Broken Princess

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Broken Princess Page 8

by Renard, Loki

  Kazriel knew she would suffer many challenges in her reign. Being female was merely one of them. Every moment she was on the throne she would be at increased risk—and when she took a consort, he would very possibly assume the throne himself, with no right to it.

  When he woke from slumber, he had been aware of the corruption of the throne, and he had sensed the spark of untainted royal blood in this princess, but he had not begun to imagine what it would be to attempt to tame her. What should have been simple enough was a challenge beyond any in his very long life.

  What would he do with her? He needed to slumber again. The threat from the king was past. He could not stay in the castle, walking among common folk in this form. The more he was seen by the common folk, the more they would become dependent on him and the less they would respect Aya. He knew he was making the princess’—nay, the queen’s—job all the harder.

  It was not a god’s place to intervene except in the most extreme cases, and until this moment, Kazriel had been happy to wake when necessary, deal with whichever traitor to the blood had managed to stray from the royal path of righteousness, and return to his slumber.

  This time he did not wish to return to the mountain. Sleep no longer held the attraction it once had. He wished to stay with the princess Aya, to guide her, to care for her—and to ravage that tender virginal body of hers.

  The impulse surprised him. He had dallied with the royal family a very long time ago; a woman named Lilyanth had given her body to him and the great royal house had been founded with the birth of a boy, an apparent virgin birth—but she had been no virgin. He had used her well before a slumber that took him long past her lifetime and even that of her son. In that way he had created the bloodline, but that was more than twenty generations ago. The spark of divinity dancing in Aya’s veins belonged to him.

  “Why do you look at me that way?”

  Her question caught him off guard. “What way is that?”

  “As if you are hungry... would you like something to eat?”

  Oh, he was hungry, but it was not the kind of hunger that could be sated with mortal food. It was the kind of hunger that demanded the sacrifice of flesh and blood. It was the kind of all-consuming desire that caused him great concern. He wanted her as Kazriel—but he wanted her even more as Karve. Both sides of his being, the guardian and the destroyer needed her.

  “I’m not hungry,” he said. “Come. I wish to teach you another lesson.”

  “A lesson where I am used for sex?”

  The question was blunt and near shameless. She was growing quickly, this blushing princess. She would be queen soon enough, it was in her blood and now that the king was gone the queen had to emerge. It was not entirely in her control. It was as with all herd animals. When one leader was lost, another emerged. In a matter of days, she would have cemented her power over the kingdom, and then he would have to sleep, lest he interfere in the matters of men.

  “A lesson where you learn to command men without threatening them with cruelty.”

  “That does not sound nearly so interesting.” She cocked her head to the side and he saw a spark in her gaze that revealed the same pleasure he had heard in her voice. She was somewhat like her uncle. Left to her own devices, it was possible she might become corrupted, relying on dark methods of control. She had to learn humility. She had to confront shame and pain again, so she might have empathy for those who suffer it.

  “Come, Princess. Back to your chamber with you.”

  “I need to run my kingdom,” she insisted. “I will see you later.”

  Kazriel’s brows rose. Had he just been dismissed by a scrap of a human girl? Oh, she needed that lesson in humility even more than he imagined. He had thought she had learned something the night before, but some lessons took longer to be truly absorbed, so it seemed.

  “Now, Aya.”

  She gave him an impatient look. “I’ve barely had my breakfast. Can you not keep your hands off me for an hour?”

  Kazriel reached out and pulled her from the chair she was sitting on, his hand clenching the front of her gown and pulling her up to his chest so his teeth could snap at her nose.

  “You are mine, you little whelp,” he growled. “Your flesh is made of my will, your blood comes from my blood. How dare you defy me.”

  “And now who is the tyrant?”

  She argued with him so pertly and with such energy, he wondered how she had ever survived under the king’s regime. Vengar must have spent very little time with her, if he had spent any at all.

  He had meant to use the force of his presence to remind her of her place, but Aya had already decided her place was on the throne—regardless of the fact that the throne was still in pieces on the floor of the chamber of judgement.

  “Stop being so disobedient.”

  “Gods were not made to be obeyed,” she replied. “You will leave me soon, will you not? You have said as much. If you will not be here, then you will not question how I rule my kingdom.”

  “It is not yours to rule. It is yours to guide, and I will not leave you to it while you are still this arrogant and vicious in your methods.”

  “Why not? I am kinder than Vengar was. Is that not enough?”


  Any other time, any other royal, the answer would have been yes. Yes, as long as there was still some human sweetness to counterbalance the souring effects of power, that would be good enough. The princess was far from perfect, but she had learned more than many of her predecessors. However, Kazriel had taken more than his usual amount of personal interest in her. He was enchanted by her, and now he would have her.

  He threw the arrogant little wretch up over his shoulder and carried her off to her chambers, her squealing putting a smile on his handsome face.

  “What are you doing!?” She wriggled over his shoulder, her struggles delicious.

  “Reclaiming the throne, and claiming you.”

  “What do you mean, reclaiming the throne? Isn’t it yours anyway? And didn’t you break it and what... ooh!”

  She gasped as she was thrown back on the bed. It seemed she had barely left it than she was being tossed back again.

  “Why is so much of being a queen linked to me being on my back?”

  “Well,” Kazriel smirked. “It is tradition.”

  “I’m beginning to think you don’t want me to be queen at all,” she complained. “The second I do anything remotely queenly, there you are, dragging me away to bed.”

  “Again, rather traditional for a queen.”

  “But you are a guardian, and a guardian cannot be king. That would be... well, a conflict of interest?”

  “Something of that nature,” Kazriel agreed. “You still have lessons to learn, Princess. The moment you are given any power at all, you begin to threaten those around you. You must learn to develop alliances of goodwill and mutual respect.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “I thought you might respond in such a fashion,” Kazriel sighed. “Another dream for you, Princess.”

  “Will I be shackled to a wall? Will I be caned by a stranger?”

  In the secret recesses of her mind, she rather wanted another of those experiences. They had been shameful and painful, but her virginity had no longer been a barrier to pleasure and she had felt like a true woman.

  “You will get what you need...”

  “It doesn’t sound terribly interesting, alliances of respect and goodwill and cuddles...” She rolled her eyes.

  “You know only one way to rule, you have had only one example—that of your treacherous uncle. You need to learn that a royal can be kind, and that kindness can have ripples across the...”

  Aya yawned.

  In seconds, her dress was ripped from her. She was naked and she was face down and the hand of Kazriel was branding her upturned cheeks.

  “Very well! Stop! I will be kind! I promise I know how to be kind!”

  “You don’t,” Kazriel said. “Let me sho
w you what mercy is. Instead of thrashing you to tears, I will give you the chance to make amends.”

  “How may I make amends to the guardian of all creation?”

  He gestured to his nethers, where a great thick rod made a sizeable impression at his trousers. Then, in a gesture, the leather covering that region of his body disappeared from view and she was left staring at the cock of a god. Thick and rampant, longer than she imagined such a thing could be, and girthier too.

  “What... do you wish me to do... with that?” Her speech came haltingly, as much out of intimidation as interest. She had never seen such a part of a man before in the waking world. She wondered if all men were as generously endowed as Kazriel, or if it was his divine nature that gave his member such a prominent stature. His cock was huge.

  “Wrap your impudent lips around this, and we will see how sorry you are.”

  Put his cock in her mouth? She could not imagine what the point of such a thing would be, besides the shamefulness of it.


  His large hand cupped the back of her head and drew her closer to that thick rod, which seemed so intimidating to her virginal eyes. Her curiosity got the better of her and soon there was no need for him to guide her, because she was extending her tongue to taste the very tip of him—and the world rumbled as he let out a moan.

  Aya’s head popped up, her eyes wide. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Oh, no, you did something very, very right,” he encouraged. “More, Princess. Let me feel that mouth put to perfect use.”

  She lapped at his cock gently at first, and then with increasing vigor. Kazriel’s rumbles and moans were like thunder above the castle, but there were no clouds in the sky.

  He thrust his hips forward, pushing the head of himself into her mouth, making her lips wrap entirely around his cock as much as she could take. There was no consuming all of him. Even with his head reaching toward the back of her throat, it was only a matter of inches, so many more could not fit. She reached for the shaft and wrapped one hand around it, and then the other. Two hands and her mouth all worked to pleasure Kazriel’s cock as an eagerness overcame her she did not understand. What had begun as a punishment was becoming an exploration of his body, and her own response to the flesh that throbbed between her lips and against her tongue.

  She felt more than his pleasure. She felt connection. Kazriel pushed in and out of her mouth, mimicking the motion a male makes when he claims a woman. She had experienced that in the dream spells cast upon her, but this was far more immediate and satisfying; the richness of the physical experience made every part of her respond. On her knees before the greatest creature in her universe, Aya felt reverence and joy, anticipation of a joining even more primal than this meeting of mouth and genitals.

  “Please,” she said, pulling her mouth free. “I need... I need more.”

  “You cannot contain me, Princess,” he rumbled down at her, his cock a turgid beast, twitching like it was about to stampede inside her. “I would tear you apart in more ways than one. Content yourself with the taste of me.”

  But Aya could not be content. The more her mouth met his cock, the more her sex slicked with desire and the more her entire body told her that what she needed, more than anything, was to be thoroughly, completely, utterly fucked by Kazriel.

  “Please, please...” she whimpered as desire overcame her. It was no mere human need. It was more than that, a sexual intoxication that made her legs spread of their own accord. The insides of her legs were wet with desire, her pussy throbbing with every beat of her heart. The sounds she made were not elegant. They were barely human. They were the breathless moans of a woman who had to be taken.

  “I can’t,” Kazriel said, reaching down to cup her face tenderly. “You are too human, too small. You may be ready for a mortal male, but being mated by a deity can destroy a woman. I will not do that to you. Easy, Princess...”

  She was back on his cock, her mouth on his rod. If he wouldn’t fuck her pussy, she’d fuck herself on his cock.


  She pulled her mouth from his cock and wiped her swollen lips with the back of her hand.

  “You want me to stop?”

  She crawled up his body, pressing her naked curves against his frame. Kazriel cupped her bottom as she straddled his waist, pressing her wet sex against the ridge of his cock.

  Her lips traced every part of him they could reach. The virginal princess was becoming a seductress, not by merit of experience or thought, but out of pure carnal desire sparked by his filthy demand he’d made of her. The moment her tongue touched his cock, it had been over—and not just for Aya, but for Kazriel too.

  * * *

  He was going to do it. He was going to claim her. For the second time in the history of the planet, he was going to take a human mate.

  Kazriel tried to resist. It was dangerous—far more dangerous than Aya could understand. It would ruin everything. There would be consequences beyond the bedroom, even beyond her womb. The entire world would feel the results if he could not control himself.

  “Please... please...” she begged and ground her wet cunt against him. No male of any kind could resist such a display of need.

  “Stop it!” He slapped her bottom hard, but it only made her grind more. Aya took pain and made it pleasure. He could have whipped her from breast to pussy and she would still have begged him for his cock.

  “I can’t... please... take me... Kazriel, I am yours.”

  A pretty virgin desperate for the taking was mewling for his cock. Kazriel was more than god. He was also man, and the masculine instinct to mate, so long denied, broke free in him with a great roar.

  There was madness and darkness and the devil broke free. Kazriel and Karve were one as he plucked Aya up from his lap and impaled her in one rough stroke upon his cock.

  Her scream of pleasure and shock was followed by many more as he drew her up and down on his rod, the once virginal walls of her sex gripping him with every stroke. She was arched in pure ecstasy, becoming the vessel for his desire and inevitably, for his seed.

  “Is this what you wanted?” His voice rasped roughly. “This defilement? You are no longer pure, Princess. You are as shameful a little slattern as ever sold herself in the market. You are slave to this cock, are you not?”

  Both sides of Kazriel spoke, the devil growling the vicious message that only made Aya’s cunt clench his rod even more tightly.

  When the horns rose from his head, breaking free from the shackles of Kazriel’s control, Aya no longer shrieked in fear and pulled away. He thought showing his dark side might frighten her and end this carnal madness that gripped them both, but it did not. Aya reached up and took hold of the horns, bouncing her bottom up and down, fucking herself on his cock like any good little slut would.

  Kazriel felt his seed roiling in his balls. No. Fucking her was one thing, but he absolutely could not, under any circumstances, come inside her.

  He was guardian of all Norvangir. He was many thousands of years old. He should have been able to resist the limited charms of a princess, but there was something about the eager cries of the freshly deflowered virgin, the way she rolled her hips that commanded his seed.


  He pulled her off his cock and held her writhing in front of him. Her hips kept up the grinding motion, her sex swollen, red, and wet from being taken for the first time. When he looked into her eyes, he saw a sexual madness that replaced her usual senses. She was possessed, and so was he.

  “Stop it! We must stop, Aya... we cannot do this... we cannot.”

  “More...” She licked her lips and reached for his cock. “Please, Kazriel, fuck me. Use me.”

  In an act of desperation, he tossed her down on the bed and started to spank her, his hand whipping her bottom hard and fast, spreading her legs and catching her sex with hard strokes too. He had to make her come. He had to punish her for this. She was already a powerful seductress. If he could not
tame her, it would all end in disaster.

  Aya took the slaps with eagerness, spreading her legs, opening her sex. No matter how he punished her, she wanted him, and the dripping wet slit, already partially opened by his cock, called him with an irresistible urge.

  “Do you not fear me? I am the demon as much as I am the guardian...”

  He pushed away from the bed, assuming his darkest form. It was not entirely a matter of choice. What they were doing was dark and chaotic. It was wrong, on the most basic of levels. He should not be mating her. He must keep his seed contained. If even a drop of it were to find her sex...

  Aya turned over, legs still spread, a flush over her breasts, pink-tipped nipples hard as she looked at his monstrous form with nothing but lust. Even his cock had demonic form now, rough and scaled and red, so much thicker and larger than his guardian’s rod.

  “Fuck me, Kazriel. Fuck me or I will never obey you again. I feel your fear.”

  The little wench was challenging him, and the demon could not resist that challenge. Kazriel reached down, grasped her slender neck, and held her against the bed, growling so furiously it could be heard across Lokheim.

  “If I fuck you, you will never be the same.”

  “Good. I’m a boring little spoiled princess with no point, aren’t I? I’m a weak little puppet. Fuck me, Kazriel. Make me something more.”

  He drew in a deep breath. Every part of her called to him. Those tits, that cunt. He had to be inside her.

  “Fuck your little princess,” she pouted, spreading her legs, running her fingers down across the slit of her sex. “Give me what I deserve.”

  “Yes,” he snarled. “You will have what you deserve.”

  He plunged back inside her, his thick scaled cock spreading her wider than before, ravaging her virginal cunt, pushing her to her limits, driving her insane from the rough strokes that gave her everything she asked for, and everything she deserved—a hard fucking that made her buck against his cock, her wails reaching new pitches as her little pussy stretched for the guardian’s darkest side.

  * * *

  Aya writhed upon the bed, her beautiful body presented in arching rolling curves that rose and fell with each one of those oh so powerful strokes. She was fucking a demon. His eyes blazed down at her, his great horns rampant with every stroke. She had been so terrified of this side of Kazriel when she first saw it, but her body thrilled to him.


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