Heart Stopper: Rebels of Rushmore Book One

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Heart Stopper: Rebels of Rushmore Book One Page 28

by Hercules, Michelle

  She listens to what he’s saying, furrowing her eyebrows a little. “Hold on,” she tells Blake.

  She covers her phone’s mouthpiece and whispers, “Blake’s car broke down, and he needs a ride. Fred and Sylvana already left. Do you mind if he comes with us?”

  I sigh in resignation. She knows I’d never say no to that, but I appreciate that she asked. “Fine. But you owe me.” I point at her.

  She rolls her eyes and tells Blake the good news. To be fair, it must pain him just as much to ride with me, so that’s something.

  * * *

  It takes just thirty minutes on the road for Blake to complain about something. I’ve been listening to Iron Maiden, and he has a problem with that.

  “Can you please change the music?” he moans from the back seat.

  “I guess we can listen to pop for a while.” Charlie reaches for the radio control, but I bat her hand away.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I ask her.

  “Come on, Troy. It’s two against one.”

  I laugh. “Where did you get the impression this was a democracy? I’m driving, and what did we learn from watching your now new favorite show?”

  Charlie’s shoulders sag forward. Pouting, she replies, “You drive, you pick the music. I shut my cakehole.”

  I tap her leg. “Exactly.”

  “Jerk,” Blake mutters from the back seat, earning a glower from me via the rearview mirror.

  “What was that, bro?”

  “Saying what Charlie should have.”

  Blake is being an asshole, but I choose to let it slide. To be fair, I’m also not playing nice with the music. But to make a point, I listen to Iron Maiden for five more minutes before I switch to a classic rock station. That’s my compromise; I’m not going to listen to pop music.

  When “Carry On My Wayward Son” by Kansas comes on, I pump up the volume and sing it at the top of my lungs. Charlie joins me in the singalong, and to my surprise, Blake does too. By the time we arrive at the campgrounds where the event will take place, I’m no longer bothered by Blake’s stick-up-his-ass ways.

  I’m surprised to see all the cars in the parking lot. I didn’t realize it was that big of an event.

  “How many people come to these things?” I ask, something I should have done way sooner.

  “We usually get ten to fifteen participants, but this is the first spring event, so we probably have double that.”

  Great, twice as many people to witness my humiliation. I’m glad I’ll be almost unrecognizable, wearing my troll costume. It was a good call to not tell the guys I was coming this weekend anyway. Andreas and Danny have been pestering me about it for weeks. If they knew it was today, I wouldn’t put it past them to come here to capture my humiliation and post it all over the internet.

  I veer for the trunk to grab our stuff, but Blake beats me to it, and not only does he haul out his duffel bag, but also Charlie’s.

  “I’ll take that.” I reach for her bag strap.

  “Will you relax? I was just being helpful,” he says.

  “Give it to me. I can carry it,” Charlie butts in.

  “Nonsense, babe. I’m good.” I flash her a smile.

  “Fine. Be my guest.”

  She skips ahead, bouncing her glorious hair. It’s longer now, almost to her waist. The movement is hypnotizing, and for a moment, I’m content to just watch her go.

  I’m suddenly shoved to the side when someone flings his arm around my shoulders and leans into me. “Troy, my man. I can’t believe you actually made it.”

  Fred, one of Charlie’s closest friends, is the one making the fuss. Since he’s not a pain in the ass like Blake, and has no past with Charlie, it was easy to warm up to him even after the severed head prank.

  “I totally caved. But what can I say? I’ve seen Charlie’s costume, and it’s best if I’m here to fend off any jackass who thinks he has a chance with her.” I glance at Blake fleetingly.

  “For the thousandth time, I do not want Charlie back,” he says before storming off ahead.

  Fred pats me on the shoulder. “You really don’t have to worry about him. He has zero interest in Charlie as a lover. I think he has a new girlfriend, but you didn’t hear it from me. Blake is uber private.”

  “Like I’d gossip about his love life.” I scoff.

  Fred grins. “Come on. Let’s get you registered, and then it’s show time.”

  * * *


  Troy is so nervous, it’s adorable. He keeps fidgeting where he stands, watching what everyone does with rapt attention. He told me once that he hated anything theatrical thanks to a bad experience where he forgot his lines in a play, but the beauty of LARP is that it’s all improv. You just have to go with the flow and stay in character.

  After the dark forces cast a curse across the entire land, my character, Raven the Sorceress, suggests a partnership with Gunther Crook. Blake’s character, Philippe Di Biase, is a rogue vampire knight who’s against it, but he’s also against every idea the group suggests. That’s his character.

  While Blake is busy with his monologue, listing why trusting a troll is a terrible idea, Troy steps closer to me and whispers, “Why am I not surprised this toad is against me?”

  “Shh, you have to stay in character.” I elbow him lightly in the stomach.

  He pinches my butt in retaliation, daring me with his eyes to say something. I watch him through slits, but then Blake asks Gunther a question.

  “Come again?” Troy asks.

  “I asked what you have to say for yourself, monster.”

  “Well, for starters, who are you calling a monster, bloodsucker?”

  Blake puffs out his chest. “I’m a valuable member of the king’s court. You’re nothing but a grotesque creature who lives in a filthy swamp.”

  Troy crosses his arms and leans casually against a tree. “This ‘grotesque creature’ is the only one who knows the secret path to the Dark Lord’s castle. Don’t want my help? Too fucking bad.”

  Okay, I think he’s into it now, but probably because of his feud with Blake. I don’t care, he’s saying exactly what Gunther Crook would, so everyone is happy.

  “Oh, pipe down, Philippe,” I intervene. “Gunther is our only hope to save the lands from a much worse threat.”

  “Besides, if he tries anything, he’ll meet my blade,” Ben adds, holding his fake sword menacingly.

  Troy becomes our guide, and we continue playing until the nonplaying characters make an appearance to put a wrench in our plans. A battle ensues, and when I throw a homemade bag filled with rice at a bad guy and call out a spell, the NP character makes a big show of dying and then drops to the ground. That is apparently too much for Troy, and he immediately loses his shit. He leans his hands on his knees and bursts out laughing. His reaction makes everyone else self-conscious. I grab his arm and drag him away from the scene.

  “Hey, where are we going?” he asks.

  “You were making everyone uncomfortable when you broke character,” I hiss, not wanting to be overheard.

  “Ah, babe. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin the fun.”

  “I know, but I think that’s enough LARP for you for the day. You’re still too green.”

  “I’ll show you green.” He reaches for my waist and then tosses me over his shoulder.

  I smack his back. “Troy, put me down.”

  He laughs and breaks into a jog, only stopping when we reach our cabin. He kicks the door open, and when he sets me back down, he doesn’t give me a chance to talk. His mouth is on mine in an instant, hungry, possessive. His hands explore my body in an urgent way, sliding down my sides until they reach the slits of my skirt. Caught up in his fire, I yank at his costume, fighting with the straps that are keeping his armor in place.

  “Ugh, why are there so many of them?” I complain.

  “Leave them.” He pulls my dress over my head, leaving me standing in nothing but my lingerie.

fair. I’m practically naked.”

  He answers by getting rid of his pants and boxers. “Not the only one anymore.”

  His lips claim mine again, and then we’re tumbling over the mattress. Troy is between my legs, pressing his erection against my center.

  “I’m still wearing my panties,” I say against his mouth.

  He grabs both sides of them and yanks the fabric, ripping it into two pieces. “Not anymore.”

  “You owe me a new pair.” I grab his face, pulling his mouth back to mine.

  “Sure, sure.” He enters me fast and hard, drawing a loud moan from my lips.

  He doesn’t stop or slow down; we’re both too horny for making love slowly. The bed creaks dangerously, and I’m afraid we’re going to break it. But despite the loud noise the furniture is making, Troy keeps pumping harder and faster until both of us are at the edge of a cliff. He grunts when he comes, and I bite his shoulder when I do seconds later.

  This is us. Crazy, impulsive, complete.

  Minutes later, I’m resting with my head against his chest. He’s still wearing his troll armor, so I make lazy circles with my fingers around his belly button.

  “If you’re hoping for a second round, I’m going to need a few more minutes,” he tells me.

  “It’s okay. I’m happy just staying like this for a little bit.”

  We don’t speak for another minute, and then I decide to ask something that’s been nagging me for a while—what he plans to do after he graduates. We’ve been avoiding the topic since we got back together, but we can’t do that forever.

  “Babe, have you decided what you’re doing once school is over?”

  “I have, actually.”

  I lean on my elbow so I can see his face, my heart hammering in my chest. “Really?”

  “I’m taking that brand ambassador job I told you about.”

  “The one where you have to travel the world?” I ask through the lump in my throat.

  My worst fear is coming to pass. Troy is going to leave me.


  I sit up, putting some distance between us. “It’s a great opportunity.”

  Troy rolls out of bed and then grabs something from his backpack before sitting next to me. “Here.”

  “What is this?” I grab the brochure from his hand.

  “You told me you wanted to study abroad for a semester. There’s still time to apply, and the lady at the administration office told me you would be a shoo-in.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I want us to see the world together, Charlie. We’ll start with Europe while you’re in London. We can travel on weekends. I don’t want to go anywhere without you, babe. Those miserable six weeks we were apart were enough.”

  I’m on the verge of crying, but I keep the tears at bay for the moment. I gave up on the idea because of Ben before, but my brother has proven to me over and over again that he doesn’t need me to be his champion. He can fight his own battles.

  I want Troy to come to a realization of his own as well. Jane told me what today is, and the haunted glints I caught in his eyes a few times when he thought I wasn’t looking killed me. I don’t want Troy to keep carrying this immense guilt.

  “I will apply under one condition.”

  “Oh? What is it?”

  “I want you to stop blaming yourself for what happened to your brother.”

  He recoils, closing off his expression in an instant. Facing away from me, he breathes out heavily. “I wish it were that simple, Charlie. My own parents told me it was my fault.”

  “No offense, babe, but your parents are vile. Ophelia told me what happened. Your parents got distracted, socializing, and didn’t see when Robbie removed his water wings. She was the one who raised the alarm when she got near the pool. Do you remember that?”

  “No, not really.” He presses a closed fist against his chest. “My memories of the pool are blurry at best. My only vivid memory is of my mother shaking me in a rage, screaming it was my fault.”

  “Oh, Troy.” I throw my arm around his shoulders and hug him tight. “I’m so sorry.”

  He leans into me. “How come Grandma never told me that story?”

  “She did, many times over. But I think you just blocked her out.”

  Troy turns to me. “Thank you for telling me again.”

  His eyes are so damn sad, but at least the anguish is gone.

  “I couldn’t let you keep believing that lie. You’re a good person, Troy, better than anyone I know. You deserve to be free of that awful guilt.”

  He cups my cheek. “You’re so good to me, Charlie. Sometimes, I think I’m dreaming.”

  “Not a dream, I promise.” I place a featherlight kiss on his lips. “So, do we have a deal?”

  “If that means I get to see the world with you by my side, yes, that’s a deal.”

  *** THE END ***

  * * *

  Not ready to say goodbye to this world yet? Make sure to pre-order Heart Breaker, book two in the Rebels of Rushmore series.


  Heart Breaker




  I’ve heard it all. But the truth is, I’m the king of wanting what I can’t have.

  Jane is a beacon of light I didn’t expect to find. Her innocence and joy call to my dark soul.

  But she’s off-limits, my best friend’s kid sister. And I’m a damaged jerk with enough baggage to fill a jet plane.

  All it took was one taste for my resolve to stay away to crumble. Now I can’t get her out of my head, out of my mangled heart.

  If her brother finds out about us, he might kill me. If Jane finds out about my past, she’ll never speak to me again.

  This love is a disaster waiting to happen, and yet, I can’t help going back for more.

  * * *


  Also by Michelle Hercules

  Paranormal Romance:

  Dark Prince (Blueblood Vampires #1)

  Wild Thing (Blueblood Vampires #2)

  Forgotten Heir (Blueblood Vampires #3)

  Reckless Times (Gifted Academy #5)

  Contemporary Romance:

  Wonderwall (Love Me, I’m Famous #1)

  Sugar, We’re Going Down (Love Me, I’m Famous #2)

  Wreck of the Day (Love Me, I’m Famous #3)

  Devils Don’t Fly (Love Me, I’m Famous #4)

  Love Me Like You Do (Love Me, I’m Famous #5)

  Catch You (Love Me, I’m Famous #6)

  All The Right Moves

  Heart Stopper (Rebels of Rushmore #1)

  Reverse Harem Romance:

  Wicked Gods (Gifted Academy #1)

  Ruthless Idols (Gifted Academy #2)

  Hateful Heroes (Gifted Academy #3)

  Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4)

  Lost Horizon (Oz in Space #1)

  Magic Void (Oz in Space #2)

  Red’s Alphas (Wolves of Crimson Hollow #1)

  Wolf’s Calling (Wolves of Crimson Hollow #2)

  Pack’s Queen (Wolves of Crimson Hollow #3)

  Mother of Wolves (Wolves of Crimson Hollow #4)

  About the Author

  USA Today Bestselling Author Michelle Hercules always knew creative arts were her calling but not in a million years did she think she would become an author. With a background in fashion design she thought she would follow that path. But one day, out of the blue, she had an idea for a book. One page turned into ten pages, ten pages turned into a hundred, and before she knew, her first novel, The Prophecy of Arcadia, was born.

  Michelle Hercules resides in The Netherlands with her husband and daughter. She is currently working on the Blueblood Vampires series and the Rebels of Rushmore series.

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