You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 2

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 2 Page 2

by Nikhil Parekh

  Never before did our hearts palpitate for each other with such uncontrollable excitement; with each beat immortalizing the essence of our love towards the furthermost epitome of god's paradise,

  As they did and perennially continued to do; on our very first and

  divinely honeymoon .


  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her eyes was profoundly compassionate innocence; whilst at the same time all that sheraunchily saw in mine; was nothing else but the umpteenth reflections of palaces brilliantly lit in lamps of gold,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her lips was wondrously unbridled passion; whilst at the same time all that she unthinkably saw in mine; was nothing else but the remnants of the unfathomably costly royal fruit sticking to its nimble contours,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her palms was every infinitesimal line of my destiny; whilst at the same time all that she licentiously saw in mine; was nothing else but the royal triangles/squares/islands of infinite wealth; prosperity and fame,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her feet was intrinsically poignant and intricate wrinkles of adventure; whilst at the same time all that she tawdrily saw in mine; was nothing else but the golden dust adhering to the soles; which I'd inadvertently carried from my treasuries of gold,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her belly was the ultimate shivers of unparalleled seduction; whilst at the same time all that she flagrantly saw in mine; was nothing else but the aristocratic paste and beads of sandalwood that rose and fell with each of my breath,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her voice was an unbelievably enamoring melody of friendliness; whilst at the same time all that she diabolically saw in mine; was nothing else but the boundless number of places I divulged; wherein I'd invested each penny of my wealth,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her nape was invincibly ameliorating beads sensuality; whilst at the same time all that she carnivorously saw in mine; was nothing else but the unimaginable number of chains of pure diamond; emerald and shimmering silver,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her hair was bountifully silken webs of insatiable magic; whilst at the same time all that she lividly saw in mine; was nothing else but the unconquerably diamond studded crown; fervently alluring every organism alike,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her shoulders was innumerable vignettes of the different inscrutable shades of life; whilst at the same time all that she beguilingly saw in mine; was nothing else but the royal cloak of "His Majesty"; that people had

  learnt to spuriously bow to,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her ears was a gorge of infallibly priceless sensitivity; whilst at the same time all that she treacherously saw in mine; was nothing else but the countless earrings of princely pearl; that had been so fondly draped upon me by the civilizations under my rule,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her brain was unceasingly intriguing whirlpools of voluptuous fantasy; whilst at the same time all that she salaciously saw in mine; was nothing else but the dynamic visions I harbored to forever survive as the richest man on earth divine,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her flesh was the uncanny way in which it spell-bindingly retracted upon the nimblest of my caress; whilst at the same time all that she parasitically saw in mine; was nothing else but the world's costliest ornaments

  incorrigibly clinging and clanging all the time,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her fingers was a sky of fathomlessly untainted artistry; whilst at the same time all that she deplorably saw in mine; was nothing else but my signature which adroitly flowed; upon each blank space of the bank and unlimited checkbook,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her forehead was the symbiotic divinity of Omnipotent creation; whilst at the same time all that she wretchedly saw in mine; was nothing else but the birthmark of being the richest; as it was visible to all on the planet except my very own impoverished self,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her underarms was an undefeated ocean of triumphant sweat; whilst at the same time all that she frigidly saw in mine; was nothing else but the fragrance emanating from the best of branded designer and kingly perfumes,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her spine was perennially rekindling electricity; whilst at the same time all that she rapaciously saw in mine; was nothing else but the undyingly glittering and star studded throne; upon which it leaned for countless a lifetime,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her blood was the fire of insuperably united existence; whilst at the same time all that she bizarrely saw in mine; was nothing else but blue blooded nobility; which inexhaustibly circulated through a network of aristocratic veins,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her breath was an inferno of longing that existed even after death; whilst at the same time all that she pathetically saw in mine; was nothing else but the domineering status and authority; to which millions in my kingdom danced all night and day,

  When we fell in love; all I could sight in her heart was the absolute pinnacle of Immortally celestial love; whilst at the same time all that she sadistically saw in mine; was nothing else but the unimaginable fortune I'd shower solely upon her; in my perpetual state of being an emotional fool .




  She was a girl; who wouldn't ever dream of exploiting all those weaknesses of mine; that she'd inevitably come to know after clinging close to my compassionate chest all these years,

  She was a girl; who knew exactly what to speak to me at the right moment; never even once thwarting my senses with inexplicably stabbing taunts and comments,

  She was a girl; who wiped each of my tears with her everlasting kisses; standing unflinchingly beside me; in my times of disaster and duress; never making me feel that men hadn't the right to cry,

  She was a girl; who adroitly knew how to mollify my ravenous palette; cooking every known delicacy under the Sun; to eventually share the same with me; befriending me forever in her silken lap,

  She was a girl; who never even once criticized me for my bizarrely dwindling finances; stood abreast me like the rock of Gibraltar; when the entire world outside had pounced upon me like an insipid mouse,

  She was a girl; who listened patiently for hours immemorial to even the most oblivious whisper of my heart; inexhaustibly appreciating me for what I originally was; and not for what the world had made of me in my moments of strife,

  She was a girl; who idolized my feeling of self respect; never reaching out to even the closest of our kin for help; even though we continued to survive on fragments of rotten measly bread and in the gutter pipe,

  She was a girl; who left all riches; relatives and everything else on this fathomless Universe; wanting nothing but to only bond with each beat of my fervently wailing heart,

  She was a girl; who never minded my idiosyncratic shunting of the society and my preposterously eccentric lifestyle; truly commiserating as to what it was like being a fulltime artist and evolving fresh poetic rhyme,

  She was a girl; who wholeheartedly joined me in my mission of reaching out to every fraternity of living kind; donating even the last ounce of our blood to the betterment of all those breathing under the sky,

  She was a girl; who wasn't afraid in voicing her opinion if I was unwittingly drifting towards malice; enlightening every subjugated aspect of my existence; with the triumphantly optimistic cadence of her voice,

  She was a girl; who ardently worshipped me as I did to her; immediately after our prayers first to the Omnipotent Almighty Lord; and to our respective parents who bestowed us with the first scream of life,

  She was a girl; who would never dream of telling me a lie; never betray me even though I was severely maimed and blind; even as the closest of my blood relation left me for exploring m
ore exciting new vistas of life,

  She was a girl; who could amazingly comprehend the tiniest of my desires; by glimpsing just for a fraction of a second; into the twinkling whites of my roving eye,

  She was a girl; who instead of ridiculing me everytime I floundered in life; gave me the invincible Herculean temerity; the inspiration to forever massacre the devil with the undying flame of truth in my soul,

  She was a girl; who never retaliated even once at the angriest of my outburst; understanding my sporadic frustration; and covering my lips with a billion kisses to metamorphose my fierceness into a cloud of symbiotic love,

  She was a girl; who gracefully acknowledged my deep and insuperable love for my mother; perfectly knowing that her place was always reigning supreme in each of my immortally volatile heartbeats,

  She was a girl; who inseparably bonded each breath of hers with mine; whilst it was victoriously living; and even when it started to uncannily stutter to enter into the graveyards of death,

  She was a girl; who shared my passion of giving birth to as many offsprings as we could; contributing our very best in the newness and ecstatically uninhibited proliferation of the gigantic Universe,

  She was a girl; who couldn't exist even a minute without my heartbeat close to hers; who most certainly died alive even if I unknowinglydrifted my mischievous stare towards another of her kind,

  She was a girl; who could recognize me wholesomely blindfolded; amongst zillions of other men strolling silently around; just by my fleeting stride; just by the aroma of the most diminutive droplet of sweat on my arms,

  Unfortunately she was a girl; and would always remain a girl who existed only in my memories-as my ideal life-partner; in today's sacrilegiously robotic and commercially discriminating world outside .


  It made you feel as if you were reborn a countless times out of inane nothingness; as the most unassailably euphoric king of all times and with the reins of your compassion brilliantly harnessing the entire planet,

  It made you feel as if the Sun never ever dolefully set; with the astoundingly ameliorating brightness of exuberant life; perpetually prevailing over every nook and cranny of this majestic planet,

  It made you feel as if there were fires of untamed passion; profoundly rekindling the surface of lividly limp and frigid water; swirling unfettered towards the highest epitome of fathomless blue sky,

  It made you feel as if even the most wee hours of morbid midnight; bountifully chanted the mantra of ever-pervading fertility; replenishing each impoverished nerve of existence with the enchantment of creation galore,

  It made you feel as if each denomination of currency and wealth on the globe was trapped in your outstretched palms; whereas there was nothing but maimed devastation to confront till boundless kilometers of your visage; in pragmatic reality,

  It made you feel as if even the most aridly acrimonious patches of the desert; bloomed perennially with priceless roses and lilies; and unceasing springs of sparkling water; merrily sprouted from each granule of sweltering sand,

  It made you feel as if the very definition of inexplicable misery; had forever been erased from the complexion of this boundless earth; although countless of your kind suffered in the agony of horrendous solitariness; just beside your every stride,

  It made you feel as if there was nothing but the religion of humanity conquering everything on planet earth; although innumerable spat hostile blood on your face every minute; thoroughly quagmired with the discrepancies of religion; caste; creed and kind,

  It made you feel that there was no significance at all of the word "I" on this motley planet; when infact there was so much to learn and imbibe; from the triumphant goodness lingering in each organisms life,

  It made you feel that time had come to an absolute standstill; and the most adorable moments of your childhood and life; came galloping back once again to you; to stay for a countless lifetimes,

  It made you feel that irrespective of whether or not you'd achieved even a single stone in your entire lifetime; you still were the richest organism existing; for speaking the truth and just being your very own original impeccable self,

  It made you feel the most uncannily inscrutable shivers of adventure; even in the broadest of sweltering daylight; and with the most unscrupulous battalion of cars; traffic and robotically venomous smoke hovering around,

  It made you feel as if the form of Omnipotent God could be witnessed on every branch; nook; cranny and pebble on earth; though the irrevocably religious society had confined him only to the constraints of the Church; Monastery; Temple and Mosque,

  It made you feel as if each streak of thunderously silver lightening which fell from sky; reborn you for an infinite births and with the most victorious of visage; wherein all it did was to numb you there and then itself to death before your time,

  It made you feel as if there was unparalleled sensuality lingering in even the most deadened of corpses; which were nothing but a conglomerate of ghoulishly jinxed bones; fouling in the wretchedly wastrel graveyard,

  It made you feel as if the entire world ran on the fingertips of the freshly born child; and it was the sheer power in his Omniscient eyes which could melt any heaven or hell; in fractions of seconds alike,

  It made you feel as if the whole planet was nothing but ramifications of compassion; the voluptuous amalgamation of the male and female form; intertwined invincibly in waves of lust; for centuries unprecedented,

  It made you feel as if there was nothing beyond your very own breath; as you burnt to a countless tantalizingly excruciating deaths and evolved into a countless forms of benign life; simply in its Omnipotent fire,

  O! Yes. That's exactly how you and an infinite like you felt; whilst for the first time as you fell; fell and undyingly kept falling into the gorge of Immortal Love .


  O! Yes. Entirely and Unstoppably passionate was I . After the inscrutably teasing tresses in your ravishing hair; which inevitably compelled my fingers to come near; caress and timelessly disentangle,

  O! Yes. Entirely and Fervently passionate was I. After your lusciously inviting lips; which rekindled the fire to live in my scraggily impoverished veins; even as I was buried a countless feet under heartless snow,

  O! Yes. Entirely and Unsurpassably passionate was I. After your articulately heavenly fingers; which spawned an undefeated gorge of artistry in the complexion of my otherwise robotically bedraggled life,

  O! Yes. Entirely and limitlessly passionate was I. After the insuperable compassion that enshrouded every ingredient of your blood; for every fraternity and dimension of pricelessly inimitable humanity,

  O! Yes. Entirely and Unconquerably passionate was I. After your voluptuously enamoring hips; that made even the tiniest element of my persona ecstatically sway; under the impeccably tenacious moonlight,

  O! Yes. Entirely and Tirelessly passionate was I. After each footprint that you embossed on pristinely moistened soil; which carved the most victoriously infallible trail for me to follow in my penurious life,

  O! Yes. Entirely and Inexhaustibly passionate was I. After your tantalizingly gyrating belly; which drew me out of my deathly corpse; and into the untamed wilderness to once again sniff freshly exuberant life,

  O! Yes. Entirely and Irrevocably passionate was I. After your mellifluously tinkling laughter; which made me feel like a prince effortlessly floating in the amiable clouds; for a countless more births of mine,

  O! Yes. Entirely and Insanely passionate was I. After each droplet of silver sweat that dribbled from your arms; in the transparent mirror of which I could relentlessly stare into the candid intricacies of my life,

  O! Yes. Entirely and Unrelentingly passionate was I. After each sensuous whisper that emanated from your throat; which quelled even the most truculently unbearable of my misery; into the magical heartbeat of existence,

  O! Yes. Entirely and Unceas
ingly passionate was I. After the invincible warmth of your magnetic bosom; in which I found divinely solace; amidst the most tumultuously hideous apocalypses and storms,

  O! Yes. Entirely and Endlessly passionate was I. After each uncanny goose-bump on your reverberating skin; which triggered the most unassailable infernos of fertility; in all my brain; body and soul,

  O! Yes. Entirely and Unimaginably passionate was I. After your bountifully Omnipotent palms; in each fold and line of which; was written and rewritten every aspect of my destiny; yet to royally unfurl,


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