Try and Catch Me: A Young Adult Fiction

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Try and Catch Me: A Young Adult Fiction Page 5

by Sarah Kirchner

  “I’ll see you there around eight. It’ll be fun.” He smiled. Aspen leaned in and pecked my cheek. It was amazing how much a brush of his lips could make me go so crazy. “See you then!” He strolled down the hallway and I finally turned into my classroom where everyone, it seemed, was staring at me.

  “Go, Ella!” Becca called to me as I slumped into my seat. I caught her eye from across the room and mouthed the words, I hate you. She just smiled and blew me a kiss before shifting her focus back to the teacher.

  Chapter 7

  News Flash

  “You look beautiful.” Quinn beamed next to me. Her arm was slugged around my shoulders. We were admiring my outfit for that night’s event with Aspen. I wasn’t really wearing something party-worthy. It looked more like a date outfit. But I didn’t mind; that was what I was going for, anyway. I wanted to make this party feel more like a date.

  A light blue dress hugged my chest and then flared out around my waist reaching up to my mid-thigh. The dress was a slim-fit, so it covered up the little amount of boobs that I had. It would’ve been nice to show a little bit of cleavage, but with a tiny chest, that was as impossible as seeing pigs fly. Sam got all the good genes, so if anyone was looking for a wide-chested girl, hit her up

  Ugh, just thinking about her drove me mad.

  “Thanks,” I replied. I gave her a tiny smile, but it was hard. The date made me so nervous, and it didn’t help that we were going to a party. As everyone knew, I hated parties.

  “Cheer up, Ella.” Rebecca frowned from behind me. “You’re going on a date with, like, the hottest kid in school! Well, besides Tristan.”

  Quinn and I looked at each other and then rolled our eyes. Ever since she met Tristan, she was all about that guy. It was even a miracle that Becca actually came over today.

  “Hearing his name makes me want to barf,” Quinn said, pretended to gag. I couldn’t help but choke out a laugh.

  “Hey, he’s a really nice guy! He likes me, and I like him!” Becca shouted. Crossing her arms, she sat on my bed and stared at the floor.

  “He likes you likes you?” I asked and took a step closer to her. Inside, I was a little scared she would pounce on me at any second, but I figured I would take my chances.

  “Yes, he told me last night.”

  “Wait, ‘last night’?” Quinn interjected.

  Becca tried to hide her face. Her eyes searched all around the room, but they refused to glance at either of us.

  “Rebecca.” I started and took another step.

  “We went out on a date!” Becca threw up her arms and buried herself in my blankets.

  “What!” Quinn and I both screamed. Becca was supposed to tell us if she was going on a date. It was a pact that we made. When the time came for our first date ever, we’d tell each other so we could help each other get ready.

  “I’m sorry!” Becca cried. “I just wanted to keep it to myself. It felt good having my own secret.”

  “Except it wasn’t just your little secret.”

  Suddenly, Sam stood in my doorway with a little smirk on her face, her petite body pressed up against the frame as she glared at all of us.

  “Shut up, Sam.” Becca stood, gritting her teeth.

  Quinn and I stood between them, looking from our best friend and then to our enemy.

  “What’s going on?” Quinn whispered.

  “You see, your little best friend here didn’t keep the secret of her date all to herself at all. She actually told someone else. She asked this person for advice for her big date and even asked her to help her get ready for it,” she relayed to us, the smirk never leaving her face.

  Sam was enjoying herself. She walked around my room like she was in a parade. Rebecca followed her every move, a frightened look on her face. Any second now and I knew she was either going to attack her or cry.

  I might’ve cried too. Hearing that Becca had turned to someone else for advice for her very first date hurt me. She was Quinn’s and my best friend. If it wasn’t us that she was seeking help from, who was it? And why did Samantha know about it?

  “Who?” I asked. My voice was hoarse. Hearing that news shouldn’t have hurt me so much, but it did. First, she didn’t tell Quinn or me about the date. Then, we found out that she actually went searching for someone else to help her for the date. Why hadn’t she just come to us? We were her best friends, after all. Ever since sixth grade, we have stuck together. Just the three of us—plus Caleb.

  “That’s a very good question, dear sister.” Sam smiled. “Would you like to tell them, Rebecca? Or shall I?”

  Becca didn’t answer. Her eyes were empty as they stared into blank space.

  “No, Becca? Okay I’ll just tell them, then.” Sam shrugged and walked back over to my door. “Rebecca asked me to help her. I even went over to her house and let her borrow one of my outfits for her date. I was a little shocked at the invite over her house as well, but hey, I’m always up for making my sister’s life a living hell. It makes me feel good about myself, you know?”

  Her haunting smile stared at all of us. Quinn’s mouth gaped open, along with mine. Becca was crying next to me softly. I didn’t really care though. It had felt like my heart was ripped out from my chest. My best friend had just betrayed me.

  “I’ll see you all later.” Sam left the doorway, but then appeared again a second later. “Oh, and Isabella, have fun on your date tonight.” My stomach tightened. How did she know about my date? Did Becca tell her about that too? And just like that, Sam was gone and left us broken friends.

  “What the hell, Rebecca?!” Quinn screamed. I stood next to her, quiet. I was in too much shock to say anything.

  “I think I’m going to get sick,” Rebecca mumbled and wobbled toward the bathroom.

  “I swear Becca, if you don’t tell us what that was all about—”

  “She knows Tristan, okay!” Becca screamed. “She’s his friend. Sam even introduced me to him because apparently, he thought I was hot. I needed some advice from her, somebody who knew him.” Tears wouldn’t stop streaming down her face, but I couldn’t care less.

  “So, you went to my sister? The girl who has tormented me since the day I was born?” I finally found my voice, and it was erupting with anger. “She’s been trying to make my life—and yours—horrible since we made it into high school, and you made it that much easier for her.”

  “At the party she was nice to me!”

  “What about us?” Quinn yelled. “She’s never done one friendly thing to us, but because she was nice to you one day when you were drunk, you decide to make her your new best bud?”

  “I’m sorry, guys!” Rebecca cried and fell to the floor. She hugged her knees and rocked herself back and forth. “She promised me she wouldn’t tell you guys.”

  “You deserve what she just did,” I spat at her. “You went behind our backs and now it’s coming back, biting you in the ass.”

  “He likes me,” Becca murmured.

  “News flash Becca! Nobody cares anymore!” Quinn screamed.

  I just looked at Becca. What happened to her? How could she go to the person who she knew hated my guts the most? How could she go to my own sister before even mentioning her date to either Quinn or me?

  “We’re leaving,” Quinn said and grabbed my hand. She stormed through my bedroom and headed downstairs. Sam was standing by the door as if she had anticipated for this to happen. “I hope you’re happy Sam!”

  “Oh, I’m very happy.” Sam’s lips twitched before we slammed the door and headed straight for Quinn’s car.

  In the car, both of us were fighting back the tears that was about to explode at any moment.

  “I can’t believe her,” Quinn whispered and let out a deep breath.

  “I guess we can count my date out,” I stated. As much as I wanted to see Aspen, especially after what just happened, Quinn was a wreck and I didn’t know if I should leave her.

  “No. You’re going. I got to help you get ready, and
I’m not letting that go to waste.” Quinn started the Jeep’s engine.

  “I love you, Quinn.” I took her hand in mine.

  “I love you too.” She smiled and she pulled out from my driveway. “Now let’s go to this freaking party and tear it up!” she shouted and hit the gas pedal. The car jumped forwards and we drove away from the house holding the two people I couldn’t stand the most now.


  Quinn and I arrived at the party a little later than what Aspen and I had planned. It was almost nine when I walked through the doorway.

  “Go find Aspen. I’ll be fine,” Quinn said in my ear. The music was blasting so it was hard to hear her clearly, but she walked away from me so I figured that meant I could go to Aspen.

  “I didn’t think you would come.”

  I jumped and realized that Aspen was standing right next to me. I hadn’t seen him when I opened the door, and as I peered down the hallway to look for him, he had already stood next to me. “I thought you were blowing me off.”

  “I would never do that.” I stared at him in awe. He looked so much more gorgeous than I remembered.

  “You look amazing.” He smiled and took my hand. It almost felt right now, him holding my hand. Without his hand lacing through mine, my hand felt empty, as if something was missing. Everything seemed to make sense again, whenever his hand met mine.

  “Thanks, so do you.” He was only wearing a black flannel and jeans, but something about seeing him in plaid emphasized his eye-popping good looks. “So, I assume that you won this game?” I asked. Aspen was leading me down the hallway and to the backyard. Coolers were aligned outside in the yard and I desperately needed a drink after the drama at home.

  “No, we actually lost.” Aspen nodded. “It’s a pity party for us.” He smirked.

  I lightly punched him in the arm, realizing that he did indeed win the game and was now just making fun of me. “Hey! No need to be an asshat about it.” I giggled.

  “An asshat?” he asked, raising an eyebrow as we stepped outside into the fresh air. It felt great after the night I just had. It wasn’t that cold out, but still having some air blowing against my exposed skin felt amazing.

  “Yeah, an asshat.” I huffed, and he pinched my arm.

  “You’re adorable.” He laughed. His broad arms lifted the lid of the cooler and he reached for a Coke and handed it to me. “I remembered this is what you spilled on me at the last party.”

  Okay, I had to admit, that made my heart swoon. He remembered what I was drinking the first night we actually had a conversation, despite it ruining his shirt. “Well, actually tonight, I need something stronger than caffeine.” I reached my hand out and grabbed some beer that I’d never seen before.

  “Watch out Treefall High! We got a party animal over here!” Aspen shouted his voice echoing across the empty backyard. A few people looked, but not many. Most of the people in the yard were already too drunk to care.

  “Oh, shut up.” I laughed and fell into him. “I just need to loosen up.”

  “Rough day?” he asked and I felt his heart beating against his chest. It felt so nice being in his arms.

  “You have no idea.”

  “Want to talk about it?”

  It made me feel so loved hearing him say that, but I decided not to bore him with my girl drama.

  “Nope.” I shook my head.

  “All right. Well then, let’s go party.” He pulled away from me and stared at me. “You know, this may sound a little conceited, but you’ve never really lived until you’ve seen me dance at a party,” he said and then walked back into the house.

  I laughed behind him and followed.

  Oh, it was going to be a fun night.

  Chapter 8

  This Isn’t Tag

  I threw back another shot. The liquid travelled down my body, its burning sensation cleansing my body from the rough night I was having. It felt nice to finally relax after the fight with Becca. The house was spinning around me, but I didn’t care. I was having fun and that was all I wanted.

  I tumbled into the den to see everyone dancing. Aspen stood in the middle, all by himself. He held a red solo cup in his hand and bobbed up and down to the beat of the music. He was now wearing a black tee, his flannel hanging over his shoulder. When I reached Aspen, he began holding my waist as we swayed from side to side. It didn’t matter that we were sweating. We were close, and that was all that mattered.

  “What’s gotten you like this?” Aspen shouted in the music.

  I didn’t hear him that well. My head was consumed with thoughts of Becca. None of it made sense. How could she just go to my sister? Sam had done absolutely nothing for her.

  Aspen rubbed my elbow, pulling me out of my reverie, and I finally turned toward him. Our chests were now touching and his hands had fallen lower to my hips. He looked so cute with his worried eyes. They were glistening like the stars, and that made me want him even more. Without thinking straight, I leaned into him. I wanted his lips on mine. No, I needed them.

  Aspen watched as I inched closer and closer to his mouth. Before I got the chance to even lightly brush his lips, he turned away and my lips landed on his cheek. It was definitely not what I wanted.

  “Why are you acting like this?” Aspen asked.

  “Acting like what?” I snapped. I was mad that he didn’t let me kiss him. Didn’t he like me? Weren’t people who liked each other supposed to kiss?

  “You’re usually shy and reserved.” He shook his head, his hair bouncing as he did so. “This isn’t the you I like.”

  I stumbled backwards. What was he saying? “I’m sorry. So you don’t like girls who want to kiss you?”

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying, Ella.” He let out a loud breath. “I just like the chase. When you’re throwing yourself at me, it’s not fun for me.”

  I was no longer thinking in that moment. My hand reached for the closest cup. I launched the cup at him and whatever was inside drenched Aspen. My body was sweltering. I was furious. People around us whooped, enjoying the sight of the most popular guy in school get a drink thrown at him, while others booed, deeming it to be harsh and unnecessary. I didn’t care what people thought. It needed to be done; my anger needed to be released.

  I headed for the door. I didn’t want to be around Aspen. My headed pounded from the drinks and music.

  “Branson, wait!” Aspen shouted from behind me, but I continued storming out. When I reached the grassy lawn outside, I realized something. Quinn drove me to the party, and she was no longer here anymore. Her car was gone. Crap.

  I had no choice but to stay and call someone or walk home.


  “What do you want, Aspen?” I shouted at him. Turning around, I saw how wet I actually made him from the drink. It made me feel a little bad, but not enough to make me feel sorry.

  “Why are you so mad? Did I say something?” he asked, throwing his hands to the side. Aspen looked genuinely confused.

  “I’m not a game, Aspen. This,” I said, pointing to him then to me, “isn’t a fun game for me. I wanted it to be the real thing. Clearly, you just like to think of me as a new video game, but I don’t date people who think of me as a toy.”

  “I—” Aspen searched for words.

  I crossed my arms. “I want to go home.”

  “Okay. I’ll take you home.” He nodded and shoved his hands into his pocket. I shivered and approached his car. “Cold?” he asked. I remained silent, but then, I felt his flannel cover my shoulders. I mumbled a thanks and after Aspen opened the passenger side door for me, I slid in.

  We began driving in silence. It was uncomfortable at first, but then I was still so angry that I no longer cared that it was awkward. Maybe I should’ve felt honored that he enjoyed chasing me, but I wasn’t some little kid, and this wasn’t a game of tag.

  It was so much more than that.

  I had a crush on Aspen since I was in second grade—he was in third—and now that he was fina
lly noticing me more than being just another girl on the soccer team, it really felt special. I felt special.

  I noticed that we weren’t driving anywhere near my house. Instead, he was driving to the complete opposite side from where I lived in.

  “Where are we going? I said I wanted to go home.”

  “I can’t take you home in this condition. You’re drunk, and I don’t think your parents would still like me if I brought you home like that.” Aspen didn’t look at me. He just stared at the empty road ahead of us.

  “I don’t care what they think of you. I want to go home,” I snapped. He was making me angrier. I swore my ears were beginning to spew steam.

  “Damn it, Branson! Don’t you get it?” He slammed his hand on the wheel and turned to me. Thankfully, we were at a red light. “I need your parents to like me. What kind of boyfriend would I be if your parents won’t?”

  Boyfriend. That made my head hurt even more. Was I seriously that drunk, or did he actually say “boyfriend”?

  “It’s a good thing you’re not my boyfriend, then,” I whispered, but still loud enough for him to hear. “Take me to Caleb’s house. I don’t want to be around you anymore.”

  “Ella, just let me take you to my house.” Aspen sighed.

  I allowed him to slip his hand into mine. Was I overreacting? Maybe I was just way too drunk. He wanted to be with me, so why was I letting that comment get to me so much? Maybe I deserved Aspen chasing me. He was everything I wanted. All the things that I used to dream about were now coming true. Aspen wanted me, so why wouldn’t I just let him like me?



  “Here, take my shirt. You can sleep in it tonight,” Aspen said, tossing me a shirt.

  I was on his bed staring at the ceiling. Posters of video games and soccer players lined his walls while trophies filled his shelves. On his desk sat a computer. It wasn’t that much different than Caleb’s room, except Aspen’s room made me nervous. After all, he did admit to me that he wanted to be my boyfriend, and now I was sitting in his room on his bed.


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