Year's Best Hardcore Horror Volume 4

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Year's Best Hardcore Horror Volume 4 Page 30

by Cheryl Mullenax

  FRANK ORETO is a stay at home dad living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with his wife and many children. When not giving out hugs and lectures he writes and edits weird fiction.

  J.R. PARK Bristol based horror writer J. R. Park has spent his career bending and twisting pulp-horror templates to create fresh new narratives and perspectives on genre staples. Upon Waking’s blend of brutality and craft was described as ‘an absolute master class in gut crunching horror’, whilst his spin on werewolves Mad Dog received praise from fellow writers and reviewers alike. Never resting on one particular style, Park’s explorations and experimentations into the horror world have seen him published in numerous anthologies, as well as a catalogue of novellas.

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  JEFF PARSONS is a professional engineer enjoying life in sunny California, USA. He has a long history of technical writing, which oddly enough, often reads like pure fiction. He was inspired to write by two wonderful teachers: William Forstchen and Gary Braver. In addition to his two books, The Captivating Flames of Madness and Algorithm of Nightmares, he is published in SNM Horror Magazine, Bonded by Blood IV/ V, The Horror Zine, Dark Gothic Resurrected Magazine, Chilling Ghost Short Stories, Dystopia Utopia Short Stories, Wax & Wane: A Coven of Witch Tales, Thinking Through Our Fingers, The Moving Finger Writes, Golden Prose & Poetry, Our Dance With Words and The Voices Within. For more details, visit his author page at

  REBECCA ROWLAND is an author, editor, and librarian whose genre of choice is psychological horror, having applied it regularly in her years working as a high school English teacher. In 2018, she contributed to and curated the Halloween anthology Ghosts, Goblins, Murder, and Madness and released her first collection of short fiction, The Horrors Hiding in Plain Sight, with Dark Ink. Despite her unwavering distaste for cold temperatures, she currently lives in an often icy corner of New England.

  DEBORAH SHELDON: “I'm a professional writer from Melbourne, Australia. My latest releases, through several publishing houses, include the horror novel Contrition, the dark fantasy and horror collection Perfect Little Stitches and Other Stories (winner of the Australian Shadows Award Best Collected Work 2017), the dark literary collection 300 Degree Days and Other Stories, the bio-horror novella Thylacines, and the monster-horror novel Devil Dragon. My short fiction has appeared in many well-respected magazines such as Island, Quadrant, Aurealis, SQ Mag, and Midnight Echo. My work has been shortlisted for numerous Aurealis Awards and Australian Shadows Awards, long-listed for a Bram Stoker Award, and included in “best of” anthologies. Other credits include TV scripts, feature articles, non-fiction books, stage plays, and award-winning medical writing.

  SARA TANTLINGER resides outside of Pittsburgh on a hill in the woods. She is the author of Love For Slaughter and The Devil’s Dreamland: Poetry Inspired by H.H. Holmes, both released with StrangeHouse Books. She is a poetry editor for the Oddville Press, a graduate of Seton Hill’s MFA program, a member of the SFPA, and an active member of the HWA. She embraces all things strange and can be found lurking in graveyards or on Twitter @SaraJane524 and at

  JEREMY THOMPSON is the indie horror fictionist whose mind and fingers united to birth The Phantom Cabinet, Let's Destroy Investutech, Silent Minority, The Land of Broken Sky, and Toby Chalmers Commits "Career" Suicide. His stories have appeared in magazines and anthologies such as Year's Best Hardcore Horror Volume 2, Into the Darkness Volume 1, DarkFuse, Journal of Experimental Fiction, This Book Ain’t Nuttin to Fuck With, and The Horror Zine. A San Diego State University graduate, Jeremy resides in Oceanside, California.

  TIM WAGGONER has published close to forty novels and three collections of short stories. He writes original dark fantasy and horror, as well as media tie-ins, and his articles on writing have appeared in numerous publications. In 2017 he received the Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction, he’s been a finalist for the Shirley Jackson Award and the Scribe Award, and his fiction has received numerous Honorable Mentions in volumes of Best Horror of the Year. He’s also a full-time tenured professor who teaches creative writing and composition at Sinclair College in Dayton, Ohio.


  “Vigil” © Chad Lutzke From Doorbells At Dusk Editor: Evans Light, Publisher: Corpus Press (September 2018)

  “Hair And Teeth” © Deborah Sheldon From Aurealis #113 Editor: Dirk Strasser, Publisher: Chimaera Publications (August 2018)

  “Rut Seasons” © Brian Hodge From New Fears 2 Editor: Mark Morris, Publisher: Penguin Random House (September 2018)

  “Control” © Jeff Parsons From The Captivating Flames of Madness, Publisher: Hellbound Books Publishing (April 2018)

  “Cilantro” © Annie Neugebauer From Fire: Demons, Dragons, and Djinns (Elemental Anthology Book 1), Editor: Rhonda Parrish, Publisher: Tyche Books Ltd. (August 2018)

  “Voices Like Barbed Wire” © Tim Waggoner From Tales From The Lake Vol. 5, Editor: Kenneth W. Cain, Publisher: Crystal Lake Publishing (November 2018)

  “Bent” © Rebecca Rowland From The Horrors Hiding in Plain Sight, Publisher: Dark Ink Books (August 2018)

  “Lord Of The Mesa” © Scath Beorh From Hollow Boy, Independently Published (December 2018)

  “The Godhead Grimoire” © Sean Patrick Hazlett From The Galaxy’s Edge Magazine, Editor: Mike Resnick, Phoenix Pick (January 2018)

  “Carnal Bodies © R.E. Hellinger From Two Dead Queers: GUILLOZINE, Independently Published (October, 2018)

  “Crossroads of Opportunity” © doungjai gam & Ed Kurtz From Lost Highways: Dark Fictions From The Road, Editor: D. Alexander Ward, Publisher: Crystal Lake Publications (July 2018)

  “Dad’s Famous Preserves” © Seras Nikita From Hinnom Magazine #004, Editor: C.P. Dunphey, (December 2017), NoSleep Podcast (April 2018)

  “The Bearded Woman © Alessandro Manzetti From Splatterpunk Forever, Editors: Jack Bantry & Kit Power, Splatterpunk Zine (November 2018)

  “The Devil’s Dreamland” © Sara Tantlinger From The Devil’s Dreamland: Poetry Inspired By H.H. Holme,s Publisher: StrangeHouse Books (November 2018)

  “All God’s Creatures Got Reasons” © Frank Oreto From Hinnom Magazine #005, Editors: C.P. Dunphey & Caleb Stephens, Publisher: Gehenna & Hinnom (February 2018)

  “The Ugly” © J.R. Park From The Black Room Manuscripts Volume Three, Editors: J.R. Park & Daniel Marc Chant, Publisher: Sinister Horror Company (February 2018)

  “I Have A Confession” © Douglas Ford From Infernal Ink Magazine (Fall/Winter), Editor: Hydra M. Star, Publisher: Infernal Ink Books (October 2018)

  “When The Owls Call” © Lyman Graves From Grotesque Quarterly Magazine, Volume 2 Issue #2, Editor: Nicholas Haust, Publisher: Grotesque Publications (April 2018)

  “Bloodletting And Intrigue On All Hallows’ Eve” © Jeremy Thompson From Sweet Chuckling Morbidity, Sad Mannequin Press (November 2018)

  “Monkey See, Monkey Do” © Alicia Hilton From Fri-SciFi, Publisher: Akashic Books (February 2018)




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