Tormented: A Bully Romance Anthology

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Tormented: A Bully Romance Anthology Page 5

by BBB Publishings

  “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be an ass.” He ducks his head and moves past me, his chin almost resting on his chest.

  Just before he passes I reach out and snag the hem of his shirt.

  When he stops and lifts his head, I give him a small smile. I have no idea what it must be like to live like this, where you have a house this big for weekends away and summer vacation, but I can see he loves it here and he shouldn't feel bad about it.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  His gaze darts between my eyes and finally, his pinched features relax. He gives me a half smile in return.

  “My room is right here. You can stay there tonight. It’s got an attached bathroom. There are two bedrooms upstairs and two down. You don’t have to worry, Luc stays down in the master since my parents never come up here. Chase and I will bunk together in the room across from you.”

  He pushes open a door and I step into the room. Whitewashed boards run horizontally on the walls around the room. A huge king sized bed is against the far wall and across from it is a stone fireplace with a plush chair next to it. There are two doors, and one is open. I see the bathroom even before Roman steps around me to push it all the way open.

  A huge shower sits at the end, floor to ceiling tile the same color as the wood in his room. The glass door allows me to see the shower head hanging from the ceiling. I inhale and smell the familiar scent of whatever body wash he uses.

  I hear drawers opening and closing behind me and then he’s there with a handful of clothes.

  “You really should take a hot shower. You’re probably chilled to the bone. The door locks so you don’t need to worry.”

  I glance at the shower again. I’ll never have an opportunity like this in my life and honestly, the wet polyester shirt that’s under my jacket itches like crazy.

  “We can throw your things in the washer and they’ll be ready in the morning.”

  I’ve still got my purse tight against my stomach and I can see how awful I look in the enormous mirror to the right. My hair hangs down from where it was wet from the snow and I’ve got mascara streaked on my face from crying in my car.

  An almost desperate urge to clean up comes over me and I loosen my grip enough to take the clothes from him. His finger trails over my wrist as he lets go and I fight the shiver that has nothing to do with being cold.

  “Thank you,” I whisper, unable to look at him.

  I am so overwhelmed and I can feel tears burning at the back of my eyes.

  “Take your time. Lock the door behind me and I’ll get you something hot to eat.”

  He stares at me for a long second, then reaches up and pushes a wet strand of hair off my cheek and tucks it behind my ear. I swallow and fight the urge to lean into his touch.

  We stand like that for another few seconds, then he backs away and pulls the door closed behind him. My heart is pounding erratically in my chest. I have no idea how to process any of this.

  Never in my darkest nightmares or wildest dreams did I ever think I’d end up where I am right now. I twist the lock and then set the clothes down on the counter, avoiding looking at myself again.

  After checking that the lock works I set my purse down and wander to the shower. It’s almost bigger than my entire bedroom. Definitely could fit two people. My cheeks heat and I press my hands to them. Obviously, my frozen brain suffered some damage if I’m thinking about Roman joining me.

  Or maybe not.

  As I twist the knobs and try to figure out the perfect temperature I can’t help but think about everything that’s happened tonight. I never expected that my hero would be a Heartland. I never expected him to help me. I never expected him to be nice while doing it.

  A lot of nevers right there.

  I check the lock for the third time then peel off my wet clothes. In my peripheral vision, I can see a vague image of my body. I hate the way I look. How gangly my legs are, how my breasts never got past a solid A cup.

  And if I looked closer I’d see the fading bruises along my upper arm where dad grabbed me a few days ago. I know I’d see the scar on my thigh from when he threw me into the shed and I glanced off the edge of the shovel.

  The circular scar from where Jax thought it would be funny to put his cigarette out on his seven-year-old sister. There are many more, but I’m not cataloging them. Not tonight. Not when I know where every single one is already.

  It’s why the verbal tormenting doesn't bother me at school. People like Luc think they can hurt me, but they have no idea what real pain feels like.

  I can handle a few more months, and then, I’ll be away from both.


  The bathroom fills with warm steam and after a deep exhale, I step into the shower. And then I decide I am never leaving it. Ever. The soap and shampoo smell like Roman as I lather it all over and wash my hair.

  It feels thicker, smoother than the dollar store stuff I use. After I rinse, I finger comb conditioner through my hair and let it sit while I stand under the hot spray. The water pressure in the trailer is crappy and after about five minutes, it starts to get cold.

  This shower, this water, stays hot the entire time I’m in and by the time I twist the knobs and step out, I’m warm all the way down to my bones. It must be amazing to be able to use this every day.

  I snort. Who am I kidding, this is their vacation house. They might use it a few weeks a year. It’s hard not to let the bitter taste of envy overcome me. Luxury in my world is having heat and power. Which half the time we don’t.

  I wrap the world’s softest towel around me and it covers from my collarbones to my knees. The air is thick and humid and a thin layer of steam covers the mirrors now, hiding my reflection. Much better.

  The clothes that Roman gave me are way big and I have to pull the drawstring of the sweatpants so tight that the material bunches in an unflattering lump. The hoodie swims on me and I need to roll three times before I can even see my hands.

  But the material is soft and smells like him and my cheeks heat thinking about the fact that I have nothing in under them. My skin, all of it, touches something that belongs to him. I press my hand against the fluttery sensation in my gut and bury my nose in the collar of his hoodie to inhale the scent. It smells like him, or whatever laundry soap he uses at least. But it puts me at ease.

  There’s a brush in the drawer and I run it through my hair and then pull the locks over my shoulder and throw them into a quick side braid. I’ve got an elastic in my purse and I don’t need a mirror to make sure it’s neat.

  I pick up my wet clothes and toss them into a laundry basket then carefully open the door. The bedroom is empty and I look around before walking to the bed. My eyelids burn with exhaustion as I take in the thick comforter and fluffy pillows. The bed itself is huge, a king, and so masculine with thick black slats that look beautiful against the pale white walls.

  I squish my toes in the carpet that is like walking on a cloud and turn in a slow circle. It’s like something from a magazine. I’m never going to sleep in a room so luxurious again.

  I sink down on the bed and wish my phone battery wasn’t dead.

  I won’t even have pictures to prove that for one night, I got to pretend I was Cinderella. Not that anyone would care. Not that I”m even wanted here.

  The look in Luc’s eyes makers goosebumps break out on my skin even under the thick hoodie. I’ve had ore run-ins with Luc and Sam and their crew than I want to think about. For four years I’ve tried to stay invisible, yet they still find ways to torment me.

  It’s mostly Jay’s fault. We were freshman and he was a senior and he and his guys beat the crap out of Luc after a basketball game. Somehow they found the Heartland heir alone and they jumped him.

  Jay bragged about it for weeks, but all it really did was cement the feud. After Jay and his buddies graduated, I was the only Montgomery left at school and was the focus of Luc’s anger. He never let me forget that I was just trash.

  Everyone else was hap
py to play along too to try and gain favor.

  I blink at the wetness filling my eyes.

  They turned my only friend Luca against me. She chose them over me with little more than a half-hearted apology Junior year. I brush away the stray tears that fall. I threw myself into studying so I’d have the grades to get myself away from this town, but god, I am so fucking lonely.

  Roman’s face swims in my watery vision.

  And despite what you think Jules, I don’t hate you.

  His words from earlier come back to me and I try and fight back the warmth that seeps into my lower stomach. He’s a Heartland and has been raised to hate us, but thinking back, I can’t remember a time when he’s actually been one of my tormentors.

  In fact, the more I remember, the more I realize that he’s been redirecting his brother for years. My eyebrows scrunch down and I drop my face into my hands. Is that right?

  The most recent, when Luc and Sam had me corned in the library last week…

  “I didn’t know Montgomery’s knew how to read,” Luc snarks, grabbing the book that I’d been reading. I didn’t even see them come in. It’s why I sit tucked in the far corner, away from the tables and crowd.

  “There aren’t even any pictures. I’ll help you,” Sam says leaning over me. He’s huge, a defensive end on the football team and I can’t help but shrink away from his bulk. It’s not even his size, its the look in his eyes that scares me most. He’s evil to the core. “That word right there? It’s pronounced nobody. Say it with me Jules, no body, just like you.”

  Luc snickers and tosses the book to the floor, bending the pages at odd angles when he steps down on the spine.

  I keep my mouth shut because I learned early on that what they want most is a response, To know they get to me. They are the same kind of bullies that my brother’s are. I get treated like this at school and home. It’s never ending.

  It’s exhausting.

  I just want to get away from them all.

  Sam grabs my purse and tips out the contents on the floor next to my chair. I can’t help the distressed noise from erupting from my throat. It’s not like I have a lot in there, but the twenty that Sam just grabbed is all the money I have until I get paid on Friday.

  It’s what I need to buy beer for dad tonight.

  Sam pockets it with a nasty grin.

  I hate him, I hate them. He has no idea what’s going to happen if I go home empty handed. I can already feel the burn of my father's hand against my cheek.

  “Give it back,”I grit out, hating the way my voice shakes. “That’s not yours.”

  And not like he needs it. His family has money. Maybe not as much as the Heartlands, but I’ve seen the truck Sam drives. It cost more than our trailer.

  “You can earn it back, just lean forward and open your mouth.”

  His hand moves toward his zipper and Luc makes a disgusted noise.

  Sam just shrugs. “What, it’s how whores make their money, ain’t it? Her mama took money from almost all the men in town, so this should come naturally. It’s her future regardless.”

  I grit my teeth tightly together and fight back the hot tears threatening to break free. He’s not wrong. My mom was a prostitute, someone my dad screwed when he was drunk. She dropped me on his doorstep when I was a couple weeks old.

  Jay and Jax are only my half brothers, if I believe that my father is actually my father. He doesn’t, and I hope it’s true. I’d hate to think I have any of his blood running in my veins.

  But it doesn’t stop the Heartlands from treating me like I’m the enemy.

  “You’d stick your dick in her holes? Christ, you want it to fall off?” Luc says with a sneer.

  “Hey Sam, Lucy’s looking for you. She said you promised to reward her for taking off her panties in history.”

  I glance up and see Roman Heartland leaning against the stacks. He barely looks at me but a smirk curls his lips.

  “Said something about finding someone who can take care of her if you don’t?”

  “The fuck she will,” Sam growls. He pulls out a tiny slip of lacy pink material from his pocket and twirls them around on his finger before looking down at me. “Looks like I have a better offer. But hey, a fucking dog would be a safer fuck.”

  He saunters off and Luc leaves with him.

  I exhale a shaky breath and lean down to pick up the book to disguise the tears that are falling freely now. My hand shakes as I reach for my chapstick and loose coins that litter the floor.

  Three more months, I chant silently. Then I’ll never have to see any of these assholes again. I hear footsteps and then a pair of boots come into my line of sight. When I glance up I see Roman crouching down, then he’s holding something out to me.

  My purse. I grab it and stuff the meager contents back inside and push to my feet. I need to get out of here. I hate going home before dad’s had a chance to get drunk enough to pass out, but I can’t stay in the library. Not right now.

  Without a word, I shove past Roman and hurry toward the door.


  Roman’s voice snaps my spine straight and I pause with my hand on the door handle. He moves behind me and my entire body trembles. I wait for him to shove me against the door, to press up against me like Luc and Sam do because they know it scares the hell out of me, but aside from a waft of cologne filling my nose, he doesn’t touch me.

  “You forgot your phone.”

  I turn my head slightly and look down and sure enough, he’s got my phone. I reach for it as he brings it forward and I’ve got my fingers wrapped around his wrist before I realize it.

  His sharp intake of breath makes air stall in my chest. I chance a look over my shoulder and I’m trapped in his eyes. His pupils dilate, the black eating up the blue, and I swear his gaze drops to my lips. Butterflies start to dance in my stomach.

  I don’t think I’ve ever been this close to Roman before. He’s always just...there in the background. With his brother.

  “I’m sorry their such dicks.” His voice drops lower.

  My heart starts to pound so hard I can’t hear clearly. I’m sure he didn’t just apologize to me. He’s a Heartland. They don’t say sorry to anyone, but especially not to a Montgomery.

  It’s got to be a trap. Luc and Sam are probably waiting around the corner.

  “I have to go.”

  I grab my phone, turn and shove out of the doors, running to my car like the hounds of hell are on my heels. It’s not until a few minutes later, when I get myself under enough control to dig my keys out of my purse, that I see it.

  A twenty dollar bill.

  Somehow Roman slipped it in without me noticing. Embarrassment and relief has my shoulders dropping. I should go back inside and insist he take it back, because he wasn’t the one who stole it, but the money means I can avoid my father’s anger.

  And that is worth a small piece of my pride. Even if it does confuse the hell out of me.

  Just as I start to pull out of the parking lot, the doors open and Roman and Luc walk out. They’re laughing about something and I duck down, subconsciously making myself as small as possible.

  I don’t need to worry. Neither of them even glance my way.

  Chapter Four


  “You’re cooking her dinner now?” Luc snarks.

  He leans against the counter and crosses his arms over his chest. He’s wider than me, but we match in height. He got dad’s dark hair and brown eyes. I look more like mom, with lighter hair and blue eyes.

  Nothing about us gives away the fact that we’re twins except a shared birthday. I ignore him and pour the hot soup into a deep bowl. I hope Jules likes chicken noodle. It was the first thing I found in the pantry.

  I didn’t want to leave her alone for too long.

  “You shouldn't have brought her here. Dad is going to lose his fucking shit when he finds out a Montgomery was in his house.”

  “So don’t tell him,” I snap. “And should I have lef
t her to freeze to death side the fucking road then?”

  He shrugs. “One less Montgomery to breed little trash bastards. World would be a better place.”

  Christ, it makes me sick to be related to this asshole. I can't believe we share the same fucking DNA.

  “Amen to that brother,” Sam says, sauntering into the kitchen. “I say end the family tree with this batch.”

  “Fuck off, Sam. No one asked you.”

  I hate my brother’s best friend. He feeds off the hate my father sells and then encourages Luc every step of the way. He’s a fucking leech. The only reason his family has any status in our town is that his father is my dad’s little bitch.

  Sam snorts but then his grin turns feral. “Maybe if you share we can be convinced to keep quiet. I hear freshman year she let some guys run a train on her. There’s four of us...I’m up for a little dumpster diving.”

  Red tints the edges of my vision and I lunge at Sam with a roar. My fist slams into his jaw with a crack and he spins backward, ricocheting off the counter and falling onto his ass.

  Chase comes scrambling into the kitchen and steps in front of me, his hand on my chest to hold me back. “What the fuck is going on?”

  Sam climbs to his feet and wipes the blood off his lip with his thumb, then comes at me with a glare.

  “Knock it the fuck off,” Luc snaps, shooting his arm out to stop Sam.

  “Stay the hell away from her, both of you.” I glare at Sam especially. I can’t even believe the fucker said what he did.

  “The hell has gotten into you?” Luc shoots a glare my way. “You’re fighting about that bitch?”

  Sam barks out a laugh. “Can’t you see it? Romeo here has the hots for little Jules.”

  Lucs brows draw down and he stares at me. “The fuck? Fucking hell Rome seriously? There are fifty girls who’d lay down and spread em for you at any second and you want some used up piece of trash? Dad is going to beat your ass when he finds out you’re even thinking about mixing fluids with that family.”


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