Mind the Line

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Mind the Line Page 17

by Jennifer Domenico

  ​Our interactions this week have been minimal, and I have to wonder if both of us are avoiding private interactions. I imagine that won’t be so easy to do being his neighbor. Hearing a knock, I direct my attention to my door.

  “Come in.” When it opens, my eyes open in surprise to see Ellis. “Oh. Hey.”

  He smiles. “Annabelle told me to come up. Hope that’s alright.”

  “Sure. I’m almost done here.”

  “Good. Question. Do you have alerts set up about you?”

  I look up, laying the sweater down on the bed. “No. Why?”

  “Perhaps it’s time.” He hands me his phone, and as I gaze at the screen, my eyes open wide. I look up at Ellis with my mouth slightly open. “I was just as surprised,” he adds.

  I look down again, reading the gossip blip about me. It’s just a picture of me walking into Equis with a blurb about my smart, polished style.

  “I don’t even know how to react.”

  Ellis nods. “Not used to being in the news?”

  “No. I’m just background filler. I’m not the star of the story.”

  “Apparently you are.” He sits on the bed next to me, looking over my shoulder at the phone. “I have to agree with the author. “You do look very smart when you dress for work.”

  “What does the way I dress have to do with my intelligence level?”

  Ellis’s eyebrow raises. “I don’t follow.”

  “You said I look smart.”

  He smiles. “Ah. We mean, um, very nice. Pulled together.”

  “Well why don’t you just say that?”

  He shrugs. “I suppose because we’re English.”

  I laugh. “Good one.”

  He smiles. “So, the press fancies your style. Not a bad reason to have a write up.”

  “No, but now I need to be aware of my surroundings more. I thought the incident with Luke was just coincidence, but maybe it wasn’t.”

  “Maybe it wasn’t.” He grins, picking up my sweater and refolding it so well it now looks like it should be on display in a shop. “Most women who spend time with me are delighted to see their name in the papers.”

  “I’m not most women you spend time with.”

  “A fact I’m well aware of.” He stands, creating the distance I needed to breathe normally. “Are you nearly ready?”

  I nod. “Just need to pack my delicates, and I’ll be ready.”

  A slow smile spreads across his luscious mouth. “Shall I leave the room?”

  “You’ve never seen women’s lingerie before?”

  “Oh, I’ve seen it. Indeed, I’ve purchased it. What would I find in your drawers?”

  “Go find out.”

  He opens the first drawer pulling a black silk nightgown from it. “Lovely. Seems a bit demure for you.”

  I smile, taking it from him and folding it. “Keep going.”

  He pulls out a pink bra and panty set, made of such delicate lace, I’m always afraid to wear it for fear of ruining it. He fingers the material before turning toward me. “Seems a bit sweet for you.”

  “So you don’t think I’m sweet or demure. What do you think I am?”

  “Sexy as fuck.”

  One eyebrow raises. “Keep going.”

  Ellis digs into the drawer, pulling various items out, until he gets to the piece I was hoping he would find. He lifts it up, eyeing it, then me, then it again. It’s a one-piece and a combination of black lace and leather with straps in interesting places. When I wear it, which has only been once, I feel like a badass. It makes my boobs look amazing.

  “This is exactly what I think of you.”

  “It’s my favorite piece.”

  “Did you buy it for yourself or was it a gift?”

  “I bought it.”

  “For someone special?”

  I smile, taking it from him. “I’ve never had someone special. I bought it because it was sexy and I liked it.”

  “So…a man hasn’t seen you in it?”

  “Nope.” I hold it up to my chest. “Which is such a shame. I look hot.”

  “I imagine you do.”

  “Do you want to see me in it?”

  “Yes.” He steps closer, grinning as he slides his hands in his pockets. “But you already know this. You’re teasing me.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Because you know I’m a gentleman.”

  “Because it’s fun.”

  “For one of us.”

  Laughing softly, I fold the lingerie up and put it in my suitcase.

  “I would pay an astonishing amount of money to see you in it.”

  My eyes open wide. “Would you now?”

  “I would pay twice that much to photograph you in it.”

  I walk closer, maintaining my gaze on his. “What would you pay to touch me in it?”

  “Everything I have.”

  “Well lucky for you, if I choose you, it won’t cost you a thing.”

  “In currency, perhaps, but there is a price to pay.”

  “That doesn’t sound happy.” I step closer still, so tempted to run my hands down his impressive chest. “What is my price, Ellis?”

  “I don’t know yet. You haven’t chosen me, but I know with absolute certainty that being with you is not a benign experience.” He reaches out and brushes my hair from my shoulder. “A wise man would pay your fee, whatever it is, even if it was his very soul.”

  “Poetic, but perhaps you overestimate me. What if I’m dull? Hmm? What if I’m mean and difficult? What if I talk through movies, and bite my nails, and leave the kitchen a mess? What if I can’t suck a dick to save my life? Would I be worth it then?”

  Ellis grins, gazing into my eyes. “You are none of those things.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I just do. Let’s start with the obvious. I would know by now if you were dull. Your intellect is quite evident. If you are mean and difficult, then you’ve met your match. I don’t watch movies, and based on your always flawless manicure you don’t bite your nails. I have a cleaning service for the messes you leave behind.” He grins. “As for being incapable of sucking dick properly, I have a sneaking suspicion you would know just what I need, but if not, I could always teach you how to please me.”

  “Tell me, Ellis, are you a gentle teacher or a stern one?”

  He smiles. “I adjust my style to the needs of the student. Something tells me I would have to be stern with you. You’re not obedient.”

  “No, I’m not, but it’s been my experience when I’m interested in a subject, I throw myself into learning everything I can about it.”

  As he watches me, his hungry gaze starts to strip away all my protective armor. “It would be an interesting lesson indeed to see what we could teach each other, don’t you think?”

  Swallowing hard, I avert my eyes. “I do, but…” I sigh, running my fingers through my hair before looking back up at him. “What if being with me ruined your reputation? Would I be worth it then?”

  Ellis is silent for a moment while he searches my eyes. “I think you might be.”

  His answer shocks me. “We should talk about something else.”

  “You started it.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Why? When we both know we must mind the line. Why do you taunt me?”

  Shrugging, I smile. “Maybe I’m taunting myself.”

  Ellis runs his finger under my chin, causing my breath to catch. “It is a bit fun…to imagine it…us, together, isn’t it?”


  Exhaling slowly, he steps back. “Now, you should put your sexy bits of lace away from my gluttonous eyes. We have supper waiting at my place.”

  “Okay, Ellis.” I return my attention to packing as he helps me by emptying my drawers and putting clothes on the bed. My body feels like it’s a magnet, constantly drawn to Ellis. Living next to him is probably the worst idea I’ve ever had, but at the same time, I’m so excited. I want to see him in his inner sanctum. I want
to see behind the brave façade he shows the public. I bet there’s so much more underneath it all.

  A few minutes later, I zip the suitcase and smile. “All done.”

  “Excellent.” He lifts both suitcases as I throw the tote over my shoulder. “Tomorrow morn you’ll wake up as my neighbor. What do you think of that?”

  “It’s fine.”

  “You’re not nervous?”

  “Of what? That you’ll sneak over in the middle of the night, let yourself in, and climb in bed? That you’ll make love to me while I sleep, making me think it’s a dream?”

  “Trust me, darling, if I make love to you, you won’t be able to sleep through it.”

  I smile as he opens the bedroom door. “And as delightful as sneaking into your bed sounds, I will always wait for an invitation.”

  “I know, Ellis.”

  “Which won’t be coming.” He smiles and winks at me. “Since we’re colleagues.”


  “Come on with you.”

  We walk down the stairs to find Annabelle and David waiting near the front door. David grins. “There you are. We thought perhaps we might miss dinner.”

  “Why would you think that, mate?” Ellis says, grinning. “Just packing up. Avery was showing me some of her favorite things.”

  I have to fight back laughter. “Um, Ellis, I don’t think my luggage will fit in the Jag.”

  “You’re right. Which is why I brought the Audi.”

  I peer out the window at the sleek silver Audi SUV parked in front of the house. “Good looking out.”

  His eyebrow raises. “A compliment I’ll assume.”

  Annabelle and I laugh, as she grabs my arm. “You’re so delightfully American, Avery.”

  “You used to be.”

  “Yes, but the longer you’re here, the less you’ll express yourself that way. It’s kind of nice to be reminded of my roots.”

  “Maybe I’ll pick up some slang soon.”

  “We’ll get you sorted, sister. Soon you’ll say things like bits and bobs and have tea instead of dinner. You’ll call your fries chips and your chips crisps whilst we watch the telly. We’ll have biscuits instead of cookies, and you’ll find yourself gobsmacked and chuffed with some regularity. You’ll even fancy a kip now and then.”

  I raise my eyebrow. “Whatever a kip is.”

  Annabelle smiles. “It’s a nap.”

  Laughing, I add, “Ah.”

  David grins. “My favorite thing is when Belle says ‘and Bob’s your uncle’ to me.”

  My brow creases. “What does that mean?”

  Ellis smiles. “It means, there you go.”

  “Interesting. Well as long as I can get a full English once a week, I’m good with all of it. Even the occasional cup of tea.” My eyes shift to Ellis watching me. I’m definitely good with all of it.

  “Speaking of tea,” Ellis says. “Let’s go before ours is ruined.”


  Hours later, after a pleasant dinner of shepherd’s pie, David and Annabelle say goodbye, and I’m left alone with Ellis.

  “Do you need any assistance tonight?” Ellis asks.

  “I don’t think so. I’m just gonna unpack my necessities and get some rest.”

  “Excellent idea. I’ll walk you home.”

  “All the way next door?”

  “Would you just allow me to be the man I wish to be around you? I won’t overstep my bounds.”

  I wish I knew what those bounds were. “I’m not afraid you will.”


  After grabbing my handbag, we walk the approximate twenty steps to my door. I unlock it, and then turn around to face Ellis.

  “If you need anything at all, you know where to find me,” he offers.

  “Of course. I’d like to meet with you tomorrow regarding Paris. I have some ideas I want to share.”

  “I will look forward to that.” He bows his head slightly. “Sleep well.”

  “You too.”

  He lingers for a moment, then extends his arms for a hug that I walk into without hesitation. I will always accept a hug from this man. He smells unbelievably good. Everything he uses combines to create an elixir of pure sex appeal. He is warm, his strong arms delicate in their embrace, and as I lean my head on his chest, I can hear his heart beating. A moment later, when he steps back, he looks down at me, soft blue eyes gazing at me, and that mouth, his deliciously pouty mouth, turns up in a smile, but stays silent.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Remember when you said sometimes the simple things are the best?”

  “I do.”

  “I wholeheartedly agree. It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed the simple pleasure of an embrace, but every time you honor me with one, I am reminded how good it feels.”

  “It does feel good.”

  “May I confess something to you, Avery?”

  I nod slowly. “Of course.”

  “You know without a doubt that I am madly attracted to you.”


  “I must confess, that whilst that is a daily challenge I must overcome, I admire you. I enjoy your company, and I…” He pauses, taking my hands in his. “I deeply value your presence in my life. I only hope that on some level, you are grateful for my presence in yours.”

  Those are the sweetest words I’ve honestly ever heard I think. I don’t know how to react as so many emotions rush to the surface.

  “Ellis,” my voice cracks as I try to process what he just said to me.

  “Have I overwhelmed you?”

  I smile, rubbing his cheek. “No. I always have so many things running through my head at any given time, sometimes I don’t know want to say, but Annabelle always tells me to just say what I’m feeling.”

  “But that’s not easy. You have to trust someone to put your guard down, to be vulnerable, yes?”

  I nod. “Yeah and trust is hard. I know you know that.”


  “But I do trust you, Ellis. So,” I pause, swallowing hard. “Thank you for confessing that to me. It’s nice to know your appreciation of me extends beyond attraction.”

  “Avery…” He studies my face, then cups my cheeks, leaning forward. I think he’s going to kiss me, but his lips land on my forehead, causing my breath to hitch. “Someday, I’ll confess to you how deeply my appreciation extends.”

  “I’ll look forward to that. For now, we still have work to do.”

  “Yes, we do, and I will mind the line as best I can, but—” He ends his sentence abruptly, shifting his eyes away from mine. “For now, we still have work to do.”

  “What were you gonna say?”

  “It’s likely best I keep it to myself for now.”

  “Tell me, Ellis. Were you going to say that you want to make love to me?”

  “No. I was going to say…” He exhales slowly. “I like you, Avery, so much. Far beyond your beauty and this unrelenting attraction between us. I like you.” He smiles. “And when our work is done, I hope I’ll have the chance to know you on a deeper level. Who you are, on the inside, captivates me. I want to know you inside and out, a thousand times more than I want to know your body, and believe me when I say my desire for you is nearly immeasurable.”

  I smile. “You’re such a sexy man, Ellis. Everything about you.”

  “I am more than that, and the more time we spend together, the more I wish you to know me too. The more I trust that you will accept me as I am. The more I believe that I might actually have something to offer you beyond scandal.”

  “You should believe that because it’s already true. I can see the little cracks in your façade.” I give in to my desire to touch him and run my hands down the front of his sweater, letting my fingers greedily soak in the feeling of his muscles. “You’ve had to be tough for so long, but with me, you can just be you.”

  He smiles, only briefly, before a serious expression settles on his features. “How will we know, Avery, when our wor
k is done? What will we do then?”

  “I’m not sure how we’ll know. We have to figure that out.” I smile, gripping his hand. “After that, we’ll renegotiate the terms of our relationship. Maybe you can take me on a real date.”

  He finally laughs softly. “Yes, perhaps that’s what we’ll do. Goodnight, Avery. If you need me, just say so.”

  Remembering our previous conversation, I step a little closer. “And what would you do if I said I needed you?”

  A smile dances in his eyes as he tilts his head. “I would move mountains to be there for you.”

  “Good to know.” Rising up on my toes, I kiss his cheek, hearing his breath catch. “Good night, Ellis.”

  “Sleep well.”

  As he walks away, I close the door and lean against it for a moment. What the hell is happening to us?

  Chapter 21 Ellis

  The next morning, I’m sitting on my patio sipping my tea. It’s an unusually sunny day for this time of year, and whilst still chilly, I just want to soak up the rays as much as possible.

  A few minutes later, I look up to see Avery walk out on her balcony wearing a robe and overlooking the city below her. She hasn’t noticed me yet so I take the opportunity to just watch her for a moment as she stretches her arms high to the sky leaning back and turning her face to the sun that peeks through the clouds. She runs her fingers through her hair, tossing it about, and a smile lands on my lips seeing her in this state. Unruly hair, undressed, and unaware of the attention she steals from me. When she turns to go in, she jumps, gasping softly when she sees me, but then offers me a dazzling smile.

  “How long have you been there?” she asks.

  “Longer than you’ve been there.” I set the paper down, standing to lean against the balcony. “How was your first night in your new home?”

  “Fantastic. That bed is heaven. I haven’t slept so well in I don’t even remember how long.”


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