"Avalon, what do you make of this?”
"I can’t say exactly yet, although I do have my theories."
“I can handle whatever is on your mind,” Silas protested.
"Let's keep reading.”
For the next few hours, they read the 250 page book and 30 page notes.
During that time, Avalon received no vibrating phone calls. That was a good thing. If any trouble was closing in on them, then her phone would vibrate. A message from a “good friend” would pop up to say either call back or when will they be back at the hotel. Calling back meant that trouble was spotted near them, but they had time to escape. The later was a warning to get to the hotel fast, since trouble was hot on their trails.
The book spoke from a spiritual, historical, and philosophical point of view. It wasn't so much about the specific scientific data; but about what was at stake for humanity. As Avalon and Silas read the book, a treasure chest of revelations began to flow. This book didn’t reveal scientific date or possible reasons for the genetic correction phenomenon.
It did, however, show that their hunt for solving the Apostle blood mystery was just the tip of the iceberg. Their mission was only part of a global battle, which had already begun to take place. It would shatter the status quo for every part of our world system from the economy to the human body.
The book's Forward by Dr. Benjamin Ezra
"Dr. John Amahl is not only my mentor, but a dear friend and remarkable scientist. This book, however, isn't about his years of his breakthrough treatments and cures for diseases—diseases that has plagued humans for centuries.
This book sets the stage for the core truths of why his research is so important. The door will be blown wide open to secrets of our human body, which could mean a destruction and reorganization of our current medical system, This could cause a domino effect throughout our world governments and economies.
Our current system was built on the reliance of the birth, and especially the death, of human beings. I believe that the refueling or cyclical revival of our current world system relies more on the deaths, and sometimes even the early deaths, of human beings. This is because some believe that the longer we live, and as the population grows, the less resources this world system can provide.
There is a growing fear that this lack of resources will explode within a 50-year span. The less years human beings live, the less burden they are on the system, as perceived by certain people and powers who manage this world's resources. These may seem like very cruel revelations, but they are likely revelations all the same.
There is, however, a light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately, some of the ‘powers that be’ would be threatened by the truths told in this book. What will be shared here goes beyond medical research and into the higher level of healing, which I believe can be available to all people."
Silas and Avalon paused in silence after reading this foreword. They look to each other in silence. Each one knew there was no turning back now. They continued reading.
The Preface, written by Dr. Amahl, has similar sentiments as Dr. Ezra's Foreword. As the two junior detectives went through the first chapter, the third paragraph stunned them to the core.
"My passion has always been to help in the healing of humanity. As a scientist, I look for new ways to help others through research and responsible experimentation. As a man, I am on a tireless journey to seek, find, and unlock the mysteries of just how powerful we are as a humankind. I found that we are indeed very powerful, shockingly so! Furthermore, we have the ability to heal any disease. I firmly believe that all diseases can be prevented.
My mission as a human being and scientist is to take away the need for us to live under medication and to prevent an over-medicated society. As a consequence to this purpose, my life has been threatened many times. I always knew that my mission would ruffle the feathers of some very influential people, but this is the work of not just a few individuals.
“There is a specific entity who is very determined to silence me and anyone who would interrupt the usual way of how humanity lives and how long they live. I have come to know in the previous year that this entity is international—with agents on every continent—but its name is unknown.” Silas shook his head, "He was willing to risk publishing this, so more people will know."
Avalon ran her finger along the words in the book, like they had immeasurable power. She spoke plainly, “If this entity is as influential as he said, then they would have stopped this book from being published."
"Maybe Amahl had some powerful friends too." Silas rebutted.
Avalon still not convinced, "If he did, I doubt they were enough to stop this entity."
The more they read, the more alarming this book became. Chapter Five would become the explosive chapter in the book. First, let's look at Chapter Four, which would set the stage for revelations found in Chapter Five.
Chapter Four - The World At War
My parents came to the United States during the 1940’s as Jewish immigrants from Israel. I was born in Israel, but my four siblings came after we settled into Brooklyn, New York. The values my parents taught me included hard work, building businesses, and serving our fellow human beings regardless of where one comes from or their ethnicities.
I had cousins who lived in Germany, but fled to the United States to avoid the nightmare of Hitler. Two of them lived with us for a time afterwards and described their horrifying experience, which kept me awake for so many nights. One thing my cousin Aaron Daschwitz told me was something I needed to share in this book.
Aaron sat down with my father and I at the kitchen table one evening after dinner. My schoolwork was done, so my father called me in to sit with him and Aaron. My cousin was in his 20’s at the time. My father believed in preparing his children for an unpredictable world—a world that could experience great prosperity and great devastation in the blink of an eye. As a result, he wanted me to hear cousin Aaron and him discuss the lessons they've learned from living through some of the biggest and scariest times in history.
“There was a point in the conversation that I will always remember. It will illustrate a point that I will make in this book, so that you will understand clearly what kind of force you are fighting against for your mission."
Avalon gasped, "Silas?”
“The second sentence where he speaks directly to the reader?"
They kept reading.
Back To The Book
"Aaron talked about the horrific climate happening in Germany during the rise of Hitler. He went from Nazi leader to Chanceller and eventual President in the early 1930's. It was a time of massive uncertainty. The German economy was ripped to shreds and the country came out of World War 1 in a weakened state. The rising hate towards the Jewish community was frightening.
My cousins were surrounded by the rising violence against their people and death. Aaron, and some of his neighbors, were all beaten by the Nazis and Nazi supporters as they rose to become a stronghold in Germany's government.
As Aaron continued describing these events, his eyes began to tear up a little. I honestly thought he would eventually just break down. That didn't happen, but something else did that took me by surprise. Aaron was telling us about a friend whose house was set on fire by a Nazi, but suddenly stopped in the middle of the story. He turned his head from my father to look directly at me and gave me a strange warning. This warning would haunt me and become prophetic to my adult life.
He told me that fear was an easy tool of the enemy. When a demagogue wants complete control of the minds and souls of a people, fear would do the job perfectly. Aaron saw the fear in the faces of the Nazi's and their ‘average man’ supporters who beat him and other Jews.
The fear became the look of inhuman hate. You can see it flame in their eyes—smell it on them like the stench of a death cult!
I asked Aaron how can people support someone like Hitler. His answer to me was simple—when extraordinary fe
ar becomes hate—that sucks the humanity out of any person. When a soul loses its humanity, then you have a dead (wo)man walking.
A person like that can easily view other people as having no value. That kind of fear, turned into hate, is one of the most dangerous diseases there is. It's much worse than any physical illness. It was indeed a spiritual and mental disease.
That hate corrupts you—you become a poison to the rest of humanity.
That last sentence still echoed in my mind.
As a young man, I knew that there were bad people in the world. What I didn't know was how fear could transform a person into the personification of poison. When that happens, their actions and thinking become eaten up with this disease. What they do, and why, become tainted and toxic. That is how evil is born…the twisting and poisoning of the soul and sickening of one's spirit.
Every human being can become a tool of this fear. It is when we decide to fight this fear and maintain a heart for humanity, that we can escape the monstrous identity it demands from us. Human beings can very well become monsters bent on destroying the masses. They can also become fine ambassadors of Love and Goodness that God always meant for them to be.
No, they don't need to be perfect, but they can refuse the destruction of hate and fear.
Aaron then asked me what I wanted to do as a career. I told him medicine. I said that I wanted to research and find cures for and prevent diseases. He told me that he knew my heart was sincere and that God was with me. He went on to share another warning. This time, it was a direct warning to me.
He told me that as long as I was determined to increase the length and quality of life; therefore opening the doors for new life to multiply in this world, then I would have a target on my back.
He continued to say that there are a few people who believe that a growing population that lived longer meant less resources to go around. With less resources, you then have a population competing against these resources.
I understood his point, but at that time I didn't take it too seriously. I thought that the better nature of humankind would prevail. This isn't to say that I don't believe this now, but I do know that there are individuals who are determined to prevent the advancement of humanity by deadly means.
On that note, the entity that I mentioned earlier is an exclusive group of these individuals. They want to steal my work, and other research like it. Their aim is to enrich themselves and commit atrocities. Only a few researchers were targeted. They are in hiding too.
The individuals in this group, and the entity itself, are unknown by name. I have, however, seen one identifying symbol for them—the tongue of a snake.
“Forked Tongue,” Avalon spoke before she could stop herself.
“Who? What is that?”
Avalon bit her tongue. Silas knew that name meant something. Avalon had dread written all over face.
Silas was not letting this go. “Avalon, Who is Forked Tongue?”
No answer.
“It’s the snake symbol. You know who they are?”
Avalon shot him a look that made him shut up. “The symbol is pre-Babylonian, but I don’t know the group.”
Silas, eyes locked on her, followed up. “What does the symbol mean?”
“Destruction,” she answered. “Finish the book.”
Silas obeyed Avalon’s command.
Back To The Book
“We don't know how long this entity has existed. We've checked with our contacts in law enforcement and government agencies including a few of my connections in intel. We couldn't find anything. This entity is a phantom who leaves no trace except for their warnings.
They enjoy leaving cryptic messages of my coming consequences if I didn't stop my research. I've had my underground lab vandalized. This was a lab in a remote space in New Mexico, which I used for my most secretive research. Who knows how they found out where it was!
I've had a pistol sent to my house with a picture of my former fiancé stuck inside. Many other warnings were sent; too many to count. During the time I had the heaviest pressure from this entity, where I received warnings on a weekly basis, I was cracking the code for a potential cure to blood diseases.
I must have been pretty close, since my house was broken into and my lab was trashed on several occasions. They were watching me. I couldn't tell my fiancé, family, or friends about this. Only the other few researchers who were being targeted knew.
Imagine knowing someone was after you and having to hide it from those you love. My fiancé knew something was going on. I tried to hide my troubles, but they always came out in my fear of being in public places, severe migraines, and arguing with my fiancé.
One time she accidentally baked a casserole too long; it was burnt. I yelled at her. She didn't know that earlier that day, my lab was trashed for the fifth time. She only knew that I was not the man she first met, the kind and gentle soul. She eventually left me.
The only way for us to stop them was to make sure this book arrived to the right people. You. There is so much more to this story than you realize. It will take decades to know the full extent of how this entity operates, but make no mistake, we’re on borrowed time
There will be events and signs showing when the entity is making a move. Everyone will know that something is wrong, but not sure what. They will feel that something horrific is coming, a dreadful change, but it will be a mystery to them. That is when you know this group is about to do something big.
Your contribution will be to help my research to get to the right people. There will be others who will deal directly with this entity, so you have support.
Stopping this entity is so much bigger than my role. They are planning a century of chaos and injury.
How do I know this?
The Barretts
I was visited by a young lady, Amelia Barrett in 1975. Days after half of my lab was vandalized and some of my research stolen, I was sitting in a diner almost in tears. I felt like a pure failure. I couldn't fight this snake-tongued terrorist organization. I was losing friends due to my preoccupation and secretive life hiding these troubles.
I stared into my coffee cup not knowing what to do or where to turn. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked behind me and up. She was a lovely African American lady in her late 20's. She asked if I was Dr. Amahl. I told her that I was.
She told me that her husband, Grayson, was in my class. Indeed her husband was one of my best students! I asked her to have a seat. She did reluctantly and seemed a bit fidgety. She only stayed for a few minutes, but what she told me was more valuable than gold.
Amelia told me that her husband also encountered this terrorist entity. In fact, he was kidnapped on his way to class. There was a black van with darkened windows, which ran up to him. Grayson jumped out of the way, as he thought this van was going to jump onto the sidewalk. As it came to a screeching halt, two masked men jumped out of the back and forced Grayson into the back of the van.
They blindfolded him and drugged him with an injection to his shoulder. He passed out.
Grayson woke up in a dark room with a dim light. The candlelight illuminated a table in front of him and a few figures. Two were standing on each side of him in masks. There was one in front of the table facing him. The masks were black and red. She told me that the symbol on their masks was a snake’s tongue.
They did not attack Grayson, but they warned him that he would be killed if he told anyone about this meeting. These terrorists were recruiters who had their eyes on Grayson for several months. The knew that he was a charismatic activist with incredible connections in politics and with world leaders, media, and the CIA. He was also a tremendous speaker who people listened to.
He was someone who both black and white influential figures would go to for advising and to gain access to financial backing, press attention, and many other resources needed to create successful movements and gain political influence.
Grayson was in my class because he had a great interest in scienc
e and wanted to become well-versed in the politics of health care and extending human life overall. Calling him a ‘mover and a shaker’ would be very short-sighted. He was an up-and-coming ‘King Maker’.
The entity wanted to make Grayson the face of its organization.
One of the members, we'll call him John, first explained the entity’s as a secretive organization of underground freedom activists.
John continued to say they were dedicated to one freedom for all. Their so-called objectives included revealing medical secrets to extend life among the masses, equal economic rights, and creating groundbreaking schools for minority children. These plans were music to the Grayson’s ears. They fell in line with his core passion for liberating and empowering the powerless and voiceless.
The entity’s real plans, however, were to penetrate and control the population. The terrorists would accomplish their goals by using Grayson’s influence, contacts, and savvy to promote their fake agenda and connect them to prominent leaders.
Amelia went on to say that Grayson never told her the full details what he found was the entity’s true plan. That was one of the many secrets he kept from her regarding them.
What we do know was that this entity’s agenda could make them worse than any dictator or fascist in human history.
When Grayson was released, he walked straight home. In fact, I remember that he wasn't in class for a whole week during the time that incident happened. Amelia said that he made her promise to secrecy, as he told her some of what happened during his brief captivity. He was skeptical at first and thought that maybe this was some crackpot wannabe club who wanted to get in on the human or equal rights movements of that time.
His tune changed when a $500,000 deposit showed up in his bank account courtesy of the E-Group, Inc. This was a shadow company where this terrorist entity operated its financial transactions. E-Group was low-key and private. It presented itself as a business investment company.
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