The Z Strain

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The Z Strain Page 27

by Matthew Isaiah Crawford

  “There it is again, you don’t hear that?”

  “No for the fourth time I don’t hear a fucking sound other than the birds chirping.” Terry was getting annoyed. He was starting to believe that Jeff might be suffering from PTSD or something.

  “I swear I hear them moaning. I can’t tell where it’s coming from.” Jeff was looking back and forth, watching every direction he could.

  “It’s coming from inside your thick head, that’s where it’s coming from.” Terry said with a smile.

  “You don’t think they’re smart enough to like track us or nothing right.”

  “No way.” Terry said. “I think you’re paranoid, I think you’re tired and you’re scared.

  “Okay. I’m sorry.” Jeff said calming down a little.

  “How long you figure till we get to Sam Tomkins’ place.” Terry said trying to get Jeff to think of something else.

  “God, I don’t know, half a day unless we find a vehicle.” They were nearing the highway Jeff stopped dead in his tracks.

  “What the fuck now, I swear, I don’t hear.” Terry stopped mid-sentence. “That’s people.”

  “Do we go?” Jeff asked.

  “Fuck it, come on!” Terry said running for the road. Jeff was up giving chase a second later. Once up to the pavement they were both confused as to what they saw. A convoy of vehicles moving slowly down the road, maybe ten to fifteen miles an hour. One at a time they move through, the vehicles in the rear were honking their horns. They both stood watching, utterly dumfounded at the scene in front of them, until they saw them. A massive hoard of undead cascading up the road towards the vehicles.

  “Holy shit!” Jeff yelled and began running for the last vehicle that was now passing them. The trucks were moving just slightly faster than Jeff could run, though Terry was gaining ground. Jeff pushed it into the next gear, his long brown hair flowing behind him in the wind. Behind them the swarm of zombies were running with outstretched arms and gnawing teeth. Terry was able to grab onto the back of the last truck and pull himself up, Jeff was still struggling to keep pace. He could now hear the moaning and thrashing coming from behind him. His heart racing, his lungs burning Jeff pushes himself to run harder than he had ever run before.

  Terry now had a good hold on the back of the truck and was reaching out for his friend. Jeff could see he was yelling, but he couldn’t hear any words coming out of his mouth. He felt a scrape on the back of his left shoulder, and he began screaming. He pushed himself to run faster than he ever had before. He kept looking at Terry. His lips are moving.

  Watching his friend run and strain, his face reddened, tears streaming down his face, and his mouth open with a scream. Terry thought of the last barbeque they had, when his girlfriend had tripped over the beer bucket and bathed herself in ice water. But that was a lifetime ago, and now his friend was about to die, he could see that, and couldn’t do anything about it.

  Jeff’s legs gave out. He fell to the pavement, his arm still outstretched. Terry watched in horror as Jeff was overcome and then overrun by the undead. Terry watched his friend vanish into a wave of decaying humanity. Soon he disappeared into the maelstrom that continued to surge behind the slow lumbering vehicles.


  Andrea Martin, Taylor Green, and Sgt. Andrew Ferris opted to walk north east out of the mountain canyon. Andrea had mentioned that she had driven through a small town just outside of the canyon entrance. With only mediocre supplies they trekked out of the canyon. Each had a pack with about a day’s ration, most of their ammunition had been expelled. They had a total of 27 rounds between them. They had walked half the morning through a picturesque mountain canyon with red rocks and green pine trees before running into a beautiful blue reservoir. Soon after they stumbled across a campsite that had a Jeep. Andrea and Sgt. Ferris began searching the campsite. Andrea was elbow deep in a red cooler when the Jeep’s engine rumbled to life. They were pleasantly surprised to find that Taylor was extensively knowledgeable about cars and was able to hotwire it in a flash. They had no choice but to head back out onto the main road, but thankfully found it to be clear.

  They exited the canyon into a small town called Bellvue. As they came over a hill, they got their first glimpse of the small town. About half of it had been burned to the ground. The entire east side of the town was a smoldering ruin. A good portion of the town had been leveled, and no movement could be seen as far as the eye could see. As they entered the town there were bodies strewn throughout the streets. Some were smoking, some were still on fire. The smell reminded Andrea of a fireplace and made her think of Christmas.

  They parked the Jeep in a garage at the end of the block. Taylor pulled apart the ignition wires to cut power from the engine, and they pulled the garage door closed to conceal their vehicle.

  They proceeded on foot to the first intact house. It was a two-story house with a large white face, and dark brown front door that was standing ajar. The yard is cluttered by children’s toys and bicycles. They all moved together to the front door. Inside the house was a wreck, everything was shoved aside, anything of use had already been removed. They walked through the desolate house and finding all of the cupboards bare.

  Upstairs the closets and drawers had already been run through, there were clothes scattered throughout the entire upstairs. They all gathered together at the front door.

  “Anything?” Sgt. Ferris

  “I found a can opener and a pair of scissors.” Said Andrea

  “Good. Here, I grabbed some screwdrivers from the garage, thought they would come in handy if we get into any close combat situations.” Sgt. Ferris said handing them each a long screwdriver.

  “I found a pair of shoes that fit me that I think are going to be a lot better on my feet than my fuzzy slippers.” Taylor said looking down. The once pink fluffy fabric is matted and filthy.

  “Good idea.” Sargent Ferris said looking out the front door. The street was silent and clear. “Well, we’re going to need to check some more houses, hopefully they haven’t all been raided already.” Both girls nodded in agreement and they moved out the front door in silence.

  It was about a ten-minute walk to get to the next house. At least this one didn’t have the front door kicked in. They all heard the sounds before they even got to the front door. There was a constant moan, and a repetitive banging coming from inside the house. They all exchanged uneasy glances as they approached the front door.

  Sgt Farris placed his hand on the brass handle of the front door and found it to be locked. Thankfully the first window to the left was found to be open. Sgt. Ferris requested to be allowed to clear the house alone. After hoisting himself through the window he pulled out his sidearm as well as a long screwdriver.

  He found himself in a darkened living room that smelled of musty decay. The only light coming from the outside were dim and grey threads that were filled with dust. Everything inside was coated with a layer of dust. Sargent Ferris assumed it was ash from the surrounding fires more than it was dust.

  As he moved to the right side of the room, he could see up the stairs to the source of the noise. Standing at the top of the stairs there is a man in a green plaid shirt and blue jeans pounding on a door. Sgt. Ferris could see that the door was giving way, the top of the frame was cracked and moving slightly with each blow. It would only be a matter of time before the door came down.

  Sgt. Ferris walked quietly up the stairs thinking to himself that his training had not properly prepared him for this. His hands shook as the adrenaline coursed through his body. He stepped up to the second floor and positioned himself directly behind the man. His hair was filled with blood, there was already a significant wound to the top of his head. Sgt. Ferris took aim and sank his screwdriver in to the back of his skull. The man crumpled lifelessly to the ground at his feet.

  Sgt. Ferris looked for a long moment at the screwdriver that he still held in front of his face. A thick dark fluid dripped off the tip of the silver screwdriver.
He wiped off the fluid before placing the screwdriver back in his pocket.

  “My name is Sgt. Andrew Ferris, United States Army. Is there anyone inside?”

  “Yes.” The door swung open. A woman who looked to be in her thirties answered the door. Her white T-shirt was ripped. Her brown hair looked like it used to be in a ponytail but had been pulled off to the side. Her face was swollen and red. She ran into the arms of the soldier and hugged him, squeezing him tightly. “He went crazy.”

  “I know. I know. You’re okay now.” Sgt. Ferris put his arms around the woman. “He didn’t bite you, did he?”

  “No. He tried to. But I was able to get into the bathroom. Thought I was going to die in there.” She sobbed.

  “I’ll bet you did.” Sgt. Ferris. “Come on downstairs, I’ll introduce you to my friends.”

  “Okay.” She said following him down the stairs. He opened the door and saw Andrea and Taylor eagerly awaiting his arrival. Both of their eyes lit up when they saw another survivor.

  “This is Andrea and Taylor. Oh goodness, I didn’t get your name.”

  “Abigail.” The woman said wiping tears from her eyes. They were still very puffy from all the crying she’d been doing. She was greeted with smiles and open arms, and that made her smile too. “Abby.”

  “Well it’s very nice to meet you Abby.” Andrea said hugging her

  “Why don’t you guys stay out here. I’ll finish clearing the house.” Sgt. Ferris suggested. They all nodded in agreement.

  Back inside Sgt. Ferris quickly cleared the first and second floors. But he did note that this household was a family of four, there were two kids missing. Sgt. Ferris got his answer to where they were when he went to check the basement. In the back corner chained to the wall was a young boy and a teenage girl. They were both straining against the chains that bound them to the wall, to the point that he was certain the girl was close to cutting herself in half. Her top half was beginning to separate from the bottom half as the chains were digging so far into her skin.

  Sgt. Ferris returned to the main level and closed the basement door. He paused for a moment inspecting the rigging attached to the door. There were two hooks and a large pole to secure the basement from the main level. Perhaps there were other family member infected that were locked in the basement to keep them quarantined. Maybe he got scratched or bit in the process.

  When Farris returned to the living room, he found the three girls had come inside. Andrea was peering out the window from behind a green and yellow curtain. Taylor was sitting in the corner with Abby who was feasting on a power bar like it was the first food she’d seen in days. The found later that her husband had been pounding on her door for at least a full day if not a little longer. She had been stuck in the bathroom with no food and hadn’t slept because her husband never stopped pounding on the door.

  “The house is clear, just stay out of the basement.” Sgt. Ferris stated walking into the room. “Hey, weren’t you supposed to wait outside?”

  “Yea, a bunch of trucks came rolling down the street. We had to hurry up and duck inside.” Andrea said.

  “Think it was the same guys?” Asked Ferris.

  “It would have to be.” Replied Andrea. There was an eerie quiet for a long moment in the living room. Taylor broke the silence.

  “What’s going on in the basement?” Taylor asked.

  “Cindy and Nate are down there. Charles thought it was a virus. He said they would find a cure.” Abby responded in a dry emotionless tone.

  “I don’t think there will be a cure.” Sgt. Ferris said. He knew they had found a man who was immune. Knew they had taken samples, but his blood was infected. The officers had made the decision to execute him and study his corpse, but that was before the valley was overrun.

  “I don’t think they will either.” Abby agreed fixing her auburn hair into a ponytail.

  “We need to keep moving.” Andrea said. “I’m worried about those soldiers out there now.”

  “Do you need to gather anything?” Asked Sgt. Ferris looking at Abby.

  “Some clothes. Maybe a few pictures? Abigail said.

  “Sure. Anything you need.” Ferris said.

  “Anything YOU can carry.” Taylor added. Sgt. Ferris shot her a look of distain.

  Andrea hooked her arm around Abigail’s and walked her upstairs. She inquired about a photo on the wall in a poor attempt to distract her as they were stepping over her dead husband.

  Taylor joined the girls at the top of the stairs and stood in the doorway to Abby’s bedroom. There were pictures of her kids at all ages strewn across the dresser. The bedroom itself is nearly immaculate. Taylor didn’t want to say anything, but she got the feeling that her husband was abusive before he became a zombie and tried to kill her. Abigail just seemed to have that meek, timid way about her.

  Taylor stood and watched from the doorway. She listened to Andrea making polite conversation with the woman. She listened to them talking like they were having tea after a fucking PTA meeting or something. Taylor, who had never been a fan of most people, decided that she hated both of these women. Not because of who they were, because they were both very different people than her. She disliked Andrea because she represented the system, and she acted like a boss. She was always in charge. She always knew what to do. But in fairness she didn’t like most doctors. This new girl, Abigail, she disliked because she resembled the weakness that has held down women for centuries. The willingness to bow to her husband. Her willingness to put up with an abusive spouse. She noted in several pictures that Abby was wearing long sleeve shirts or turtle necks even though it appeared to be summer. Taylor guessed that it was to hide bruises. Her weakness was repulsive.

  Within minutes they had moved on. The road was clear and quiet again. The group was on a wide-open piece of land heading towards a red farmhouse. They were looking for a place to hold up for the night. Abby was falling asleep on her feet. Sgt. Ferris cleared the house again; this house was thankfully empty and quiet. Abby curled up in a brown recliner and fell asleep quickly even though the rest of the group were moving furniture and barricading all the windows and doors. Andrea couldn’t help but notice that Abby was twitching from the nightmares that were invading her sleep. Andrea assumed that she was probably dreaming of her zombie husband trying to break down the door.

  “Think she’s going to be all right?” Asked Taylor.

  “I don’t know. Recovering from a trauma is always challenging, and she’s experienced more in the last twenty-four hours than anyone I’ve ever known.” Andrea sighed. Abigail twitched in the chair again, her hands coming up in front of her face defensively. They lowered slowly back down resting again on her pillow. “I hope so.”


  The sun was high in the sky when Gary, Nancy, and Robert finally came across their first substantial structure. They had been running through vast fields of corn, though they had slowed down to a brisk jog after about ten minutes. Even Robert, who was arguably in better shape than Gary or Nancy, was sucking wind by the time they arrived at the house. The only thing running through Gary’s head currently is that this was a terrible plan, and that someone, if not all of them, are going to get killed. Joel went running off into the corn with only the vague instruction to meet at the next house heading towards town.

  They found the front door of the white and brown cottage on the right side of the road to be unlocked. They moved through the house carefully and quietly as they were all unarmed and handcuffed. Inside they found an elderly couple that had committed suicide in front of the living room television. There was no note or anything. Gary crouched by the window and kept his eyes fixed on the road. Robert and Nancy went on to search the house, supplies, weapons, backpacks, something to remove these handcuffs, anything that they thought would be useful.

  It started out as just a dot on the horizon, but Gary could see now that Joel was heading towards them quickly and only about a quarter mile away was Joel. He was moving quickly an
d easily long the road taking long graceful strides. He certainly looked like a track star to Gary.

  Joel had made a wide circle out in the corn, he went out about two miles before circling back towards Tipton as previously planned with Gary. He figured that was far enough that your average runner would be slowing or would have fallen behind an experienced runner like Joel. Even two years out of high school he could still run a six-minute mile. He had found it easy to distance himself from the children.

  As he reemerged out on the highway, he took a look around and saw no movement. As he began running, he was distracted by something metal shining in the middle of the road. He was going to run right past it but stopped abruptly. He bent over and picked up a silver key from the middle of the road. He placed the key into his right front pocket and continued running down the road.

  Gary was watching Joel striding towards them up the highway when he saw movement in the corn off to the right. Robert had walked into the living room behind him and saw Joel running in the middle of the road. He began moving towards to the door. Gary jumped to his feet trying to position himself between Robert and the door.

  “Stop, no, it’s too late.” Gary said. Robert tried to walk past him. Gary put his hands up and stopped Robert in his tracks. “We have to go.”

  “What are you talking about?” Robert asked, confused.

  “They’re in the corn, they’re waiting.” Gary explained.

  “No!” Robert said and started struggling to free himself.

  “You can’t save him kid. You go out that door you get us all killed.” Gary said straining against him.

  “We have to warn him!” Robert said breaking free. He was on his feet and out the front door before Gary could get ahold of him again.

  Joel saw Robert break from the front door, a smile spread across his face. That smile quickly faded when he saw the first movement to his left out of the corner of his eye. He put his hand up to signal his friend Robert to go back in the house.


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