Beyond Beautiful (Love in Providence Book 2)

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Beyond Beautiful (Love in Providence Book 2) Page 20

by Heather MacKinnon

  “So, that Nick guy is going to be at the show tonight?”

  I looked up and frowned. “Um. Yeah, I guess.”

  Remy nodded once as he packed up the empty cartons and put them back in the bag they came in.

  “Why?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  “I’m just glad I’ll be here tonight. I wanna keep an eye on him.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  He shrugged. “I’m gonna do it anyway.”

  I huffed out a breath and placed a hand on my hip. “Why? I told you I could handle it.”

  He looked up, his eyes raking over my body before meeting my gaze. I’d been trying to portray a look of control, but one glance from Remy and I felt vulnerable instead. Like he could see right through me, despite my façade.

  “Why? Because he was manhandling you when I walked in here.”

  “I told you I had it under control.”

  “Well, it looked like he was seconds away from being in control of you and I’m not okay with that.”

  “It’s really none of your business, Remy,” I said, my hackles rising at his tone. I took care of myself. I’d been doing it since I was ten years old and I was still doing it to this day. I didn’t need anyone else to do it for me.

  “It is my damn business, Belle,” he said, crumpling the bag of trash in his hands.

  “How is it your business what goes on between me and one of my employees?”

  “Your employees are your business, but when a guy twice your size has his hands on you, then it becomes my business.”

  “Who does or doesn’t have their hands on me has nothing to do with you!”

  He clenched his jaw and shook his head. “You’re wrong. It has everything to do with me.”

  “Why the hell is that?!”

  He opened his mouth, but snapped it closed before he could say anything. His gaze traveled around my face before he looked away. “It’s my business because I care about you, Belle. If something happened to you that I could have prevented, it would kill me.”

  My heart pounded at his sincere words, taking the wind right out of my sails. But I wasn’t giving up that easily. I couldn’t. “I’m a big girl, Remy. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  One corner of his lips curled into a small grin. “And I’m a bigger boy. I’ll worry about you if I want to.”

  I sighed heavily. “You’re being impossible.”

  “And you’re being stubborn.”

  “I’m being stubborn because I want to handle this on my own?!”

  “No, you’re being stubborn because you refuse to accept help from anyone else. I know you think you’re the only one you can trust, but you’re wrong. You can trust me. I would never hurt you or let you down in any way. Maybe one day you’ll see that.”

  His words hit me like a wrecking ball.

  He was right, wasn’t he? I didn’t accept help from anyone. Didn’t really trust anyone except for Bailey but I kept a lot of shit from her too. Was there a single person in my life I’d let in completely? It seemed like the man with the metaphorical battering ram in front of me was determined to be the first.

  But I couldn’t let that happen, right?

  I shook my head and opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off.

  “Listen, Belle, you’re my friend and I care about you. I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you if I can help it. When I see a guy like Nick putting his hands on you, I’m going to step in. That’s just the way it is. I can’t turn that shit off and I don’t want to. Your safety is my business whether you like it or not, so deal with it.”

  My jaw fell open at his words, but he ignored me as he gathered his things and prepared to leave. I wasn’t used to losing arguments, but I think I just had.

  Remy stepped up close, bringing with him the smell of his cologne that haunted me, even when he wasn’t around.

  “I’ll see you when I come back later. Good luck with everything,” he said, but he wasn’t finished. I thought he’d leave after that, but he shocked the hell out of me by leaning even closer and kissing the side of my head. It was short and brief, but it made my heart pound in a way that couldn’t be healthy.

  I had no chance to respond before he was gone, taking his complicated actions and his intoxicating presence with him. If I’d thought I was confused about my relationship with Remy before, it was nothing compared to right now. I knew I needed to figure that whole situation out, but it’d have to wait. I had the most important show of my career starting in just hours and I couldn’t afford for it to be anything less than spectacular.

  I’d just have to shove thoughts of Remy MacAlister in a drawer until I had the time to inspect them. But I had a feeling I wouldn’t like what I saw when I finally did.

  Chapter 23


  “Where are you goin’ dressed so spiffy?”

  I turned with a frown to look at my grandfather. “I told you. Belle’s gallery is having a big opening tonight.”

  Gramps’ brown eyes cleared as he nodded. “Ah, that’s right. You’re supportin’ her. That’s good, Son. Real good.”

  I shrugged and turned back to the mirror over the mantle in his living room. Looking at my reflection, I guessed I was dressed a little nicer than usual and I hoped it wasn’t too much. I’d traded in my typical slacks and Oxford for a navy-blue suit with a silver tie. I had no idea if that was appropriate attire for an occasion like this, but I figured I’d rather be slightly overdressed than underdressed.

  I could have asked Belle for advice earlier, but I’d forgotten, which wasn’t a rare occurrence when I was around her. She had this way of getting under my skin and taking up all the energy in the room so all I could focus on was her. I wasn’t complaining, of course. There were worse things that could occupy my mind than a gorgeous woman like Belle.

  But that wasn’t all that had been on my mind this afternoon.

  When I’d walked in and seen that beefy guy with his hand on Belle, I’d almost lost my cool. It had taken all my willpower to hold my ground and not smash his smug face in. And that really wasn’t like me. I was a pacifist. Never been in a fight in my life but I’d been more than willing to throw down with no-boundaries-Nick today. It was clear Belle was changing me in more ways than one.

  I shook my head and turned to find Gramps’ eyes still on me, a small twinkle in them. “Are you all set for the night? Your nurse should be by early tomorrow and I’ll be over in the afternoon with some groceries.”

  He waved a hand. “Of course I’m all right. You baby me too much.”

  “I just want to make sure you’re taken care of.”

  “I’m fine, Remy. You know, you’re always so busy taking care of someone else, when do you have time to take care of yourself?”

  I blew out a deep breath and shrugged. “I don’t need much, Gramps.”

  He pursed his lips and eyed me. “You can tell yourself that, Son.”

  I shook my head again. “If you’re good, I’m gonna head out.”

  “Go on and get. I’ll be fine.”

  I gave him a small wave and turned to leave when he called out to me again.

  “Is Belle comin’ with you tomorrow?”

  I looked over my shoulder and couldn’t help but smile at the wistful look on his face. It had only taken her a few hours, but she’d already gotten to him like she’d gotten to me weeks ago. That girl was like a damn magnet for MacAlister men it seemed.

  “I don’t know, Gramps. I haven’t asked her yet.”

  “Well, what the hell are you waitin’ for?”

  I chuckled and shook my head. “Okay, okay. I’ll ask her tonight. Happy?”

  He settled back in his recliner and picked up the remote. “I’ll be happy when she walks in here with you.”

  I laughed again and turned to leave. “Have a good night, Gramps,” I called over my shoulder.

  I left his house and hopped on the highway, headed back toward Providence. My fingers tapped out a beat o
n the steering wheel while I tried to figure out why my heart was racing. It took me a few minutes to realize I was actually nervous.

  Which was ridiculous.

  I spent every afternoon and evening with her. Why was tonight any different?

  I willed those thoughts away as I navigated the city traffic on my way to her gallery. When I pulled up to the curb, there was a valet there to greet me and I was thankful to see him. Parking in Providence was a bitch, and this was a nice touch.

  I handed over my keys and headed toward the softly illuminated gallery ahead of me. As soon as I stepped through the front door, soft music met my ears, but it was mostly drowned out by the dozens of conversations going on around me. There had to be almost fifty people in here already and my chest swelled with pride for Belle.

  “Welcome to Modern Art Providence,” a voice said. I turned to find Belle’s employee standing there with a pamphlet held out to me. “This goes over the pieces we have on display for this evening. Feel free to enjoy a beverage and some hors d’oeuvres while you’re browsing.”

  I took the glossy paper and shot her a small smile before turning away.

  “Hey, you’re Remy, right?”

  I turned back around with a frown. “Um. Yes?”

  She held out a hand, the smile wide on her face. “I’m Sonia, Belle’s assistant.”

  I shook her hand, forcing my lips into a polite smile. I wasn’t interested in chit chatting with this woman. All I wanted to do was find Belle. My feet itched to keep walking and my eyes wandered while Sonia jabbered on.

  “I see you around here, but we’ve never been properly introduced. Belle talks about you all the time.”

  Now that got my attention.

  I turned back to Sonia. “She does?”

  She nodded. “Of course. I thought you were her boyfriend at first, but she tells me that’s not the case.”

  I pressed my lips together and shook my head. “No. It’s not.”

  She tsked. “That’s a shame.” Someone stepped through the door behind me and she straightened her spine. “I’ll come find you later once everyone’s arrived.”

  My brow furrowed at that statement, but I just shrugged. “Okay.”

  I could feel her eyes on my back as I walked away, but I tried to ignore it. I was here to see Belle, and nothing was going to get in my way.

  As I wove in and out of the champagne-drinking guests and the servers dressed all in black, I couldn’t help but notice how great the gallery looked. It had been transformed even from just a few hours ago when I was here last.

  The main lights were dim, but each painting and sculpture was lit up brightly for the guests to see. There was a clear flow to the pieces, almost giving the gallery the feeling of a performance instead of just a room full of art. It was amazing, and my pride swelled for Belle and everything she’d accomplished.

  I accepted a champagne flute from a passing waiter while my eyes continued to scan the space for the only person that mattered to me here. A flash of golden-brown hair, or tan skin, maybe even her throaty laugh would be all I’d need to find her. Unfortunately, there were so many people, it was making it difficult to find just one.

  Finally, I heard her voice, and like a homing beacon, my eyes locked onto Belle with ease. For a split second, my heart stopped beating as I took her in. I didn’t think I’d ever seen her look more beautiful.

  She was wearing a bright red dress that exposed her smooth shoulders and ended just above her knees. Her hair was in soft waves that flowed down her back, and from here, I could see her lips were painted the same color as her dress. She was stunning.

  I wove through the patrons, my sights set on Belle alone. As I got closer, it was almost like she felt me coming because she turned just as I stepped up behind her.

  “Remy! You made it!” Joy was radiating from her, and for a second, I let myself believe it was because of me. But only for a second.

  On instinct, I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, her sweet perfume filling my senses as I did. When I pulled away, her face was tinted pink with a light blush, but her lips were still curled into a smile.

  “I wouldn’t have missed it,” I said close to her ear so I could be heard over the crowd. I pulled away for a moment to get another look at her before leaning in again. “Belle, you look breathtaking.”

  Her cheeks darkened further, and she looked away for a second before meeting my eyes again. “Thanks, Rem. You clean up nice, too.” Her eyes traveled down the length of my body before meeting my gaze and my chest inflated. That look she had on her face was because of me.

  I took a step closer and didn’t miss the soft gasp that fell from her red lips. “This place looks amazing. You did such a great job.”

  She peered up at me from behind dark lashes and I realized we hadn’t been so close since that night we spent together. The crowd and the noise drifted away leaving just the two of us standing there. Her amber eyes drew me in as she bit her plump lower lip.

  Finally, she shook her head and glanced around us. “Tonight has been great. I can’t believe the turnout.”

  “I can.”

  Her eyes darted to mine again, and I held them this time, hoping I could convey everything I couldn’t say.

  Like she was amazing. Like she could do anything. Like I’d never met a woman like her in my life.

  Like I was in so far deep I didn’t know how I’d ever find the surface again.

  “Ms. Garcia?”

  We turned at the same time to an older woman with short styled white hair and a tentative smile on her face. “Sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Russo had a question about something.”

  “Of course. I’ll be right with you,” Belle said. When she looked back up at me, it was clear the moment had passed, and I took a second to mourn. It wasn’t often you got beneath the surface with Belle and I savored every second I did. “Sorry. I’ve got to go schmooze.”

  I took a step back and offered her an easy smile. “Of course you do. You’re the lady of the hour. I’ll catch you later.”

  She reached out to squeeze my forearm. “Thanks, Remy. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  With that, she turned and disappeared into the swelling crowd. I waited there a moment until the feel of her hand on me dissipated. With one last swallow, I finished my champagne and placed it on a passing waiter’s tray.

  I spent the next hour perusing the art on display and even putting in some bids on a few items that caught my eye. Belle had been right. Her gallery was anything but stuffy. It was new age and modern, but also classy and sophisticated. All words I could have used to describe her as well.

  I caught sight of Belle a few more times, but there was always someone vying for her attention, so I just watched from the sidelines. It was easy to see why everyone wanted a piece of her.

  There was something extra about her, this aura of happiness and excitement that was infectious, even from the other side of the room. It drew me in over and over again until I could barely take my eyes off her.

  “I see you found the bar,” a voice said next to me.

  I looked down to see Belle’s assistant, Sonia, with a champagne flute in her hand. I tipped my glass toward her and nodded. “Yeah. I’m nursing this though.”

  She leaned over my tumbler and took a sniff. “Ah, scotch man?”


  She nodded appreciatively before taking a dainty sip of her drink. “How’d you like the exhibits?”

  I looked back toward the open room. “They’re great. I’m hoping to take one or two home.”

  “Belle will be happy to hear that.”

  Even just the sound of her name made me smile.

  “So, it seems like you showed up alone tonight, huh?”

  I turned to look at her again, finding her standing closer than before. “Yeah, I’m by myself.”

  She took another step toward me. “That’s a shame. No special man in your life right now?”

  I jerked backward. “Excuse

  “Maybe it’s none of my business, but it’s hard to believe a guy as good-looking as you is single.”

  “Well, believe it.” I shook my head and took another sip of my drink. “And who told you I was gay?”

  She looked up at me and shrugged. “Belle did. Was that supposed to be a secret?”

  I chuckled once humorlessly. “Yeah. Big secret.”

  Unbelievable. Why would she tell her employee I was gay? In what scenario would something like that even come up between them?

  Sonia reached out and ran a finger down my arm. “Well, I’ve had a question I’ve been meaning to ask you but there hasn’t really been a good time until tonight.”

  I raised a brow at her. “Okay?”

  She glanced up at me before concentrating on her finger that was making patterns on my suit jacket. “I was just wondering how gay you are.”

  “How gay I am?” I deadpanned.

  What the hell did that even mean?

  She shrugged. “Yeah. I mean, are you exclusively into men or do you make an exception once in a while?” She glanced up again, her bottom lip caught between her teeth in a look I was sure she meant to be seductive.

  It did nothing for me.

  “I’m not really sure how to answer that,” I told her honestly. Because really, what the fuck was happening?

  She shrugged and leaned a little closer. Pulling a card out of the top of her dress, she slipped it into my hand, her fingers lingering on my skin longer than necessary. “Well, if you’re ever looking for some female company, you know where to find me. I wouldn’t even mind sharing.”

  I just barely held back a laugh as she tipped her head back and finished the contents of her glass.

  “I’ve got to go mingle, but don’t forget what I said.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure I won’t.”

  She winked before disappearing into the crowd.

  I stood there for a few minutes, my mind racing. It was trying to pull together all the puzzle pieces and make sense out of what just happened. Finally, I finished my own glass and set out to find Belle. She was the only one who’d be able to straighten this out, and she definitely had some explaining to do.


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