Rutledge (Mayfair Model Series Book 3)

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Rutledge (Mayfair Model Series Book 3) Page 5

by Claire Castle

  I stared at her, then let out a sigh. “What, you aren’t going upstairs with the hottie who didn’t want me?”

  “I did consider it, but he’s not my kinda guy. So come on.” Juliette pushed my legs off of her and stood, then she grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

  I couldn’t say I was sad by this turn of events, but I was suspicious, no doubt about that. We always had a standing plan when we went out. We’d always split a hotel room, but if one of us got lucky, the other would head back home to our flat. Juliette had had her fair share of those nights.

  “My love life is in such shambles. Why?” I asked dramatically. We were back at the hotel room sitting cross-legged facing each other.

  “One,” Juliette said, “I think you’re using the term love loosely. And two, you’ve got me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I did like Dr. David, you know.”


  I cut her off. “Yes, I know what you are going to say. He was my longest relationship at two weeks, but it was good. It was. Anyway, I don’t have time for more, and who wants to be telling their man to ‘put down the toilet seat, dear’ and ‘don’t put your feet on the coffee table.’ Bor-rring.”

  “Okay,” she added, “but two nights of fucking in two weeks doesn’t count as two weeks with someone.”

  I leaned over and pushed my hand over her mouth. “Stop this or I’ll bring up all your one-night stands.”

  “Fine, fine.” She picked up the room service menu and stretched her legs over mine. “So, sweet potato fries to split, and what else? They have a brownie thing.”

  I stretched over and grabbed the menu rather brusquely as only friends can do, knowing it wouldn’t mean anything rude. “Yes, let’s get the brownie skillet and a vanilla milkshake. It says it has real scoops of ice cream.” I laughed then leaned back. “I could have been fucking.”

  “Yeah, you need to get laid,” she retorted.

  I crossed my arms and pouted. “Place the order yet?” I closed my eyes but could hear her talking to room service.

  She came back over to sit by me. “What about the guy that other night you claim you didn’t fuck?”

  “Do you have to be so crude?” I cleared my throat. “I told you the truth. When have I ever lied to you? Honestly, I still feel terrible for him. Horrible. I truly hope he’s okay now. It was the one time sex didn’t even cross my mind. No, that came out wrong. I mean, it wasn’t like that. It was just nice.” I didn’t let too much show, or at least I tried not to. She was my best friend after all. I couldn’t tell her I’d had a dream about him, a very vivid one, but also strange. It was like we were in some underwater cave and then we kissed. A long and languid kiss like I’d never experienced. I touched my lips.

  “Okay then, whatever you say,” she said sarcastically. There was a knock at the door and she went to get our midnight snacks. Then we laughed and watched a movie and ate far too much before going to bed.

  “Oliver, straighten your back leg.”

  I almost didn’t pay attention as I looked at the floor to ceiling mirror, focused on my footwork. No one had ever called me Oliver except Mrs. Kersey. She had to be about ninety, yet quite spritely and had worked at the school for at least seventy years I was sure.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I did as she requested, then after warming up, we all went to the middle of the large performance space to practice the group number. I loved this one. While we were all in shorts, leggings, tank tops, and t shirts today, when we performed, we would all sparkle and shine on the stage.

  Everyone clapped when we made it through one run of the dance number with very few mistakes.

  “Good. Good,” Mrs. Kersey called out. “Now please step forward Juliette and Oliver. Everyone else you can stretch, then sit down and gather round.”

  We stood to the front by the mirrors and I wouldn’t lie, I was a bit scared. What could she possibly want with us, I wondered. I stood up and took Juliette’s hand, and when I saw her face, I could see that she had no idea what was going on either. I gave her hand a squeeze as we went to the front.

  “These two are the best at this routine so far. Please take notice where they place their arms; watch everything closely. They stand out. They are embodying everything we want to see.” Then she pressed a remote that started the music above us and stepped to the side.

  Immediately, I was entranced by the melody and my body moved as if both were combined as its own entity. I loved this piece and got into the dance, feeling the music and making sure to stretch and flow as the crescendo reached its maximum.

  We finished the number and took a bow, and while Mrs. Kersey looked at me with folded arms, the rest of the dancers laughed. “Thank you. Thank you.”

  I sat on the floor of the large studio. It was later at night and most of the dancers had gone home. I took a drink of water while I looked over the notes for my routines, then closed the folder and tried to memorize each step. It was my own way of doing things.

  I opened my phone, tempted to either find someone to enjoy in my bedroom or to go home and eat takeaway with Juliette. As I was swiping, Juliette pranced into the room. “Come on, they’re locking up soon.”

  “And what, sweet friend, are your plans for tonight? I, uh, could order us delivery?”

  The smile that graced her face seemed awfully gleeful. “Ah, I’ll be out all night. So if you want to bring someone round, please do.” Before I knew what was happening, she hit my hand and managed to pop my phone up into her own. “No, no. What, please! He has a pet rat.”

  I tried to grab for the phone, but it wasn’t exactly a stellar effort. Maybe I should let her pick someone for me for once.

  “Here. Him.” She tapped someone and then gave me my phone and walked out. I grabbed all my stuff and hurried to follow. She left for her man and I continued home.

  I finished eating and waited for the door buzzer. Juliette was out and the supplies were ready. When it rang, I jumped up and opened the door. After the lacklustre time the other night, I thought these surroundings were better—my own territory, instead of a dark area in a club. He was tall and handsome with perfect white teeth. No wedding ring, that was good—not that it ever really meant anything. Anyone could remove one if they were that desperate.

  “Are you from around here?” I tried to make small talk, but it was awkward.

  “Just visiting from Scotland. On business.”

  “Enough of the talking,” I said, eyeing him up and down.

  “Uh, where do you want me?”

  I had made sure the lights were low earlier. “The bedroom’s this way.”

  I watched him strip off and rubbed my cock, preparing myself. Pushing myself into a willing body would never lose its appeal.

  Now it was the middle of the night and he was still in my bed. I hoped he wasn’t looking for a morning repeat, and I wasn’t making him pancakes that was for sure. Awkward morning-afters were terrible. I honestly thought everyone knew that the unspoken rule was to leave after penetration.

  Sighing, I got up and plodded to the bathroom. He felt good but he had to go. What should I do? I didn’t have Juliette as a buffer either. Oh, maybe I could leave, but to go where? Ridiculous! Leave my own flat. Even I had some standards.

  So I did as any mature adult would do and banged pots and pans in the kitchen until he woke up. Practically shoving him out, I followed after and went to the dance studio. Juliette is never picking for me again, I thought absently.

  After entering the studio, I went to my locker to get changed. The show was coming up and today we’d get our costumes fitted for each number. I stood patiently as they measured me for the shiny spandex pants and fitted shirts. I had to steer away from the thought of how close the tailor was to my groin in case I gave him a treat. I got a dirty look from said tailor when I burst out a giggle.

  I turned diligently and shifted to where I was told, lifting my arms as needed and bending to make sure I could stretch and move in the costume. Then I got changed
into the fitted shirt and shorts for my solo number. It would give the illusion of being naked but covered with jewels across the shoulders and near my waist.

  I was excited for this performance. I would have two solos, and for my dance career, it had pushed me like no other had. The choreographers were amazing and they even used a couple of my ideas for how to improve certain dance moves.

  Just then, Jules ran over and I blew kisses instead of trying to hug her since I couldn’t exactly move too easily.

  “Well, you do look amazing as always. So, I’m going to this party tonight. Do you want to come out with me? It’s Naomi’s friend’s birthday. I think you met her at my birthday, remember?”

  “Ah, no. But I have to tell you something. Something interesting.” And then I turned back to the tailor, acting extremely interested in what he had to say, making her wait.

  “Oliverrrr, you can’t do that to me!”

  I started to speak.

  “And yes, I’m full naming you. Don’t make me add your middle name too.”

  I let out a sigh. “Dammit.” I looked down at the tailor. “Eric, a moment please.”

  Then I followed Juliette down a long hallway to an unused office. She was giggling and shook me. “Tell me.”

  “Okay, fine. The guy you picked for me”—crossing my arms, I rolled my eyes—“well, he stayed until this morning. Awkward. Super awkward. Who does that?”

  “Sorry.” She shrugged her shoulders. “How could I have known.”

  “You aren’t picking for me again.”

  “Need I remind you of your choice for me—choices actually?” she questioned.

  “That was years ago. I better get back to Eric.” Letting out a sigh of relief, I raced back to the costume area.



  Jamieson had managed to get Jasper Abbott away from the crowd somehow. Oh, how I wouldn’t give anything to have his confidence and smooth way with people. That would have to wait for now.

  “My friend here, Rutledge …” He pointed to me and then looked back with his eyebrows raised, thinking maybe that he wouldn’t have to do much else since we’d met before.

  This person in front of me did not act like the night he’d taken care of me. Instead, he scanned the room, the crowds, looking for someone or something else. For what, I wasn’t sure. Nevertheless, Jamieson had come through for me, so I could do this.

  “Uh, Mister …” Shit, I thought in a panic, what was his last name. He must have heard the desperation in my voice.

  “Yes, son.”

  What the fuck kind of greeting was that? He couldn’t be more than a few years older than me. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes.

  “Uh, I wanted to say thank you. You helped me. Saved me the other night.” Shit, maybe he didn’t remember and this was a pointless task. I was feeling like more of an idiot with every minute that passed.

  “What?” He pulled me to the side and put a hand up as if to tell someone to stay back. I wasn’t sure exactly who, but obviously people did what he said. His mouth got very close to my ear. “I don’t know who you are or what you want, but don’t start spreading stories. How much? How much to keep quiet.”

  I glanced up at him, bewildered. “I don’t want any money.”

  At least that made him release his grip on me. I tried to back away. “I think there’s been some miscommunication. I’m really sorry. I don’t want anything. I just wanted to say thank you. That’s all. But, uh—”

  Then Carter was there. “Hey, man, give him some space.” He pushed in, not violently, between myself and the man. “Look, we have a table in the VIP area. I’m Carter Hamilton.” That was greeted with a blank stare.

  “Please, just come and sit with us and let my friend talk to you.”

  I wasn’t sure what he saw or heard in Carter’s speech, but he followed us back to our table. I just wanted to go home, and it seemed like we’d been here for hours but it had only been forty-five minutes. I let out a sigh as Carter rubbed my back.

  “Okay, Jasper, my friend Rutledge here—” He looked at me, giving me an over-to-you-now look.

  So I focused and pretended I was on camera for the interview clip they made us do between takes for the reality TV show. “The Tuesday before last, I was coming home from the club and these guys”—my lip wavered—“um, left me bleeding and bruised on the street over on Lemmington Road, I think it was. Well, you found me and took care of me at your hotel, so I j-just really wanted to say thank you, and well, that doesn’t even seem like close to enough but …” I dropped my head into my hands, then the tears started to flow. My nose was probably running too. Lovely.

  The man hadn’t run away yet, but he wasn’t saying anything either. A crowd was trying to get closer, but some sort of bodyguard kept them away. “I, uh, was touring Spain that week. Just recently got back.” He was looking at me very intently, not exactly confused but as if assessing me and maybe everything that I’d said.

  Leaning forward, I took a sip of whatever was in front of me.

  “So, I’m famous.” He glanced at the crowd but didn’t seem egotistical about it. “Anyway, I do have a twin brother.” He raised his brow at me and gave a kind smile.

  Jamieson squealed in my ear and my head flew round. “How did I not know this. What’s his name?”

  Surprising even myself, I threw my hand over his mouth. “Dude! Please excuse my friend here. He loves the gossip magazines.”

  Jasper’s jaw dropped.

  Then Carter was leaning forward. “Look, no he’s good for it. He actually kept it secret when my friend, another model who you probably wouldn’t know, was going to come out as gay.”

  Jasper squeezed his wrist now. “Thank you for that, ah, verbal diarrhea. I trust you. Don’t worry. Anyway, Oliver … Ollie, he, uh, I could call him or something and then arrange a meeting. Would that work? Tomorrow maybe? I’m on tour again after that, and it’d be nice to see my brother anyway.”

  The smile he gave seemed forced, but it was gone just as soon as I saw it, so I took him up on it.

  “Really,” I leaned forward ecstatically. “Yes, that would be awesome.” I let out a sigh of relief. “You better get back to your adoring fans,” I said maybe a little sarcastically.

  It was Jamieson’s turn to give me a glaring look. “Don’t be like that to Jasper.”

  When I looked over, he was just grinning at me. “I like you.” Then he stood up. “Here’s my card, Rutledge. Phone me tomorrow and we’ll figure it out. Maybe in the afternoon?”

  “Yes, okay. Thank you.” A blush crept up over my cheeks, and I wished I could have rubbed it away like an eraser.

  We decided to go home after that. When Carter and Jamieson dropped me off, they came into Marshall and Stuart’s. Well, what really happened was Jamieson had barged in front of us and ran in yelling Stuart’s name.

  “What?” He ran out of his room, and I really hoped we hadn’t interrupted them. “What’s wrong?”

  Did I imagine it or was he panting. Oh god. “Sorry, sorry … um—”

  “Okay … One, stop apologizing … and two, it’s nothing you all haven’t seen before. Just give us five minutes and we’ll be decent.”

  I walked over to the couch in the living room and Jamieson and Carter followed. “I can’t believe we just walked in on them. I should have phoned first.”

  Carter slapped my back. “Don’t worry about it. Jamieson here, was sitting and minding his own business the first morning Marshall tried to sneak out of Stuart’s room.”

  Stuart walked in the room with a too-large sweatshirt and shorts on and asked, “Did you find him, then?” He folded his legs under his butt, leaning forward.

  Jamieson jumped in excitedly. “Well, did you know that Jasper Abbott has a twin brother? For real.”

  Stuart’s tone was serious but I could tell he was kind of making fun of him. “How did you not know? You are all about the celebrity gossip after all. This is blasphemy.”

>   “I know, right. Well, I guess his—” Then Jamie turned to me. “Oh, I should let you tell the story.”

  I shook my head. “No, go ahead. Please.”

  “So it was his twin brother—who we didn’t meet, but will meet—who helped Rutledge that night.”

  Carter was leaning back with his arm dropped over the back of Jamieson’s seat. “Look, no offence, Rutledge”—he glanced over at me—“but I kinda thought he was an egotistical jerk. All high on his superstardom status. I hope his brother is different.”

  Jamieson turned to him, looking affronted, like how dare he talk about a star in that way.

  “No, I agree, actually,” I said. A smile crossed my face and I felt happy. Content. It was so unlike me to voice my opinion, but I felt like I knew these guys. They were my friends and accepted me as I was. I could be myself and didn’t have to worry about what anyone thought.

  “No, his brother was totally different. I mean, we didn’t say much, but the vibe I got was calming to me. He had on the most amazing makeup and was so full of confidence. So, I don’t know, maybe he is like Jasper.”

  Jamieson continued to defend him. “Well, he is a big celebrity.”

  Marshall walked in then and gave us a runway model walk. “Yes, I’m here now. Your big celebrity.”

  “Big and—” Stuart’s mouth was suddenly covered by Marshall’s hand.



  I sat at the table, having some tea and toast, still debating how to get rid of the snorer in my room. I should have gone to a hotel room, then I could have just left him. This was going to be awkward. I tapped my fingers on the table, absently stretching my legs. “Ugh,” I growled into the empty flat. One would’ve thought I’d learned my lesson after the last time.

  When my phone rang, I jumped up. My hand went over my heart to make sure it was beating normally. I took a deep breath before answering.


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