Daddy's Little Girl: A Dark Daddy Romance Epilogue

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Daddy's Little Girl: A Dark Daddy Romance Epilogue Page 1

by Felicity Brandon

  Daddy’s Little Girl

  Sophie & Jared’s Epilogue

  A Dark Daddy Romance

  Daddy’s Little Series

  Book Four


  Felicity Brandon

  Copyright © 2020 by Felicity Brandon

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address: [email protected]

  This book is entirely a work of fiction. The author does not condone, nor endorse any of the acts in this book.

  First edition September 2020 (previously published in the Dirty Daddies 2020 anthology).

  Cover design by Eris Adderly

  Editing by Personal Touch Editing

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  “I think we ought to live happily ever after.”

  ― Diana Wynne Jones, Howl’s Moving Castle



  Sophie’s lips parted as the word spilled from her, her back arching against the strong arms which held her in place.

  His arms.

  Daddy’s arms.

  “Shhh.” He whispered the word into the side of her neck, and her eyes fluttered closed at the resonance of his deep, growly tone. “Stop fighting me, or all of this goes away.”

  “No!” She gasped as her eyes flew open, focusing on their entwined reflection in the bathroom mirror.

  Jared was behind her, his arms snaking around her naked body. One hand was massaging her breasts and playing with the eager nipples which greeted his palm, and the other stroked between her legs.

  “Please, don’t let it go away.”

  An errant smile formed at his lips. “It won’t if you’re my good girl.” Jared pressed a hot kiss at her nape. “You remember how to be my good girl, don’t you, Sophie?”

  She groaned, the sensations he was creating with his fingers and mouth furling the hot ball of desire at her core.

  She wanted him.

  Hell, she always wanted him.

  Sophie had missed her Daddy so much.

  “Don’t you, Sophie?” His tone lowered further as he was forced to repeat the question, and right on cue, her chest began to rise and fall even faster.

  “Yes,” she blurted, pushing her chest toward the fingers, tweaking and pulling her tightening buds.

  “Yes, what?”

  Oh, God. He wanted her to say the word again, didn’t he?

  Even though he hadn’t commanded she say it aloud for so long, the term had haunted her still.

  Even though she was wet with the notion alone.

  But saying it on demand…

  Oh, God.

  Her gaze flitted back to the mirror to find his hard, blue stare waiting for her response. The weight of his gaze tightened the tension in her belly until it was almost painful.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Their eyes were locked together as she gave the appropriate response, Jared’s hand rocking against her throbbing clit in some sort of twisted reward.

  “There’s my good girl.” His eyes flashed with salacious approval. “Daddy has missed her so much.”

  She swallowed as the intensity of the statement hit home. She had missed him, too—more than she cared to admit to anyone, more than she should.

  But then, who could Sophie ever make the confession to?

  Her ex-husband, Jason, was long gone, their marriage over before Jared even sauntered into her life. The counselor, Helen, who she started seeing after the abduction, already seemed to despair at Sophie’s lack of progress, not that she knew the full story, of course. Sophie had scarcely admitted that to anyone, and there was no way she could confirm what the woman no doubt suspected—she was still hopelessly in love with the man who had taken her and demanded she call him Daddy.

  That she couldn’t get him out of her head, even though she knew she should.

  That she couldn’t let Jared go.

  No. There was no one to confide in. No one she could relate those things to. No one who would understand.

  His fingers slipped between her wet folds, easing into her in his usual slow, leisurely pace.


  Her knees wanted to buckle at the heady sensation, her left hand trying to rise instinctively to grasp his dark, luscious hair, but the arm at her chest stopped its progress.

  “Stay just as you are,” he murmured into her ear. “Completely naked, legs apart, and submissive. Just how Daddy likes you.”

  Jared pumped his fingers in and out of her, his rhythm increasing and the passion within her burgeoning. “There’s my good girl.” He smirked at her in the mirror, the image of everything that was wicked and divine. “So wet and pliant. So ready for Daddy.”

  And she was. Sophie was so ready.

  “All you have to do is let me in.” His words vibrated passed her, goading and taunting Sophie, daring her to respond.

  To play his game again.

  “Just let me in Sophie, and all of this will be real. Daddy will be back in your life. He’ll pleasure you, and he’ll punish you. He’ll look after you.”

  “I can’t.” Sophie’s voice was strangled at the admission. “I can’t, Daddy.”

  It was easier to say the word now that the digits at her sex were weaving their magic. When Jared was like this, he was at his most powerful. She often used to think he could have demanded anything of her at times like this, and likely, she would have ceded.

  No doubt, he realized it, too.

  No doubt that was why he was tormenting her with the promise of pleasure in the first place.

  “Yes, you can.”

  He was so damn self-assured—as always.

  Except that final time, of course. The last time Sophie had seen him when she’d strode out of the restaurant on the other side of town and left him wanting.

  But that was a long time ago, and things were very different then.

  “You can do anything Daddy asks of you.”

  “I can’t give up my life. I won’t give up my children.”

  And there it was—in a nutshell—the true reasons why they couldn’t be together.

  It wasn’t just the captivity that had pulverized their undeniable chemistry, although that should have been enough. In her heart, Sophie knew she had a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome. She’d fallen for the messed-up bastard who’d snatched her from her home, and in the moments he had worshiped her, she might truly have been besotted with him.

  Of course, she had never told him.

  That most dangerous of all desires was undisclosed.

  Ultimately, it wasn’t even that which had doomed them. It was the dilemma Sophie faced. The need to be herself, a strong and independent woman, a good mother and friend, yet still be the woman who wanted to yield to a man like Jared.

  Those needs were irreconcilable, and they always would be.

  Jared’s demands could never align with those other important aspects of her life.

  He wanted her absolute submission.

  “Oh, Sophie.” He was disappointed, and his tone cut through her like a knife. “Why do you always say that?”

  His fingers withdrew from her pussy
, and she sighed with frustration. She had been so close to the precipice and he’d left her burning.

  “I-I don’t have a choice, Daddy.”

  “You always have a choice.” His hand rose to join the other at her chest, embracing her hard as they pulled her against his granite-like body. “You always had a choice, didn’t you, little girl, and in the end, you made that choice.”

  Sophie blinked at the reflection of the man who had turned her whole world upside down.

  “Didn’t you?”

  “Yes.” She was despondent as she answered him. “Yes, I made that choice, Daddy.”

  Sophie had. She had chosen to be free—to be free of Jared.

  To let her Daddy go.

  Now, he came to her every night in her hot, torrid dreams.

  The image of him revisiting Sophie as frequently as a poltergeist.

  She glanced away from his insistent gaze, watching the way his palm grasped her breast. She wanted this—she wanted him—yet she couldn’t have him.

  Sophie could never truly have the things she craved.

  She would never be satisfied.

  Not if she wanted to live her life. Not if she wanted to still be a mother to her children.

  That bleak certainty pushed down on her, threatening to cut off Sophie’s air supply.


  Her eyes had filled with tears by the time she lifted her chin to regard his handsome face again, but he was already fading, his presence disappearing before her eyes like a specter.

  “Daddy, don’t go.”

  Jared’s brooding blue eyes drilled into her, his knowing expression still evident, even after the arms which pinioned her had evaporated.

  “Come back to me,” she implored frantically. “Even if it’s just in a dream. I need you, Daddy. Come and rescue me.”

  But Jared was gone.

  And Sophie was lost.

  Trapped in a world where, superficially, she had everything she had ever desired—a nice home for her and her children, a job she relished, and a selection of good friends, most of who knew nothing about the abduction.

  Nothing about Daddy.

  Yet Jared’s dark fantasy persisted—if only in Sophie’s head.

  As the room around her began to morph into consciousness, she recognized the truth.

  Daddy would always be there in her head, taunting and tormenting her, murmuring things that left her breathless and needy.

  Making her offers that she didn’t want to refuse.

  Chapter One


  Jared watched her. He eyed Sophie intently as she left the restaurant, observing the way she batted away the roaming palm of the guy who accompanied her. Jared’s gaze wandered over her date again, his eyes narrowing. A guy like that didn’t deserve Sophie. She was special.

  She was his.

  He blew out a breath, shifting in the front seat of his car as the couple crossed the road a few feet in front of him.

  How long had it been since he’d been with Sophie? Since he’d spoken to her, caressed her? Jared’s cock roused at the memories, although they were painful. Losing her had been the hardest lesson of his life, yet years since she had walked away from him, it still tore at him inside.

  As the couple climbed into a cab, Jared’s mind was still caught in the web Sophie had spun, and unthinkingly, he flicked on the engine and followed them.

  This is what he had done ever since she’d shimmied out of the restaurant, abandoning everything they had forged together—everything he’d done for her. He’d scrutinized every aspect of her life since that day—where she went after work and which schools her children attended. When she’d delved back into the sordid world of online dating, he’d been waiting. Hacking into her accounts was easy, but reading the exchanges she shared with strangers was much more difficult. Her words should have been for him—as they once had been.

  Jared had followed her on numerous dates with multiple losers. She tended to frequent the same places, and they always ended the same way—Sophie going home alone. This was the first time she’d climbed into the back of a cab with another man. Jared’s gut clenched as he considered what that might mean. When the taxi turned left, he followed, shadowing them as they pulled into a quiet cul-de-sac. There was only one isolated house he could see from the main road, and that was the one the cab pulled up to. He parked at the entrance to the street, watching as Sophie and her latest suitor stepped out. She glanced around, pulling the corners of her coat tighter as the idiot paid, and even from this distance, he could see the anxiety in her eyes.

  No one knew those eyes better than Jared. He was her Daddy, after all.

  He waited as the guy guided her up the path toward the front door, anger pulsing through him at the way his rival tried to embrace her. Sophie shrugged the stranger away, glancing around again. It was as though she could sense Jared was close and knew he was watching. They had been so intimate once, maybe she did? The thought buoyed him as he slipped from the car and quietly wandered the sidewalk in her direction.

  As he neared, he could finally hear the exchange taking place on the dimly lit doorstep.

  “I’m not sure about this.”

  Sophie sounded flustered, a tone Jared recognized, one he had inspired enough times. It was the sound of duress.

  “Don’t be silly.” The guy’s tone was curt and dismissive. “We’re here now. Come in for a coffee, and we can get to know each other a little better.”

  “No, I…” She hesitated, stepping away from him as he fiddled with the key in the lock. “I’ve changed my mind. I think I’ll just call another cab and go home. Maybe we can do this another time?”

  Her final remark was a half-hearted sentiment if ever Jared had heard one, and a surge of pride rose in him. Sophie didn’t want this moron. That much was obvious, and while she might have come home with him, evidently, she had no intention of staying the night. Jared veered off the path toward the side of the house, and from his proximity, her nerves were obvious. Her fidgeting little movements and the way she caught her lip between teeth conveyed that message. Anyone who knew her would be able to tell. Hell, even a stranger should have noticed the signs, but if this one did, he refused to accept them.

  “No.” His tone had hardened further. “That’s not how this is going to go.”

  “Please, I—”

  “Let me tell you how this is going to go.”

  The stranger shifted on the porch, blocking Sophie’s exit with his body. She was so diminutive, he seemed to loom over her, and while Jared couldn’t see the expression on her face, he could well imagine it—large brown eyes, the potent combination of fear and indignation flickering in them.

  Jared blew out a breath as the thought threatened to overwhelm him, though his ardor was quelled by the snarls of Sophie’s unworthy suitor just ahead.

  “You’re coming inside with me, and I’ll make us some coffee.”

  “I don’t want coffee.” She sounded tiny now. “I’m going home.”

  “Are you not listening, Sophie? I said you’re going inside. Don’t make a fucking scene. There’s no one here to hear you, anyway.”

  Jared inhaled, his hand balling into a fist around his car keys as he crept across the grass toward the porch. He had no idea who this guy was, but his days were numbered if he was going to threaten Jared’s little girl.

  “Stop it, please.”

  Jared reached the side of the veranda, hiding behind the brickwork as he listened.

  “I don’t want this. I… I’ve changed my mind.”

  “You’re nervous.” His false laughter rang out into the night air. “I understand that, but it’s no reason to bail out on me now.”

  “It’s every reason.” There was his Sophie. Jared could hear the defiance in her voice, and his lips curled at it. “We talked about this, Mike. We talked about consent, and if I’ve changed my mind, the answer is no. I’m going home.”

  “No, you’re not.” The loser’s voice ha
d dropped an octave. “You’re staying with me, and you’re going to do the things you promised. Hell, you’ve been leading me on for weeks. I can’t bear women like you.”

  “It’s not like that.” Her tone had morphed into panic, and Jared’s heart sped up at the resonance. He’d had few qualms about inspiring the emotion from Sophie in the past, but witnessing it from another man was intolerable. “I’m just not sure. I need time.”

  “You’ve had fucking time. Now. Get. Inside.”

  “Ow, Mike. Stop it. You’re hurting me!”

  Jared had heard enough. It was time for Mike to take back off. No one else hurt Sophie…

  “Perhaps you didn’t hear the lady.” Jared stepped out from behind the brickwork to find Mike practically pinning her against the half-open door. Fury pinballed through Jared’s brain at the sight. “She said she wanted to go home.”

  Mike spun on his heel, releasing his grasp on Sophie as she locked eyes with Jared, and at that moment, it was difficult to say which of the two looked more shocked to see him. Sophie’s gaze was wide as she took in the look of him, while right on cue, Mike’s narrowed.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  Jared took a step toward him as he tucked his car keys into his pocket. He was at least four inches taller than Mike, and his years of martial arts ensured his confident approach.

  “It doesn’t matter who I am.” He spat the words at the shorter man. “If the lady wants to leave, let her go.”

  “Back off, mate.” Mike’s words were a growl. “It’s got nothing to do with you.”

  “Think again.” Jared threw him a wry smile. This was finally starting to get interesting. “I’m not going anywhere until the lady is safe.”

  “Fucking idiot.” Mike lunged at him, throwing a barrage of punches. “When will clowns like you learn to stay the hell out of other people’s business?”

  Jared dodged the first punch, blocking the others as his years of training and competing came back to him. It was a reflex, successfully impeding Mike’s blows until the opportunity to retaliate presented itself, and when it did, he punched the guy so hard, Mike staggered back toward the stunned Sophie.


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