Meant to be Mine: Kincaid Sisters Book 1

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Meant to be Mine: Kincaid Sisters Book 1 Page 13

by Buchanan, Lexi

  Foster clears his throat and indicates for the two men outside his office to enter.

  “What did you do with my girlfriend? And why the fuck did you lie about her prostituting?” I hiss in anger.

  Both cops flush, probably in anger at my words, but I don’t give a shit. I want answers.

  The older one clears his throat. “We had a report that there was a woman in the bathroom who was an uninvited guest at a party at the hotel, and that she had been propositioning guests. A woman led us to the restrooms and we arrested her there.”

  Foster glares at me when I open my mouth so I snap it closed. “What did Jessica Kincaid say about the charges?”

  “She said she was there with her boyfriend and that the woman was lying. She asked me to go and check with him. That he would confirm who she was and that the woman was lying.”

  “Did you check?” I ask, very quietly.

  The cop takes a step back. “Yes. I went back inside. I couldn’t find Evan Sutton but I found his father. He confirmed that his son was there with someone called Allyson and he pointed her out in the crowd. He told me he’d never heard of a Jessica Kincaid and that she certainly wasn’t there with his son.”

  “Fucking hell! And you believed him?”

  “I had no reason not too,” the cop says in defense.

  The younger one asks, “What’s going on? And who are you?”

  Foster shakes his head. “I’d like you both to meet Evan Sutton who is looking for his girlfriend.”

  The cops both blink in surprise and then the younger one frowns. “I don’t understand.”

  “Then let me explain it to you,” I say between clenched teeth. “My girlfriend went to the restroom and never returned. I finally went looking for her and was told two cops had taken her away. I then went to find out what was going on and realized that someone had said something to get her out of the way. My family want me married to an evil woman, who would do anything to get Jessie out of the way. This woman even drugged Jessie not too long ago, but I have no actually proof it was her.” I inhale deeply. “Jessie has never and would never offer her body for money. She is my girlfriend. We’ve just bought a house together and plan on living there. I want her released, right now, before I go to the DA and ask for an investigation in to how this happened.”

  Foster leaned over his desk. “Your girlfriend will be released to you, and tomorrow I am personally going to talk to you and Ms. Kincaid, because I want to know exactly who wasted the time of my two officers, and I refuse to let whoever drugged Ms. Kincaid get away with it.” He moves out from his desk. “Thank you for coming back in tonight, go and enjoy the rest of your evening and we’ll talk tomorrow.” He dismisses his officers and indicates for me to follow him.

  “I don’t like threats Mr. Sutton,” he says bluntly.

  “If your officers had done their job correctly and asked for me to confirm whether or not Jessie was with me, I wouldn’t be here now, and neither would Jessie.”

  He inhaled and slowly exhales. “I’ll give you that one. I’m sorry for the confusion, and I’ll certainly be getting to the bottom of it. I don’t like being made to look a fool or that of my officers.”

  Evan gradually started to let the tension ease in his body as Foster leads him through to get Jessie. He was angry and upset that she’d been brought here, and he wasn’t sure how to make this up to her. After all it had been his family to cause this.

  Foster turns and I catch his wince. “It would appear that she isn’t here.”

  Blood rushes through my head and I can’t think of anything to say. I do know that I’m about to explode if someone doesn’t produce Jessie in front of me.

  “Do you know an attorney, Ryan Townsend?”

  I shake my head and then pause. “Jessie does. How did he get here so quickly?”

  From behind Foster, a voice says, “Apparently he was already in town visiting his family when she called his cell number. The DA called and told us to release her into her Attorney’s care. Mr. Townsend and the DA are brothers-in-law.”

  “Fucking hell!” I curse, running my hands through my hair.

  “After tonight I’m handcuffing her to me.”

  Foster’s eyes widen as I do an about turn and get out of the station before I explode.

  The moment I inhale the cold air, my cell starts to blur loudly in the quiet night.



  Tonight has to be the most humiliating of my life. Even Reece in his wildest days was never arrested. I was treated like a common criminal for no reason at all. The officers knew something wasn’t right but they’d hauled me to central booking and shut the steel doors in my face.

  The place terrified me; although I think that had more to do with the people I shared the cell with—they had looked like hookers. Not very nice ones at that. I’d been lucky that the cop on watch had taken pity on me and let me make a call, or two—one to my sister for Ryan’s cell number, and one to Ryan. He’d dropped everything to come and help me, and for that I’ll always be grateful.

  He’d seen me back to the apartment I shared with Evan and although he’d insisted on staying, I’d told him I would be fine and he could head back to his family. He really is a nice guy and I can see what my sister, Amanda, sees in him; a handsome caring guy, who for some reason doesn’t have anyone of his own. It baffles me really and I also much prefer thinking about his problems than my own.

  Evan’s apartment is dark because I couldn’t bear to have the lights on. I don’t want to risk seeing myself as the mess that I currently am. The dress I’d worn with seduction in mind is now in the garbage and I never want to see it again. It had been an automatic thing for me to reach for a pair of Evan’s briefs and a T-shirt from his drawers. The clothes made me feel safe along with the sweatshirt that was keeping me warm. I couldn’t stop shivering and even the long socks I’d found in one of his drawers didn’t warm me up.

  It was probably reaction setting in. I’m a good girl and I know the difference between right and wrong, but tonight everything had changed. I no longer trusted the cops in the way that I was brought up to. I’m aware there are a lot of good ones around, but after tonight I’m totally soured on them. They were supposed to get to the truth. If only they’d talked to Evan. I realized within minutes that Evan’s father had been in on what had happened to me, it also made me wonder whether or not Allyson had something to do with it. That woman would do anything to get me away from Evan.

  Once again, I glance at the bright digits on my phone screen that tells me it’s now way past one in the morning, and still no sign of Evan. I can’t call him because I dropped my purse and broke my phone. I did ask the doorman if he could call Evan for me, and he said he would. I chew on my lip wondering if he did, or if he’s also working for Allyson.

  My unspoken question is answered a short time later when I hear the apartment door open and close. The locks are put in place and then I hear his feet on the tiled floor as he strides down the hallway. His breath catches in the back of his throat when he sees me, and then he’s running to me and has me in his arms. He sits in the chair and holds me tightly on his lap. His face is buried in my neck, which suddenly feels damp.

  Is he crying?

  “Evan?” I whisper.

  His arms tighten. “Give me a minute,” he replies in a broken voice.

  We hold each other for a long time before Evan finally lifts his face and meets my gaze. “Tonight has to be the worse night of my life—of yours. God!” He sags, resting his forehead against mine. “I went looking for you, and when I couldn’t find you a woman told me what had happened. I lost it. It was either my father or Allyson’s idea, probably both.”

  He presses a tender kiss to my lips and I sigh in pleasure, feeling my stomach start to settle now I’m back in his arms. “How did they manage to lie like that to the police?”

  “I don’t know, but Captain Foster down at the station is well and truly pissed about it. I believe him
when he said he’d get to the bottom of it. He wants to talk to us tomorrow, and there will be questions about the night you were drugged. He is angry that his department was made to look a fool, and refuses to let it go.”

  “I’m glad. That place was horrible.” I shudder and cling to Evan. “I told them to go and find you, and the officer said he did.” I shake my head. “He told me he’d spoken to a Mr. Sutton who said he didn’t know me. It was your dad?”

  “Yeah.” He trembles. “They set it all up to look like I’d become engaged to Allyson.”

  “What the hell!” I struggle in his arms but he holds me tightly.

  “I need you in my arms, Jess.” He waits until I settle, even though I’m too angry and want to pace or hit someone. “Jess,” he whispers, brushing my cheek with his lips. “As soon as I realized they’d published a photograph online of Allyson jumping into my arms and kissing me, I got up on the stage and announced that the only woman I would be marrying is you. I embarrassed them tonight, so I hope they’re thinking about what they’ve done.”

  “What did Allyson do?” This time I struggle free and stand over him. “She kissed you?” I glare, pissed for the first time tonight. I’d been so scared, but at the thought of that woman with her hands and mouth on him, I want to puke. I chose to be angry.

  “I promise you it was not mutual. None of it was. One minute I was angry at my father and the next she was in my arms with her mouth on me.” He shudders. “I grabbed her waist to shove her off of me, except that’s the part captured on film.” He sighs, sounding tired. “I made sure everyone knows I’m not engaged to her, and then headed to the police station to get you out as soon as a friend of mine from school called me with your location.” He laughs. “But of course while I’m up in Foster’s office trying to hold my temper, you’d been released to Ryan.”

  Realizing Evan is just as tired and heartbroken as I am, I slide my hand into his and give him a tug. “It’s been a very long day and I need to lie down.”

  Leading him into the bedroom, I undress him and then toss my own clothing to the floor before I climb into bed with him.

  He pulls me into his arms and I snuggle against his warm body. “I was so scared, Evan,” I admit. “So very scared.”

  “They’re going to pay for doing that to you.” He pauses. “I have a good mind of talking to your brother. Reece will—“

  “—get himself arrested,” I finish. “Please don’t tell my brother what happened, or my family. Word would eventually get back to Reece and he’d do something stupid without thinking.”

  “You mean like strangling the woman?” Evan says with such excitement that I raise my head to look at him.

  “Don’t you dare! I want you with me forever, not five minutes because you killed someone.”

  He goes quiet and admits, “I was terrified that you’d blame me for everything, and wouldn’t want anything to do with me. I deserve the blame though because it is my fault.”

  “Shush,” I whisper, licking at one of his nipples. I smile when his body reacts in the way I’m used to. “They are adults and you are not responsible for the decisions they make.” I slip my hand between us and slowly rub his hard penis between my hand and belly.

  “Jessie,” his voice catches. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, and I’m so glad you came home to me.”

  I rub my thumb through the precum on the crown of his shaft and feel Evan’s heavy breathing against my ear. I love that my touch makes him hard and needy.

  My eyes focus on his penis as I continue to rub, the hard length feeling good under my palm and against my belly. I’m actually too tired to move even though my body is full of desire for Evan.

  It makes me ache watching his penis swell against me, and then he grunts when the first splash of semen shoots upward and hits the underside of my breast. I lean up slightly and we both watch him release over my breasts and belly. By the time he finishes, his legs are quivering and he can’t speak.

  Instead his arms wrap around my shoulders and he holds me tight. “Give me a minute to breathe,” he gasps, “then I’m going to put my face in your pussy.”

  I offer him a sleepy smile and fall into a deep sleep.



  The first thing I remember on waking is how Jessie got me off the night before, and with that, I’m reminded that neither of us moved to get cleaned up. I glance down at Jess and see the sticky mess now dried on her belly and beautiful tits. She sleeps soundly, and only mumbles my name when I gently roll her onto her back.

  Looking at her like this always causes my breath to catch at the back of my throat. She’s an exotic beauty and someone who I’m going to spend a lifetime showing how much she means to me.

  Before we fell into an exhausted sleep, she’d pleasured me, which had been unexpected, and now it’s my turn to pleasure her. To show her how much I love her. How much I need her in my life, and I want to show her what it’s like being woken up in an explosive way by the man who will always love her.

  Crawling between her legs, I kneel and enjoy the view of her pussy and the soft hair she keeps trimmed. It turns me on seeing the curls protecting her clit from my view. It’s like a sneak peak, something to get me excited. I reach for my straining cock and wrap my fist around the hard flesh. It desperately wants to be buried in the wet heat that it’s only known inside of Jessie’s body. It will have to wait though. I have other plans.

  Settling down on the bed, I groan at the pressure against my dick, and inhaling, I slowly exhale before allowing myself to enjoy the scent of my woman. Bending my head, I kiss her mound and inhale. So sweet. My tongue reaches out and finds the lips of her pussy swollen and wet with need. She tries to close her legs, but she can’t because I’m lying between.

  My eyes find her closed ones, and I don’t move my gaze while I tongue her pussy. She moans and her eyes fly open when I start fucking her with my fingers while my tongue sucks her clit with abandon. Her eyes lock on to me between her legs, her hips rising from the bed. I grin and holding her down for my attention, I bring her closer and closer, and she doesn’t go off like a rocket until I reach up and pinch her nipples. Her first pulse of orgasm is captured on my tongue and I can’t wait a moment longer.

  I rise up and thrust inside of her, my eyes rolling at the strong tugs on my cock and she convulses and ripples with every beat of her release. It’s all it takes to pull my orgasm from me. I grunt and groan, shoving so hard inside of her that I’m pushing with my toes. Her heat envelops me and the suction when she’s in the full throes of release on my cock sends waves of pleasure through my whole body. The head of my dick pushes and rubs against her womb and with every contraction, semen spills into her.

  Trying to catch a breath feels like I’ve run a marathon. No air wants to enter me, and just as I start going dizzy, my vision clears and I can breathe again. When I meet Jessie’s gaze she looks just as dazed as I feel.

  “What the hell just happened?” Her voice breaks while she’s trying to get a lungful of air.

  I do not want to leave her body, but I think I need to so we both can try and come back from the high we’ve both just experienced. So slowly sliding free, I roll to my side and finding her hand with mine, I interlace our fingers.

  “I’m not sure what just happened, but I fucking love you, Jessica Kincaid.”

  “I love you too, so much.” She rolls into my side and I gather her close. Chuckling she grabs my cock. “I can’t believe you can still be hard after that. I thought I was going to pass out. I’ve never come so hard before.”

  “Neither have I.” I remove her hand and place it on my chest. “I might die of blue balls but we have to shower and get ready for Captain Foster. He’ll be here in thirty minutes.”

  Groaning, Jessie moves down my body. “I can be quick.”

  * * *

  The more she talks to Captain Foster, the more my anger grows. What she suffered last night, with the arrest and fear, I want
someone to pay. Foster sits opposite us in the living room while the officer with him takes notes.

  I see the anger on Foster’s face because it doesn’t look well for the two officers who arrested Jessie. They hadn’t done their jobs correctly and had even admitted something felt ‘off’ about the whole thing. I’m furious that she was treated in the way she was.

  “On behalf of my department, I would like to offer you an apology for everything that happened last night.”

  “Thank you.” Jessie squeezes my hand, and adds, “I want to know what is going to happen now?”

  “How do you mean?”

  “I was drugged, Captain,” she says bluntly. “At first I thought it was a friend of mine who was responsible, but when questioned I realized there is no way he’d have drugged me. We’ve been friends for too long. There was only one other person who had access to my drink while I was dancing with Evan, and that was Allyson.”

  “If you can get me a copy of the toxicology from that night, and a list of people who you were with, then we’ll take it from there.”

  “I have it all in one file,” I announce, pulling my phone out. “Email address?” I glance up at Foster, and he hands me his business card. I quickly type it in and hit send. “You have it.”

  He smiles. “We owe you one, so I’m going to start looking into this today and maybe I’ll get around to interviewing some witnesses.”

  “Watch Allyson, Captain. She’s a conniving woman and will say anything to get what she wants.” Jessie shudders and I put my arm around her.

  “It appears she’ll do anything as well.” He stands, and the officer follows suit. Foster holds out his hand. “Once again I’m sorry to have ruined your evening, I will certainly make sure the person or people responsible won’t have the opportunity to do it again.” He tips his head and leaves.


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