Time Scape: A Time Travel Thriller (The Rewind Conspiracy Book 3)

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Time Scape: A Time Travel Thriller (The Rewind Conspiracy Book 3) Page 8

by Jill Cooper

  Jeff’s laying with his hands tucked under his head, gazing at the television with half lidded eyes. I take my shirt off and stick it in the hamper, slinking into my usual silk nightgown.

  Brushing my hair, I turn off the light and turn the television down low. It’s time to get into bed, time to lie with him again.

  My stomach churns and I feel sick as I lay head on my pillow, facing away from him, my hands resting under my cheek.

  “Did you go anywhere special today?” I shiver as he rolls over and drapes his arm around me.

  “Nooo,” Jeff says with a wide yawn. “Just paperwork at the office.”

  Inside I stew. Inside I scream as Jeff starts to snore. As if he doesn’t have a care in the world, but I can’t sleep. All I can do is play crazy what-if scenarios in my head. Each one is worse than the one before. I need the truth and I know whatever it is, Rewind is at the heart of it. I just hope it’s not as bad as my imagination is making it out to be. and there’s only one way to find out.

  The brief sleep that eventually takes me is restless. I wake when my link goes off. Jeff stirs beside me and rolls away as I answer, stepping from the bed.

  “Hello?” I step into the bathroom and turn on the light. Pushing hair away from my face, I squat low, pick up the ID card, and slide it against the palm of my hand. “I see… I’ll be right there. Yes, sir.”

  I paddle into the bedroom and quickly throw on a pair of jeans, a comfortable shirt, and my leather jacket. When I slip on my boots, Jeff stirs on the bed. “Cass, everything okay?”

  “Just work.” I kneel on the bed and kiss him. “Go back to sleep. I’ll be back before you wake up.”

  “Be careful.” Jeff whispers, his eyes already closed again. I take a moment to stroke his cheek and with a heavy heart, I slip his ID card in my pocket. and then I’m off in the living room.

  In the living room, I grab my electrical baton, just in case, and holster it to my waist, pull my hair back into a low ponytail diverting my eyes from the Rewind cameras.

  They’re going to see everything. They’re going to know everything.

  If I’m lucky, the data won’t be flagged. A human eye won’t review the information. I’m just an officer doing her job.

  If the data is flagged, if Rewind does ask me questions, what I’ll tell them? I haven’t the faintest clue.


  It’s raining and the bus is nearly barren.

  This late at night, not many people are out. I ride at the back and pull my hood up around my hair as the green light at the front of the bus scans the passengers. It’s an eclectic group; college students, an elderly grandma type with a paper grocery bag, and a man with the weathered face of a hard life.

  Then there’s me.

  I don’t know what I’m doing as I step off the bus and run across the street to Rewind’s satellite office. Mostly, it’s an administration center, for public relations, lawyers, and human resources. Anyone that works with the Global Law force who don’t have anything to do with actual time travel.

  The lobby holds the old clock, with its backward spinning hands, Rewind’s former logo. Now it’s a relic, locked behind a glass case. The floors are a shiny tile and over in the corner a big, burly African American guard rises to his feet. “Ma’am, can I help you.”

  “Business.” I flash my badge at him and don’t stop. I make it to the elevator before my heart simmers down. When it dings and the doors slide open I use the mirrors up above to spy on the guard. He’s already sitting back down and playing solitaire on his holo.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, I step onto the elevator and call for the third floor.

  Soft music comes through the speakers and the ride up is quick. The hall I step into is long, with a white cushioned rug. The door at the end of the hall has the nameplate Jeff Wilkins—Lead Counsel.

  Lead counsel in lying maybe.

  I scan the ID card and enter the penthouse office. It’s spacious, but there isn’t much in there, except for a desk and a scattering of chairs. My emotions are all over the place, and I feel guilty as I sit behind his desk, looking through his papers and business cards. There’s nothing out of the ordinary.

  The photo of me, framed on his desk, makes my heart summersault in a bad way. I knock it face down so it can’t taunt me any further and I pull the drawers open. The bottom one to the right is a safe.

  My eyes widen. Jackpot.

  I slide down to my knees and try a bunch of different combinations, but nothing works. Frustration rolls over me and I sigh, glancing up at the frame and punch in my birth date.


  Then I punch in our anniversary. The one we celebrate every year. The anniversary of our first date and our first kiss, on a swan boat ride after we’d eaten a gallon of fro-yo.

  Beep-beep—the safe light glows green and I pull it open.

  Inside, there are papers. Mostly financial, but on top is a USB computer stick.

  I grab it and glance around. I don’t expect anyone to show up, so I pull the USB stick already in Jeff’s computer out and plug in the one I discovered.

  When it requires an access code and I don’t even have to look at the blue paper I stashed in my wallet. I plug the numbers in, 222756, and am given full access to the computer. The screen lights up, the background is of Reynold and Katie. Hugging each other close, a crown of flowers in her hair.

  It must have been from their wedding day.

  My heart aches and my emotions motivate me. My anger. As I search through the folders, the light from the screen illuminates my face.

  Will it illuminate the truth? Only time will tell.

  Katie was right. Most of the documents of the future were badly written mystery novels. One of them doesn’t seem too bad, and I’m about to throw in the towel, but then decide to open one last file.

  It was titled Murder Mystery, but as I scan the words, I realize it’s not like the others. It’s not laid out like a tale of fiction.

  The words read like a non-fiction work. An expose.

  Scanning further, jumping here and there I realize it’s written about Rewind. Government control. It’s about Xavier Daniels overreaching, and Global Law’s misuse of power, of using time travel to squelch and suppress those who would question their authority.

  They even say Xavier employs assassins, using them against those who rise up in opposition, even using time travel to stop their rebellion before they even have a chance to succeed.

  The names and notes in the document are familiar to me. They’re the Retractors who are trying to reverse time travel law and implement more freedoms to the suspects of the United States of America and the United Abroad.

  Maria James, one of the most visible members of this group and is considered by most to be its spokesperson. Her photo is in the document and I feel as if I know her. Feel like there’s Something about her is familiar, but I can’t place it.

  I sit back and realize that Reynold Jackson was a member of this resistance. This coalition. He wasn’t just a janitor or a fiction author, which means there’s a reason why he wanted to move to Commonwealth Ave, I just didn’t know what it was. He told Katie it was for his book and that means I needed to talk to her again.

  Does his wife know? Did he keep it from her to protect her? I need to find out.

  Jeff is up to his eyeballs in this cover-up, I’m sure of it. He, along with Xavier Daniels are trying to keep this exposé from seeing the light of day, but was it all hearsay? Did they have evidence?

  I’m not sure I’ll find out tonight, but I keep reading. A name keeps popping up in the document saying ‘she’ needs to be found. ‘She’ has the answers everyone is searching for. The missing link. Apparently, she had disappeared over seventy years ago. There’s not much more information about her. However, Reynold believed she had a treasure trove of evidence against Xavier Daniels regarding his past crimes.

  I do a search on her from my link and nothing comes up there either. In big red letters, my co

  My heart skips a beat. It’s obvious whoever she is, Rewind wants her hidden. Kept under wraps.

  If she’s so important why have I never heard of her before? I mumble it aloud. “Who the hell is Lara Montgomery?”


  I grab the USB stick sliding it into my jeans pocket, and leave the office. As I head downstairs, I see the guard on his link, standing at his desk. . . “Ma’am, I’ve been asked to detain you. Ma’am!”

  The jig is up.

  Scanning him, I see donut crumbs on his wide gut and the way he’s standing makes me think he might have a bum knee. So I ignore him. I keep going, pushing through the glass door.

  “Ma’am!” He screams and comes after me, but I know I can outrun him, so I break into a full sprint, down the street toward the subway.

  When I get to the apartment, lights glow from under the door. Jeff’s awake.


  I take a deep breath and nervously tug on my ponytail. I need to relax. Center myself. But can I do this? How long can I keep up this charade?

  Just inside the archway Jeff paces, his shirt is open and his arms wrap around himself. When he sees me, his eyes widen. “Thank God, do you know how nervous I’ve been? People have been calling about you. Asking questions. It doesn’t look good, Cass.”

  I try to push past him, but he grabs my arm.

  “My ID card is missing.” Jeff’s eyes glower. “And I know your office never called you out on assignment, so why don’t we cut the bull and you just tell me what’s going on?”

  “So much for you being on my side.” I pull my arm free and Jeff takes a step back.

  Studies me. “I’ve always been on your side, but it’s not fair for you to stare at me like I’m guilty when I don’t even know what you think I’m guilty of.”

  “Fine.” My tone is anything but friendly. I pull the USB computer stick from my jeans pocket. I flash it in his face and then slam it down on the counter. “You think I don’t know? You think you can hide this from me?”

  Jeff gawks at it. The guilt is apparent on his face. He moves to pick up the USB computer and I slam my hand down on top of it. “I don’t think so.” I’m barely able to hold onto my rage.

  “Cass, listen…” Jeff puts his hands on his hips. “It’s complicated.”

  “Complicated? Listen? I gave you every chance to come clean. Tell me you removed this. I told you I was at the Jackson residence and you should have told me then. You should have brought it up.”

  He sighs and looks at me as if I’m a misbehaving puppy. “So I didn’t. I do lots of things at Rewind all the time that we never talk about.”

  And that’s what scares me. My jaw sets and I clench my teeth. Anxious. Nervous. “Who signed the warrant for seizure?”

  Jeff resists and I raise my voice and ask again. “Who, Jeff?”

  He shrugs. “Judge Thompson. I got the order yesterday. It was on my desk and I was asked to pick it up.” His voice lowers. “I just do what I’m told. I’m chief counsel.”

  “Who told you? The board?” My voice demands he answer. He’s no longer my boyfriend. He’s one of the guilty and I’ll not be denied.

  Jeff shakes his head. “We shouldn’t even be talking about this.”

  “Who!” I scream and slam my hand down on the table.

  “Daniels!” Jeff screams with small, narrowed eyes.

  All my suspicions are coming true. Is Daniels guilty of setting Reynold up? I still need to find prove, such a thing is possible. “What would happen to the computer if I didn’t take it? Were you ordered to destroy it?”

  “Cass, you can’t ask what you’re asking. You need to stop.”

  But I can’t stop. I’ll never stop. I snort with disgust. “It’s evidence. You just don’t go around destroying evidence!”

  “Evidence of what?” Jeff asks and he looks clueless.

  “Of everything. Rewind’s corruption. Of Daniels…”

  “Do you have proof because last I looked; you’re an officer of Global Law which is run by Rewind. You uphold the law just like I do.”

  “I don’t steal evidence.”

  “And you’re going to what?” Jeff asks and grabs my arms. “You’re going to take down Rewind?”

  “Collect evidence. See where it leads. See if Reynold Jackson was telling the truth.”

  “Telling the truth about what?”

  “If Daniels is using Rewind’s technology to stay in power. Kill those that will oppose him and win. Using time travel like his own sandbox.” I sigh and put my hands on my hips.

  Jeff sinks down into the sofa and his face looks listless. “So you think Daniels is a murderer and you think I’m…his lapdog?”

  My face hardens as I look at him. “That’s how it seems.”

  “If he’s doing all that, I didn’t know.” His face drops. “I just do what I’m told.”

  “No questions.” I sneer and shake my head at him. So much for that law degree.

  “Daniels doesn’t like questions. You know that. No one likes to cross him.”

  “Yeah and now I know why.” I’m considering leaving the apartment when there’s a knock at the door. Jeff moves to get it even though I beg him not to. “They know we’re here. We have to get it.”

  “Fine.” My face flushes hot and I follow Jeff out. My hand wrapped tight around the computer. If I hide it, I know they’ll find it. So I have no choice but to keep it close, tell them the truth.

  And refuse to give it up. Even if I’m thrown in jail.

  Jeff pulls the door open and two officers and my captain walk in. He’s been raised from bed in the middle of the night, and it shows. His eyes are lined with sleep and his uniform is unkempt. “Damn it, Winters, what do you think you’re doing going out into Rewind Corporate like that? Using your boyfriend’s ID card. Do you know how much trouble you’re in?”

  My lips twitch. I hesitate. I glance at Jeff and his faces softens, his eyes get that doe- eyed expression they have sometimes when he forgets to take out the trash on Friday mornings.

  “It’s my fault, Captain Davis.” Jeff steps between the captain and me. “I had work to do and forgot I asked Cass to pick up my computer on the way home from dinner. In the excitement when you called, I just forgot.”

  I hold my breath as the Captain eyes me up and then Jeff. He sighs and rubs his face. “You could’ve saved me a lot of trouble Mr. Wilkins. A lot of trouble.”

  “Sorry, Captain,” Jeff says and his head is down low. “I promise it won’t happen again.”

  “It better not.” Captain Davis gives me a level stare. “First thing in the morning, my office. We have a few things to work out, Winters.”

  “Yes, sir. I won’t be late.”

  “You better not.” The captain leads the way out and the officers follow. I latch the door and glance at Jeff, making eyes at him.

  “Let’s go back to bed.” He says and offers me his hand, I take it and we go into the bedroom. Once I’m sure Rewind can’t hear I turn to him.

  “What was that all about? Why did you cover for me like that?” I’m aghast at what he’s done.

  Jeff takes my hands and I melt. “I’m on your side, Cass. I don’t know what is going on. I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but whatever it is…I’m with you.”

  “Can you promise me that? Wherever it leads? Whatever I find out about Daniels that you’re really with me?” I put my hand on his face. “Your career…”

  “Is nothing,” Jeff says and places his hand on mine. “Is nothing if I have to give you up, Cass.”

  I lean into him and we kiss. I don’t know if he’s telling the truth, but tonight my heart needs to believe him. If he wanted the computer back, he could’ve turned me over to Rewind, but he didn’t. My heart needs to trust in him.

  “What you’re doing is dangerous. Do you have any idea what they could do to us?”

  I think of Reynold and his secret
execution. I’m pretty sure the answer to that question is yes.

  9:Present: Lara

  My stepdad, Jax, will be murdered in just a few hours unless I stop it.

  But, I don’t know where to start. I retrace our steps as I lightly jog away from the school.

  Jax picks me up at school. We stop at the same Orange Leaf we always go to for frozen yogurt. We drive, we eat, and we’re stopped by the construction on Mass Ave.

  The men carrying the sheet of glass across the street, the ones that force us to slow down, look right at us through the windshield. I had thought they were just bored. But this time I see the way they look at us, and it chills me.

  Maybe they’re the secret. Maybe they’re the clue.

  My footsteps slow down as I come to a traffic light. I just pressed the walk signal button when I’m hit by a major headache. Grunting, my eyes squeeze shut and I grab my head. I can’t stop the memory as it hits me full force. I brace myself against the pole; it’s the only thing keeping me upright.

  In my memory, I’m sitting in the car with Jax. We’ve just gotten on the road. My head turns to roll down the window and that’s when I see the man wearing the orange construction hat. Our eyes lock as he lifts the black walkie-talkie to radio ahead.

  Maybe he was telling someone we were coming.

  Beside him is a white pickup truck and on it are the words RALPH’S GRAVEL.

  The memory fades and I’m pulled into the present again with a jolt. As if someone has wrapped a grappling hook around me and yanked hard. I have no control over the speed with which it happened.

  Everything I learned to control in captivity, the time travel, the speed, the ability to jump backward to specific locations, is completely lost. It must be Rewind. Whatever that Doctor Xavier Daniels did to me.

  But I don’t have time to worry about that right now. I’ll have to deal with that later.

  Right now, I have to save Jax. If I can’t save him, I might as well not be a time traveler.

  I cross the street, heading for the subway as I pull my phone from my pocket to look up the phone number and location for RALPH’S GRAVEL. I don’t know if it’s a cover or if those guys really work there but I’m going to find out.


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