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Tracking Trisha

Page 17

by S. E. Smith

  Two of the men with Kelan ran by her without even seeing her. The ones in the trees had shifted and landed heavily on the ground next to Kelan. She heard one of them growl out something in a deep voice.

  “Who is that?!” Gunner growled to Kelan in dragon-speak. His sharp eyes were sweeping back and forth as he tried to see where the figure disappeared.

  Kelan stood stunned for a moment. How in the hell did she do it? One minute she was there, the next it was as if she vanished into thin air. When his dragon let loose the stream of dragon fire he was sure his mate was doomed. As the flames died down, he thought he would see nothing but her ashes. Instead, it was as if she had never stood in front of him.

  His dragon rumbled in frustration. Whip your mate’s ass. It snarled. Your mate crazy. Scare me!

  Kelan laughed. Yes, she scared me too.

  “It is my mate. I think she is playing a game with us. One she told me about. Her father would send her in after the warriors he was training. She called it tag. I believe we have all just been tagged. That is what the fruit was for. If you look at where she struck us, we would all be dead.” Kelan chuckled proudly.

  Jaguin swung his head to look at Kelan like he had lost his mind. “Her father did what?!”

  Kelan was about to reply when the small figure of his mate rose up out of the undergrowth not more than ten feet from them. She startled Kor and Palto who took a step back as she emerged almost between them. He watched as she approached him slowly, a small knowing smile on her face, as if she knew what he was telling the other two dragons near him.

  Kelan’s eyes grew heavy as she reached out her hand, caressing the ridge of his left nostril. “Tag, you’re it.” She said tenderly.

  Kelan was about to transform when he heard her soft request. “No, don’t shift, not yet. I want to see you like this.”

  Trisha ignored the other two dragons and the two men standing behind her. She was focused only on the beautiful jade and silver dragon standing in front of her. She vaguely heard Kelan growl out something to the other men. Whatever it was, all four must have understood as the two dragons soon became four. All four nodded respectfully to her before leaping up and swiftly flying away, leaving her alone with her mate.

  “You are so beautiful, just as my dragon said you were.” Trisha murmured as she ran her hand down along Kelan’s jaw.

  Kelan lowered his head to give Trisha better access. He understood she needed to explore him in his dragon form. While he missed her dreadfully and wanted to claim her, he learned from his previous mistake about not giving her time to explore and accept who and what his world was. Kelan slowly lowered himself all the way to the ground so Trisha could walk around him. A shiver ran down the length of his dragon as he felt the soft, tentative touch of her hands as they moved over his head. His symbiosis dissolved, reforming into the shape of a huge dog.

  Trisha smiled at Bio. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I shouldn’t have done that to you.” Trisha said softly to the huge, golden beast as it came to rub against her side. She let one of her hands brush across its head. Trisha couldn’t hold back the wobbly smile as thin bands of gold formed around her wrists. “I’m so sorry.” She repeated softly.

  Bio sent a wave of warmth through Trisha letting her know all was forgiven. She also caught the waves of relief at finding her safe and sound. It worried about her and would do anything to protect her.

  “I know that now.” Trisha said quietly as she bent over and gave it a kiss on the top of its huge head. Trisha watched as Bio trotted over and began exploring some of the trees around the area near the cave.

  Trisha turned back to see Kelan studying her intently through flaming, golden eyes. “I’m sorry for scaring you, for running away. I shouldn’t have. It’s kind of a bad habit of mine when I need time to think.” Trisha bit her bottom lip as she gazed up into the beautiful eyes of Kelan’s dragon.

  Trisha couldn’t hold back the giggle as a long, rough tongue came out and swiped her face from her chin all the way up to her forehead. “Oh, gross!”

  Kelan’s dragon coughed out a laugh. He nudged Trisha gently with his head, encouraging her to continue exploring him. He liked the feel of her hands on his scales. He purred as she moved her hands up to trace around his eyes and ears.

  “You are so soft.” Trisha said in wonder as she traced the shape of the scales on his neck.

  Trisha continued her exploration down Kelan’s neck moving towards his wings. He lifted them so she could run her palms along their thin membranes. He chuckled again when she squealed in surprise as she touched the claws at the tip of his wing and he closed around her hand. Her head swiveled to look at Kelan. He snorted a puff of smoke at her before releasing her hand. Trisha gave him a crooked smile. She let her fingers continue their slow exploration, moving closer to his body. Kelan’s eyes drooped until they were almost closed and he rolled onto his side exposing his belly to Trisha’s magic touch.

  Trisha bit back a grin as the vibrations from his purrs increased until his whole body vibrated with the low rumbling sound. She moved until she was rubbing her hands over his belly, letting her nails scrape along the thick scales covering it. She couldn’t control the soft chuckle that escaped as his head fell backwards to rest on the ground and his left leg began moving on its own as she scratched. It reminded her of the old hound dog she had when she was a kid, scratch the right spot and its leg would move a mile a minute. Somehow, she didn’t think Kelan would appreciate that analogy. Her hand moved lower to the long slit in his lower region. The moment her hand touched it, Kelan’s head jerked up with a growl and she found herself wrapped in his tail. Trisha’s gasp of surprise froze as she saw the flames blazing in Kelan’s eyes. She felt herself being lifted off the ground and moved back up towards his front claws. Trisha couldn’t break the hold Kelan’s gaze had on her. When he puffed out a heated breath, Trisha closed her eyes as the warmth flowed over her. When she opened them, she was staring at Kelan’s dark, passion-filled face.

  “You are mine, mi elila.” Kelan said softly, dangerously.

  His blood was heated to boiling as he stared down into his mate’s face. He didn’t care that she looked like the flora surrounding them. The fact that she could camouflage herself so well only heightened his desire as he recognized her as a fierce mate. Their children would be strong, like their mother.

  “I need you, Trisha.” Kelan whispered gazing down into Trisha’s eyes.

  Trisha nodded never looking away. She laced her fingers around Kelan’s and took a step away, pulling him towards her hidden shelter. Kelan didn’t say a word, just followed Trisha silently as she climbed up to the small cave. Trisha squeezed through the opening of the entrance. Kelan watched as she let go of his hand. His eyes flared as she began unwinding her long braid, pulling the small sticks, leaves, and flowers out of it until it fell like a curtain down her back. When she moved towards the shallow pool of water, he quickly stacked some of the left over fire wood back into the small stone circle and shifted just enough to breathe a small amount of dragon fire to start it. He didn’t want his mate to get chilled.

  Trisha quickly removed her clothing and knelt to use the chilly water to wash the camouflage off her face and arms. She shivered as the icy water ran down her neck onto her breasts causing her nipples to bead up into hard pebbles. Trisha’s breath caught in her throat as a pair of warm arms wrapped around her, cupping her suddenly heavy breasts.

  “Kelan.” Trisha breathed out in a soft, needy moan.

  “Mi elila. My heart. You are the heart of my heart, the soul of my soul, the very breath I breathe. I love you, Trisha. Suma mi mador. I claim you as my true mate. No other may have you. I will live to protect you. You are my mine.” Kelan whispered in her ear as he gently pulled her up into his arms.

  Trisha’s eyes glowed with deep, dark chocolate brown flames as she followed Kelan over to her make-shift bed. He lowered her down to the soft cushion following her with a groan as he pressed his lips into her neck.
He was muttering in his own language too fast for the translator or her limited knowledge of their language to decipher. Trisha’s legs parted as he pressed between them. Her breathing escalated until she was almost panting as Kelan pushed his hard length against her heated core, sliding slowly in until he couldn’t go any further. He held himself still for a moment, his lips pressing deep kisses against the throbbing pulse in her neck. It was almost like he didn’t trust himself to move yet. Trisha heard him draw in a deep breath as a shudder ran through his long, muscular length. It was the only warning she got before he pulled almost all the way out before slamming into her even deeper. He continued to whisper rapidly under his breath as he moved faster and faster, pumping into her over and over as he tightened his hold on her. It wasn’t until her body suddenly exploded at the heated friction of his hot, heavy length against her swollen core that she finally understood what he was saying. Trisha’s loud cry echoed through the small cave followed by Kelan’s louder roar of release.

  Kelan shook at the intensity of his release. Subconsciously, he wanted to bind Trisha to him in every way. He fought against losing control. He knew she would want input as to when they would create a child. Trisha would be furious with him but he couldn’t hold back. No matter how much he tried, he couldn’t hold back the desire to plant his seed deep inside her. Kelan let his head fall forward until it was buried in Trisha’s curly strands. He was so screwed. She would never forgive him for this, he thought in despair.

  Trisha laid in the warm cocoon of Kelan’s arms in shock, his words flowing through her over and over. At first, she didn’t understand what he was saying. The words were muttered so softly and fast it didn’t compute. As he jerked his head back during his release, the words were almost torn from him. I give you my seed, my child…our child, our child. He groaned over and over as he pulsed deep inside her.

  Trisha closed her eyes and whispered to her dragon. What did he mean? She asked silently.

  Trisha’s dragon bounded inside of her, excited and happy. Look! Her dragon cried out in excitement. Our mates gave us their seed.

  Trisha focused deep inside her where her dragon was curling up into a ball around a small, flicker of light. It was so faint she would have missed it if it hadn’t been for her dragon.

  She frowned. What is it?

  Our baby. Her dragon replied tenderly.

  Trisha’s eyes popped open to stare up at Kelan who was looking down at her with a worried expression on his face. She searched his face trying to come to terms with the information her dragon just gave her. When she saw the truth of what her dragon said in Kelan’s eyes, hers filled with tears.

  “Shush, mi elila. It will be all right. I didn’t mean to do it but I have no regrets. You will be a strong mother for our children.” Kelan said hoarsely.

  “My injuries…” Trisha began in a small, scared voice.

  Kelan was shaking his head. “…Healed. There is no danger to you or our child.” Kelan hesitated before continuing. “Can you forgive me?”

  A lone tear escaped from the corner of Trisha’s eye and coursed down the side of her face at Kelan’s quiet plea for forgiveness. How could he even ask when he gave her something she never thought she would have? Trisha’s lips curved into a shaky smile as she thought of how excited her dad would be to discover he was going to be a grandpa after all.

  “Of course I forgive you.” Trisha replied softly. “A baby…Oh Kelan, I wish my dad was here so I could tell him he is going to be a grandpa!” Trisha choked out a wobbly laugh as she pictured her dad’s face when he discovered his only daughter was married to an alien, could shift into a dragon, and was going to give him the grandchildren he always wanted. She hoped he could handle it all without killing Kelan!

  Kelan’s face lit with a huge grin as he began moving inside of Trisha again. “He will be but not today…Today, you are mine.” Kelan whispered against Trisha’s lips.

  Chapter 14

  “How do I do this again?” Trisha asked in frustration.

  She was trying to transform into her dragon only the damn thing wouldn’t cooperate. They spent the rest of yesterday into the early morning making love. Trisha was of the firm belief Kelan was determine to make her pay for being gone for almost six days. Not that she minded paying. Personally, she couldn’t think of a more satisfying way to repay a debt. They sat on her small pallet early this morning, eating fresh fruit and roasted seeds and discussing the best way to return to the palace. Kelan suggested using his symbiosis but Trisha wanted to try her hand at transforming into a dragon and flying. Kelan’s dragon was in obvious agreement as the suggestion was met with a howl of excitement. Kelan actually blushed a bright red as the sound ripped from his throat. Trisha promptly dissolved in a pile of giggles that lead to another session of love making. Now, it was mid-morning.

  “You need to talk to your dragon.” Kelan said again.

  “She isn’t listening. All she wants to do is coo and curl up around the little light inside of me.” Trisha whined in annoyance. “Are you sure changing into a dragon won’t harm the baby?”

  Kelan laughed. “No, it won’t hurt our child. It is natural for us to be able to shift. My mother often talked about shifting when she was pregnant with us just so she could get some peace from the nausea.”

  “Oh, I am so looking forward to that!” Trisha replied with a roll of her eyes. “Okay, what am I supposed to do if she refuses to listen to me?”

  Kelan let a sly grin lift the corners of his mouth. “I could ask my dragon to call to his mate.” Kelan said holding back a grin.

  There was no need to let Trisha know what would follow if his dragon demanded his mate. His dragon snickered as he moved under Kelan’s skin just waiting for his mate to emerge. Let me call her. I call to my mate. His dragon growled out in a low, deep rumble. Trisha looked at Kelan with a doubtful look but shrugged her shoulders. At this point, she was willing to try anything.

  “Okay, do it. Call her.” Trisha said.

  Kelan’s face broke into a huge, triumphant smile. “Come here.” He said wickedly as he held his arms open to Trisha.

  “This is for real, right? You aren’t just horny and wanting to get it on again, are you? ‘Cause if you are, I think we’ve more than made up for being apart for the past five days. I really want to try to do this whole dragon changing, shifting, transformation thing.” Trisha asked looking pointedly at the front of Kelan’s pants where a rather large bulge was clearly evident.

  Kelan chuckled. “Oh, it’s for real. Come here.” He whispered.

  Trisha took a tentative step forward than another and another until she was in the circle of Kelan’s arms. She ran her hands up his chest until she could wind her arms around his neck. Trisha played with the hair on the back of his neck as she pressed closer to him.

  “I’m here.” Trisha whispered softly pressing a light kiss to Kelan’s chin. “Now what?”

  “Now this…” Kelan said with a growl. He wound his hand in Trisha’s hair pulling her head to the side as he pressed a hot kiss to the dragon’s mark on her neck. “I want my mate!” His dragon growled in a deep, commanding voice right before he bit down on the mark breathing his dragon fire into Trisha.

  Trisha stiffened and tried to pull away. Kelan’s eyes glowed with burning, gold flames as he let his dragon call to his mate. It was time for him to claim her…in every way. When Trisha tried to resist him, he growled out a warning. He let the fire flow from him to his mate, arousing her to the point she could not deny him.

  Come to me. Be with me. I want you, my mate. Kelan’s dragon demanded.

  Trisha gasped and tried to pull away from the heat invading her body. She felt the instant response of her dragon to its mate’s call. It growled and fought against being pulled away from the tiny spark inside her but was unable to resist the call of the male. She was pissed. She didn’t like being commanded to do something against her will. As the dragon fire flowed from Kelan to Trisha, her blood felt like it was beg
inning to boil with the hot desire flooding her. She could hear the males’ demanding their mates. The need and desire in their voices increased the flood of arousal inside the females. Trisha felt the familiar tingling that indicated her dragon was coming to the surface. Suddenly, everything seemed to change. Her eyesight became sharper; clearer. She could hear the different insects, as if they were in their own individual little chorus, and smell everything from the plants to the trees to the soft, moist ground.


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