Dragon Approved Complete Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 13): A Middang3ard Series

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Dragon Approved Complete Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 13): A Middang3ard Series Page 84

by Ramy Vance

  Alex stretched and got to her feet. How long have I been out?

  Two days. The rest of Boundless went to the lake. They’re waiting to hear from you.

  Alex walked out from under Chine’s wing and looked the dragon in the eye. I wish it had been a dream. Hey, you didn’t keep me from Vardis’ illusion, did you?

  Chine shook his head sadly. No, I did not.

  It was the Dark One. He saved my life. I thought that was just a bad dream.

  Chine scooped Alex into his claws as the pixies poured out of the cave. Yes, he did. I don’t know why he would do such a thing. He’s safe from the shard now. Perhaps you two share a greater connection than you know.

  I don’t want to think about that right now. I just want to see everyone. We can deal with it later.

  Chine headed for the lake, not bothering to fly, informing Alex that they were keeping a lookout for the mech riders. They hadn’t seen them for the last two days, but Gill and Jim weren’t comfortable with the dragons being airborne yet.

  It didn’t take long to get to the lake, and they found the members of Team Boundless on the shore. The only person who had gone into the water was Brath. He was splashing around like a kid.

  When Boundless saw Alex, they froze. Jollies was the first to move. She flew over and landed on her shoulder. The pixie hugged Alex tightly. “What’s going on?”

  Alex scratched the back of Jollies’ neck, making the pixie giggle and shift to a bright red hue. “I don’t know what you remember, but I know what I recall. Vardis was going to destroy our universe to kill the Dark One. I put a stop to it, but he’s made it so no one else remembers that. I don’t know what you think happened or how to make you believe me.”

  Jim just looked at Alex. “I remember that we came here on a date, and we talked about how much you wanted to stop the Dark One.”

  Gill was sitting on Timber. He lazily slid off and said, “We went to visit your family. They were amazing people. We had dinner, all of us and Vardis. Even then, none of us trusted him.”

  Jollies, who was still on Alex’s shoulder, replied, “There was an explosion at the base. You were hurt, and then the comm went dead. We all thought it was Vardis.”

  Brath swam to the shore as Furi burst out of the water. He joined the rest of Boundless. “I remember you asking us if we trusted you. The answer is still yes.”

  Alex shook her head as she laughed. “What if I told you the Dark One saved my life? That he is the only reason I am still alive?”

  The members of Boundless looked exchanged dubious glances. Finally, Brath stepped forward and extended his hand to Alex. “I would say I still trust you.”

  Alex wiped a tear away as she took Brath’s hand and shook it.

  “Why the hell are you smiling?” he asked.

  Alex pulled him close and hugged him tightly. Slowly, the rest of Boundless came over and wrapped their arms around each other. “Because we saved the universe,” she said. “Even if no one else knows it, we did it. All of us. We did this. Even if they think we’re all traitors, we saved the entire universe, and we’re not going to stop. Are you with me?”

  No words had to be said. They held each other as their dragons surrounded them, covering Boundless with their wings.

  Alex looked at the sky. It was clear, not a cloud in sight, just infinite blue.

  Infinite possibilities.


  Want to know what happens to Team Boundless? Love Middang3ard? Check out the other series set in Middang3ard: Dark Gate Angels. Team Boundless return in Dark Gate Angels to deliver a shocking twist. (Please note: the timeline of Dark Gate Angels is such that Alex’s ‘betrayal’ happens in Dark Gate Angels, Book 2. Their epic return will be in Book 3.)

  Join the battle against the Dark One today!

  Dark Gate Angels

  Have you started the Dark Gate Angels series from Ramyand Michael? Book one is Dark Gate Angles and it’s available now through Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.

  A battle-elf, gladiator and super genius walk into a bar… Actually, there’s no punch line.

  But you can guarantee someone’s getting decapitated.

  Anabella is a supermodel with a secret. She’s really an elf. And she’s bored, bored, bored. Born and bred as a warrior, Anabella wants nothing more than to trade her tiara for a dagger and a gun.

  Careful what you wish for…

  When orcs invade Earth, will Anabella have her chance?

  Abby is a robotics engineer and certifiable genius (as well as simply certifiable). When Abby’s father is killed by the orcs, she plans on using her intellect to avenge him.

  Terra is the toughest person in Kansas. Too bad she’s not in Kansas anymore. She was kidnapped by orcs to fight in their sick and twisted battle games.

  Both Abby and Terra want revenge in the form of gloopy, green orc blood. Will the blood be green, or red?

  Alone, none of them stand a chance. But together they just might be enough to bring evil to its knees.

  These three warriors didn’t start the war…but you can be damn sure they’re going to try to finish it. Will they succeed?

  Over 150,000 words of octane-fueled magic and mayhem fill this tome.

  Grab your copy today from Amazon or Kindle Unlimited.

  Author Notes Ramy Vance

  June 12, 2020

  Click, Clack …

  The day that I sat down to write these Author Notes is a special day for me. For this day is the day I have officially earned a full-time income off of my books for one full year.

  A while back, I went to 20Book London and, pumped after the event, I decided I would wake up every morning at 5 am to write. When I told my wife that was my plan, she thought I was crazy.

  And then on that first morning I woke up at 4:40 am and started banging away at my computer, my wife yelled two things from our bedroom:

  One – I can’t believe you’re up.

  And two – get the hell out of your office and go somewhere where I can’t hear your damn keyboard click, clacking…

  So, I moved out of my office to the much farther away kitchen table, where, for the next few months, I click, clacked every morning from 5 am until my son woke up at 7:27 am (and I’m not kidding … he wakes up at 7:27 on the dot almost every morning).

  At that time, I wrote 6 days a week, no matter what.

  And then I edited, worked on my marketing game, published, failed and tried again, until finally, little by little, I things started to improve.

  I made plans. I stuck to them even when things looked wrong. I found mentors (Michael and Martha first among them) and listened to their advice even when I thought they were crazy (and believe you me … Martha is certifiable).

  But most importantly, I click, clacked every chance I got.

  And it paid off. 1 year ago, I got that deposit from Amazon with a sum of money that equaled the magic number I needed to be full-time.

  Yesterday I showed my wife how much writing has earned us over the last year. She was unimpressed. I’m not going to lie, that hurt and I called her on it.

  Her response couldn’t have been more perfect. “I’m not surprised. I always knew you’d get here. I always knew all that click, clacking will lead here.”

  (Sweet words, but despite them, I still write in the kitchen.)

  Author Notes Michael Anderle

  June 14, 2020

  So, I was click-clacking all over the lower part of the Las Vegas Strip in town early this year until I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere.

  Then, instead of writing “out there,” I had to write and work in the office—an office that got kinda small, really. I’m happy we are opening up because I was going to go certifiable (it felt like.)

  For me (this is back in Nov of 2015), my wife had no idea what I was doing with this writing stuff until one night, I was typing on my laptop as we were both in bed, and she finally looked over at me and asked. “I see you typing all the time. What are you doing?”

p; “Writing a book,” I replied.

  “Do what?” (It’s not like I shared with her a compelling desire to write books my whole life, so this was news to her.)

  “Writing a book. See, it’s my third. I have two others already out for sale.” I turned my laptop and showed her my little Amazon author page with those first two books.

  I can’t say she was too impressed (and since those were the first covers I had for the Kurtherian Gambit series, I can’t really blame her). However, she nodded in the right direction and let me go about my business.

  That is all I needed from her at the time, and to this day, I appreciate that she asked, then let me go do it without asking too many questions I didn’t have the answers for had she wanted them.

  This happened when I was writing between books two and three. About six weeks later (after books 04 and 05 released, so call it mid-January), she asked me about income and sales and what I told her about my 2016 plans…

  Didn’t impress her much (again!)

  I had BIG plans for 2016. When I shared my sales goals? (Just an aside, she was responsible for over a hundred million dollars’ worth of product lines for Alcon at the time) Well, my goals…

  Didn’t cut the nine-figure mark (or even come close!)

  So, I did what any self-respecting Texan would do. I shut up and stopped sharing what I was making with her.

  Solved that problem nicely, don’t you think?

  Perhaps it didn’t but I was having fun building a small publishing company and writing (clickity-clacking) my fingers to the bones to keep the stories coming, and I had replaced my normal income by this time. I didn’t get rid of the other income, I had just doubled and then tripled it.

  It’s interesting how men are built. Like Ramy, I seek my wife’s “attaguy,” and she is the one who can lift my heart with the right words or a smile.

  So, if your spouse is clickity-clacking away, just remember that at some point in their journey, they want to hear you say “attaboy” or “attagirl” and know that no matter how successful we authors become.

  It’s always the best when we know our loved ones have our backs as we weave worlds with… perhaps…flying dragons in them.

  Ad Aeternitatem,

  Michael Anderle

  Other Books by the Authors

  Other Middang3ard Books

  Never Split The Party (01)

  Late To the Party (02)

  It’s My Party (03)

  Blue Hell And Alien Fire (04)

  Death Of An Author: A Middang3ard Novella

  Dark Gate Angels

  Dark Gate Angels (01)

  Shades of Death (02)

  Other Books by Ramy Vance

  Mortality Bites Series

  Keep Evolving Series

  Fatebound Series

  Welcome to the Dragon Show Series

  Other Books by Michael Anderle

  For a complete list of books by Michael Anderle, please visit:


  All LMBPN Audiobooks are Available at Audible.com and iTunes. To see all LMBPN audiobooks, including those written by Michael Anderle please visit:


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