Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1)

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Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1) Page 21

by H. L. Swan

  I get dressed, smoothing my hair out so Howard doesn’t know what we just did. He’s starting to become a father-figure to me.

  “So, what time do I need to come in tomorrow to clean?”

  He laughs. “You’re not cleaning.”

  “I just did.”

  “Earlier when you cut me off.” He grabs my ass in warning. “I was going to say, just no way are you bending over to clean with the way you look. I’ll have to fuck you in the middle of the office ten times a day.” He smirks. I turn my face away. “It gave me an idea. I wanted to see you bent over and cleaning for me.”

  I roll my eyes playfully and swat his arm. “You jerk!”

  He shrugs, his perfect half smile melting me. “I love your innocence. But God help whoever tries to fuck with you because you’re so gullible. I’ll have to kill them. That spot’s been on that table for years, it would’ve never come off.” He laughs.

  I playfully hit his arm.

  He grabs the material of my skirt, pulling it down. “Am I going to have to go shopping with you to make sure you buy proper clothing?”

  “I’ll wear whatever I want,” I lie with a huff.

  He laughs, calling my bluff.

  “I only wear it for you,” I mutter.

  He grips my face possessively when I look away, his voice deep and husky. “Fuck yes, you do, baby girl. Only me.”

  I blush. “So, I’ll hire her a replacement. But only for this week.”

  He doesn’t argue. “Whatever you want.”


  I’m working from home the next few days. Aiden needs to get work done and so do I. We both know we won’t be able to keep our hands off each other if I’m in the office, and so we hesitantly parted ways this morning.

  I finish all my paperwork early and spend the rest of the day preparing a romantic night with him. Spaghetti Bolognese made from scratch.

  A smile crosses his face when Aiden arrives home and sees me in my apron. He takes in a deep breath, enjoying the aromas of a meal that’s been simmering for hours. He strides over and I hold the wooden spoon out for him to taste.

  “That is fucking delicious,” He moans, licking his lips. I smile at his compliment. “And you look gorgeous.” He lingers on the yellow dress he bought me in Brazil.

  I twirl with a smile. I knew it would be perfect for tonight. I’m protecting it with an apron, just to be on the safe side but he snickers.

  “It’s cute.”

  Noticing his left hand behind his back, I try to peek around, but he moves with me. “What is it?” I giggle.

  He presents me with a single yellow rose. The gesture almost brings me to my knees. It would have, if he didn’t wrap me in his arms and kiss me fiercely.

  My shaking hand grabs the rose sitting in a small vase. I look up at him with pure adoration. “You remembered.” A tear rolls down my cheek.

  “Of course. You told me when we visited your mom’s shop. That story stuck with me.” He shrugs casually and looks away.

  I can tell he isn’t used to doing something so thoughtful. But with me, he always does. I kiss his cheek. “Go get changed, then pour me some red wine.”

  “Of course, Ms. Banks. Right on it.” He nods, wrapping his suit jacket on his arm like a butler before exiting the kitchen.

  I place the vase with my single yellow rose on the counter, admiring it while I cook.

  Aiden walks in as I take off my apron. Having expected to see him in his gray sweatpants, it warms my heart when I see him dressed up in exactly what I love to see him in for a dinner at home. His dark jeans hang low on his hips, damp black hair tousled atop his head, and a black t-shirt finishes the perfect trio of Aiden.

  I did all of this because I have something important to tell him tonight. I want it to be special because he is so special.

  Even over the aromatic smells of spaghetti sauce, his heavenly scent overpowers all other smells. My favorite scent in the entire world. Mint with a hint of smoke.

  His charming smile ignites a burning desire inside my body. His warm fingers trail the length of my collarbone, his eyes landing on the locket necklace. I smile, knowing how much he loves when I wear his mark. I never take it off, not even to shower.

  He leans in closer with a frown. “What happened?” He reaches behind me and unclasps the chain, twirling it in his palm.

  A scratch across the front draws my attention. “Must have happened when I fell that day.” I pout, angry at myself for being so clumsy. “I’m sorry.”

  He smiles, shaking his head as he slides the lock in his pocket. “It’s fine. I’ll get it repaired.”

  We almost didn’t make it through dinner. Aiden’s eyes were all over me as I served him his food. Light conversation over candlelight on the patio makes for an insanely romantic setting. The city skyline and the warm glow of the candles had us in a trance. The candlelight flickered against his tan skin, making me melt.

  Unable to make it till dessert, we rush up the stairs to the rooftop.

  Our rooftop.

  Aiden gently lays me down beside him, his jade eyes mesmerizing as he drinks me in. His warm hands are all over me. I want to tell him how much I love his hands on me, how much I love his warm embrace, how much I love him. But I don’t.

  “You’re mine,” I groan through ragged breaths.

  “As much as you’re mine,” He replies with a sheepish grin.

  I moan as he places a firm hand on my thigh. I smile at him, sinking further into the soft bedding. “This is my favorite part of the apartment. I’m so happy you brought this bed when you moved.”

  He trails kisses along my stomach. “When I saw the rooftop on this place, I was sold. I knew you’d love it. Plus, I knew the bed I first took you in would fit perfectly up here.”

  I smile at the memories.

  Aiden crawls up the bed, his lips touching mine, his tongue entering my mouth. His body demanding my attention. Then he makes love to me. Soft, gentle and full of passion. My fingers dig into his warm skin as he slides deep into me.

  Our bodies tangled underneath the sheets below the city stars. Our lips connect as we reach our peak. Twisting and moaning, hands tangled in each other’s bodies, in each other’s hair. In each other’s souls.

  We lay in the twisted sheets, kissing and cuddling.

  His phone rings, shattering the moment. With a huff, he hits ignore. But it keeps ringing and ringing.

  “What’s up?” He spits into the phone, finally picking up. His short temper is evident when it comes to people interrupting his time with me.

  I watch his face contort as he jumps off the bed, hastily throwing his pants back on. He stalks to the edge of the building and peeks over the side. Following his lead, I throw my clothes back on. He hangs up. His scowl is gone, replaced with a smooth calm expression when he turns to me, but his eyes are hard.

  He takes a step towards me, his expression thoughtful. Pulling me into his arms, he looks down into my eyes as I wrap my arms around his waist.

  Worry bubbles up inside me. Something isn’t right.

  “I’m going to tell you something and I need you to not be a stubborn girl.” He tilts my chin up. “I need you to listen.” He emphasizes the last word.

  With the way that his eyes are shining under the moonlight, I can see how serious he is. It’s frightening.

  “There are some bad men coming.”

  I gasp, my breath quickening. “Let’s go.”

  He shakes his head. “There’s no time, Emilia.”


  I cry into Aiden’s chest as he wraps one arm around my waist and grabs my hand with the other. He hums in my ear, a calm tune, but my heart is beating out of my chest.

  It all happens so quickly. I can hear heavy furniture being tossed against the walls downstairs. I don’t hear gunshots, but I already know whoever it is, they’re using silencers, so the cops don’t get called. I cringe, knowing that Howard is down there, in danger. They’re searching for us.
  “They’re going to come for us any minute, Aiden.” I gasp.

  He pulls me closer.

  Why aren’t we doing anything?

  “Shh, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  I revel in his embrace. Sighing in defeat, I give up. There’s no way out, and I’ll be damned if my last moments with him are spent in terror.

  He takes his phone out and plays a slow song. Grabbing my hand, he twirls me underneath the starry lights. I follow his fluid and romantic movements in the chaotic mess.

  “What are you doing?” I ask through my tears.

  “We’re slow dancing while they scream.”

  The sound of heavy boots trekking up the stairs makes tears flow down my cheeks, luckily there’s a heavy metal door separating them from us, so we have more time together, and we always lock it when we come up here. This is supposed to be our haven, the one place we don’t have to worry about danger.

  Aiden pulls me back, studying my face before planting a solitary kiss on my lips. “Come with me,” He whispers, placing a hand on the small of my back, guiding me toward the bed.

  The bed we first made love on.

  In one quick movement, he slides the bed against the concrete carefully, revealing a trap door. He opens the lock and lifts the door, revealing a small underground room.

  I shudder in relief. Why did he wait so long?

  He lowers me in gently.

  “Come on!” I call out when Aiden doesn’t follow me down. He simply studies me from above, his emerald eyes drinking me in.

  “There’s only room for one.” He lies.

  I know he knows they’ll search the place up and down for him and eventually lift the bed.

  “Fuck that!” I sob. They’re banging on the door; I can hear them.

  He holds a finger to his full lips. “Shh, they’ll hear you.”

  I try to think of what to say. Deciding I’m going down with him, I move to crawl out, but he pries my hands from the sides.

  “I want to go with you,” I tell him, not caring about the consequences.

  He can’t leave me here like this. My eyes widen at the sight of the padlock in his hands as he brings his hand down.

  Aiden blows me a kiss, his voice strong yet loving. “Thank you for you. I’m sorry you have to live without me.” He looks behind him, his movements becoming frantic. His voice is calm when he turns back to me one last time. “I love you, Emilia Banks.”

  “I love you more,” I whisper as he closes the heavy door, trapping me inside. I hear the lock click and the bed frame sliding overhead. I want to scream, protest, anything but I don’t. It’ll cause terror to leak through him and he looked so brave. Fuck.

  I swallow my tears, being brave for Aiden as chaos surrounds me.

  All I hear is yelling.


  Then, silence.


  So, this is how it ends for me.

  Aiden closes the door to the hatch, covering up the only serenity he has ever known. His yellow rose. Shielding her as he always has from the horrors of the world.

  Through every stage of his life, Aiden’s sole focus was material. But now, as the men charge at him with raised weapons, yelling in heavy Italian accents, few things he’d done in his life would matter more than locking his princess away.

  She’s safe, hidden away from the world.

  Nothing else matters to him.

  A shot rings out.

  He waited for the pain and when it came, he welcomed it. For he was at peace with his demise. Now, they will leave his girl alone, his family and friends alone.

  For I, a damned man, will walk through hell for eternity, breathing in the fire of the burning scenery I will endure for endless days. Surrounded by the damned like me.

  The thought angered him, as red blood seeped on the cool concrete ground.

  She’s always with me. When I go, I don’t want to bring her, even in thought, to such a wretched place.

  As blood pours from his body, a slight pressure builds up against his ribs. Looking through hazed eyes, he sees a set of unfamiliar eyes, waving a gun in his face. Trying to focus his foggy mind, the image in front of him becomes clearer in the chaotic scene.

  A man is holding pressure to his wound, clearly irritated as he yells at another unfamiliar stranger beside him. “Cazzo idiota, la sua gamba! Gli ho detto che la sua gamba sanguinerà prima che lo portiamo dove deve andare. Il capo avrà la nostra fottuta testa!”

  You fucking idiot, his leg! I said his leg, he’ll bleed out before we get him where he needs to go. The boss will have our fucking head!

  He scoffs, not worried. Aiden knows where this is going, and it will only end one way. He’ll be dead, and order will return to the world. Howard and Ricky know the protocol, so he doesn’t need to worry about Emilia looking for him.

  The world around him faded in and out of darkness, his body growing heavy. His clock is running out.

  He rescued her, traded her life for his.

  He may be a damaged knight, but a knight nonetheless in her eyes.

  His yellow rose, though sad and alone, will be safe and sound.




  I’ve adored every minute of this process, now it’s time to acknowledge those who made it happen. First and always, thank you to my Wattpad readers. Your passion for Emden has made this happen! You are the reason this book is being published, and I could never properly explain my gratitude for you.


  To my wonderful editor, Cheryl Lim. Thank you for always answering my endless emails and for polishing Aiden to perfection while maintaining my writing style. I could never thank you enough! You can learn more about her work here:


  My insanely talented book cover designer, Jessica Scott at UniqueCoversBoutique on Etsy. Your patience and skill created the book cover of my dreams. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me!


  And finally, to my husband who has listened to me talk about fictional characters for hours on end and supported me in following my dreams. I love you more than words.

  About the author


  H.L. Swan is a young twenty-something year old girl who fiercely adores her husband, family, and friends. When she’s not trying to find a way to visit the ocean she enjoys reading, playing games, and writing. Her ultimate joy is engaging with her readers on the writing/reading platform, Wattpad. Where she found herself happily cascading in millions of reads, catapulting her decision to self-publish her first novel ‘Aiden’ along with the sequel ‘Emilia’. Find more of her stories at




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