Dragon's Heart: A Dragondell Holiday Short

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Dragon's Heart: A Dragondell Holiday Short Page 1

by Dawn McGraw

  Dragon’s Heart

  A Dragondell Holiday Short

  Dawn McGraw

  Copyright © 2020 Dawn McGraw

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and review. For information address Dawn McGraw at [email protected]

  Cover Art: EmCat Designs

  For Becci,

  my sister, my confidant, my friend.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Pick up these Valentine Treats

  About the Author

  Also by Dawn McGraw

  Chapter 1

  With one final heave, her stomach emptied the last of its contents into the toilet. Izzy braced herself on the porcelain and wished she could escape this part of her pregnancy. Why did they call it morning sickness? It was more like breathing sickness, since she was only sick so long as she was breathing. Was it normal to barf all the time?

  The worst part of this whole thing was she couldn't go ask the one man who would know, Dr. Furl, the head dragon doctor. She was positive that he needed to stay far away from her and the baby. Her stomach cramped and her head spun thinking about the deal she'd made with Barlowe and Furl to save Farryn from punishment for her mistake at the Yuletide Festival, let alone adding in complications from pregnancy.

  No one had noticed she was pregnant, and she wanted to keep it that way. There was something up with Furl and Barlowe. They gave her the heebie-jeebies, setting off her Empath abilities every time she was around them, like a warning beacon flashing in her head.

  She brushed off her knees and rinsed her mouth. The bags under her eyes should be a huge giveaway, but no one questioned her late night excuse. What did they think an unemployed person did to keep them up all night?

  Farryn paced the living room. If Izzy's sickness continued, she would have to see Furl, no matter how much she wanted to avoid him. What if there was something wrong? He brushed away the thought. The last thing Izzy needed was his worries bombarding her.

  Besides, he saw Furl and Barlowe all the time at the dragon council. He was head of the bound dragons team now, and that came with a ton of responsibility, since he was advocating for their role and responsibilities. He needed to avoid doing anything that would tip Furl and Barlowe off to the fact that he knew about the Yuletide Fiasco. He'd made it through debriefing with no one being the wiser. Everyone had their memories of that night erased, so it wasn't like it came up in conversation. He only needed to avoid thinking about the sacred stones. This could have been a problem, but the first skill someone mated to an Empath learned was avoidance by redirection. He filled his mind before he entered the hallway by the display of the secret stones.

  The slide of the door knob brought his attention back to the most important issue they faced. "What if something is wrong?"

  "Nothing's wrong. Pregnant women get nausea."

  "We need to see Furl."

  She slammed the teapot onto the stove, water splashing up the spout. "Why won't you trust me?"

  "I do, but he's the only option."

  "Plenty of dragon hybrids exist, just look at Gregory, he couldn't have seen them all. Not without transporter technology."

  "Hatchlings are rare, outside of the council's area. Most would come here."

  "Well lucky me, women have been giving birth on their own for centuries. I'll find another way." Farryn grit his teeth, he hated that the sacred stone talisman improved her blocking so completely. He couldn't get any read on the hatchling.

  "You can't go to a human. I'll not put my mate and hatchling in that kind of harm's way." Frustration ate at him, humans couldn't find out about dragons, especially when the exposure put his mate at risk.

  She tilted her head down and covered her eyes with her palms. Oh crap, he would not burden her, she was so much more emotional now. It was like walking on eggshells, barefoot. The salty scent of tears spiced the air, souring her beautiful orange spice. "I'm sorry, we'll figure something out."

  "If Sarah was here, I could ask her." She hiccuped as she spoke fighting the release her body needed. He pulled her into his arms and placed a kiss on her hair.

  "We'll find her, everyone is working around the clock." A burning puddle of acid churned inside him, eating at the lining of his stomach. Each lead they uncovered evaporated into nothing. He'd lost Izzy for only a few hours, and lost his mind, he couldn't imagine the heartache Gregory suffered. No, he wouldn't risk Izzy, there was too much at stake now.

  Izzy slammed the door and flopped onto the bed. Farryn kept bringing up Furl. She had clarified that she felt something was wrong with him. Why did he dismiss her feelings? She'd proven her Empath powers over the last two months, she wasn't the weak girl he'd mated anymore. So many things had happened it would be impossible for her not to have grown. She'd been kidnapped, twice, and bonded with a sacred stone. If she couldn't tell what someone was feeling, she either wasn't trying, or they were deliberately obfuscating. And that was exactly what Barlowe and Furl were doing.

  Farryn knocked on the door. "Go away. I'm done for the day, okay." She wouldn't see Furl about the pregnancy. It would be crazy to tell them if they hadn't already discovered it on their own. Since she hadn't been swept up into the hospital for even further testing, she assumed they didn't know. That would end with the next blood draw. Furl had already been bugging her to drop by and give another sample, like they were monitoring her for something.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." Farryn's unease washed under the door and swirled around the room. He didn't like her idea to avoid the stupid doctor and his heart believed they were the good guys. As his emotions washed over her, there was a tint of reassurance that all would work out well. He believed they had the dragons best interest at heart. But why would they keep so many secrets if that were true?

  The swirling negativity in her heart condensed from an ethereal mist to a solid knot of decision. She would find another dragon doctor. Furl couldn't be the only one. If she was careful, she could find them without ever tipping her hand. Someone out there had experience with mating and the wonderful gifts that followed, and she would find them. With any luck, they wouldn't be pawns of Furl and Barlowe. She'd had enough of them to last a lifetime, and her stupid sacred stone talisman ensured they kept her on a tight leash.

  Chapter 2

  Farryn climbed into his jeep and headed towards the council building. He had to find some way to reassure Izzy that Furl and Barlowe were on their side. So much betrayal had plagued them since their relationship began, he could understand why she would question their loyalty, but this was the head of the council and the top doctor. If they couldn't be trusted, then dragons were doomed. Since no immediate idea popped into his brain, he shifted it into the recesses of his mind. Some subconscious stewing might help.

  He turned into the parking lot and found a space. They stepped up security since the fiasco in town square on New Year's, but still had a lot to do. For one, anyone could drive right up to the front of the building.

  Irritation flooded him. He had his mate back and Hal's was dead. They each had closure, but Gregory was still in limbo.
How was he supposed to survive not knowing what happened to her? Each time the team went out, Gregory accompanied them. His powers had been bound, just like Farryn's, but they'd proven their continued worth when they defeated Kieran.

  If Sarah were back, it would relieve the stress and pressure on Izzy. She could see that Furl was a healer dedicated to his people. He had spend a lifetime caring for them. Having a friend to share her worries would help her so much. He had to find Sarah. They would leave no shelter for whoever was hiding her. Every lead would be meticulously investigated, even the odd ones.

  Blood spotted her underwear, and dread filled her heart. She shouldn't have blood. Oh God, what if there was something wrong with the baby?

  She pulled her clothes back on, but paused when her hand touched the phone. Wait, if she called Farryn, he would demand she see Furl. He'd feel he had good reason, too. She paced back and forth along the hall from the bedroom to the kitchen. Something had to be done, but she wasn't giving up her freedom. The choice was in her hands, for now.

  Google to the rescue. The fear dissipated when she read the first couple results on blood in pregnancy. Spotting was normal. Flopped on the couch, it was time to take matters into her own hands. Farryn didn't have time to find another doctor, he was busy investigating the leak at headquarters, and developing his team. She needed results fast. And she wouldn't get them on her own with Farryn blocking her every move. Time to bring in the big guns, time to call Mom. There was no better advocate for a little baby than its overprotective grandmother. She would run interference with Farryn without even trying. How he loved her mother's crazy antics.

  "Hi mom, do you want to come for a visit?" A touch of regret itched at her, if she wasn't pregnant, Farryn would kill her.

  Farryn watched Aggy as he questioned the human assistant. This was the third interview of the day. So far they hadn't found the traitor, but it was only a matter of time. They had to seal the leak. Exposure to humans, especially the evil band called the Magic Black Market who were dead set on stealing their magic, was unexceptable. They infiltrated the dragon council building by working with Kieran, the traitor, and kidnapped three mates. Thankfully, Izzy was safe at home. But Hal's mate had the hatchling ripped from her body, and Gregory took greater risks every day, knowing his hatchling and mate suffered untold evils at their hands.

  Vibrations in the subject's voice brought Farryn back to the task at hand. Could he be the one working with the MBM?

  "Give me the location of the facility you visited." Aggy glanced up at the window. Farryn jotted down the address and handed it to an assistant. A team would investigate.

  Aggy flared his nostrils, baring his teeth. "The saccharin stench of your fear is tainting my lungs. I know you're holding out." He leaned forward, drawing the man to the middle of the table. The microphone registered his low tones. "I'm looking forward to you holding out on me." Aggy's fangs dropped and a they-won't-get-to-you-in-time grin stretched his already distorted lips into a menacing mask of foreboding.

  The man blanched and recoiled, shaking so hard the chair rattled. "They have a plan, for the one that got away."

  Farryn swayed thumping his hand on the observation window to steady himself. The man jumped and Aggy glared in his direction. "Tell me now, or this sunrise was your last."

  All the blood in Farryn's body puddled into his feet. His lungs froze in his chest, he couldn't miss the man's response. The roaring in his head was already drowning out the ambient noises. "They have people watching the town's exits. If she leaves, she won't make it back."

  An annoying vibration shook Farryn's leg, and he pulled out his phone, forcing air out of his throat. "What?"

  "What's wrong, your oily black panic just washed over me?" Her rushed words were the balm he needed to restore his purpose.

  "Don't move. I'll be right there."

  Chapter 3

  Izzy fluffed the pillows on the guest bed, then set clean towels out in the bathroom. A touch of guilt threatened to spread its inky mark on her plans, but she swept it away. She'd promised her mother a visit when she first moved in, now months had passed. Everything had to be perfect.

  Her mother was on the way and so was Farryn. Hopefully whatever caused the spike in his emotions wouldn't destroy the plans she was developing. Too many bad things had plagued their relationship. They needed to focus on the good for a while, so celebrating their news with her mother was a great start. A perfect first act to a brilliant Valentine's Day.

  She couldn't deny that enlisting her mother's help in finding a doula was a nice second benefit to this visit. Theresia was good at finding just the right resource, and Izzy didn't have the first clue where to start.

  The rumble of the garage door brought her back to her first stumbling block. How was she going to convince Farryn a visit from her mother was a good thing?

  The moment Izzy's face graced his vision, the burning ache to lock her away slipped a notch lower. Safety ruled, but he knew she needed to buy into whatever plan they created. He pulled her into his arms and breathed her spicey orange scent deep into his lungs. He'd craved its warmth all day.

  "What's up?" The stress dissolved. He'd get her on his side, even if he had to use distraction.

  "We have a lead on Sarah's location. A team is developing a plan as we speak."

  "Oh, please let this one be accurate." She covered her mouth with her hand, as if she could pull back her comment. "I hope I jinxed nothing."

  He tugged on the tips of her hair, tilting her head back, and gazed into her eyes. "You need to keep positive. Don't get so stressed out." His lips froze, inches above the mouth he was desperate to claim.

  Izzy stretched up on her tiptoes and brushed her lips across his. The tight control he held himself under slipped and he crushed his mouth onto hers. This woman held his heart captive. Without her, there was no him. He bent down and lifted her into his arms. He had to have her naked now. As he carried her into their bedroom, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He slid his tongue across hers, memorizing the taste. Then dropped her onto the bed. She giggled and scrambled back, but he snagged her ankle and pulled her to the edge. She was wearing way too many clothes.

  "You're overdressed. We should do something about that." His little mate's heat surged, spiking his desire.

  "Like what?" She bit her lower lip. He leaned over her, his eyes never leaving hers as he unhooked her pants and dragged the zipper down. Her pupils dilated and spicy orange swirled around the room. If he spent the next hundred years with this woman, it still wouldn't be enough. He licked along her jaw until he'd buried his nose in her neck and breathed in her scent again, the one he would always crave.

  She slid her hands up his abs, tugging his shirt along with them and tossed it across the room. "I thought you had to go?" Her voice was thick with desire, sparking his own fire even higher.

  "I'll always have time for you." He lifted himself up again and tugged her pants off by the ankles. Then dropped his pants to the floor freeing his erection. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on, and she was all his.

  She leaned back onto the bed and smiled up at him. Desire swirled through him wrapping his spine with the need to claim her. Mark her, again. His fangs dropped, and she tilted her head back exposing her neck. He was helpless to resist and crawled across the bed.

  "Mine." The demand was part claim, all steamy intent as he slid his fangs down her neck. He lowered himself down, relishing the brush of her soft skin against his. This was what he'd needed, skin to skin time with his mate. Wrapping his fingers in her hair, he pulled her mouth to his and rolled them over. Her legs slid to either side, and she rubbed herself along his length, while deepening their kiss.

  He slid his hands down her back and cupped her butt, pressing her closer. Her wet heat beckoned him. Pulling her panties to the side, he pressed the tip of his erection to her tight sheath. She slid down his length. He was home, exactly where he wanted to be.

  Farryn rubbed his damp hair with the towel. "I want you to go to Aggy's house and stay with them while I'm gone."

  "There's no need to get me a babysitter. Besides, I won't be alone. My mother is coming to stay."

  Irritation flooded him. "We've discussed your mother visiting. This isn't a good time."

  She shrugged, ignoring his wishes, but he wasn't letting her out of this. "When did you hatch this little plan?"

  "This afternoon. We need to tell her about the baby."

  "Your mother can't be here, she doesn't even know about dragons." A human right in the middle of his plans was an awful idea. Was she trying to piss him off?

  "It's time to tell her and the baby can be the sugar that helps the information go down."

  "Don't be ridiculous. Your mom will freak when she finds out, regardless of the hatchling. This isn't the right time."

  "And yet, she will still be here any minute." A smug I-won look graced her face. Farryn hated when she got this way.

  The sound of Hal's van arriving was just the distraction he needed. "Fine, but don't go anywhere. The lead let us know about a threat to you. The Magic Black Market is watching town, looking to snag you the minute you're unprotected. I have a team around the house. Remember, your Mom doesn't have any of your heightened healing. How would she survive the MBM?"

  He expected fear, but got hit with her icy anger instead. "How dare you threaten my Mom?" She stormed out of their room and dropped onto the sofa. "If you're done, you can leave. I'll tell my mother on my own."


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