Hyland's Consort

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Hyland's Consort Page 12

by Felicity Brandon

  “Okay.” He raised his palms in a conciliatory manner. “I’ll double down our efforts and get you an address by the end of today.”

  He sensed it, too. I knew him well enough to recognize that. Even though Dalton wasn’t culpable, he felt guilty about the way things had played out.


  Blowing out another breath, my gaze flitted from him back to Connor, agitation swelling. Why were we just sitting here talking? Anything could be happening while we ruminated on the problem. Sean might have married her by now, might have taken her back to The Ritz and screwed her. My toes curled inside the Italian leather on my feet, the mental image torturing me. If he hurt one fucking hair on her head, I would slice the vermin up so small, the worms wouldn’t even have to chew. I would destroy him.

  “Anything else?” Dalton sounded hopeful, the tone grating. How dare he be so optimistic? How dare he pretend things were okay? No doubt he had plans for the afternoon, and Delilah was waiting on his return...

  “Why?” I couldn’t contain the sarcastic streak his query stirred. “Do you have somewhere else to be?”

  “Saul.” Once more, a pained expression lit his face. “I didn’t mean it like that, and you know it.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry.” It wasn’t like me to be so petulant, and Hilary wasn’t exactly the first woman I’d lost. I had to get a grip on these feelings, had to do something... “Go if you need to, Dalton. Just let me know when you figure out where that son-of-a-bitch is taking her.”

  “I will.” He rose, straightening his suit. “We’ll figure this out, Saul.” He flashed those big blue eyes at me. “You know it upsets me to see you this way.”

  “I know.” I wanted to go to him, to embrace him and tell him everything was cool. Dalton was like a brother to me, they both were, but I couldn’t make my feet move, couldn’t get the words out. I wanted to forgive him, work through these toxic emotions, and in time, I would, but right now, things were too raw. “Thanks.”

  Turning to his brother, he shoved his fists into his jacket pockets. “Connor, are you coming?”

  “In a minute.” Connor flashed him a smile. “I’ll meet you at Diablo.”

  “Okay.” Dalton’s gaze slid from Connor to me, and it was obvious he had an opinion about leaving the two of us to talk, though wisely, he kept it to himself. “See you both soon.”

  I watched as he closed the door behind him, silence filling the air as Connor waited in front of me.

  “Something you want to say?” I asked, arching a brow at the younger man.

  I’d always liked both Reilly men, but over the years, Connor had been more like a son to me, especially in the wake of his own parents’ death. He was as suave and good-looking as his brother, but there was always something edgier, something reckless. I’d had to pick him up from numerous falls since he’d gone his own way, patch up many mistakes, from breaking him out of jail to covering up murder. Connor was dangerous, and sometimes, that wild streak was useful. Sometimes, it was just what life needed.

  “Yes.” He leaned closer, his arms pressed on the huge desk. “I want to help you, Saul, wanna be useful in a way I know Dalton can’t.”

  “Can’t or won’t?” My tone was sardonic.

  “I’m not here to discuss Dalton.” His retort shut down my cynicism, reminding me of the man who sat in front of me—a man who took chances, a man anyone considering a foolhardy plan would want by their side.

  “Okay.” I leaned back in my chair. “Go on.”

  “I know what’s on your mind.” His green eyes burned into me. “I know that look on your face. I’ve seen it before.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I sighed, swirling the whiskey in my glass. It was really too early to be indulging in hard liquor, but these days, I didn’t give a shit. “Where have you seen it?”

  “In the mirror.” Connor’s tone was hard and even.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I know what’s on your mind.” Connor’s stare drilled into me. “What keeps you awake at night, and I know what you want to do once you leave this room.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Something about his intensity was making me uncomfortable, and reflexively, I shifted in my seat.

  “Don’t give me that bullshit. It’s written all over your face, Saul. I could read it when you spoke to Dalton.”

  Christ, was I truly so easy to decipher? Lifting the glass to my lips, my brow furrowed as I regarded Connor.

  “All I’m saying is... I understand.” Passion seared his tone as he went on. “I know where you’re coming from, and I’m prepared to help.”

  The alcohol burned as it passed down my throat.

  “I also understand Dalton isn’t.” He drew in a deep breath. “But that’s okay, too. I know some guys who are prepared to support what we’re going to do.”

  “What we’re going to do?” I repeated slowly, trying to make sense of it.

  “That’s right.” An errant smile stretched across Connor’s face. “Dalton might be afraid of a little peril, but I’m not, and I know exactly how we can do it.”

  “How we can do what?” I pushed him for clarification, the tension rising in me in waves.

  “What?” Connor laughed, shaking his head as if I was an idiot. “Well, that’s the easy part, Saul. How we’re going to get your woman back. Today.”

  Chapter Twenty


  THIS WAS MY MOMENT. For years, I’d played in the sun, dallying in work, women, and fine wine, while committing to none of them. It had taken Zander’s slaying and coming back to this gray cesspit for me to finally find my place—to find Hilary, the woman now kneeling by my side. Casting an eye over her, pride ballooned in my chest. She was my wife, which meant she’d always be more than those cheap floozies.

  Tugging the leash, I reminded her why she was on her hands and knees—to follow—and pacing away, I urged her forward. This was the metaphor for our marriage. I would lead, and she would follow, though whether it would ever be as spectacular as this again remained to be seen.

  Glancing down at her, crawling by my feet, I beamed. Hilary was so fucking delectable with her mouth gagged with the fetching white ball and her wonderful assets hanging in front of her. Dropping back, I took a moment to appreciate the rear view as well, her wiggling hips presenting her shaven pussy to me and the rest of the congregation. Worship had never looked so good.

  “Congratulations, Sean!” Arthur Noble, one of Zander’s old allies, stepped out of a nearby pew, stretching his hand toward me.

  Like most of the guests, he had been invited for his status and influence. Every man in the church was responsible for some aspect of the Hyland brand, and I’d gathered them here today to send a message—Zander might be dead, but the Hyland empire was not. I was back. I ran the show.

  “Gotta say, I never thought I’d see the day you settled down, but believe me, I understand the appeal.” His gaze fell to Hilary, hungry eyes assessing her firm breasts until a spike of envy rose in me.

  “Yeah, well, you know what they say, Arthur?” I reached for his palm with my free hand, shaking it firmly. “Once you meet the right woman, it’s over.”

  He grinned. “Yes indeed.”

  “You’re welcome to stay and celebrate with us.” Looking up, I caught the eyes of the many well-wishers who’d convened to ogle my bride. “That counts for you all. The Ritz has a suite waiting for us.”

  “Too kind.” Joud Cohen stepped forward from the throng, lips curling. “But then, if there’s one thing you Hylands are good at, it’s revelry.” His smile broadened, revealing a line of crooked teeth.

  “That and business, eh?” I met his outstretched hand.

  “Right,” Joud agreed. “Speaking of which, will you be honoring your late uncle’s contracts?”

  “Now is not the time, my friend.” I gestured to my wife on her hands and knees. “I just married the woman of my dreams. We’re here to honor that union, not contracts.”
  “Forgive me.” Lifting his palms in the air, Joud nodded. “I totally understand. We shall talk business another day.”

  With a nod, I waited for the throng to part, creating a walkway for us, and head held high, I led Hilary out of the church.


  MY HEAD THROBBED WITH the ignominy, the knowledge that every pair of eyes in the place was trained on us, and no doubt, enjoying the sight of my utter debasement, reinforced by the reality, there was little I could do to prevent my misery. Pressing my palms into the hard church floor, my head fell forward with the weight of my shame. I supposed I could have jumped to my feet and gotten into a brawl with Sean to wrangle the leash from his grasp or unclip the thing from my neck, but the idea of drawing yet more attention to myself was paralyzing. Better just get this over and done with. Crawl as fast as you can and get the fuck out of here. Of course, I should have known better. Sean insisted on pausing to make small talk with those assembled, and inevitability, they all seemed to be vile, leering men. Pulling in a heaving breath, I denied the tears burning in my eyes, just as I ignored the saliva gathering at the corners of the gag.

  This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be happening.

  After what seemed like an age, the entrance to the church loomed, and while the prospect of crawling across gravel offered little in the way of a reprieve, it did at least signify the end of this latest ordeal.

  “On your knees.”

  My muscles tensed at Sean’s command, and gingerly, I lifted my head as I rose to a kneeling position.

  “You’ve done well.”

  I couldn’t even turn his way to acknowledge the alleged praise, my gaze taking in the waiting limo and the light outside.

  “Time to carry you the rest of the way.”

  He moved like lightning, reaching for me in a heartbeat and lifting me from the ground into his arms. Much though I didn’t want to welcome the embrace of the man who’d put me through this torment, I flung my arms around him. I loved him. I hated him. Despised what he’d helped me become but wanted him more than ever. None of it made any bloody sense—it never had.

  “Come on.”

  Burying my face in his shoulder, I was aware of the change in temperature as he negotiated the steps and carried me to the car.

  “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Hyland.”

  I recognized Cole’s voice but still couldn’t bring myself to react to it. He represented the outside world, a place I had no desire to live in until the fragments of this searing shame slipped away.

  “Thank you, Cole.” Sean, on the other hand, sounded genuinely happy. “Take us to The Ritz.”

  Lowering me into the car, I was conscious of the way he slid onto the leather, pulling me closer to his body when the door slammed shut.

  “We did it,” he whispered into my hair, stroking the side of my face as he arranged me on his lap. “Congratulations, Hilary Hyland.”

  Hilary Hyland. I shivered, shifting to straddle him. Was that my name now? Had I agreed to that?

  His hand moved to my face, catching the falling tears, then lowered to tug the gag from my lips.

  “No more tears now.” The order was gentle but firm. “Today’s a happy day.”

  I met his gaze, my head still heavy. “I don’t know what to say, Sir.”

  What the hell did he want me to say? Against my every instinct, he’d persuaded me to go through with this madness, and now it was done. I was his fucking wife.

  “Say you’re looking forward to tonight.” His gaze widened as numerous salacious thoughts likely swirled in his head. “To me putting you out of your misery.”

  No matter how much I wanted to protest the point, he was right. I yearned for him to extinguish the blaze burning inside me, flames he had lit and stoked every day of my incarceration. He was the door I just couldn’t close, the yearning with no apparent end.

  “Oh God.” I crumpled, despite his instruction, only vaguely aware of the vehicle moving as I pressed my face into his suit jacket.

  “Hilary.” He laughed gently, burying his fingers in my hair and tugging my face away from his shoulder. “It’s okay. It’s done.”

  Gasping for air, I met his gaze with teary eyes.

  “You really mean it, Sir?” I wanted to believe him, to have faith in his word, but after everything, I was having a problem trusting anything he said.

  “Yes, I mean it,” he assured me. “Later, after we’ve celebrated, I’m going to detonate you, beautiful. Send you higher than you’ve ever known.”

  That sounded so good. I needed it so much, and I deserved it. I’d put up with all his bullshit, been denied and tormented for so long.

  “And afterward?”

  “Afterward, we honeymoon.” His voice was like honey, smooth and sweet as it floated past my ears. “You get to finesse your submission, and I get to indulge my new wife.”

  “That sounds nice.” I hated myself for admitting it, but fuck, if I had to spend the rest of my life agonizing over not only the demands Sean made but the way I reacted to them, let there be some indulgence as well. It may be selfish, but I didn’t care.

  “It will be.” Grabbing my arse with one hand, he twirled my hair with the fingers of the other, cradling the back of my head. “I have so much to offer you, Hilary Hyland.”

  My breath caught at the sound of my new name, the resonance not nearly as bad as I recalled.

  “I know I expect a lot, and I’m not apologizing for anything, but if you only worship me, I can give you the world in return.”

  He made it all sound so simple as if I was giving up a week in the Canary Islands, but as ever, whether it was the humiliation, dehydration, or the constant thrum of my arousal, I melted, succumbing to his will. That’s how it had been right from the start. I’d fucking loathed him, but Sean had a way of melding with me, smiling until I surrendered, then laughing as the first wave of defeat consumed me.

  “I’ve got the empire, baby.” He smiled, displaying pretty white teeth that would have made any dentist proud. “You’ve got the heart. Just imagine what we can create together.”

  “Speaking of which, Sir.” I swallowed, suddenly recalling the concern which had flitted into my mind during the brief moments of lucidity.

  “Yes?” His brow rose at my change of tack.

  “When we fuck, I’ll need some sort of contraception.” It should have been hideous to discuss such personal matters with him, but after everything he’d put me through, the embarrassment barely registered, and anyway, my choice or not, he was my husband now.

  “Is that what you’re worried about?” His hand relaxed, ruffling my hair as if I was the cutest, most naïve thing he’d ever laid eyes on.

  “Yes, but...” My brow creased. Couldn’t he see this was important? The last thing I needed was a fucking pregnancy to manage in this shit show. “It’s pretty significant, Sir.”

  “It’s taken care of, gorgeous.” Reaching forward, he pressed a chaste kiss to my forehead.

  “What?” Leaning back, I caught his eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, it’s been dealt with.” He smiled. “I guess you don’t remember?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “When was it dealt with?”

  “During the first few days after the basement, I had Johnson give you the contraceptive shot.” His smile widened. “He gave me the rundown on its efficacy, and based on the fact you haven’t bled since I’ve had you, you should be protected by now.”

  “W-Wait, who is Johnson?” My head was about to burst with confusion.

  Sean arched an eyebrow at me, and God help me, I reacted just the way he wanted, stuttering as I tried to respond as soon as I could.


  “He’s my doctor.” Once again, he smirked, his expression sympathetic. “He’s the one who sedated you that first time on the street.”

  I could vaguely recall the man he spoke about, an involuntary shudder passing through me at the memory. “He gave me another inje
ction?” It was starting to make sense, but still, I couldn’t believe it, couldn’t fathom how these men—men like Sean—could consistently violate my rights and take control of my body.

  “That’s right,” he soothed. “It should last a while, so no need to worry about little Hylands for a while.”

  My throat dried at his casual quip. Of course, I was glad to hear there wouldn’t be any unplanned pregnancies, but the news was a shock, nonetheless. “I don’t know what to say, Sir.”

  “A thank you will suffice.” He chuckled, drawing my face closer to his. “Nothing is going to get in the way of our first night as man and wife, Hilary.”

  I stared into his eyes, and despite the disbelief radiating through me, his hungry gaze stirred something, stoking the fire he’d already built. If this was to be my fate, then let him be right. Tonight, we would set the fucking world on fire.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  SHRUGGING MY VERSACE jacket from my shoulders, I wrapped it around her, helping her slip her tiny arms inside. For once, I was feeling generous, aware we were about to step foot inside one of the most glamorous hotels on the planet, and I was conscious of her modesty. That was laughable after I’d paraded her around St. Felix’s like my personal pet, but it mattered to her. Her expression relaxed as she snuggled inside its warmth.

  “Thank you, Sir.” Gratitude flashed in her eyes as Cole parked the car outside the entrance. “I appreciate it.”

  “Do up the front,” I reminded her just as Cole opened the door. “We don’t want every passerby on Piccadilly getting an eyeful, do we?”

  “No, Sir.” She blushed, the sweetest look lighting her face—part disbelief I should care and part agreement.

  “Out you get.” I nodded to the open door, noticing the smile Cole offered as he guided her to the path. I joined her a moment later, dispatching my driver with a simple nod.

  “Come on, Mrs. Hyland.” Slipping a possessive arm around her middle, I grasped her tighter to me as we cut a path to the double doors. The uniformed doorman acknowledged us as we slipped inside to the front desk.


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