Mind the Line

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Mind the Line Page 25

by Jennifer Domenico

  Chapter 29 Ellis

  Lying in bed, I hold my phone in my hand. I could still get up and go to her. I could pull her close and kiss the most amazing mouth I’ve ever had the pleasure of kissing. I knew it would be incredible, but I wasn’t prepared for the emotion that hit me. I still can’t make sense of it, but it’s like nothing I’ve felt before. Whilst kissing her, it dawned on me, shockingly, that I wanted so much more than just taking her to bed. I want to eat croissants with her at a café, and hold her hand gazing into the blue pools of her eyes. I want to listen to her talk and smile as she laughs, tossing her hair back. I want to marvel, as I always do, at her mind and how she instinctively knows what to do.

  But…tonight was proof that we’re both not thinking clearly. We both acted out. It could’ve been disastrous, but thankfully, it wasn’t. I thought I would march up here, fuck the life out of her, and we could both finally breathe, but no. That kiss enraptured me beyond what I anticipated. The passion she returned took my breath away, providing no relief to the constant desire I feel for her. If I’m honest with myself, it scared me.

  Exhaling, I know I have to figure out a way to move forward with her. It’s not like we can just pretend I didn’t kiss her. It dawns on me that I could actually be falling for her, and I’m left completely gobsmacked by this possibility. It’s the one emotion I haven’t considered yet. I’m even more shocked when my first reaction isn’t an emphatic denial.

  But how would I know? Perhaps if I just get quiet with it, let these feelings sit with me for a bit. If I really think about it, I know how I feel for her is different and it has been for some time. Until tonight, I was convincing myself that it was desire only that I felt for her, friendship too, but when I finally kissed her, it was so much more. It was like…Christ, it was as if I’ve waited my entire life for her kiss. This is hard though. Whichever way we go, I lose her. If we pursue a romance, I lose the professional relationship, and if we don’t, I lose the chance to love her. I need to really think this through and hope by the time I see her face next I know without a doubt what to do. As I lie in bed a new thought lingers in my mind. There must be thousands of publicists in the world, but there is only one Avery. A smile tugs at my lips as sudden clarity settles over me. I know exactly what to do.

  Chapter 30 Avery

  Entering the banquet room, I look for table 32, mine and Ellis’s assigned seat. When I see it, he’s already sitting there, and when he looks up and our eyes meet, I feel a little flutter in my stomach.

  Ellis stands and bows his head when I reach the table, pulling out a chair for me.

  “Good morning,” he says, softly. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes. You?”

  “I did, thank you.” I sit and scoot the chair in as he sits beside me. Handing me a program, he nods toward the stage. “We have to sit through several speakers, but it’s expected of all the nominees.”

  I nod, glancing at the program. “What happened after I left last night?”

  “We’ll talk about that later.”

  “Okay, but did anything bad happen?”

  “Not that I’m aware of, but I haven’t read anyone’s work yet.”

  “I have. You have a report waiting in your email. Nothing negative, and in fact, you came across in a very positive light. Willis from London Daily said you were a true gentleman and he hopes for nothing but happiness for you.”

  “Willis is very kind.” He smiles. “How long have you been awake?”

  “A long time. I’m sorry, Ellis, for…uh…”

  “For being jealous over someone who doesn’t even come close to capturing my attention as you do?”

  I smile softly. “You seemed interested. She said you accepted her private dinner invitation.”

  “I was being polite, Avery. Patrice Noble is a very respected and influential member of the charitable circuit. Being seen and liked by her is good for my image. I believe my very capable publicist encouraged me to look for opportunities like that.”

  Nodding, I reply. “She wanted to fuck you.”

  “Lots of woman do, but there’s only one woman I want to—”

  We’re interrupted as people join us at the table. I smile at a server as she pours my coffee, then I stir some sugar and cream in.

  “How did you get rid of her?”

  Ellis smiles. “Well, after I was surrounded by blood thirsty journalists, I was able to redirect their attention to the reason we were all there. I was quite chuffed and thought you would be too.” I smile as he continues. “Then she had interviews she promised to deliver so she excused herself.”

  “I see.”

  Ellis pulls my chair into him so that his lips are close to my ear. Instead of looking at him, I focus on my coffee, unsure of what he’s doing.

  “You look lovely this morning,” he whispers. “And you smell amazing, as usual.”

  “What are you doing?” I whisper. “Someone might see us.”

  “I’m attempting to seduce you, but I must be terrible at it since you’re so confused.”

  Oh he’s far from terrible at it. “It’s not that, Ellis, but—”

  “I cannot help myself any longer. I am so…” He brushes over my cheek again as my eyes dart around the room, thankful when I see no one watching us. “I am so madly attracted to you it’s distracting me from our mission. I haven’t yet decided how we will resolve this dilemma, but right now if you said yes…”

  His final word comes out in a whisper. As I close my eyes, I can barely hear anything over the sound of my own breath and beating heart. I can’t find words to respond. I want to say yes, but I should say no. I should remind him of our working relationship and how complicated it will be if we cross this line, but for the life of me, I can’t mutter the words. Okay, that’s dumb. We already crossed it. I’m acting ridiculous right now pretending that our relationship is strictly professional. I love how close he is to me right now, one hand resting on my thigh, the other on the back of my chair. He’s so near I can feel his warm breath on my cheek and neck.

  “Nothing has to be decided now.” His words break the lust filled silence between us. “We can just…let it linger between us, as we always do. We can push the line that keeps us colleagues rather than lovers. We can wonder what it would be like to touch…to give into it…to let our lips meet once more.” He exhales slowly. “Oh, but if you let your hand wander between my legs right now, you would have no doubt how much I desire you.”

  Shit. I turn slightly, letting my eyes meet his. They reflect his desire, and his softer side I’ve craved to see more of. My eyes shift to his mouth, wanting to kiss it again, feel his lips on mine, his tongue…

  “We need to talk.” The words tumble from my lips.

  Ellis nods. “We absolutely need to talk and will do so after breakfast. I have things to tell you, but more urgently, I must kiss you again.” He moves closer as though he’s going to kiss me here in front of all these people. I want it so much I close my eyes in anticipation.

  “Mr. Worthington?”

  The moment is broken by the sound of a male voice behind me. I welcome the distraction as he and Ellis speak, allowing me a moment to compose myself and remember that we are in public.

  Breakfast is served, a slice of quiche with some fresh fruit, and we listen to several speakers all talking about the different charities they represent and how all the donors have helped buoy their causes during the past year. I hear it all, but I’m not listening to any of it. All I can hear is the sound of my own heart beating restlessly in response to the man beside me. He stares ahead attentively and if anyone took a photo right now, which is possible, we would just look like two people sitting at a table next to each other.

  After coffee, the breakfast ends, and we are free until the awards ceremony at six. Ellis and I walk slowly to the elevators.

  “Would you like to change into casual clothes and meet up again in a few minutes?” he asks.


tseeing. I believe you wanted to see the Louvre.”

  “I did.”


  We ride up to our floor and part ways agreeing to meet again in twenty minutes. As I change into jeans and a sweater, my thoughts drift to what the rest of the day will be like. Breakfast was filled with lust soaked tension, and if we somehow wake up tomorrow morning in separate beds, I’ll for one be shocked. Of course, if we wake up in the same bed, I’ll still be shocked. I step outside my door to find Ellis already waiting for me. He presses against me with his lips hovering just above mine.

  “I have a surprise for you.”


  “Do you like surprises?”

  “I do.”

  “Good.” He takes my hand. “Follow me.”

  Anywhere he ever wants me to go. We ride down to the lobby and walk outside to a waiting car. I glance at him, but he just smiles as we get inside. Speaking in French to the driver, he winks at me, but remains secretive.

  “Just relax,” Ellis says. “We’re going on a Parisian adventure.”

  “I’m not nervous. Just interested.”

  We both lean back in our seats, and Ellis lifts my hand kissing the back of it. “We both made mistakes last night.”


  “I was shocked when you left me alone. Angry at first.”

  “I imagine.”

  “But, Avery, I’m actually glad you did it.”

  My eyes open wide. “Come again?”

  “I’ve used you and every publicist I’ve had as a crutch. Especially you. You leaving made me have to manage on my own, and just like you taught me the night I went out with David, I did what you said. I redirected as appropriate and it worked. One of them asked me if I had a comment and I said no. I said that it wasn’t the time or place to discuss it, and he accepted that answer.”

  “So you didn’t need me?”

  “I’ve learned well.”

  I nod, smiling. Maybe we can end it now. Maybe we can transition to whatever the next phase looks like for us. “So, what does that mean for us?”

  “I don’t know yet, but I know one thing. I am so thankful for you. On so many levels.” He kisses my hand again. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “Yes, you could. You would’ve figured it out eventually.”

  “But I needed to figure it out now, and you helped me do that.”

  “I’m glad. Do you want to talk about the kiss that left me hanging?”

  Ellis smiles. “Do you want me to do it again?”

  “The kiss or the leaving me hanging part?”

  “The kiss.”


  “Then I will, but not right now. Not in front of anyone else.”


  He nods. “Tonight.” I start to open my mouth to speak again, but he presses his index finger against my lips to stop me. “No more questions. We’ll know when the time is right.”

  “You have a lot of faith in us.”

  “I do.”

  I look ahead as the car leaves the city and enters a more rural looking area, and I wonder where we’re going. Ellis looks down at his phone scrolling through email, so I pass the time looking at social media. I’m happy to see that nothing scandalous has happened except more than a few allusions to his relationship with Patrice Noble. That’s good, if I’m honest. They aren’t thinking of me and Ellis. It just drove me absolutely nuts when I saw the way she hung on him last night. Her red fingernails, looking like talons as they clawed his suit jacket, her smirk when she met me, as if she had won the prize I wanted, but here he is sitting with me, not her. Kissing me last night, not her. I wonder if I should tell him how I feel. If I could even articulate it. How would he react if I said I thought I was falling in love— as the thought hits me I cough, nearly choking.

  “Are you alright?” Ellis pats my back. “Do you need water?”

  I shake my head, calming myself down. “I’m fine. I just swallowed wrong.”

  He nods. “Okay.”

  The drive continues until we turn onto a road that leads to what can only be one thing. I clutch Ellis’s arm and he just smiles.

  “Oh my god, Ellis. Seriously? Is this…?”

  “How could I possibly deny you the opportunity to see the Palace of Versailles?”

  My eyes tear up as we approach. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure, Avery. My absolute pleasure.”

  We step out of the car, and I stand in awe in front of the palace in all of its grandeur. I’m bouncing up and down with excitement like a child. Ellis stands next to me.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

  “I can’t believe I’m here,” I whisper. “I’m really here.”

  “Let’s go explore your palace.”

  I nod as he leads me through the golden gates, holding my hand as we walk through this magnificent building. We tour every room as I take pictures on my phone. Being here brings every childhood memory of mine to life. I have to bring Annabelle back sometime. When we enter the Hall of Mirrors, a tear trickles down my face, and I throw my arms around Ellis’s neck.

  He chuckles, rubbing my back. “What’s this about?”

  “This room started it for me. I remember thinking it looked magical and it couldn’t be real, but here it is. It’s real, Ellis.”

  “Yes, it’s real.”

  “I told my dad one time that if I could go anywhere in the world, I would choose Versailles. He said I was a dreamer and France was a million miles away. He didn’t need to see the world outside of his little spot, but I did.”

  “Being a dreamer is good.”

  “It means everything to me that I’m here. You made it happen. I just want to soak up the feeling.”

  Ellis smiles. “Take your time. I’m going to find a bathroom. You will stay here?”

  “I’ll be here.”

  As Ellis walks away, I wipe away the tear that snakes down my cheek.

  I’m really here.

  Chapter 31 Ellis

  Avery’s emotion surprised me. She rarely demonstrates that side of herself, but it made it clear to me how deeply important this place is to her. I have to find the gift shop. I recall seeing it when we walked in so I navigate the crowd as quickly as possible certain that Avery will be happy in that room for some time. When I see it, I hurry in, asking the shop girl for what I seek and she leads me to an entire shelf of them. I pick out the one I want, pay and wait while it’s gift wrapped, then hurry back to Avery who’s standing looking out one of the windows.

  “Sorry I was gone so long.” I try to keep the keep the gift bag discreetly out of sight.

  She looks over at me and smiles. “It’s okay. I’m ready now.”

  I set the bag on the floor beside me. “No, there’s one more thing we must do.”


  “This.” I extend my arms and she moves into them taking each of my hands in hers as we waltz in a small circle. I don’t care that it’s the middle of a crowded Saturday. I don’t care that people gawk at us. I don’t care about anything other than Avery’s happiness. She beams at me, throwing her head back as she laughs softly.

  “You are a divine dancer, Mr. Worthington.”

  “Eleanor raised a gentleman, Ms. Kennedy.”

  “That’s apparent.”

  I dip her low, resisting the urge to kiss her. I said I would wait for privacy and I will. Lifting her up again, I kiss just her forehead.

  She smiles, cupping my face. “This is the best day ever.”

  Back in the car, we sit back and get ready for our return to Paris. We don’t have any time to rest before the awards ceremony, but it was worth the joy it gave her. Once we’re back on the road, I hand her the gift wrapped box.

  Avery looks down at it. “What’s this?”

  “Something you need. Open it.”

  She carefully tears the paper off then lifts the lid off the box to see what’s inside. She gazes up at me with glassy eyes. “
Thank you.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I do. I’m not sure what to do with it yet, but it’s beautiful, and it’s from Versailles.”

  “What you do with it, Avery, is begin to write.” I take the spiral bound notebook with Marie Antoinette’s image on it. “You write how you felt today. That’s what you do.”

  She nods, staring down at it as she drags her fingers over the cover. “I don’t have enough words to express what all of this means to me. The trip and this gift are amazing, but the best part…” She pauses, collecting herself. “The best part is that you heard me. You made this happen for me.”

  “You deserve it. You deserve the world, and I want to give it to you.”

  “Why?” Her eyes shift up to mine. “Why, Ellis?”

  Should I tell her now what I’m feeling? It doesn’t seem like the right place, in the back of a car. What would she say? Would she tell me she feels the same way, or would she say she doesn’t want to go there with me? I think I know, but I don’t want to find out here.

  “Because you mean a lot to me.”

  She nods. “For the record, I’d way rather spend time with you than get my asshole waxed.”

  I laugh, thankful the mood is lifted. “Good news indeed.”


  Two hours later, I knock on Avery’s door, and wait with anticipation of seeing her again. When the door opens, I step back, literally stunned by her beauty. Her long hair is tucked into an elegant chignon and she’s wearing a gorgeous shimmering blue gown that highlights the color of her eyes. Her delicate floral perfume wafts around me, pulling me closer. Her makeup is dramatic, but perfectly suits the balance of sexy and demure she has perfected.


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