Daddy's Little Girl: A Dark Daddy Romance Epilogue

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Daddy's Little Girl: A Dark Daddy Romance Epilogue Page 6

by Felicity Brandon

  She was actually smiling at him.

  “Are you sure, baby?”

  The words were at his lips without conscious thought, ignoring the desperate throb in his cock. This was the man he needed to be. Jared didn’t just want her consent once, he wanted it every single step of the fucking way.

  Sophie ran her tongue over her white teeth, the gesture swelling his erection further.

  “Yes, Daddy.” Her voice was almost playful. “I have thought about it a lot, but being here with you has cemented things in my mind. I want this. I want to submit. I want to be your good little girl.”

  He shook his head in disbelief. Jared must have sold out under a lucky star the day she initially messaged him all those years ago because, in all his life, he’d never met anyone like Sophie. She was everything he wanted. She was smart, gorgeous, and fiercely in need of Daddy to take her in hand.

  It was like he had always said—Sophie was perfect.

  “You are,” he breathed the words down to her. “You never stopped being my little girl, even when we couldn’t be together.”

  “I know.” Her breathy little pant hardened his length even further. “It was always you, Daddy. I just needed time to come to terms with the whole thing.”

  “And have you?”

  “I think so,” she rasped, lowering her gaze to his chest. “I hope so, but…” Her voice trailed into silence, and Jared’s hand shifted to her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes.

  “But what, little girl?”

  Sophie gulped at the direct question. “I just hope it’s enough. I hope I’m enough.”

  Jared’s gaze narrowed. “What do you mean enough?” His tone was soft yet stern. Sophie had a history of putting herself down, and he didn’t appreciate it. He didn’t appreciate it one bit.

  “You, little girl, are more than enough. You always were, and you always will be.”

  “But you were always so cross with me, Daddy.” Her eyes were large and imploring as the words fell from her lips. “I gave you everything back then. I couldn’t give you any more, yet I still disappointed you.”

  “Sophie.” He leaned down, brushing his mouth over hers. Christ, he wanted to kiss her, to devour her, and suck out all the insecurity she harbored in her beautiful brain.

  “Any disappointment I felt was based on the push and pull between us. The fact I had taken you without your permission meant you were always desperate to get away. I was holding on too tightly, baby. It won’t be like that now.”

  The arm snaked at her middle drew her in for an embrace, and he allowed the fingers at her chin to glide past her heated cheeks and back into her soft, beautiful hair.

  “But what if it is?” He could hear the emotion in her voice. “What if it’s just me? What if I’m not enough?”

  Jared pressed a chaste kiss into her honeyed tresses.

  “It won’t be,” he assured her. “You’re here because you want to be, and you’ll only stay for as long as we both agree.” He lowered his face so that their gazes were at the same level, capturing her hair in his fist to hold her place.

  “You. Are. Enough, little girl. Have you got it?”

  She blinked away the tears which had formed in her eyes.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Let’s hear it then. Tell me you’re enough.”

  Sophie gasped. “Daddy, please!”

  “Tell. Me.” He lowered his voice, and her eyes widened in recognition. “Daddy wants to know you understand.”

  “I…” She hesitated, and her face flamed as though the words were painful to say. “I am enough, Daddy.” Jared’s lips were on hers as she whispered the words.

  “Yes, you are,” he confirmed between hot kisses. “And Daddy wants you to always remember. The next time I hear you insinuating anything less, you’ll be straight back over my knee, young lady.”

  Her eyes fluttered at his warning. “Yes, Daddy. Though I have missed being there.”

  He grinned down at her. “Where, baby?”

  Although Jared knew full well where, he wanted to hear it from her fucking adorable lips. After all this time, he needed to hear Sophie ask for it.

  She gazed up at him coyly. “Over your knee. Daddy.”


  His cock swelled at her plaintive little tone. He wanted her again. He wanted her so fucking badly.

  “You need me to spank you, little girl?” He arched his brow at her, relishing the way she nibbled her lip in response.

  “Yes.” She sounded so desperate, so hot and frantic for Jared and the things he promised. “Yes, Daddy.”

  He captured her mouth with his lips once more, probing deep inside while she groaned in reply.

  “Daddy wants to hear you say it.” He panted as drew away. “Your consent matters now, little girl, so if you want it, you’ll have to beg Daddy for it.”

  Sophie inhaled. “Please, Daddy.” She rose on her tiptoes and skimmed her lips against his jaw. Jared’s cock leapt at the intimacy, eager to be back inside her again.

  “Please, will you spank me, Daddy?”

  He gazed down at her. Hearing those words from Sophie’s lips was tantamount to a miracle. All those years he’d needed her, yearned for the warmth of her touch. The months he’d followed her, they’d all been leading to this—this one, sweet moment of submission.

  The moment when she implored him to enact the things they both desired.

  “Yes, baby.” He stroked a finger down the soft skin of her chin. “Daddy can do that for you, but only for pleasure, okay? This is not a punishment, Sophie.”

  Her eyes flashed at him. Evidently, she understood the difference only too well.

  “Yes, Daddy. Thank you.”

  “Into your room then.” He released her, watching as she turned with a grin and skipped inside the pink room. There was no reticence on Sophie’s part now, only excitement, coupled with a nervous smile as she spun to meet his approach.

  “Should I strip for you, Daddy?”

  Jeez, he liked this new version of Sophie—the salacious, needy one who knew exactly what she wanted, what she was here for. Of course, he was sure he could still conjure the other woman, the one who’d tremble at his stern admonishment and stand in the corner of the room with her punished, pink little bottom on display. She would be available when the time was right, but that time wasn’t now.

  Now, he was going to revel in this hot, new, consensual Sophie.

  “Do the straps of that dress ease down?” His brow arched as he eyed the black spaghetti straps.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Roll your dress down and take off your bra,” he commanded in a low tone. “And is Daddy right in thinking his little girl is wearing stockings?”

  She smiled, heat blooming at her cheeks. “Yes, Daddy. I hope you’re not cross with me about those?”

  Jared wanted to laugh. The thought of seeing Sophie in stockings was one fantasy he had yet to fulfill.

  “No, little girl. I’m not cross. Why would I be?”

  Sophie bit her lip. “I know that’s not how you liked me to dress before, so…” She glanced up to meet his eyes. “I wasn’t sure.”

  “But you wore them, anyway?”

  “For you, Daddy. Yes.” Sophie shifted her weight between her feet, every inch the naughty little girl again.

  He met her gaze with a smile. “Daddy’s happy,” he reassured her. “Except…” His brow knitted intentionally. “Why is the top half of you still dressed, little girl?”

  She gasped, her fingers rising to slide the first black strap from her shoulders.

  “Sorry, Daddy.”

  Sophie mastered the other strap, easing the bodice of her dress down to her hips. Jared’s gaze followed the garment as it pooled at her middle before his eyes rose to her chest. She’d already reached behind her and released the clasp of her bra, and his hungry gaze devoured the look of her fabulous tits. Fuck, she was so gorgeous, and he’d missed her body so much.

  “Shoes off, too
.” His voice was husky with arousal, but she didn’t comment as she stepped out of her heels.

  “And what panties does my little girl have under that skirt?”

  She inhaled at the question, and Jared noticed the way her nipples beaded.

  “Special ones, Daddy.”

  He couldn’t resist the smile which rose at her furtive little answer.

  “For me?”

  Sophie nodded.

  “Lift your dress,” he commanded. “I want to see them.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” She panted as she captured the hem with her fingers, and slowly, the material rose.

  Jared stood there, motionless, save for the relentless beating of his heart, watching as the skirt of her dress rose to reveal a pair of small, pink panties. They were silky, and it looked as though there was writing printed on them. His desire soared as he read the words.

  Daddy’s Little Girl.

  His breath hitched, and unconsciously, he took a step toward her. The fact she’d chosen these and worn them for him today was almost more than he could process.

  “Oh, Sophie.”

  “Do you like them?” Large brown eyes queried him as he approached.

  “How can you even ask?” he murmured, falling to his knees to examine the panties closer. “They’re perfect for you, naughty girl.”

  He lifted his chin to see her beaming face beyond her glorious tits before his attention shifted back to her sex. Lifting one finger, he traced a line over the satiny fabric of her underwear.

  “And what’s this?” Briefly, he met her gaze again. “Is my little girl clean-shaven?”

  The blush at Sophie’s face deepened. “Er, yes,” She admitted gingerly. “I remembered you liked it.”

  “Loved it,” he corrected, sliding his finger over her clit and down between her lips. “I fucking love it, little girl.”

  “Oh, God.” She fought for composure. “Oh, God, Daddy.”

  Jared smiled, reaching for both sides of her panties.

  “Hold that dress up. Daddy wants to see.”

  He yanked the fabric at her hips, sending the small, pink garment south to her ankles, revealing her perfect sex.

  “Legs apart.” The order was a needy growl, but he didn’t care as he inched toward her.

  Sophie stepped out of the panties, widening her ankles, before he reached around her legs, and grabbed her peachy arse. The scent of her arousal filled his nostrils, goading his cock until his groin ached. But this wasn’t about Jared’s need—not yet—this was all about Sophie.

  “I want to taste you again.”

  That was all the warning she got. He leaned forward and prized her apart from behind as his mouth lowered to her sex.

  “Oh!” Sophie squealed, straining to be free of his grip, but naturally, there was no escape.

  Jared had her and having lost her once before, this time, he was never going to let her go.

  Chapter Ten


  Hot furling arousal throbbed in Sophie’s sex as his mouth descended, and though she struggled to be free of his ministrations at first, there was no real intent in the act. It was only a reflex—a response to the sudden, intense intimacy—and once his tongue began to lap at her pussy before flicking over her needy clit, she was already lost to it.

  God, she’d missed this.

  This incessant need Jared inspired.

  The need to surrender, to seek his approval, and at times like these, to soak up every ounce of pleasure the man wanted to bestow.

  “You taste fucking divine,” he snarled from between her lips.

  Sophie groaned in response, her body missing his attention as soon as it was over.

  Jared smiled up at her. “More later, I promise,” he breathed, rising to his full height. “First, my little girl needs a spanking.”

  Her nipples beaded into even tighter buds at the thought of the delicious brunt of his palm against her upturned arse. That was what she’d dreamed about all those nights. That was what she needed.

  “Come on.” He drifted toward the bed, sitting on the lurid pink bedding, which was just as she recalled. “Get over my lap.”

  She padded in his direction, her dress hanging at her hips, as she watched his large palm patting his thighs.

  “You look amazing, little girl.”

  Sophie stopped by his right side, offering him a shy smile as his hand rose to toy with her breast. It was strange—to know someone so well, so intimately, yet be nervous when they brushed past your flesh. The man already knew her intimately—maybe better than anyone else—yet there they stood, on the precipice of something new.

  Of something consensual.

  Of something wonderful.

  “Thank you, Daddy.” Their eyes locked with her reply.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” She was already nodding. “I’m ready, Daddy.”

  Without waiting for his prompt, Sophie draped herself over his trouser-clad thighs. She exhaled as she settled into position, her fingers grazing the thick carpet, just as they always used to as Jared lifted the back of her dress to expose her behind to the air. It was hardly the most comfortable position in the world—his legs pressing into her midriff in that way that constantly reminded her how vulnerable she was—but it didn’t matter.

  Not now.

  Sophie was exactly where she was supposed to be—prone, bared, and deliciously excited at the prospect of the first spanking she had ever truly wanted.

  “I’ve missed you.” One of his hands grazed a line down the length of her spine until it met the other, already resting at the curve of her arse. “And I’ve missed this. So much.”

  “So have I, Daddy. Please. Please spank me.”

  It was possible a small part of her brain registered and could scarcely believe the words spilling from her lips, but Sophie wasn’t listening to it. In fact, as Jared’s palm rose from her exposed backside, she actively subdued it. She didn’t want to hear its common sense and reasoning. She only wanted to feel the warm sting of his hand as it colored her arse and pushed her further into the oblivion only Jared could conjure.

  That was the place she’d missed.

  The hot, vulnerable blackness of surrender.

  Her eyes squeezed shut with the first blow, her mouth parting as the hurt washed over her.

  “How’s that, little girl?” Jared’s voice was soft and resolute. “Is that what you need?”

  He struck her again before she had time to answer, and this strike was harder, producing a tiny gasp from her lips.

  “Yes.” That was precisely what she needed, what she had yearned for, fantasized about.

  “Yes. What?” He punctuated each word with a firm swat to both cheeks, and from over his lap, Sophie smiled.

  “Yes, Daddy.” He could probably hear the glee in her voice, but she didn’t care. “Yes, thank you, Daddy!”

  The blows rained down, a torrent of exquisite agony as each struck her displayed flesh, and although they hurt, a few rousing yelps from Sophie, they were perfect—it was perfect. Her desire to yield was satiated, and as his palm pushed her further up his lap, her throbbing clit finally received the stimulation it so badly sought.

  “Oh God.” There was her soft moan again. The hand at her back shifted, trailing a path around her torso until it reached her chest. Grasping her left breast, Jared manhandled it roughly, pinching and pulling at her eager nipple until she cried out once more.

  “Is that good, little girl?”

  He spanked her again, harder this time, and she pushed her chest into his palm.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Does my naughty girl need a warm-up spanking like this every day, regardless of her behavior?”

  Oh fuck. Sophie’s eyes fluttered open at the mere idea of being compelled over his knee and having her backside tanned like this every day—not that she could call this compulsion. As his palm landed against her arse again, she wanted to beg him for more.

  “I would love tha
t, Daddy.” There was no shame in the confession now. “I deserve it.”

  “Yes. You. Do.” Each blow was once again accompanied by a new swat that grazed her clit against his thigh, rendering her a breathless, horny mess.

  “And don’t you worry. Daddy will absolutely punish his little girl when she oversteps the limits we set. There will be more spanking. Hard, cruel spankings with my slipper and my cane, but other tests, too.” He paused, two of his fingers easing down between her legs. “When you deserve them.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  They had yet to properly discuss all of her limits, but Sophie no longer held much anxiety about the concept. Jared had reinforced the importance of her consent since he’d stepped foot back in her life, and she trusted in it… in him.

  He didn’t seem like he only needed to crush her spirit to enjoy himself anymore, and while she knew there would be times he would test her, she welcomed them. That was how she was going to grow in this new dynamic—by trusting him and permitting him to lead.

  “You are so wet, little girl.” His voice oozed glee at the prospect. “Relishing being over Daddy’s lap.”

  She bit her lip, pushing back against his probing fingers in a brazen display of her arousal.

  “Yes,” she admitted, as though it wasn’t obvious. “I need you, Daddy.”

  He chuckled that dark sound, which always filled her with such dread in the past.

  “And you shall have me, Sophie, but first Daddy is going to make you come.”

  She gasped at his verdict at the same time his fingers slipped into her pussy. Jared’s fingers filled her, pumping in and out of her wetness before he added a third to stretch her further.

  “I’m going to make you come so fucking hard.” It sounded like he was smiling. “Then you’re going to get on your knees and thank me before you clean your juices from Daddy’s fingers. Do you understand?”

  Sophie was lost to the heady sensations, his fingers and his words mingling with the humiliating position she currently found herself in, burgeoning the bubble of hedonism. A bubble that was set to burst soon.


  She was frantic as he finger fucked her over his lap. Her knees splayed, trying to push her forward and find more of that glorious friction, and her nipples ached, longing for more of the ruthless torment he offered.


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