Stopping at Nothing

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Stopping at Nothing Page 3

by Shaw Hart

  We decided on a movie at my house since there wasn’t anything in theaters that we really wanted to see. I wonder what she’ll think of my house as we make the short drive there. I don’t have too much time to dwell on it though before we’re pulling into my driveway and into the garage. I hold her hand as we walk into my house. I don’t think her mouth has closed since we pulled through the gate and she got her first glimpse at my house. I know it’s a little over the top and it’s definitely too big for just me.

  She looks around with big eyes as she takes in the ornate furniture and the priceless art on the walls. None of it is my taste or style and to be honest, it doesn’t seem to be hers either. I give her a quick tour of the ground floor. If we went up to the top floor, I would have to show her my bedroom and I’m not sure what I would do if I saw her in my room right now. I don’t want to scare her off or push her to go faster then she wants or feels comfortable with.

  We head into the media room and she sinks down onto a plush couch in the center of the screen.

  “Do you need to call your mom and let her know where you are?” I ask.

  “She doesn’t care. Trust me.”

  There’s something in her tone that lets me know what kind of relationship she must have with her mother. Suddenly, all of the times that she’s mentioned moving around or the fact that she never wants to introduce me to them, makes sense.

  “You don’t like your mom all that much do you?” I ask gently.

  “Trust me, there’s not much to like.”

  When I just stare at her, she continues.

  “She uses people. She’s lazy and manipulative and she uses her looks to get what she wants. I’m not even sure that she wants me or that she ever wanted me. Sometimes I think I was a mistake or that she had me to try to get a payday. She’s never even told me that she loves me. Ever. We’ve never had a house and for as long as I can remember, we’ve moved from house to house and boyfriend to boyfriend. None of them last very long and then we move again. I’m just sick of getting dragged after her and going from town to town and school to school.”

  She deflates after she finishes and I can see how much this still hurts her. I vow to myself to love her so much that she forgets about her awful mother.

  “What movie did you want to watch?” I ask as I go over to look through the choices, trying to change the subject into something happier.

  “You can pick.” She says as she kicks off her heels and tucks her feet underneath her. I get lost in watching her get comfortable, shifting until she’s curled into the cushions. I turn back to the movies and pick some romantic comedy that I think she’ll like. I put it on before hitting the lights and heading over to her. I sink down next to her so that we’re touching and I can wrap my arm around her. She smiles at me as she nuzzles closer before turning back to the screen.

  We watch the movie in silence and as the credits roll, I turn to her only to find her sound asleep on my shoulder. I gaze down at her, trying to memorize the lines of her face and how peaceful she looks. My arm fell asleep about an hour ago but seeing her so relaxed makes the pins and needles in my arm worth it. I would do anything for this girl and it’s time that I manned up and told her how I feel about her. I slide us down onto the couch so that she’s laying on top of me and I toss a blanket over us before I wrap my arms around her. Tomorrow, I decide. Tomorrow I’ll tell Auden how much I love her.

  Chapter Eight


  I wake up to feel my cheek smooshed against a hard chest and I realize that I’m sprawled out on top of Ryker. The last thing that I remember we were watching a movie. I was so warm and comfortable pressed up against him that I must have dozed off. I hope I didn’t drool on him and I lift my head off his chest to check, only to see Ryker is wide awake and looking down at me.

  “Hi.” I say.

  “Morning.” He says as he smiles up at me.

  I realize that I’m still laying sprawled out on top of him and I go to get off of him but I’m stopped by Ryker’s arms wrapped around my waist. He holds me to him and I look down at him questioningly.

  “I need to tell you something.”

  Immediately, I’m on the defensive. What did I do? What is he going to tell me? Did I say or do something in my sleep last night? Cause we were fine for the rest of the night. I thought we had a good time. I know I did.

  “I love you, Auden.”

  I freeze.

  I was not expecting that. He loves me? Ryker loves me? Holy shit!

  “I love you too!” I practically scream as I fall down onto him and crush my lips against his. He wastes no time in returning my kiss and sliding his tongue into my mouth to duel with mine. We make out on the couch for I don’t even know how long before finally, we have to come up for air.

  “Say it again” He demands.

  “I love you. I love you Ryker.” I say, placing a soft kiss against his lips.

  “God, I’ve waited weeks to say that to you.”

  “Me too.” I say with a giggle as he rolls me under him.

  He’s about to kiss me again when my stomach rumbles and I can’t help but laugh with him as he pulls back and stands. He pulls me to my feet and leads me through his huge house and into the kitchen. There’s a lady standing at the stove already and she turns when we enter. She seems shocked to see me there, but she recovers quickly.

  “Morning, Estelle.” Ryker says to the woman as he pulls a bar stool out from the counter for me. He helps me up into the chair before he pulls out the one next to mine and sits down.

  “Good morning, Mr. Holden. Would you like breakfast?” She replies.

  Ryker turns to me and I realize he wants to know what I would like for breakfast.

  “Um, pancakes? Or Eggs? Whatever you have is fine.” I say.

  Estelle turns back to the stove and flicks on a burner under a pan before she turns to the fridge and begins pulling out ingredients. It feels weird to talk in front of Estelle so I just sit in silence next to Ryker. The food only takes a couple of minutes and soon Estelle places a plate heaping with pancakes and scrambled eggs and toast. We both dig in and I notice Estelle slip silently from the room.

  “This is amazing.” I say as I shove another bite into my mouth. I must have really been hungry because I clean my plate. Ryker finishes before me and once I take my last bite, he reaches his hand out to help me down from my chair.

  “What would you like to do today?” He asks as he leads me down a hallway.

  “Well I should probably go home soon.” I say.

  Ryker stops suddenly and I almost collide with him.

  “Stay.” He says as he turns back to me.

  “I’d love to but I don’t have any other clothes or anything here.” I would say that my parents would be worried if I didn’t come home but let’s be honest, they probably haven’t even noticed that I’m gone.

  “You can borrow some of my clothes.” He says before he starts again and pulls me along after him up the stairs and down another hallway.

  He didn’t show me the upstairs last night and I try to take it in as he drags me down the hall after him. He takes a sharp right into a room at the end of the hall and I realize a moment later that this must be his bedroom.

  It’s a huge room done up in dark colors, with a king size bed and a dresser. There’s a room off of the left side and Ryker pulls me into it. His closet. It’s about the size of my bedroom at Todd’s house and it’s packed with clothes. He lets go of my hand to grab a shirt off a hanger and hands it to me.

  “You can wear this and I’ll grab you some pants too. Did you want to take a shower or anything?” He asks as he heads out of the closet and over to the dresser. He pulls out a pair of sweatpants for me and then he leads me into the other room off of his bedroom. It’s a bathroom that’s even bigger than his closet. There’s a shower and a huge bathtub that looks like I could swim laps in. He grabs me a towel before he shows me how to work the shower. Then he drops a quick kiss on my lips and leave
s the room.

  I take a shower quickly before I dress in his borrowed clothes. I love that his clothes smell like him and that now I smell like him too. I towel off my hair before walking back into the bedroom. I spot him as soon as I walk into the room. He’s lying on the bed with his hair damp. He must have taken a shower in a different bathroom. He’s dressed similarly to me now, in sweatpants and a t-shirt. While they fit him perfectly, they hang off of my smaller frame.

  Something about seeing him laid out like that, turns me on and before I can overthink it, I run at the bed and jump on top of him. I catch him off guard but he figures out my intent quickly and uses my momentum to roll us over on the bed so I’m pinned beneath him. I spread my thighs wide so that he can rest in between them. I thread my fingers into his hair and pull his lips down to mine. This time it’s me who is slipping my tongue into his mouth.

  I moan into his mouth as I wrap my legs around his waist. I can feel his hard ridge rubbing against me through the soft material of the sweatpants. He rubs against me and I can’t take it any longer. I start to tug at his clothes and Ryker figures out my intent and sits up to help me. He tugs his shirt off before he comes back over me and our lips meet once again. Him being shirtless isn’t enough though and soon I’m tugging at my shirt and his pants. Ryker pulls away from me.

  “Are you sure about this? There’s no rush, Auden. You’re my forever, we can wait.”

  “I want you.” I say, breathlessly.

  He looks at me again, as if to doublecheck that I’m sure. After he sees that I mean it and that he has the greenlight, he wastes no time in stripping us of both our clothes. Ryker kisses down my neck and between my breasts. I hold my breath as he kisses down my stomach. He spreads my legs wider as he settles his shoulders between them.

  I tense as I feel his warm breath on my sensitive flesh. Then I feel his tongue dip between my lips and my brain blanks. All I can focus on is what he’s doing between my legs. He kisses my pussy like he would my mouth until my knees are locked around his head and I’m close to screaming his name. Then he flicks his tongue across my clit and I do scream his name. I keep screaming it over and over again as I cum into his mouth. He continues licking me through the most amazing orgasm of my life.

  I catch my breath as he kisses back up my body and lines his cock up with my soaked flesh. His eyes meet mine and he leans down to kiss me as he slowly pushes into me. I tense as he breaks my hymen and he pushes all the way in to the root before he holds himself still, allowing me to adjust to his size.

  After a minute, I start to relax enough for him to move and he kisses me again before he slides out. He pushes into me again and this time there’s no pain. Just pleasure. I moan as he continues this tempo and he leans down and takes my nipple into his mouth. I moan louder as he teases my nipple with his tongue and continues to fuck me.

  He changes his angle and starts to slide across my clit with every stroke. Between that and him playing with my nipples, it doesn’t take long before I’m on the brink of another orgasm. I wrap my legs around his waist and arch my back, pushing my tits further into his mouth. Two strokes later and I’m falling over the edge.

  Ryker’s pace falters as I cum all over his cock and soon he’s following me over. He collapses down on me but quickly rolls us over so that I’m sprawled out on top of him and he doesn’t crush me. We catch our breathes for a minute before I lift my head and smile down at him.

  “Can we do that again?” I ask

  Ryker laughs as he rolls me on my back again.

  “God, I love you.” He says as he starts to move in me again.

  Chapter Nine


  Two Months Later…

  The last two months have been heaven. During the week I pick Auden up and drive her to school where we spend our homeroom, lunch, and last two periods together. Then I drive her back to my house where we hang out and work on homework and cook dinner together. I’ve learned so much about cooking from her over the last two months. I love watching her move around the kitchen or when she shows me how to do something. Every time she makes something new, she gets the cutest look on her face to see if I like it or not. I love watching her face as she waits for me to try a bite and tell her what I think. I don’t want to tell her, but I would eat anything she set before me, even if it was awful. Luckily, everything she has made so far is delicious.

  I drive her back home after dinner during the week but on Friday and Saturday she spends the night at my house. Most nights we make love but other nights we just cuddle together. I love holding her in my arms all night and I can’t wait to do it for the rest of our lives.

  It’s a normal Wednesday and I’m sitting outside Auden’s house, waiting to pick her up. I still haven’t met her mom or Todd but since neither seems to be important to Auden, or really even a part of her life, it’s ok with me. I don’t want to spend time with anyone but Auden.

  She’s running late today which is unlike her. She’s always so punctual. I’m starting to get worried and wonder if I should go inside and get her. Finally, the door opens and Auden runs out. She’s in the car before I can get out and this is the first time that I haven’t opened the door for her. She throws herself into the car and wraps her arms around me instantly, burying her face in my neck.

  “What’s wrong, Auden? What’s happened?” I ask the top of her head since she’s wrapped around me still.

  “They broke up.” She says into my shoulder.


  “My mom and Todd.” She says, finally pulling back to look at me. Tears are streaming down her face still as she reaches up to brush some away.

  I’m a little confused as to why she is so upset over their relationship ending since she doesn’t really like either of them that much. She must see the look on my face because she finally explains.

  “We’re moving, Ryker.”

  Just like that the bottom falls out of my perfect life and I understand why she’s so upset. Move? Auden can’t move. She can’t leave me. We’re supposed to be together. She’s my future. I need to fix this. She can’t leave.

  “You don’t have to leave.” I tell her, panicked at just the thought.

  “Where will I live? I’m still in high school! I can’t get a job. How will I support myself?”

  I can tell she’s starting to panic and I’m searching my brain for solutions.

  “Move in with me.” I blurt. As soon as the words are out though, I realize how perfect that would be. She practically lives with me already and it’s not like I don’t have the room or the money.

  “Move in with you?” She asks.

  “Yeah. It will be perfect. You already spend most of your time there already. I love you, Auden. You’re it for me and I hope I’m it for you too. We’re both eighteen and can do as we please. So yeah, move in with me.”

  She just stares at me for a moment. I need her to agree to this.

  “Please.” I add, hoping that it will sway her to say yes.

  After the longest pause, in which I think she might turn me down and break my heart, she finally says, “Ok.” She still looks a little dazed but she’s agreed. She’ll come around and warm up to the idea soon enough. I’ll make sure of it.

  I drive us to school and we ride in silence as she slowly adjusts to her changing future. I’m already making plans in my head to hire movers for her stuff and to get her settled into my house tonight. I’ll be able to fall asleep and wake up with her every day. We pull into the parking lot of school and I turn to her before she can get out of the car.

  “What is it, Auden? Do you not want to move in with me? Do you want to stay with your mom? What can I do, baby?”

  “Do you think it’s too soon? What if you change your mind? What will I do then?” She asks.

  “Oh Auden, I love you. I’m never going to change my mind. I’ve told you before but you’re it for me. I know we haven’t known each other that long, but I love you Auden and I want to spend the rest of my life wi
th you. Nothing will change that.”

  She seems to relax at my words.

  “I love you too, Ryker.”

  She leans over the center counsel and presses a sweet kiss to my lips.

  “Ok. Let’s move in together.” She says when she pulls away.

  I smile back at her and kiss her once more before getting out to get her door for her. This is the start of our lives together and I can’t wait for it to start.

  Chapter Ten


  After school Ryker and I walk out to his car and he helps me in before we drive over to Todd’s house. When we pull into the driveway, I notice that my mom’s car is gone from the driveway. I don’t think much of it as Ryker pulls up outside of the front door. He puts his car in park and is about to shut it off when I stop him.

  “I only have the two bags. Just let me run in and grab them.”

  He looks like he’s going to stop me and argue but I kiss him quickly before I throw open the car door and run up the front steps. I step inside and notice that it’s deathly quiet in here. I run up the stairs and into my bedroom before I start to grab my dirty clothes out of my hamper and shove them into my suitcases with the rest of my clothes. I go into the bathroom next to grab my toiletries. I shove them into my suitcases and zip them up before rolling them out.

  As I pass my dresser, I notice a piece of paper laying there. I pause on my way out the door to see what it is. I drop my bags and pick up the paper to see it’s a note from my mom.



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