Tormented: A Bully Romance Anthology

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Tormented: A Bully Romance Anthology Page 21

by BBB Publishings

  “What didn't get enough last time? It's good to see you found some clothes though. A body like yours needs to be hidden away so as not to terrify small children.” Plastering on my best you disgust me face I turned away from him and took out my textbooks. Hoping he would get the hint and just leave but no it seemed I wouldn't be that lucky. He pulled out the seat next to me and wordlessly sat beside me.

  I tried really hard to just ignore him, but I could feel his eyes burning in to me throughout the whole lesson. On my life I could not tell you a word the teacher said and it was starting to get on my nerves. Turning to face him I was just about to give him a piece of my mind but he beat me to it.

  “You being here hurts my best friend and that is something I won't tolerate. You may think your a little badass but babe I guarantee by the time I'm done with you, you're going to wish you were as dead as your uncle.” His words hurt but nothing could prepare me for the pain that came next.

  I had about two seconds to wonder what he was talking about before my body started to shake. The pain shot up my legs like fire causing me to cringe and grit my teeth.

  “What have you done?” I ground out before the pain exploded in my head like a blinding light. It was as if someone had taken needles dipped in a burning poison had been poked through my skin.

  Screaming out, I felt myself fall, but the pain from whatever spell he used was to the point that I didn’t feel the hit to the ground. Just when the pain was at it worst and I started to see spots, it dissipated. Leaving just as quickly as it had started.

  “That was just a small taste of what will happen if you stay here. Either leave of your own free will or leave in a box like the last Ceallaigh before you.” He whispers before brushing off his pants and heading out of the classroom.

  “Miss Ceallaigh, you need to go to the office! Now!” The teacher yelled as I was trying to pull myself up.

  Not one person helped me. I knew things wouldn't be easy but to sit by while someone was being tortured that was beyond my comprehension. Pulling myself up finally I didn't even look at the teacher before squaring my shoulders and marching my sore body out the room.

  I hadn't even bothered to pick up my things, I just left before the tears fell. I refused to show any weakness. The headmasters office I already knew was at the top of the east tower. Far from the classrooms and dorms it was settled at the back of the school. I dragged my feet my body was screaming with each step, hopefully we could get my punishment over quickly and I could go home and rest.

  A horrible sense of dread filled me as I got closer and closer to the office. This man would hate me more than any other person in the school. He believed my Uncle had killed his grandfather and those students. This wasn't going to go well but could anything really be worse than the pain I had just went through?

  One thing was certain before I left here I would find that asshole and make him pay for what he had done, Before I knew it I was standing in front of a huge black steel door. Headmaster Hannigan was plastered on a plaque on the door.

  The door swung open and my eyes snapped up. In front of me was a man who could only be described as a god, I didn't have a chance to say a word before he grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. The only sound was the slamming of the door behind him.


  Council Member Alderton

  Well, that couldn't have gone better if I tried. Who knew that worthless mage would actually come in handy. The Ceallaigh girl was being pushed at Alaric even faster than we thought Years of planning years of death and destruction had finally lead to this moment. Seeing the worry on the other council members face melt away gave me a sense of gratification that I hadn’t felt in years. With Alaric’s looming death, he will be more determined than ever to make the Ceallaigh girl fall for him and when she does our plan will finally be complete.

  The prophecy had told of a baby born of magic. A baby of Hannigan and Ceallaigh blood will hold the ultimate power. Finally after all these years of pilfering pathetic powers from unworthy vessels we can be free. Yes draining the power from the chosen child will result in eternal youth. We will cement our places at the top of the supernatural council and once and for all we will rule all.

  To be continued...

  About the Authors

  Omega Secrets

  Tormented Anthology

  by A.C. Wilds

  About the Authors

  Alexis Taylor

  Alexis is a mother of three, who can usually be found bossing around Nikki. She got lucky and her best friend forced her to write with her, and it is now something that she loves to do. She loves all things horror, and is a huge mystery buff. She can be found trolling Instagram for hot guys for inspiration, arguing with her young demons, obsessing over Averi Hope & Victoria Schaefer’s covers or falling into random things because she is ridiculously clumsy.

  If you want to keep up with Nikki and Alexis, Join our Alexis and Nikki’s Hellions group on facebook. You can chat directly with them, and get first looks at their new books/series.

  Alexis and Nikki's Hellions

  Axel James

  Axel James is from New Orleans after writing romance under another name his PA'S finally convinced him to write Reverse Harem. When he's not writing, he loves to cook and relax with a good book and a glass of whiskey

  Omega Secrets by A.C. Wilds

  This book contains some bad behavior. There is a mention of a sexual assault, but no graphic detail or imagery. This may cause triggers for some

  To My Readers - Fuck anyone who says you don’t shine brighter than a diamond. You are amazing and perfect. Thank You for reading and always being the badass bitches you are.

  Chapter One

  Torn Apart

  Gravel crunches beneath my paws as I shift to get into a better position to see the sun. The sunsets up on Ranger’s Cliff are always the most beautiful. My black fur rustles in the breeze, and I can scent the forest around me. I lift my snout to the sky and close my eyes. Two squirrels, deer, and a few chipmunks are near, but no wolves. I exhale my exhaustion and my fear. Taking these moments and savoring them is the only reprieve that I get from the pack.

  The sky is turning a glorious sherbet swirl, pinks and oranges blending with the last of the blue sky. Looking out onto the horizon I wonder what it would be like to be free. To feel love and contentment, and to never have to hold my breath again.

  As the sun kisses the last of the day, I make my way back through the woods. I’ve been coming up to this spot for years. It’s a secret of mine, as I don’t really have friends to share it with. The familiar forest zooms past me, as I make my way back onto pack lands. When I cross the threshold, something tingles over me, and I feel his presence before I scent him. My wolf takes over and runs with all her might. If he catches us we could be killed. The human side of me wants to stop and rationalize, but my wolf, she is in control now. This chase will only add fuel to the fire, and yet she loves it when he confronts us.

  Picking up speed, I jump and hurdle myself through the brush. Branches scratch me causing the sting of micro cuts to coat my fur. My paws dig hard into the packed earth as I see the pack cabins up ahead. My wolf quickens her pace, and just as I’m about to do a victory howl, we are slammed into from the side. I go flying into a nearby tree, and the wind is completely knocked out of me. My vision blackens but comes back seconds later. My chest hurts when I breathe, and I know I must have cracked a rib. Before I can pick my head up to see my attacker, a shimmer comes over the clearing and the scent of man replaces the wolf.

  “Do you know what time it is? Why is it that I had to shift and come get you? I think you love the punishments I give,” he says, in a harsh tone. My whole body goes rigid, but I don’t dare move a muscle.

  “You’re an ungrateful bitch. Knowing that dinner should have been on the table thirty minutes ago,” he says, kneeling down to get close to my wolf. An unbelievable pressure comes over me, and I move to expose my neck to him. My human side spits in dis
gust, but my wolf, she’d give all of herself to this man.

  He places his hands on my throat and squeezes slowly at first and then a bit harder. I can feel the restriction in my oxygen, and yet I don’t move. He’s in complete control of my life, literally and figuratively. I can never escape him.

  “Change back,” he says, releasing me. I cough a bit, but the alpha command strums through me and my wolf is cast back into the shadows. My magic glows around me, and I crouch before him as a naked woman. I might be an omega, but I am not weak. I let his gaze drift over me like it normally does when I don't have clothes on. He has never done anything inappropriate to me, but his eyes drive me wild with anticipation every time there is a slight glance in my direction. I hate myself for it every time.

  “Now get into the kitchen and help Sarah make the rest of the dinner. I don’t want to ever see you late for one of your duties again. If you disobey me once more, I will lock you up and there will never be a pretty sunset for you to look at again,” he says, storming off toward the cabins. I sit there for a minute thinking about what my life would be like without Bruno in it.

  Making my way to the kitchen, I snatch the bag that I hid under the steps of the main cabin. I dress quickly and walk in through the back door. The noises of cooking and preparing a meal can be heard down the corridor, and when I finally step into the kitchen all eyes are on me.

  “What the fuck were you thinking? You nearly got us all in trouble! You know how he gets!” Sarah screamed, causing me to jump. I hurry to grab an apron and start to chop vegetables alongside another pack-mate.

  “I wanted to see the sun go down. It’s not like my wolf has a watch,” I say, quietly.

  “Saying things like that is what gets you in trouble in the first place. There is a reason why you are an omega, and you need to get your stubborn human side to comply with that. There is going to be nothing but pain and blood if you don’t,” she says, pushing me out of the way to get to the stove.

  My life in the Blackclaw pack is hard. I was given to the alpha by my parents when I was sixteen years old. I’m twenty-six now and for the last ten years have endured what it means to be omega. An omega wolf is the last wolf in the pack. I have no power and no say. I’m basically everyone's lackey because everyone here is superior to me. So, I get all the jobs nobody wants, and suffer the consequences if I should ever stick up for myself.

  Omegas are good for only one thing, and that’s completing the circle of magic that brings the pack together, makes them whole. Without an omega wolf, a pack is unstable, and wolves may shift into their animal forms and never come back. Omegas ground the pack. We remind them that there is still humanity left. As an omega I have the least wolf magic in me, I’m more human. The alpha has the least humanity in him. He’s almost all wolf.

  When the dinner preparations are complete, I step out into the bathroom and change into my servers’ outfit. I put on my clothes quickly and take a glance at myself in the mirror. My raven colored hair is wild with the change, and my green eyes are piercing. I’m a black wolf when I shift, small and agile. Fast, but not strong. I’m mainly the same in my human form. I’m pretty, but not overly beautiful. I’ve never had to wonder what people thought of me because I will never get married. I will never have a chance at a mating.

  The alpha requires all lesser members of the pack to serve the top members. We’re only allowed to eat the leftovers after all the wolves have been fed. There are ten servers in all, and I’m always the last to eat.

  I learned early on that in order to survive here, I had to either grow my own food or hunt. Since there isn’t really a place to grow on pack land, I have a little garden in a clearing just near the cliff. A fresh stream runs next to it, and the land is pretty fertile. I dream about living out there, in peace with no one around me. I mostly sneak out during the day after the children have returned home. Today I took too long to come back. The sunsets always make me think of what life could be like if I had someone to share it with. I have to stop thinking of such things, it’s never going to happen for me.

  Walking back out into the kitchen, I see that the rest of the women are getting everything set up. I help stack plates and bring them out into the dining hall. The Blackclaw isn’t a large pack, but we do have some of the fiercest warriors. Men from all over the world have come to our pack to make bonds and treaties with us. We’ve won the most battles and challenges. Bruno is undefeated. The only reason why we’re not as big as we could be is that he won't allow it. Every challenge has its own winner's choice and the alpha always wins.

  When I enter the dining hall, all the top wolves are seated at the table. The whole pack eats together once a month, but daily the Alpha only invites the elite to dinner. The beta and gamma are here as well, and when I walk toward the table carrying the dishes, both of their gazes heat me up. They’ve never given me a reason to think they are serious, but it’s an action my wolf loves. I, on the other hand, am disgusted. They act just as bad as Bruno.

  “Hurry up, Omega. You’re already going to receive punishment for not being on time,” Bruno says. He has a glint in his eyes. His punishments are always inventive and horrible. I shiver at the thought of what’s to come.

  Quickly, I begin to dish out the food, serving the Alpha first. Each wolf looks at me in disdain, as I pass. I’m nothing to them. I’m here only because of my powers, and they remind me of it every day. They soon ignore me and start talking about pack issues. The one good thing about being an omega is that they think I’m so insignificant that they don’t censor themselves.

  “There is progress on the northern border of pack land. The Ridgeback Pack has retreated some. I think if we put a bit more pressure on them, there won’t be an issue claiming the land. Unless of course, you want to challenge the alpha,” the beta says. He looks at Bruno but not in the eye. No one looks at Bruno in the eyes. I’m the only one who can, but that is a secret between us. If I ever told, he would kill me.

  “I think we should let this play out a bit more. No reason to take down an alpha if we can help it. He’ll soon realize that the only way to proceed is to submit,” Bruno tells the room. This comes as a shock to me. I always thought Bruno was out for blood, and nothing more. Why would he spare the alpha?

  I leave shortly after that, returning to the kitchen. Sarah is cleaning up. They would’ve had their meal before she started on washing the pots and pans. I grab a bowl of the leftover soup from the fridge and take a seat by the window. I eat fast. Knowing from experience that if I don’t the food will be taken away.

  After I’m finished, I join Sarah at the sink, and we work in tandem to get it all finished. I put away all the cookware and wipe down the counters. All the excess food is stored for the next day’s lunch, and the floors are swept clean.

  Dinner lasts about an hour. When I hear them leave, I go inside to clean up. Opening up the door, I’m startled by Bruno still seated at the head of the table.

  “Leave the dishes, you can do them after you find out your punishment,” he says, with a sinister look in his eyes. I gulp down my fear and look at the floor. I don’t want to provoke him further.

  “I know what you have been doing out there every day. If you think for one second that I don’t have eyes on you then you’re sorely mistaken. I’ve allowed it up until this point because it wasn’t affecting your duties, but you’ve been slipping lately. There’s no excuse for being late. The garden is being destroyed as we speak,” he says, cooly. He gives nothing away. My heart drops into my stomach and tears form in my eyes. It has taken so long to build up that garden, to get the soil just right. To make sure the plants flourish, and he’s taking it away from me in an instant. I’ll starve.

  Tears drip onto the floor and the chair scraps as he rises. His heavy footfalls can be heard throughout the room, and boots appear in my blurry vision. He threads his fingers into my hair and lifts my head up, so that I’m looking directly into his eyes. I glance away quickly, but he holds my chin firm with the
other hand.

  “Look at me. Look at me in the eyes,” he says, a whisper falling from his lips. The tension in the air builds and when our eyes meet a crescendo of power blasts around the room. No one knows of these little power exchanges. My heart is beating in my chest and my wolf, she’s going insane. My feet shuffle forward on instinct, and my body is so close to his. I still say nothing.

  He growls lifting his lip, and his wolf comes peeking out. His eyes turn a bright yellow, and I can’t help but be mesmerized. He lowers his head just as our mouths would meet. He hovers there for a moment and breaths in my scent. My body reacts towards him, heat going straight to my core. I shift a bit trying to get closer, gain friction, something or anything is better than being in this suspended state.

  “You make my wolf crazy with need. I want to throw you against the table, and fuck you till you scream. I want to mark you, claim you, and make you mine. But I won’t because you are weak. You’re an omega, something to be thrown to the side. You’ll never have me or be anything to this pack except for a servant. If you’re late for your duties again, I will have you whipped or locked up. Do. Not. Test. Me,” He says, releasing me and walking through the door.

  I stumble without his hold and stand stock still until I hear his retreating footsteps. My body is trembling with fear and want. My wolf wants her alpha, wants to give everything to him, but me -- I want to stab him through the neck.


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