Obsessive Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection

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Obsessive Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection Page 49

by Peyton Banks

“The Bill has been taken care of by Miss Davis.”

  Shit... Kassidy must have left out at the side exit. I pull out my slim wallet and remove a fifty dollar bill. “Thanks for your help,” I tip the waiter.

  “You’re welcome and thank you sir! Would you like me to box up your meals?”

  “No, that won’t be necessary,” I reply as I turn and stroll out the restaurant.

  I unclip my cell phone and shoot Kassidy a quick text.

  Never leave anywhere when I bring you again. Got that Miss Davis.

  I’m half way back to the office before I receive a reply.

  Yes sir Mr. Pierce. I got it loud and clear.

  I grin at my assistants reply. Look like I’m going to have to work for what I want. Good—game on.




  The Chinese restaurant is filled to capacity. I glance around the room hoping we can find a seat. I notice an older couple is just finishing up their meals.

  “Give me three minutes and I will get you two seated,” says the waitress.

  Anita and I make small talk while we wait. Before long our plates are filled from the ‘all you can eat’ Chinese buffet.

  “Thank you Anita for treating me to a celebratory dinner.”

  “You’re welcome. I need for you to know that I support your choices. So, how did things go today?”

  I take a drink from my wine glass and pull myself away from my most inner thoughts to focus on my friend.

  “It was good,” I sigh, squeezing my thighs together thinking about my two fine young bosses. My thirty plus year old ass should feel ashamed for even thinking about my employers in that way but all I feel is fierce lust.

  “Hmm, what are you not telling me helfa? Nita asks.

  “Whatever do you mean?”

  “Ugh! Does it look like I fell off a turnip truck? Something juicy happened on your first day at work and you're keeping it to yourself. That's no fair, we tell each other everything. I'm the sister by another mother you never had, remember?”

  I chuckle, taking another sip from my glass of fruity wine. “Okay, I'll tell you but stop acting like you are twelve. Sheesh!”

  My friend pours herself another glass of wine and settles back against the chair.

  “First tell me is N&D Inc. as nice inside as the Fortune 100 magazine depicts?”

  “Oh my God yes! The building and the offices are massive, with high towering ceilings at least fifty feet high. Each floor has its own receptionist and secretary. The floor I work on has its own private balcony that extends from my bosses offices.

  “Hmm, Kass did you just say bosses, as in two of them?”

  “Yep. N&D has two CEOs. Nikolai and Dirk built their company from the ground up and you won't believe how young they are!” I finish off the last of my wine as heat intensifies between my thighs at the mere thought of them.

  “Damn. You are a lucky woman. Honey, are your new bosses sexy and how young are they?” My friend scoots to the edge of her seat sending me a curious look.

  “Trust me, they are too young for you to be looking at me in that way.”

  Nita lets loose a boisterous laugh. “There is nothing wrong with thinking younger men are sexy, as long as they are legal. Since they both are owners of successful businesses and both finished Yale at the top of their class, I am assuming both are grown ass men.”

  “They are in their late twenties.”

  “Well, you're good.”


  “Your two bosses are fine. You haven't been laid in forever. I'm sure your coochie has cobwebs by now. Make it happen with one or both of them Kass. Then tell me every delicious detail.”

  I place my empty wine glass on the table in front of me. I stand to my feet and start looking under my chair. I’m too tipsy to care about the curious glances thrown my way.

  “Um, Kassidy, what are you doing?”

  “Ha! I am trying to see where you lost your brains so that I can give them back to you?”

  “Woman sit your ass down,” Nita smirks. “Very funny though but I'm serious. I read that those two have a reputation for being on the wild side.”

  “That doesn't mean that they will be wild with me. I am black and they are both--”

  “Stop right there lady. I know what you are going to say. You are a smart independent beautiful woman and that's all any man will see, no matter the color or the age.”

  “Seriously, you don't know them and I’m not their type. I saw Nikolai’s type earlier today when he took me to lunch. She was pale as he was, and petite.

  “Wait, you had lunch with your boss?”

  “Well sort of--”

  “What do you mean sort of?” Anita eyes narrows on me.

  “I didn’t finish my lunch because my boss had to see to his girlfriend or whatever she was so I paid for our meals and left.”

  “No you didn’t!”

  “Yes, I did. I think my bosses will be all business. I must keep it professional if I want to keep this job. You already know how much I wanted this job. I can't, and won't, mess it up with my lustful fantasies.”

  “See! I knew it. You are fucking hot for your new bosses.”

  I couldn’t fool Anita if I tried. She knows me too well. Anita has known me long enough to know when something is bothering me, or even when I’m trying to hide something from her. It’s the same for me when it comes to her. This reinforces our bond of friendship.

  “They are hot,” I finally admit it out loud. “They’re both tall, broad and muscular. Plus they smell delicious.”

  “I'm so jealous right now. I want to be you,” laughs Anita. “You, me, Octavia, and Leelayna need to get together and celebrate.”

  “Yeah, that would be great but right now no more talk about my job. Tell me everything about your day,” I say, trying to change the subject. While I sit and half listen to Anita chatter I have the audacity to silently wonder what my bosses bulging muscles looks like beneath their expensive suits.

  I surmise basically, my two new employers are sex on a stick and I want to taste them both. Lord have mercy! I need another drink. I must quit thinking like this or it will be the end of my time at N&D Incorporated. I exhale and give myself a mental shake.

  I can hear my brain telling me that even though I find my bosses sexy as hell. That doesn't mean I have to make a damn fool of myself by acting like a young teen around them. I’m a new employee and I'm sure some other person will be ready to snatch this position up at a moment’s notice if I fail. I will smile, do my job and keep my fucking hormones under wraps and be the dutiful employee that I am.



  The buzzing of my digital clock awakes me. “Today is my second week at N&D and I declare it will be great,” I say aloud as I rise in bed and look towards the window. The sun is seeping through a slit in the curtain. I wish I could sleep in as I press the snooze button on the clock and plop back on my fluffy pillows. No can do! I reason with myself and then roll over to switch off the alarm clock and push the bedcovers off my body. I sit up in bed once again and stretch, stifling a yawn with my hand cupped over my mouth. Sliding out of bed I make my way to the bathroom to take care of my business and then take a quick shower.

  Noticing the time, I quickly grab a towel to dry myself, lotion my body and slip into the outfit I had chosen the night before. The time is now almost seven thirty, and I know I need to hurry and hope my car doesn’t give me any trouble. I’ve only just got the job at N&D Inc., I don’t need to be late. I need to prove myself a valuable employee if I don’t want my bosses to regret hiring me.

  Thank God! My car starts and I’m heading to work with time to spare. Breathing a sigh of relief, I settle in at my desk and start my day. I make sure to check the emails first and send out the required responses. Next, I glance at the contract on my desk that needs to be signed by Nikolai. There is a note to fax it to him. I feel a little disappointed that I won’t have t
o walk it to his office and see him face to face. However, I could use a cup of coffee. I decide to go to the break area before faxing over the contract for the signature of Nikolai. God knows I need to be full of clarity to get through my day.

  The break area is relatively empty except for two other women standing around talking. “Good morning, I murmur heading over to the coffee machine.

  “Good morning,” the two women reply in unison.

  “I’m Bailey, and this is Vanna,” says the brunette. You must be the new assistant for Nikolai and Dirk?”

  “I’m Kassidy, and yes, I am,” I reply grabbing me a plastic cup and pouring me a cup of coffee. I add a couple of packs of sugar and a dollop of cream before stirring it and taking a tentative sip of the hot brew.

  “You better be on you’re A game. Nikolai and Dirk are hard men to work for— or so I heard,” giggles Vanna.

  “Hard or not, I would take my chances with either or both of them,” Bailey adds giving me the once over.

  I bristle inwardly from her scrutiny. I need to go shopping for some new clothes but my finances don’t allow that kind of luxury yet. First I have to work on getting my car in tip-top shape and then maybe I can splurge a little on getting me a new wardrobe.

  “Did you hear about the rumor?” Vanna turns towards Bailey with a sly smile on her face.

  “What rumor?” Bailey answers. I know I should get back to work, but these two gossiping women pique my interest.

  “I hear the only reason that Nola quit working for Nikolai and Dirk is that her husband got jealous.”

  Bailey’s blue eyes sparkle with interest at this bit of information.

  “I figured as much. Almost all of the women here want to sleep with them. Married or unmarried,” Bailey goes on to say. Both men are gorgeous and rich, who wouldn’t want to wake up in their beds every morning?”.

  “Hell yeah, I know I would. It would be easy to accommodate both of them in a heartbeat,” Vanna adds. As if remembering that I was in the break area the two women look at me as if I don’t belong.

  I wonder if it’s true. Did Mr. Pierce and Mr. Hawkings attempt to break up their assistant’s marriage? What kind of men would try to do something like that?

  “Well Kassidy, are you married?” Bailey asks.

  “No, I’m—”

  “Married or not, you won’t have anything to worry about. You are far from their type,” this comes from the woman named Vanna.

  “Listen, I came here to work. I don’t give a damn about being their type or not,” I lied. My only focus is to work, get a paycheck and go home. I agree with you; I’m sure you two are more the bosses speed,” I walk over to the sink and pour out the rest of my coffee before walking out of the break room and quickly back to my office.

  Get back to work Kassidy, I tell myself. You don’t have the time to be entertaining office gossip.

  About fifteen minutes after I’m back in my office, I look up through the transparent wall of my office and see the elevator open. A second later, Nikolai walks off and our eyes lock in a stare. He nods his head slightly and greets me with a charming grin. I bow my head back and return a friendly smile.



  “Kassidy Davis.”

  The thick, sexy, baritone voice of Nikolai booms out my name, and a tremble goes through my entire system. I force myself to glance up, toward the office door.

  I allow my eyes to look directly into his, and my heart beats rapidly against my breastbone. Nikolai's eyes pierce into me, even from where he's standing. His suit fits the vast expanse of his broad shoulders impeccably well He is wearing a dark gray vest underneath a custom made white shirt that can be seen from beneath the jacket. His jawline is chiseled and square cut, with a day's old shadow covering his jawline.

  I breathe intensely as I stand to my feet. “Do you need to see me sir?”

  “Come to my office, now,” he states before turning and walking back into his office, leaving the door ajar for me to follow.

  I hope that I haven't done anything wrong.

  I grab my notepad and pen then head to Nikolai's office. I'm nervous as hell considering the way his voice sounded. I enter my boss's office. I scan his face to get a read on his mood.

  “Why are you just standing there? Come in and have a seat.”

  I give a tentative smile and walk over to have a seat in front of his desk.

  “I haven't had a chance to talk to you about the lunch you aborted the other week. Aimee was an old acquaintance of mine. She means nothing to me. Don't ever walk out on me again Kassidy. Do I make myself clear?”

  I fidget in my seat and avoid eye contact. Nikolai's voice is firm and brooks no argument, but his eyes are fire and ice burning me alive.

  “Yes sir,” I nod in agreement.

  “Kassidy, look at me.” My gaze instantly drifts back to his face.

  “Okay, let us try this again. Meet me out front at noon; a car will be waiting to take us to a restaurant for lunch.”

  “Yes, sir. Is that all?”

  “Call me Nikolai, remember? Also, that will be all for now.”

  “All right Nikolai. I'll meet you out front at noon.”

  I stood and rushed out of his office and didn't breathe until I made it back to my desk.

  When Nikolai and I arrived for lunch at a trendy restaurant in downtown at a business district, I had no idea that French food smelled so good. Nikolai and I ordered the French Fusion Braised Chicken dinner. It is some of the best chicken I'd ever eaten. I have to admit that I am enjoying myself.

  I made sure I stuck to one glass of wine because I don't want to get tipsy.

  “So, this time around isn't so bad is it?”

  “No, I'm sorry that I walked out on you before. That wasn't very professional, and you have every right to fire me,” I say looking down to avoid Nikolai's silvery glance.

  “Why would I fire you when I'm trying to know you better?”

  “Know me how?” I query

  “How does a man usually want to know a woman Kassidy?” Suddenly a charming grin lights up his handsome face. Eat up! We have plenty of time to know one another fully.”

  “Do you want dessert?” He asks glancing at the desserts on display.

  “I better not—”

  “Nonsense,” he says signaling for the dessert server. “What tickles your fancy?” he asks.

  “I'll take a red velvet cupcake.”

  “What will you have sir?” the server asks.

  “Nothing for me,” Nikolai replies as I bite into my cupcake.

  “Wow, these are delicious. You should have gotten one.”

  “I would rather have a bite of yours,” Nikolai retorts with a salacious grin.

  I lean over and offer him a bite of the sweet treat from the unbitten side, but he takes my wrist in his hand and twists it to the side I had already taken a bite from. Nikolai licked his lips and it made my pussy throb.

  “You're right, that is delicious. There is nothing, but one thing, I know tastes better,” Nikolai says with a naughty gleam in his eyes.

  I gulp and pray I can get through the rest of the lunch while retaining my professionalism.




  “Thanks girl, for meeting me this evening,” I say to Anita as we sit at a table at the ‘Zin Zam Bar and Lounge’.

  “No problem, honey. I can use a drink or three after the day I had.”

  “What can I get for you ladies?” The waitress asks.

  “I would like a quarter pound sirloin burger with the sweet potato fries,” I waste no time in placing my order. I already knew what I wanted when I arrived.

  “I will have the same,” pipes in Anita.

  “What to drink?” The waitress asks.

  “I will have a Pink Lady of Montenegro,” I say of the cocktail that contains a mixture of rum, grilled strawberry, lime, and Amaro. “Order anything you want Anita. Tonight is my treat.
  “I’ll have the cranberry and vodka,” Anita adds. “ Thanks, my friend!” She gives me a big smile that I readily return.

  “Great! I’ll return with your meals and drinks soon,” the waitress replies before strolling off to fulfill our orders.

  “So, what’s going on with your job? Are you acclimating well?”

  I let out a long breath. “Nita, I don’t know if I’m going or coming at times. Whenever I’m around Nikolai or Dirk, it feels as if I’m stepping into a fiery furnace.”

  “That’s because you have the hots for your two billionaire Alfa bosses. The sooner you admit it, the better off you will be, honey.”

  “That’s just it, I do feel a strong chemistry with both of them. Even though Dirk acts like an ass most times, I still feel strongly attracted to him. But, I have no room in my life for complications.”

  “Kass, I understand. It’s best to not mix business with pleasure. Those rules spoke, or unspoken, are in place for a reason. But you know me, I don’t give a shit about the rules. Life is too short. Let loose, and—”

  “Here are your orders,” the waitress places our orders and drinks on the table cutting off Anita’s words.

  “Thank you,” we say in unison.

  “Enjoy your meal and if you need anything else just let me know.”

  We nod and wait until the waitress leaves before resuming our conversation.

  “Now, what was I saying?” Anita bites into her burger while I stuff a fry in my mouth.

  “You were saying something about letting loose.”

  “Oh yeah! Kass, you need not to think so hard. I would give an arm for two hot men to set their sights on me.”

  “I’m not one hundred percent sure that they have set their sights on me. Do you remember me telling you about that Terrance guy that I thought was interested in me when I was in college?”


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