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The Mystery of Munroe Island

Page 22

by Satyajit Ray

  We were now travelling towards the east. We would begin our descent the minute we spotted a city.

  There’s one thing I still had to tell McPherson. ‘We’ve lost everything, but fortunately my pocket has retained one thing. Take it.’

  The first edition of the English Geetanjali containing Tagore’s own signature was now returned to its original owner.

  A few facts of this story have been taken from Congo, a novel by Michael Crichton.

  Shonku and the UFO

  12 September

  The subject of Unidentified Flying Objects has created a huge uproar around the world in the last twenty-five years. Numerous societies have surfaced all across the globe simply to study UFOs. The members of these societies are convinced that UFOs carrying aliens from distant planets regularly strike the earth but soon disappear. Countless photographs said to be of UFOs have regularly appeared in various journals. Ninety per cent of these images that are published depict the UFO as an upturned saucer, hence the name flying saucer. This fact itself makes the entire phenomenon highly dubious to me. There are after all so many shapes; why on earth should all the UFOs have the same form? All the rockets and spacecraft sent from earth do not resemble flying saucers! I myself once encountered one such UFO in Egypt which was in the shape of a pyramid. Thus all the stories of flying saucers appear to me as a laughable hoax.

  So much for flying saucers! Very recently, images of UFOs have come out in two newspapers—one from the city of Oxelösund in Sweden and the other from Leningrad in Russia. It’s clear that both the photographs are of the same spacecraft (if at all it’s a spacecraft) and neither of them remotely resembles a flying saucer. This spacecraft has a complicated design and is not easy to describe; hence it’s difficult to recognize this object as a spacecraft. It was spotted in the sky of Sweden on 2 September and in Leningrad the following day. It was also sighted in other parts of Europe but could not be photographed. These sightings have generated a lot of excitement among the UFO experts.

  Almost a decade ago, I had tried to establish contact with alien civilizations via radio signal and achieved considerable success. However, I had to abruptly put an end to this work due to a special reason. Let me explain.

  Ten years ago an international conference was held at Geneva where the main subject under discussion was how to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. I published a paper there on the subject talking about my own experience in this field. Most of the scientists who were present there greatly appreciated it. They were all amazed at the extent of my achievements working in a city like Giridih and using only very basic instruments.

  A pleasure cruise across the Lake Geneva was arranged for the delegates on the following day. Tables were arranged for lunch across the deck of the luxury steamer. A gentleman joined our table with my permission. He was a tall, lean man of about fifty-five. His jet-black hair and his pale, emaciated face were a complete mismatch. He introduced himself as Rodolfo Carboni, a Milan-based physicist. After the initial introductions, he produced a big bunch of foolscap sheets and placed it on our table with force.

  ‘What is it?’ I asked, taken aback.

  ‘Just read the heading on the first page and you’ll understand,’ replied Dr Carboni.

  The heading amazed me. The title was identical to the subject of my own paper.

  ‘Are you working on the same line?’ was my startled question.

  Carboni replied, ‘Yes. Exactly. I had established radio contact with the inhabitants of the planet which is located around the solar system of Alpha Centauri. There is no difference between your research and mine. I was supposed to read this paper. As you read your paper first I refrained from reading mine, as it would have been mere repetition.’

  ‘But why? It would not have harmed your reputation or undermined your achievement in any way. On the other hand, it would have reaffirmed our line of argument that alien civilizations do exist.’

  ‘No.’ Carboni shook his head. ‘It wouldn’t have gone down well. I would have been accused of plagiarizing your work. Your international reputation, your fame plus your good luck would have favoured you. The fact that your own country is poor and backward would have attracted more support and sympathy. Nobody knows me here. Why should they believe my word?’

  Saying these words, Carboni picked up his papers and left the table. I was very upset. Had he read the paper first this situation would not have risen. I know such envy does not help anyone but the sad fact is that many scientists just waste their talent feeing envious of others. I can easily name at least four such scientists who have created a lot of problems even for me, thanks to the green monster.

  I knew nothing about this Carboni. That evening I got some information about him from my longtime friend Jeremy Saunders. And I decided to discontinue any further endeavour to contact alien beings.

  Carboni was apparently an architect by profession. The Italian government had decided to establish a sports stadium in Turin and had invited designs from the best architects in the country. Carboni too came up with a design. His uncle was a member of the Italian cabinet. With his help Carboni’s plan got approved. However, the stadium developed a dangerous crack midway during the construction. Carboni’s design was rejected and another architect was assigned the contract. Carboni’s reputation suffered a huge blow. He had to quit his profession. He attempted suicide twice but failed. Subsequently he resurfaced as a physicist after a mysterious eight-year hiatus.

  After listening to Carboni’s personal history I felt a deep sympathy for him. There’s no dearth of subject matters in the field of scientific research. I wouldn’t really become penniless if I gave up my own work on this subject. I decided to convey my decision to Carboni in writing. He could jolly well continue with his work and need no longer treat me as his rival. Carboni didn’t bother to reply. His name has now crossed my mind due to the current spate of news about UFOs. Is he still continuing with his research? Has he managed to establish any contact with this particular spaceship?

  17 September

  An old friend of mine visited me. Our friendly neighbourhood Nostradamus, Mr Nakurchandra Biswas. I’ve already talked about his extraordinary psychic powers. He lives in Makorda and almost every three months he comes to meet me. He possesses the unusual power of reading minds, clairvoyance, conducting past-life regression, enjoys the the power of premonition and fortune telling and can even foresee the future. Moreover, he has the capacity to imagine a situation or events which he can make others experience as well. A number of rare talents indeed! Science still can’t explain these phenomena but I strongly feel it will be able to in the future. I shall be eternally grateful for the way he saved me from a perilous situation in Brazil. He is half my age but I can’t help but greatly respect him for his unusual powers. He is a thorough gentleman, though he appears to be a simpleton. In reality, he has ample presence of mind as well as chutzpah. I’ve seen enough evidence of this.

  He arrived at 7 a.m. and respectfully touched my feet. Then he sat down across me on the sofa. I instructed Prahlad to prepare another cup of coffee, folded away the newspaper and asked, ‘How are you, sir?’ Embarrassed he said, ‘Please don’t call me “sir”. You’re almost as old as my father.’

  ‘Fine. I shall remember that. Tell me, how are you? What keeps you busy these days?’

  ‘I’m fine, sir. Trying to catch up with my studies. I can hardly afford to buy books. However, the advocate Mr Chintaharan Ghoshal has kindly allowed me to use his library. My father, you know, practises homoeopathy. He cured Mr Ghoshal’s gout. So out of gratitude he has permitted me to use his library during the afternoon. Sir, he owns 7000 books, covering almost every subject under the sun.’

  ‘What subject are you studying now?’

  ‘I am reading chiefly history, geography and travelogues. You see, when I get to see events unfolding before my eyes I can perceive that they belong to another age. If I have knowledge of basic history and geography, I can ea
sily identify those scenes. Thus I’m trying to gain knowledge of those subjects. If I describe these events to you, I’m sure you would readily explain them to me. But I don’t wish to disturb you in any way for such small matters. After all you’re a very busy man.’

  ‘Are these studies helping you?’

  ‘Yes, sir, to a certain extent. Two months ago, on 19 July I witnessed a grisly scene. A gown-clad, bearded and bejewelled person was seated in a room and a big salver covered with an embroidered cloth was produced before him. When the cloth was removed it revealed the freshly-severed head of a human being.’

  ‘Does this relate to Aurangzeb?’

  ‘Yes, sir. The book I read suggests so. The head belonged to Aurangzeb’s elder brother, Prince Dara Shikoh.’

  ‘Yes, I too know of this event.’

  ‘But sir, I don’t always understand each event that I see. For instance, I saw a clock the day before yesterday.’

  ‘A clock?’

  ‘Yes, sir. But it was no ordinary clock. I’ve never seen an illustration or image of such a clock in any book.’

  ‘Will you be able to produce the same scene before me?’

  ‘Why not, sir. But you need to give me three minutes’ time.’

  ‘Yes, of course. Take your time.’

  ‘Please concentrate on that flower pot. I need to close my own eyes.’

  It didn’t even take three minutes. I could soon see an image on the opposite wall which appeared through a curtain of muslin. It was a magnificent water clock, designed and manufactured by TsuTsung in the city of Kaifeng city in China in the eleventh century. This amazing clock had been created in the memory of Emperor Tsen Jung.

  The scene disappeared within a minute. When I described the clock to Nakur Babu, he looked elated. ‘That’s exactly why I visit you so often. You possess such encyclopaedic knowledge.’

  Such platitudes would have normally irritated me, but not when they came from Nakur Babu.

  Out of curiosity, I couldn’t help but ask him, ‘Do you read the newspapers?’

  Nakur Babu very shyly shook his head.

  I said, ‘Then you may not be aware of the UFO-related news.’

  ‘What’s that news?’

  From the stack of newspapers I looked for the newspaper dated 3 September. I showed the photograph of the UFO to Nakur Babu. He reacted instantly. Looking amazed he exclaimed, ‘My God! I saw this very thing the other day!’

  ‘Where did you see it?’

  ‘I was resting on the verandah after lunch and looking at a squirrel dancing around a drumstick tree when suddenly the atmosphere all around me turned hazy. I could not see anything at first. It took me a while to understand that everything was covered in sand. Hence the smoky effect. When the sand finally settled, I saw it—it was really massive—standing on the sand bed. Its metallic body was shining brightly in the sunlight.’

  ‘Did you notice anyone there?’

  ‘No, sir. Not a soul. The spacecraft didn’t seem to be occupied. Then again, who knows? But the area appeared to be a desert. I could see snow-capped mountains at the back. I saw everything clearly.’

  Nakur Babu was with me for another ten minutes. At the time of leaving he said he could feel that he would have to meet me again soon. ‘Please do not mind, Tilu Babu. I feel so worried every time I apprehend any signs of danger for you.’

  ‘Are you foreseeing any such thing?’

  ‘Not immediately but when I saw you in the room today, my heart skipped a beat, as if I were seeing you imprisoned in a room.’

  ‘Are you taking good care of yourself? This world has enough scientists like me. But you’re too precious. The kind of power which you possess is a very unusual thing. It should not be allowed to go to waste.’

  ‘Sir, I understand your sentiments. I consume Brahmi leaves (waterhyssop herb) regularly.’

  ‘Good. But if you ever feel that your power is on the wane then please let me know. I can give you a medicine which might help you.’

  ‘Which medicine?’

  ‘It’s called Cerebrilliant. It helps one stay alert to keep the senses active.’

  Nakur Babu mentioned that if need be he can come over whenever his presence is required. All I have to do is drop him a postcard.

  25 September

  One terrible piece of news has distracted my mind from any interest in UFOs.

  The Parthenon, one of the best instances of Greek civilization, has been destroyed. This is unbelievable. Does the Parthenon really stand no more? It had been designed and built over the Acropolis hills at Athens by legendary Greek architects and sculptors like Ictinus, Callicrates and Phidias. It was originally a temple dedicated to Goddess Athena. One is always overwhelmed by its beauty while standing in front of it. And now it is history.

  Yet the news is true. The media has helped spread this news like wildfire all over the world, casting everyone to despair. Nobody really knows the truth behind this terrible disaster. The incident took place at midnight. The Athenians woke up with a jolt from their sleep to a loud explosion. Naturally everyone rushed out of their homes. That was the second night of the waning moon. Those who were residing around the Acropolis saw with horror that their beloved Parthenon was gone. Only millions of marble fragments were strewn all over the place. It is being investigated whether any powerful terrorist group is behind this explosion. But nobody knows anything for sure.

  I just can’t write any more. Let me wind up here.

  27 September

  A strange letter arrived today which has rekindled my interest in UFOs.

  My German friend, Wilhelm Crole, is touring China on an official invitation. He had earlier informed me about this. His main purpose was to tour around the Xingjian province of China and to visit the ancient Buddhist temples and relics. Crole left Beijing for Xingjian along with a group of Chinese archaeologists. The same area had once been visited by the famous traveller Sir Aurel Stein at the behest of the Archaeological Survey of India. The area was then known as Chinese Turkistan. Sir Aurel Stein uncovered an amazing Buddhist monastery in the town of Tun-huang, located on the southeast side of Taklamakan Desert. Recently, Chinese archeologists have found an ancient scroll that describes another eighteenth-century monastery which could be lying buried below the sand of the Taklamakan Desert. An archaeological team is carrying out the digging around the Khotan town in the Taklamakan region. Crole’s letter, of course, is not related to this archaeological expedition although he is part of this team. He writes:

  Dear Shonku

  You have possibly read in the newspapers about a story on a UFO. I feel this particular UFO could be operating somewhere in the same locality where I’m working at present. During the last three days I’ve spotted it twice in the sky. On the first day it was seen flying towards the west. The next day it zoomed in from the west and then disappeared behind the Tian Shan mountain located in the east. I feel it’s our duty to enquire into this. The Chinese government has agreed to provide us with helicopters. But I do not want to go by myself. I feel we three musketeers must be together for such an expedition, as in the past. If you’re not too busy then please let me know through a cable. I’m sounding out Saunders as well. The sooner we move the better. You’re a well-known figure in the scientific community. Perhaps they are not that familiar with Saunders but it doesn’t really matter.

  Waiting for your return cable.


  Wilhelm Crole

  I remembered the descriptions provided by Nakur Babu. A rocket in the middle of a desert! With a snow-capped mountain as the backdrop. If it is the Taklamakan Desert then it’s quite possible that the Tian Shan mountain located in the north is the snow-capped mountain seen in the vision.

  I’m already feeling excited about the expedition. I’ve visited so many places but I’ve never made it to Chinese Turkistan. The descriptions provided by Aurel Stein and Sven Hedin have only whetted my curiosity even more. Marco Polo’s travel account also describes the thirteent
h-century Chinese Turkistan. During Marco Polo’s visit Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan, was ruling over China. The account of the Taklamakan Desert given by Marco Polo is quite frightening. The inhabitants of the UFO wouldn’t have possibly found a better place to hide themselves.

  Nakur Babu had wanted to be kept informed. I’ve a strong feeling that his services would be required in this expedition. Crole has already witnessed some of his magical powers in Brazil and so may not object to his accompanying us. I must send a cable to Saunders and a letter to Nakur Babu right away.

  1 October

  Saunders has agreed to accompany us. He’ll, of course, travel directly from London. Nakur Babu too has agreed to come but I have a reason to quote his letter verbatim below as it’s very special.

  Thousand bows to Trilokeswar Shonku Esq

  Most respectfully I beg to say—

  I’m overjoyed that you have recalled me prior to your journey to China. You must be told that the UFO that is visiting the earth has come here with a harmful mission. I apprehend that it would cause great suffering to a sensitive person like you, sir. I’m still clueless as to how I can offer you any help. I shall feel highly honoured if I can join you in this expedition—as in the last one. The question of refusing does not arise as the request comes from none other than you. Just let me know when I am required to arrive in Giridih.

  Yours faithfully

  Nakurchandra Biswas

  I must inform Nakur Babu to make arrangements for heavy woollen clothes as this place gets extremely cold in October.

  9 October, Khotan

  The two pieces of information that I received from Saunders have depressed me to no end. Normally, I feel so charged up every time I visit a new place but not this time. Instead, sorrow has almost paralysed me.


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