingto tell Tom of his discovery, and to either get to the steam tug or tosignal those on board, so that the tug might not leave the islandwithout them. He had noticed the black smoke curling up from the stack,and knew that this betokened that steam was getting up.
"Sam Rover!"
The voice came from behind the rocks, like a bolt out of the clear sky.Then Dan Baxter rushed forward, followed by his father.
Sam was taken off his guard, and before he could do anything theBaxters had him by both arms and were holding him a prisoner.
"Let me go!"
"Not much!" came from Arnold Baxter. "Where are your brothers--I mean,"he added, in some confusion, "where is Tom?"
"Find out for yourself, Arnold Baxter. Let me go, I say!" And Sam beganto struggle.
"Daniel Baxter, is it possible!" came in Josiah Crabtree's voice, andhe emerged from the brushwood. "What an extraordinary meeting!"
"I should say it was!" responded the bully. "Where did you springfrom?"
"Perhaps, Daniel, I can ask the same question."
"Is Tom Rover with you?"
"No, he is on a ship which is beached a short distance from here."
"No, with some Canadians and--er--Mrs. Stanhope."
"Oh, I see! the same old game," growled the bully. "Anybody else on theboat?"
"If that's the case we are in luck," came from Arnold Baxter. He gazedat Crabtree sharply. "Do you know where this lad came from?"
"What do you mean?"
"He and his brother Tom escaped from us. We brought them here,"
"What! I thought they had followed me and Mrs. Stanhope."
"Hardly." Arnold
Baxter proceeded to bind Sam's arms behind him. "Dan,take him to yonder tree and tie him fast." Then he walked away to talkto Josiah Crabtree.
The conversation which followed lasted for quarter of an hour. What wassaid Sam could not make out. The boy wanted to get away, but washelpless, and now Dan Baxter took away the pistol with which he hadprovided himself. A little later the Baxters and Crabtree moved towardthe wreck, leaving him bound to the tree, alone.
The Rover Boys on the Great Lakes; Or, The Secret of the Island Cave Page 26