Delta Fringe Series Boxset: Books 1-3

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Delta Fringe Series Boxset: Books 1-3 Page 43

by Heather Lee Dyer

  Red strobe lights fill the small room and I frown at Zion. He looks quickly down at the console and his eyes widen.

  "What is it Zion?"

  "That's the alarm system your mom set up for the research areas. I evacuated as many personnel as I could to the domes, so someone else had to have tripped the system just now."

  "Let's get going then. You saw the pattern overlay. Where do you think they would be hiding secret mining research?"

  Zion leans over the console, pulling up the pattern again. "Without knowing exactly what we're looking for there are several possibilities. Look."

  I lean over his shoulder to see that he's pointing at a large area at the far fringe of the current mine. That section had been closed for many years. The newest mine, the new heart, is on the opposite side from this dead area, several miles down. I frown.

  "You said there are probably at least two sites here on Mars, and the richness of the different elements found here." Derek comes over to my other side, his body radiating warmth. I instantly lean in toward him.

  "Yes, but we need to pick the one that would be the hardest for them to get the research out of. If there's one here," I point to the first area that Zion was looking at, "and I were a pirate, I'd investigate that one first. Easy in, easy out."

  "So then where do you think the other one is, B?"

  I bump Zion out of the way with my hip so I can read the tunnel names better. The pattern is familiar, the names, except the newest ones, are familiar, but there's a whole lot of new digging that has been done in the last year. "I think we have to head for the original heart." Once I say it out loud my stomach clenches. I know I'm right, but I also know it's a big area and I'm not exactly sure where to go once we get there.

  Derek points to the map. "Is this where you mean, Bren? And why do you think they would risk such exposure?"

  "The final test, Derek. They've done experiments with this AI on all sorts of asteroids and mining planets. The data I found in the captain showed the intent was to train this thing for any kind of material needed. This rich red has the purest properties ever found in history, so it makes sense they would risk everything for this. This location is between the new and the old, so it's possible all the types of minerals are nearby. They're greedy, only doing this for money."

  "Your mom would've never done anything just for money." Zion's tone is defensive.

  "I know. She wouldn't do it for money, but she was developing an AI. We don't have time to give you all the details, just know these people's version of mom's research is very dangerous and is costing human lives. We need to get down there and get proof so we can stop this."

  Zion scoots in front of me to type some commands into the console. "Here, this is where we need to go then. Weird stuff has been happening down there."

  I look to see where he's pointing. "But that area hasn't been officially shut down. How would they do digging research without being found out? They've always use empty areas so no one discovers them."

  Zion looks at me and grins. "Ghosts."

  "What?" Derek and I say at the same time.

  "You know how miners are, B. This area is rumored to be haunted with ghosts. We had a cave in a few weeks back and now the miners say they can hear moaning and screams."

  I look at Derek, my skin flashing cold. "Zion, were any miners hurt or missing that could account for that?"

  "Not that I know of. That specific tunnel was deemed unstable so we went in another direction. No miners were lost from our list when the tunnel collapsed. Everyone was accounted for. But that was months ago, and we've had a lot of new miners coming into the mine for the new heart."

  "We need to get there right away, Z. This is it, I know it."

  Zion's expression turns grim. "I just told you it was unstable."

  "Which means it's the perfect excuse to keep people away."

  I match Zion's gaze and don't flinch. I can see the struggle behind his eyes. "We need to see what they're doing. We know it's dangerous and we know it's illegal. This is why we are here, Z."

  Zion looks at Derek who just nods in agreement. I'm relieved because this would be a safe time for Derek to back out, before we head down into the mine. I smile. "Let's go." I pull the cube out of the console and place it back into my pack. I step toward the far door and look back to see both Derek and Zion slowly shuffling behind.

  "If either of you two have any other, safer ideas, I'm all ears." I put my hands on my hips and square off with them. They look at each other and shrug. I grin, pulling my backpack on tighter.



  The bio scanner responds to my handprint and once again we're in a new corridor. We hurry along, avoiding all of the main areas. Soon the air feels more humid and the temperature in the corridor starts getting warmer.

  "Zion, how do you know we won't run into any pirates here?" I'm slightly out of breath, having been out of the heavy gravity for the last year.

  "We're taking one of the older tunnels the supervisors use to get between sites quickly. That's why the air isn't conditioned. We don't want to divert too much power here so we can stay under the controller's radar."

  "Why would you need to keep these secret if they're for the supervisors?" Derek asks, coming up behind us.

  "Because the Mars Council ordered us to close them several years ago to save energy. They're not on the main map anymore as viable. But we need these in case of emergencies."

  My steps slow as that sinks in. "Why would the council be trying to save money if they know they've hit a pure vein? Wouldn't they want to do everything they can to get it out? They've already hired more miners."

  Zion looks back at me, his scalp glistening with sweat from the heat. "You would think so. This is an amazing discovery. I've seen the red myself. It's beautiful and has properties of several elements needed for cheap energy."

  "Wow. That could really help bring more power and commerce to the outer sectors who can't afford as much," says Derek beside me. He's not even out of breath. I mentally glare at him.

  Zion shakes his head. "The Council hasn't approved any of it to be sold outside of the tri-planet area. The news from Earth is that it will be used to bring economic life and security back to our home planet."

  Derek and I look at each other, frowning.

  "Earth. This is why the EPL is involved. This will benefit their cause generously and hurt the outer systems at the same time." Redness creeps up Derek's neck as he fumes.

  "It's always political, isn't it?" I spit out.

  Zion looks sideways at me. "Unless it's about money."

  I make a rude noise. "Money and politics. And no one cares about all the miners killed and injured. Or the fringe colonies on the edge of starvation."

  Zion looks thoughtful. "B?"

  I match his pace. "Yes?"

  "What did you mean when you said you found data inside a captain?"

  I turn to look straight ahead, watching the distance markers near the ceiling as we pass each one. "There was a crew of scientists that somehow got involved in all this, and data on this illegal research ended up with the captain. He hid the data stick inside his arm, literally under his skin. When we finally found him and his crew hiding in empty emergency pod chambers, he was dead. Along with forty-five of his crew. Only four people on that science vessel survived. During an autopsy I found the data stick."

  "So that's how you got involved in all of this?"

  I nod, remembering the horrors of finding the Tempest's crew crammed together, afraid of something worse than death.

  "I'm sorry."

  I look over at Zion and his sincerity squeezes my heart. "Thanks, Z."

  "I haven't done an autopsy on my own yet," he says quietly. He stares straight ahead, his profile familiar and comforting. "I've only watched. Until now there hasn't been any need."

  I bite the inside of my cheek. Mars generally has been an expertly run mine over the last decade or so, and we've had a very low death rat
e. That's why Mom was more of a doctor to the miners than the coroner. But when some tragedy did strike, she treated the dead with as much respect as she did the living. "That's a good problem to have. Not having many autopsies to perform."

  He nods and takes us down a turn in the corridor. These corridors aren't as wide as the main ones, but thankfully wider than the maintenance tunnels.

  "It gives me time to work on my medical studies and still do my job as a mine supervisor."

  Derek comes up close behind me. "I feel very exposed in this corridor, Bren. There's no place to hide if we run into our enemy."

  I smile at Derek. "Your security senses tingling?"

  He narrows his eyes at me and bumps me with his shoulder. "Seriously, do you know where we are?"

  I look back to the corridor and watch overhead as we slow down to a walk. I point up at a glowing number near the ceiling. "That means we're about two hundred meters from a down entrance."

  "Down entrance?"

  "Kind of a lift to get to the heart of the mine. They're spread out all over Mars, but the heart always has three main entrances."

  "Do we really want to go down through a main entrance? Isn't that kind of risky?"

  I look over at Zion, who is walking a few meters ahead of us. "What do you think, Z?

  He stops and waits for us. "I think Derek's right. We'll go down one of the back lifts."

  He grins wickedly at me.

  I shake my head. "Great. Figures."

  Derek looks between Zion and me, his eyebrows nearly touching. "What's wrong with the back lifts?"

  Zion starts laughing and I smack him on the arm. As he pretends to be hurt I turn to Derek. "They just aren't used as often. Even the main lifts aren't exactly what you would be used to on a starship. But the back ones are only known to miners who've worked here a long time. Which is why it's a good idea for us to use them right now. Chances are the pirates won't know about them, or won't want to use them."

  "But you two know where they are?"

  Zion turns and keeps walking down the corridor, snickering.

  I grab Derek's arm. "Of course."

  "Then why do I get a sick feeling in my stomach?"

  Zion guffaws loudly ahead of us.

  I cringe. "Because you're not going to like these lifts. Zion has pegged you for a space station lifer who wouldn't be able to handle them." I squeeze his arm. "But he doesn't know your past like I do. You'll be fine. Just trust me."

  Derek slowly turns his head toward me as we walk. "Seriously? You just had to throw out the trust me phrase? That makes it much worse. Now I'm sweating."

  I laugh and continue on, watching the glowing numbers along the ceiling getting smaller.

  We get to the end of the corridor. Literally. To someone unfamiliar with the mines, it looks like construction just ends here. There are signs to the left and right showing routes to the main lift and one to the main domes. We don't take either direction.

  Zion waits until Derek and I catch up before he raises his hand to reach a nearly invisible bio scanner high above our heads. He places his hand and fingers carefully over the scanner. The disguised door slides to our left, disappearing into the wall.

  Beyond is a rickety looking open-air lift. The floor and sides are made of old steel bars barely covered with sheets of questionable material that look as if we sneezed it would break.

  I hear Derek's intake of breath beside me.

  "I told you that you weren't going to like this," I say, laughing.

  "What in lunar's craters is this? It looks like an old torture cage." He opens both hands toward the lift.

  "It's our way down, Delta boy," says Zion as he breezes past us and onto the lift. His weight suddenly on the old lift makes it sway and creak. For a second I imagine him plummeting through the floor. But of course he doesn't. Zion and I have been riding these old lifts since we were tall enough to reach our hands up to the bio scanner.

  Zion stops in the middle and turns toward us, careful to keep his footing on the main beams. "Well? We can't just wait for the pirates to find us."

  Derek looks nervously around. I pull him by the arm onto the swaying floor. I position us opposite Zion and show him where to place his feet. The key is weight distribution for the smoothest possible ride.

  "Ready?" Zion closes the door behind us. The glint in his eye confirms that he's enjoying baiting Derek.

  Derek just looks at me. I nod to Zion and hold out one arm to the wall and the other tight to Derek's arm. Derek nervously does the same.

  Zion slaps a button on the wall next to him. A gut-wrenching grind reaches our ears and our stomachs flutter with the sudden downward acceleration.

  Derek lets out a string of swear words that makes Zion laugh even harder. I just hang on to Derek as he squeezes my arm tightly and our hair and clothes flap all around us.

  Soon my stomach twists as the contraption slows down quickly. The lift comes to a sudden stop and Derek just about topples over. He catches his balance and as soon as the door opens he launches himself out of the small lift.

  Zion and I step out laughing.

  "You guys aren't funny. What the Hades was that?"

  I look at Zion before I answer Derek. "That was the smoothest lift you'll experience down here." I link arms with Derek and follow Zion down the corridor.

  "Any other surprises I need to know about?" Derek whispers, leaning into me.

  I grin up at him. "Yes, I'm sure there will be. Not worth worrying about yet, though, is it? In order to stay under the radar and not run into the bad guys we've got to think and move around like a miner, and stay hidden. This is our turf, not theirs."

  Saying it out loud starts the familiar burn of anger in my belly. And reminds me of who is behind all this chaos. I stop in my tracks and look over at Zion.

  He backtracks to stand in front of me. Memories of our childhood flood over me white hot, fueling my anger. I can't lose Zion. "Are you sure you want to continue down with us, Z? You could just join the others in the domes." I look nervously to the ceiling before forcing myself to match Zion's gaze. He's shaking his head vigorously, like I knew he would.

  I place a hand on his chest. "These aren't just space pirates, Z. The EPL is involved, as well as some of the galactic commanders and Ash Corp. Our friends think the leaders of the EPL might be here on Mars right now."

  Zion's whole body freezes under my touch as he stares at me. I've never seen him this still before. He's always got to be moving. If it's not his feet, it's his hands in some soundless rhythm.

  "Zion? Talk to me."

  "Are you sure, B?" He balls his hands into tight fists, his knuckles glowing white.

  "Yes," I say miserably. "They're down here with these pirates. They are the ones who somehow stole the research from Mom and twisted it. Their partners are trying to make it profitable while we know that the EPL is just doing it to work toward their usual endgame."

  "No expansion, pure humans." Zion growls and punches the wall next to him.

  Derek steps in front of me as Zion stalks in circles in the corridor like a caged animal.

  I place a hand on Derek's shoulder. "It's all right Derek, he's not angry at us. We've always suspected the EPL caused both his parent's deaths. Unlike my mom, his parents were very vocal about expanding outward into the other galaxies."

  "Let me guess, no one could prove it because the EPL is too powerful and has people everywhere." Derek says roughly, the muscles in his jaw flexing.

  "Yes. And I should've told Zion sooner." I bite my lip as I watch Zion pacing.

  Derek shakes his head. "I thought at least this close to Earth the council could control them."

  Behind us Zion lets out a miner's curse. Something about seven generations of diggers never to see the light of day again. I flinch and turn to meet his gaze.

  There is such pain there that my heart sinks. This was a terrible idea to involve Zion in this investigation. I bite the inside of my lip as I watch him struggling to c
alm himself down. Finally, he ends up sliding down the wall to sit hard on his butt on the metal floor.

  I sit down next to him. "Z, maybe you should go back to the domes where it's safe."

  "Charon's ice, B. You know I couldn't back down from this now. Besides, you haven't been here for over a year. You need me." He looks at me, his eyes bloodshot with the emotions coursing through him.

  I bump him with my shoulder. "I always need you, Z. But seriously, you don't have to be involved in this. I know my way around here well enough, and I've got a pattern cube." I look up at Derek, who is leaning against the other wall from us. "Derek and I are involved because they attacked our home and made us fugitives from the galactic security. You're needed here on Mars to help clean up after this disaster. You need to go back to the domes with your staff. You've already lost too much to the EPL."

  "No, B. They not only took my parents from me, but now they've attacked my home as well." His gruff voice lowers as he watches me with wary eyes. "I need to help you see this through. More than ever now."

  I study his face and recognize where I got my stubborn loyalty from. Mars tends to do that to a person. The beautiful stark red landscape above, the hard working miners below, and the shared thrifty lifestyle of never having enough. The hardships under the domes and deep in the dangerous mines bond people to one another like two pieces of metal welded together. Forever linked. Forged together to face good and bad times. I stand up and hold out a hand to Zion.

  "Well, let's get going then, Z." He grins up at me and takes my hand.


  Loyalty to the Mines

  We both stand up and Zion turns to look at Derek and me.

  "What do you guys mean about being fugitives?"

  Derek taps my foot with his shoe. "Explain on the way, Bren. Sounds like we have company."

  Zion and I freeze to listen. Faintly we hear boots squeaking on the metal floor way behind us. I push Zion in the direction we were heading. "Go, let's go."

  Zion takes off, but turns toward me. "That sounds like military boots. Galactic security. Are they all after you?"


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