The Seeking Series Box Set

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The Seeking Series Box Set Page 31

by D. R. Grady

  Pushing open the door, she meandered in, weariness pressing hard on her again. It had been a tiring two days. But already they had accomplished so much. The hopeless, careworn faces outside passed through her mind and made all their efforts and decisions worthwhile.

  Those people would sleep tonight in shelters free of the elements. With actual heat for a change and with appropriate nutrients.

  The doors opened again and Lajos entered. He commanded the space and she smiled at him.

  He opened his arms. “Come here.”

  It didn’t take her long to cross the expanse between them and be enfolded. She breathed in his masculine scent and savored his warmth, content to be right where she was.

  “Our first day is over.” He sounded relieved about this.

  “Yes. It went well.”

  “That’s because of you.” A note rang through his voice that she couldn’t recall ever hearing before.

  Leaning back, she peered up into his face. “Why do you say that?”

  “You packed provisions for everyone here. From food, water, clothing, and blankets to actual shelters.” The note finally made sense.

  Awe gleamed from his eyes. Her heart stuttered.

  “Raene and I were in a position to make lives better for the people of Montequirst. Margina agreed with our designs and asked a professional to help us finalize the details. Now those shelters are used all over our world.” Her cheeks warmed.

  Lajos squeezed her tight before swinging her around and around. “Because of you, our people are safe tonight.”

  She stroked his cheek. “Because of you, they’re safe. They know they have a king who will protect them with his own sword.”

  “I’ll protect you with my sword.” A deep promise was embedded within his words.

  “Thank you.” Their gazes met and connected. Her heart tugged in his direction.

  His lips descended while hers ascended and they collided in a kiss so magnificent, she lost her breath. One of them moaned, and strong arms yanked her tighter at the same time she looped her arms around his neck, hauling him into her body.

  He still wasn’t close enough. Rising on her tiptoes at the same time he scooped her off her feet, jammed their lips together in perfect symmetry.

  This time it was definitely her who moaned. The sound feminine and sultry in the silent evening air. He stepped toward the bed and then they were falling onto the surface, wrapped up in each other.

  Their lips clung and searched, seeking the depths of each other’s mouths. She wanted more. But had no idea how to ask. How to begin to articulate the need bubbling inside her. Lajos made a rewarding sound in the back of his throat and she savored the emotions arcing between them.

  Pleasure undulated through her, and she gave herself up to the new sensation.

  Chapter 14

  The morning light interrupted her dream. Eyes snapping wide, Stefana gazed at the unfamiliar room. Then it all flooded back. At the same time, the man beside her drew her into his heat and she went willingly.

  Snuggling against him, she studied his sleeping face. Gazing at the contours and memorizing them. Where Vidar was all male, but not the most handsome man alive, Lajos was everything Vidar was, with a hearty portion of masculine beauty thrown in. He somehow had inherited a face that could make a woman swoon.

  At least it could make her do so.

  A rumbling from his chest sent her eyes to his. His were open and alert. “Are you staring at me?” Suspicion clouded the question.

  Her lips twitched. “Yes, I am. You’re a beautiful man, Lajos the Swift.”

  He rolled her under him. His eyes were lazy and held masculine promise. “I’m relieved you feel that way, my queen.”

  A delicious shudder swept through her. “You’re distracting.”

  He laughed, and then his lips found hers and she forgot about the world outside their door for the next hour.

  Not as early morning when they finally rose from the bed to find the shower. She hadn’t spent much time in this room to discover where things were, so she explored with Lajos.

  “Someone cleaned Lalika’s gowns out of her dressing room.” Stefana surveyed the empty chamber. She made a mental note to discover the location of those gowns. They could be altered to fit the court. Those ladies needed a wardrobe update.

  “Of course. Ostard intended to bring you here. Obviously, this was to be yours.”

  “Ugh.” Her stomach twisted in protest.

  “It’s yours now, but you’ll have to share it with me.” His knuckle grazed over her cheekbone and he looked mesmerized as his gaze traced the path. “You’re the most beautiful woman on this planet.”

  “You’re biased.”

  He tugged her close for a kiss that would have knocked her socks off had she been wearing them. The chilly spring air swirled through their bedchamber. “We had best bathe and dress for the day.”

  “Today is likely going to be busier than yesterday.”

  Lajos assisted her in securing her gown, already dressed in his usual warrior garb. It wasn’t common court dress, but Vidar had continued wearing his typical dress as well. Here in Swiftland, there was a greater probability Lajos would require complete freedom of movement. Which the warrior garb allowed.

  Court dress was confining. She frowned down at her gown and wished for something other than it. But at the moment, this attire was all she possessed, so she followed Lajos from their bedroom.

  He waited until she joined him in the hall before taking her hand. Most warriors probably wouldn’t do so, but they were in their home, so it should be acceptable. She would bolt out of his way if necessary.

  “Will I need to continue my warrior training?”

  “Oh yes. You and every female here will be trained in the art.” Her husband’s voice offered no give.

  She didn’t argue, because it would do her no good, but also because she understood his reasoning. Now that they were the monarchs of this land, they needed all the advantages they could muster. Her knowing how to defend their subjects made sense. Many an enemy would not believe such a thing possible.

  To have women who knew how to fight and who excelled at such an art would offer them such an advantage.

  And obviously they needed all those they could obtain.

  Speaking of advantages, she gasped. “Oh no, where did Fricassa and Aern sleep?”

  “Fricassa knew of a cave close by. She took Aern there for some snuggle time.” Lajos’ didn’t sound as though he wanted to know more.

  Stefana laughed. “I see. They are close by?”

  “They are. They’ll hunt this morning and then join us. We haven’t had time to explore the depths of the palace, so that will likely be first on our agenda.” He paused. “Although I do wish to help the men outside locate wells.”

  Her parents and Ari joined them then. They all proceeded down the stairs and into the dining chamber. Stefana had made it clear that she and her party would eat what everyone else ate in the country.

  An array of bars had been artfully arranged on the buffet and they helped themselves. They were tasty and provided all the necessary nutrients. After everyone’s hunger was satisfied and they’d all enjoyed a cup of coffee, something she guessed the people outside did not imbibe, and Lajos conferred with a few men outside, they trooped down into the catacombs of the palace.

  A dark, gloomy, and cobwebby space. Qualities that all increased the deeper they descended. She was thankful for the two Aasguard warriors with them. Without them she would have turned tail and run in the opposite direction.

  But that was the coward’s way and she wouldn’t give in. Not today.

  The air turned dank and musty and as they descended, puddles of murky water splattered the uneven floor.

  “This needs repair.” Lajos made note of all the places in his handheld crystal. Several rock piles littered the pathway, and they would need to be cleared. The path was strewn with years of disuse.

  Likely due to the previous
kings not having much in the way of treasure. They wouldn’t have needed to come this way. Even if they had, they hadn’t the resources to have the tunnels cleared.

  For safety’s sake and because of the dragons who would live here, they would clear this out immediately.

  “This will provide employment for some of the men,” she murmured to Lajos.

  “I am thinking the same. It needs done immediately and will offer much needed income for those with the proper skills.”

  Hopefully someone here possessed the proper skills. Thankful she didn’t need to worry about that, Stefana kept up with her party because she had no intention of being left behind.

  Rounding a curve in the tunnel, she gasped with her mother. They had entered a room, one resembling the cavern where Vidar and Aern had presided over in Montequirst. It lacked the stalagmites and stalactites of that chamber but was every bit as beautiful.

  A dazzling white, blue, and silver striated marble predominated in the stone walls in this chamber, reminding her of home. While the room lacked the overhead skylight, it did contain an entire wall of glass. One that overlooked a valley below them and the surrounding countryside.

  Both glorious and breathtaking, but also unexpected. They all strode to the window to better take in the view.

  “Oh.” Her mother’s enthusiasm waned as they swept closer.

  “Yes.” They all agreed, taking in the neglect that had overcome the nation. Early spring should have shown a few signs of new life, but what they saw were dead, overgrown gardens and land that nature looked intent on slowly taking over.

  Vines crept in to choke out useful plant life and trees. The landscape was reverting to its more primitive state.

  “This is why we’re here.” Lajos contemplated the wild scenery. “We’re going to make this prosperous and thriving once again.” His jaw hardened. “The Land of Ostard dies now.”

  “To give way to Swiftland.” Stefana slid her hand into his as they contemplated the sorry state of their nation.

  “Yes. We’ll rise from this better than Ostard Land ever was.”

  With that promise, they turned from the depressing view to survey the room. A massive chamber, well suited to Aern’s size. A simple, large space coated in white marble.

  Ostard or one of his ancestors had clearly attempted to chisel out the stone. It had resisted their efforts, and although now marred, the stone remained intact.

  “They didn’t know better than to try to use this stone as anything other than protection for this room?” Ari sounded scandalized.

  “Idiots,” Stefana’s father stated.

  No one should ever try to use the stone that protected their treasury. It had been placed in this chamber for the sole purpose of protecting the monarchs’ treasures. Imbued with magic to aid it, the stone would withstand fires, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters. Much less greedy humans attempting to steal what did not belong to them.

  Still miffed at Ostard and his ancestors, Stefana shook her head as Lajos crossed the cavern. He stopped in front of a blank wall. His spine straight, shoulders squared as he raised a hand and touched the wall.

  A door appeared. She gasped as she hurried to his side. Lajos waited for her. The door slid open once she arrived and a spacious new room revealed itself.

  Lajos placed a restraining hand on Stefana, but he didn’t need to. She didn’t immediately step through the doorway. Most likely because she had been schooled on the dangers of such reckless behavior all her life.

  He tested the door and surrounding area for safeguards and spells. Nothing showed to him, but he waited until Ari nodded. If she didn’t find anything either, then it should be safe. Still, he went first to make certain.

  Nothing could happen to Stefana. His heart wouldn’t take it.

  Edging into the room, he narrowed his eyes, further testing the space to be certain there was nothing here that might harm anyone.

  “This is our combined wealth?” Stefana stepped up beside him, her hand circling his arm. She sounded dazed.

  He tucked his hand over hers, holding her to his side. “Yes.” Heaps of gems and jewels caught the lights and sent them across the room in a rainbow effect. Stacks of cash towered to the high ceiling. Various sized coins overflowed several chests.

  Lajos couldn’t discern what was his and what was hers, and he liked it that way. This abundance was theirs, combined. His and hers wealth. As they stood there, another stack of cash appeared in the room.

  “That’s from Stefana’s emergency shelters.” Henry stepped up beside them. “It brings in a nice income for her.”

  “We never set out to make money.” Stefana worried her bottom lip as she stared at the paper notes.

  “Your intention was to help people, love. And that’s what these have done, over and over.” Stella brushed a hand down her daughter’s arm as she leaned in to study a necklace. “This is lovely.”

  “Thank you. It belonged to a long-ago ancestress of mine.” Lajos plucked the jewelry out of the pile and fastened the heirloom around Stefana’s exquisite neck.

  “It’s gorgeous, Lajos.” Her face fell. “But I can’t wear it now.”

  He unfastened the necklace and returned it to the case. “No, not right now. Someday you shall wear it.”

  A rainfall of coins drew their attention to the stash. A new chest appeared to capture them all. “That’s from her nutritional bars.” Henry appeared to be ticking off a chart in his head.

  “You also came up with the nutritional bars?”

  “I didn’t actually devise the recipe. One of the chefs at Montequirst developed the formula we use.”

  “Those bars were Stefana’s idea, but she didn’t know how to produce them. She went to a trusted friend who is a chef. The woman knew exactly what to do. They both earn an income from the bar sales.” Pride interwove Stella’s voice.

  “No one warned me my wife is so brilliant.” Plenty of pride intertwined his statement.

  “Stefana needs to help people. Therefore, she’s the perfect woman to be your queen.”

  His arm slid around her at her father’s pronouncement.

  “Yes, I agree.” So far he hadn’t encountered anything he didn’t like about her. She comprised everything he had ever admired in women throughout the centuries.

  He couldn’t not kiss her, even with witnesses. Her lips fastened to his as she returned the kiss.

  “This space will work well for Fricassa and Aern.” Ari had stepped out into the main space again, surveying the room with fresh eyes. She paced all the way around the perimeter.

  “It’s not as functional right now as the one in Montequirst.” Stefana chewed on her fingernail.

  “No, it’s not. But it will be. The dragons are only on loan.”

  “It wouldn’t work at all for an Aasguard warrior.” Stefana frowned at the space.

  Following her, he waited until her parents exited the treasure room before touching the wall again. The panel slid shut and disappeared.

  Then he paced along the other walls as well. “There is more than meets the eye here.”

  Touching an inner wall, a door slid open to reveal a beautiful marble bathroom. “These rooms are much nicer than most I’ve ever used. Whoever designed this understood the life of an Aasguard.”

  Ari peered into the space behind him. “This area is better suited for a warrior than for dragons.”

  “I agree.” Lajos touched another section of wall. Hidden behind it lay a nicely appointed, although dusty, bedchamber. A small kitchen lay beyond that.

  “Is there a crystal console here?” Stefana asked.

  “That’s doubtful. It’s been at least a century since these rooms were used.” Ari inspected the space but shook her head.

  He concurred with her timespan.

  “It will require updating?” Stefana rubbed hair from her cheek in a feminine gesture he doubted he’d ever tire of witnessing. He wanted to kiss her again. It would be nice if there had been time f
or a honeymoon trip.

  Such a luxury was out of the question, of course. Perhaps after the country ran smoothly. Or maybe they could steal a day or so after their official wedding here.

  Whenever they managed to fit in the time to hold said celebration. Much less plan it.

  They had so much to do, it would be easy to become overwhelmed.

  “Would it make sense to trade Aern and Fricassa for Kellen?”

  “Or I could stay here.” Ari glanced around the space, and as an Aasguard, this would feel perfectly comfortable to her.

  “You’re needed above far more than to guard our treasures.” Stefana gestured toward the wall the treasury lay behind. “Can you activate the door?”

  His sister strode to the wall and touched it. A faint outline of the door was revealed.

  “It knows I’m family but won’t open until you give me the authority to do so.” Ari nodded in satisfaction.

  “Yes, I imagine that’s true. It would open if you forced it.” He inspected the wall again.

  “Perhaps. But there’s no need for me to force it. The treasures here are perfectly safe at the moment.”

  “Once you sell all that excess upstairs, the treasury will be full to brimming.” Henry’s warning didn’t surprise him.

  “We have many pending expenses,” Lajos replied. “However, if not even Ari, who is a familial Aasguard, can enter the treasury, then I don’t believe we need to worry.”

  Stefana peered up at him. “Can Fricassa or Aern open this?”

  “Fricassa can due to her being my companion for so long. Aern will be able to find the door as Ari can.”

  “What about Stefana? Can she open the door?” Stella set piercing eyes on him.

  “As the queen, she should have access to the vault.” He squinted at the door, then his wife.

  Stefana swallowed hard, but she set her shoulders and made her way back to the treasury wall. It took her a few moments before she laid her hand on the wall. The door immediately appeared. One more touch and the barrier slid open.

  She swung to him, her eyes wide. “Can we remove my ability to open this door?”


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