Chasing Trouble (In Ashwood Book 3)

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Chasing Trouble (In Ashwood Book 3) Page 5

by Kinney Scott

  A daring glimmer in his gaze kicked up her competitive nature. Determined not to be the first to crack, Linnea bent low to pick up the hand sander and proceeded to put a bit more swing in her hips as she pushed the raspy paper over the trim work in the kitchen.

  His chuckle didn’t make her head turn from her work, but the slide of his palm over the sway of her hip, lingering on her ass did. “Love your lush butt. Can’t wait to get my hands on it later,” he said as she held her breath trying not to moan.

  By noon, Rick couldn’t take another minute of the sweet torture. Linnea had brushed against him when she moved, leaned over him to grasp a tool, and bent low to reveal the deep ravine between her breasts, now dusted with the particles from the sander. A sheen of perspiration only enhanced her sweet scent.

  “We need a break,” he said tossing his shirt back on. Without another word, he grabbed her flannel, slid it onto her body and led her out the door.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as he held the passenger side door of his truck open.

  “Lunch,” he closed the door and circled the vehicle.

  Linnea leaned over and took a look at herself in the side mirror. Unable to make a determination about her appearance, she reached up to lower the visor for a better view.

  “Don’t worry about a little dust - it won’t matter,” he said starting the engine.

  When he passed the Stop and Shop she worried. The Northside deserved better than the way she looked now. Rick passed the small pizza place that had just opened next to Goldfinch Bakery and turned.

  They were heading to his place. She’d not been there since the night of the Halloween party. Anticipation tingled through her limbs, and her heart rate jumped. Tightening her legs in response to a surge of low heat, she glanced at Rick. His wicked smile reflected exactly what she was thinking.

  Linnea’s anticipation coiled tight. The serenity of the surroundings couldn’t reach past her rattled nerves. Rick stopped his rig, pulled her across the bench seat, and hauled her by the hand out the driver side door. Halfway to the cabin, Rick scooped her up in his arms, and she squealed.

  “Turn the handle,” he said, lowering her so she could reach. Then he kicked open the door and slid it closed again with his foot.

  When he chose to move toward the bedroom, Linnea wriggled in his arms. “I can walk, Rick.”

  “Not today. I may even carry you back into work.”

  His long strides took her straight to his bedroom. Kisses scrambled her mind and left her panting. Rick stood her next to the mattress and released each button of her flannel, nibbling his way down her neck searing every inch of revealed skin. Each layer was peeled away, the flannel, the tank, and the white lace bra. Standing back for a moment, he admired his work, and smiled, but needed to see more.

  Linnea found herself standing before him in her sensible white hipster panties. The intensity of his stare moved her hands to cover her breasts, “Don’t move, Linnea. I’ve dreamed of your beautiful body every night since the party, but my dreams couldn’t remember how gorgeous you are.”

  The compliment pinkened her skin. Never removing his eyes, Rick slid off his shirt and dropped to his knees in front of her. She tried to move away but he circled her thighs with his hands. Nips of his teeth and lips explored his way up her legs until his mouth scorched through the thin fabric covering her sex. Carefully easing her panties away he pushed her feet wide. Linnea grasped his shoulders to keep from tipping back.

  Her eyes shot wide toward the ceiling when he began his feast. Rick licked and sucked, gliding his tongue through her center. Her shaking legs brought Rick from his knees and he lifted her to his bed. Easing his broad shoulders between her thighs, he bent to taste her again. Linnea cried out when his fingers pressed inside.

  “Squeeze your nipples for me, babe. I need to feel you fly apart,” Rick commanded in a growl vibrating against her sex.

  She willingly obeyed. Delicate fingers released the bedding and slid to her full breasts. His eyes locked on hers for a moment as she caressed and tugged her taut peaks. Her lungs pulled in a breathy gasp, and Linnea’s eyes flew wide with want.

  Rick’s body burned with his own desire, “that’s it, my God, you’re stunning.”

  His head dipped again, Linnea knew she was moments from ecstasy. She squeezed tightly on her rosebud flesh and her body clamped around his fingers. The rhythm of his tongue shot stars behind her tightly closed eyes, as a gasp of delight tipped into a moan of sheer satisfaction. Rick milked every last wave of hot release from her pliant body.

  She came back to earth with nibbles and kisses softly laid on her belly. When his lips found hers, she tasted her arousal.

  “I taste sweet,” she giggled. He loved the mingling of innocence and naughty in the sweet music of her laughter. She felt his smile against the kisses on her neck, his words rumbled, “You have no idea how delicious you are.”

  Her body curled toward his as she whispered, “As amazing as that was, Rick, I still need you inside me.”

  “Perfect, because I need the same thing.” He stood and stripped off his jeans, releasing the hard evidence of his intent.

  Crawling over her, he watched her eyes brighten with renewed desire. Sliding his length along her wet cleft, he teased her with his velvety cock. She grasped his firm ass in her hands and took control with the angle of her hips.

  In one move he plunged deep, “So tight, God, Linnea.”

  “Harder,” she begged.

  Each forceful slide heightened the intensity of their connection, physically and emotionally. Her hands grasped tight across his sweat-slick shoulders. With each movement, his taught muscles bunched and flexed beneath her fingers.

  A slight adjustment of her hips electrified the contact, and her climb to release built once again. The closer she came, the tighter her pussy grasped his rigid length. Their cries of release bounced off the walls of Rick’s small cabin, filling the room with echoes of pleasure as their souls connected in frenzied bliss. She felt him relax as Rick’s breathing settled into the rhythm of sleep.

  Unable to rest, her mind spun with plans for her home. She slipped out of the bed to shower and make a quick lunch. The smell of soup and bread roused Rick from a light sleep. He stood watching Linnea in his kitchen, the light coming through the window created a stunning silhouette. She felt his gaze and looked up to find a contented man observing her.

  “Lunch is almost ready,”

  “I’ll grab a quick shower,” he said but didn’t move that direction, not until he kissed her again.


  Linnea spotted Natalie waiting at their favorite table as she walked into Goldfinch Bakery. Natalie beamed with a newlywed glow - a smile put there each morning by Seth.

  “Ravenna’s running late, Wade needed her help in the brewery. She shouldn’t be too long,” Linnea said as she walked in.

  The bakery was quiet. Maggie worked in the back, her fiery red hair covered in a net, as she bent braiding a long slab of buttery dough.

  Natalie nodded, “Let’s wait for Ravenna before we order.”

  Sitting for a moment, Linnea glanced in the case. She’d promised to bring Rick something back from the bakery.

  “How are you settling in at the river?” Natalie asked.

  “It’s only been a few days, but I love it. It’s peaceful. I don’t know how it will feel once Wade a Ravenna go to Klamath Falls. But if it’s lonely I’ll just turn up my music. I couldn’t do that at Bill and Sandy’s.”

  “You think Rick will let you get lonely?” Natalie asked.

  Linn blushed, “Well he has his own place. He’s busy with the fire department and work.”

  “So far he hasn’t had any trouble juggling those responsibilities while keeping an eye on you,” Natalie smiled.

  “I don’t mind Rick keeping tabs on me.” Linnea laughed. “Have you heard the latest news about Amanda?” she continued.

  “Not the details.”

  “She’s d
oing great. Her freelance work for the online magazine takes her across the region. The action photography may expand into something more significant.”

  “Seth’s parents are worried about her taking too many risks. Didn’t she take to the slopes and shoot a group of snowboarders?” Natalie asked.

  “Are you surprised Bill and Sandy are worried? Amanda’s learning as she goes. I don’t think she’ll be shooting any ice climbers, at least not this year.

  “Good, Seth and I can relax, knowing she won’t be taking on Mount Hood next week.”

  “Now I didn’t say that.” Linnea laughed.

  Natalie asked about Rick’s place, the old cabin had always intrigued her. Linnea shared enough details about his cozy home to keep her friend satisfied, but still preserved Rick’s deep need for privacy.

  Ravenna’s car pulled up. Maggie moved from the back to help her friends with their selections.

  “Do you have time to join us, Maggie?” Ravenna asked once the order was plated.

  “Sure, I’d like that,” she nodded. A few minutes later, she circled the counter carrying a strange mug filled with hot tea. Worked into the handle a goldfinch appeared ready to take a taste of her coffee.

  “I’ve never seen a mug like that!” Linnea leaned to take a closer look.

  “My dad found it for me. It’s not the easiest to drink from, but it reminds me of Dad, so I love it.” Sitting down to relax, Maggie didn’t plan on sharing any details of her life and moved the conversation in another direction.

  “Did I hear that you and Ravenna are neighbors?” she asked turning to Linnea.

  “Yes, Wade and Ravenna graciously let me move one of Seth’s homes to their new property. I’m getting settled, but already love it.”

  “We love having you there. Though with the spot you chose, we have to work pretty hard to see if you’re at home.” Ravenna revealed.

  Linnea nodded, “The hum of the river masks so many sounds. The only engine I can pick up is Wade’s old diesel. Still, I like knowing you’re both next door.”

  “What’s that I smell coming from the ovens?” Linnea asked as a spicy scent drifted from the back.

  “Pumpkin pies,” Maggie smiled when all three girls moaned in delight. “I begin making these pies, and each Thanksgiving the pre-orders increase. I may need to bring on temporary help this year to handle the demand.” Maggie shared knowing the smell coming from the kitchen would entice the girls to place an order.

  “Where do you spend Thanksgiving?” Natalie asked. All four girls were recent transplants to the Ashwood community.

  “I’ve made a tradition of taking pies to a shelter in Portland,” Maggie shared and turned to Natalie to ask the same question.

  “Seth and I haven’t decided if we will visit my Mom in Arizona or stay here. It’s so complicated when family is scattered across the entire country.”

  Ravenna nodded, “Linnea, will you be in Yakima? Wade and I don’t know where we should celebrate this year.” She needed more information to navigate the Michaels’ family.

  The question caught her off guard, “Yakima, yes, I think so…should I ask Rick to come? I know his Mom lives in Portland, but he’s never asked me to visit.”

  It bothered her that Rick shared little about his family. This wormed a sense of unease into her mind that had become difficult to ignore.


  The call from his Mom this morning put Rick in a dark place. A mood that had him avoiding Linnea until he could clear his head. He’d taken on the task of cutting siding specifically to wear ear protection and shut out the world. Kent spotted Rick bent with concentrated focus over his task. He gave his friend space but not for long.

  When Rick pulled the black ear protection from his head, he was surprised to find Kent working a few feet away, already installing the siding.

  “Want to take a break?” Kent asked, testing Rick’s mood.

  His tight shrug sent a message, but Kent ignored it, pressing his friend, “Come on. Let’s grab some coffee.” Rick silently followed his boots echoing in the now quiet shop. Grabbing two large paper coffee cups, Kent emptied the pot, handed a cup to Rick and turned off the switch.

  The blue sky sent a false message of warmth on the crisp fall day. Still, any day without rain was worth wandering outdoors. Pulled by the sun’s invitation, Rick exited to the front of Whitewater Homes. Kent let his friend lead them far from the building across the wide gravel lot. Coffee, cold, and the sharp smell of decaying maple leaves hung in the moist morning air.

  “Did you and Linnea have a fight?” Kent asked bluntly.

  Rick’s voice edged with anger, “No, why?”

  “Something’s crawled up your ass. I’m just trying to figure out what,” Kent shot back.

  Rick kicked a large rock across the lot. The weight of it shot a stinging impact from his steel-toed boot into his leg, “I Talked to Mom this morning, she wants me to invite Linnea over soon. She’d like her there for Thanksgiving.”

  “Makes sense - you’re all the family your Mom has right now,” Kent said stating the painfully obvious fact. “So what’s the hold-up?”

  Rick’s head dipped low and he mumbled, “I still haven’t told Linnea about Grace.”

  “Shit, Rick. By now Amanda must have said something…everyone in town knows about your sister.”

  “You’d think Linn would have brought it up, but she’s too damn nice. She doesn’t dig around for gossip. Now I feel like a fraud. I’ve been hiding this shit from her,” denial and shame forged a vice-like grip across his chest each time thoughts of Grace sifted to the surface.

  “Chances are she’s already heard the worst of it, either way, she’ll understand,” Kent said, trying to encourage his friend.

  Rick huffed out a pulse of disgusted air at the false statement. Unless she’d lost someone to the streets, Linnea couldn’t possibly understand. Drugs took his sister and left a living corpse in Grace’s place.

  “I’ll talk to her,” he grumbled, dreading the conversation. Maybe tonight, with Wade and Ravenna gone, he’d find a way to keep Linnea so preoccupied she’d forget to talk at all.


  The atmosphere in the taproom crackled. From his seat, with a cold porter in his hand, Rick carefully tracked Linnea’s movements. His darkened eyes shadowed her and Linnea responded to his attention with sultry overlong glances. She was not the only woman at Mosquito Creek Brewing to react to his presence.

  The female patrons felt this thrill, and the men in the room countered Rick’s prowling with displays of ownership. They claimed their own women with long arms draped on the backs of chairs, firm palms high on a supple thigh, or calloused hands hung possessively over the soft curve of a hip.

  Dillon walked in from a dinner break ready to work until closing. He stopped inside the threshold of the taproom struck by the change, wondering if he’d missed an update on the event calendar. Was Mosquito hosting a date night? In place of the usually laid-back state of the taproom, he sensed sex.

  Walking over to the bar with a basket of empties, Linnea’s eyes shot nervously up. Her normally pleasant smile looked strained. Linn asked Dillon, “Can I take a quick break once you’re settled?”

  He nodded, “Sure, no problem,” and slid behind the bar.

  Linnea escaped to the breakroom tucked in the rear of the brewery. Several heads pivoted to watch Rick rise from his table, down the rest of his porter and follow her out. When the door marked private closed behind him, the room exhaled.

  Hearing the door click, Linnea turned expecting to find Annie or Dillon. “Oh, Rick - it’s you. I thought you were watching the game?” she said as he moved toward her.

  “Wade left today?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said as he pulled her body to his. He gave careful attention to her neck and she sighed.

  “When can you leave tonight?” he asked against her warm skin. His tongue caressed the spot where her neck and shoulder met.

  The delicious conta
ct tangled her words, “Soon as Annie...comes in…I guess. Dillon’s closing.”

  Smoothing his hands down her back, his palms came to rest low on her butt, “I’ll follow you out to your place. You can pack a few things. I want you settled at my cabin while Wade’s in Klamath Falls.”

  Rick expected her to agree. It should have bothered her that he didn’t ask, but it didn’t. Against his jaw, Rick felt her nod. He planted one last kiss on her neck before he took a step back. “I’ll go watch the rest of the game. Come find me when you’re ready to leave.”

  Her feet remained in place as he pulled the door closed. Alone in the break room, her mind replayed the last few moments, as her heart rate resumed a normal cadence. Am I moving into his place for the entire week? Linnea asked herself as she staggered to the couch to gather her senses.

  Emerging from the breakroom, she spotted Annie behind the bar and worked quickly to wrap up for the night. “Dillon, Annie, I’m heading home. Do you need anything before I go?” she asked.

  Dillon flicked his eyes toward Rick. The guy looked ready to pounce from his chair, “We got this,” he said with a knowing grin.

  The glance in her rear view mirror only showed his truck’s dark interior and headlights. She couldn’t see Rick, but she could feel him. Good Lord, that man was a distraction. While driving to her place, Linnea mentally listed the items she intended to pack. She’d give Rick a couple paper bags to gather groceries. Keeping him distracted would give Linnea time to decide on lingerie and a few essentials.

  Rick went to work pulling perishables from her refrigerator. When he grabbed a carton of milk, she knew he planned for her to stay more than a day or two. “Are you about ready?” he asked, impatient to get her home.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to bring my car?” Linn questioned.

  “I’m sure,” he said, leaning against the wall near the door. Six foot four of solid man tapped a worn leather boot on the recently refinished wood floors.


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