Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection Page 11

by C. D. Gorri

  The first male spoke again. “I think it’s the female who has the right to choose.” She heard the guy sniff, then she heard the perv growl and say, “From the sweet heat rolling off her, you aren’t getting the job done.”

  Male one and two laughed. Her mate growled, not finding their words humorous at all. His growl started to change. It became different, more beastly. Coming from behind the tree, she saw that he had switched into his wolf form. His clothing lay shredded in a pile at his feet.

  The other two males were also shifting into their wolf forms. Iris watched helplessly as the two males circled her mate. In his wolf form, Yung stood a few inches taller than the other males. Her mate’s fur was a golden-brown color. He was beautiful in his wolf form.

  Iris was so caught up in the majestic appearance of her mate, that she almost didn’t see one wolf attacking him from behind. Thankfully, Yung was more focused than she was. He turned in time to swipe the male across the face; ripping skin from the wolf’s cheek and nose.

  The shifter howled in pain but did not go down. Both males attacked her mate ferociously, but he managed to hold his ground. Iris grew angrier and angrier as she watched. She could tell her mate was growing tired and knew that she needed to help.

  Not only were the handcuffs keeping her from teleporting, it was also keeping her from switching into her wolf form. Iris struggled to get out of the handcuffs. Her efforts were useless. Frustrated, she watched her mate grab one attacker by his jugular and sling him a few feet away.

  Yung turned to face off with the other attacker. Iris noticed that Yung was limping. Blood was seeping from his right hind leg. She refused to lose her mate like this. This was all because of her and the change her body was going through. The attacker that Yung had slung a few feet away was slowly getting up.

  Iris watched as he limped back to the fight. This wasn’t her fault. She had a mate and he was the one she wanted to see her through this change and any other changes that occurred in the future. These men had no right to challenge him for her. She was rightfully his and nothing would change that.

  Even if she wasn’t his, they still had no say over her body. No one did but her. This patriarchal shit that existed in Lore didn’t fly in her village. All girls were taught to make their own decisions. They were taught that their destiny was in their hands, no one else’s.

  This entire fight was pointless because no matter who won, she was the one who decided what she wanted. And she wanted Yung. Iris refused to stand by while her mate was fighting to protect her. She could protect her own damn self. Her fangs elongated. So did her claws. It was a great feeling.

  She felt her eyes turning red. For the first time in her life, she felt like a true vampire. Now it was time to see if she could tap into those vampire abilities she’d avoided all her life. Eyes fixed on the attacker limping back to the fight, Iris attempted to force her way into his mind.

  Come on. Come on. I can do this. I can do it. I command you to stop! Stop now, she pushed the command into his thoughts. I order you to stop. The copper cuffs were making it even harder for her to use her abilities. She tried again.

  The limping attacker stopped just like she’d commanded him to. Yes! He turned to face her. Iris smiled.

  Switch back into your skin form, she ordered. The attacker quickly shifted back into his human form. Naked and wounded, he stared at her with a blank expression on his face. Iris attempted to read his mind. It took her a few tries, but she finally got in.

  What she found shocked and angered her. He and his friend had planned to kill Yung and rape, then kill her. Iris shook her head at the attacker as she walked closer to him.

  “Shame on you,” she said. “Neither you or your friend, who my mate his ripping apart, had any intention of letting us live, did you? You didn’t care if we were mates or not, did you?”

  The wounded male took a step back. His face was still void of emotion. He was still in a trance as she weaved her way through his thoughts. He took another step back. She followed, backing him up against a tree. She could feel him fighting her push into his mind.

  She was too angry to back down. And he knew it. The fear in his eyes excited her, making her thirsty for his blood. The adrenaline pumping through her was enticing. The attacker stared at her in fear and shock. He mouthed the word, vampire.

  Iris laughed as he sank to the ground in front of the tree. She’d covered the distance between them and was now crouching before him, staring down into his eyes, the eyes of a killer.

  “Yes. Yes, I am a vampire.”

  More of his thoughts filled her mind. He was thinking of how much money he could get if he turned her over to one of the prison camps. But first, he wanted to fuck her. He’d never fucked a vampire before. And he wanted to keep one of her fangs as a souvenir.

  Iris growled. The attacker opened his mouth to scream. Iris put and end to that thought by ripping his throat out with her fangs. She spat his flesh out, not wanting to drink the blood of someone as vile as him. He clutched his hand to his throat.

  She watched the light faded from his eyes. His hands fell away from his neck and his head slumped to the side. She no longer heard his heart beating. Wiping her mouth with the back of her still handcuffed hand, Iris realized there was no longer any noise coming from behind her.

  Turning around, she saw Yung standing in the middle of the forest, staring at her. He was no longer in his animal form. The second attacker was dead at his feet. Blood covered Yung’s body. Iris could only imagine how she looked to him. Her hands and mouth were covered in blood. He had to have witnessed what she’d done to her victim. The angry look on his face told her everything.

  He thought she was a monster.


  Yung didn’t know who he was mad at the most. Himself for leaving his mate handcuffed and unprotected or her for ripping the throat out of the other attacker. If he would have taken her cuffs off, she would have been able to teleport somewhere safe until he finished with the attackers.

  Yet, he’d feared she may not have returned once she was freed. That fear could’ve cost Iris her life. But he was also angry. Angry at her for tasting the blood of another man. He’d watched as she’d ripped the attacker’s throat out.

  He’d seen the smile that crossed over her features as she’d done so. He was no longer the only male she’d ever tasted that way. Yung motioned for her to come to him. Iris shook her head no.

  “Come here, Iris.”

  Again, she shook her head. He watched her fangs recede. Her eyes returned to their normal color. Yung called to her again. To his shock and dismay, she burst into tears.

  “I know you hate me,” she cried. “I’m a monster. Look what I did to him.”

  Yung rushed to her side and pulled her close. “I don’t hate you. Why would you think that?”

  “Because I’m a vampire and I just killed a wolf.”

  Yung shook his head. “You just protected your mate and yourself, Iris. Any wolf would be proud of his mate for doing such a thing.”

  Iris hiccupped. “But I fought like a vampire. I ripped out his throat with my fangs and drank some of his blood.” Iris burst into tears again.

  Yung picked her up. He had planned to burn the bodies so that no one found them. Once the pack the attackers belonged to realized they were missing, they would send out a search party to find them. Yung didn’t want anyone finding them near him and his mate, it was too risky.

  First, he would calm Iris down, and then he would burn the bodies. Iris cried on his shoulder as he walked a half a mile to the river separating his land from the land of Vio. They were close to his cottage, but still had a few hours of walking ahead of them.

  Because of the fight and the fact that Yung now had to get rid of the bodies, they wouldn’t make it to his cottage until sometime in the morning. However, once they crossed the river, they would be on his land and that made him feel a little better.

  Once he reached the edge of the river, he placed Ir
is on her feet. Her tears had subsided and her blood-stained face was now tear stained also. She was still the most beautiful creature Yung had ever seen.

  Yung smiled at her. “We should get cleaned up.” He dipped his hand in the water then proceeded to wash the blood and dirt off his mate’s face. Iris stood still as he took care of her. Out of nowhere, the tears began to fall again.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Did I hurt you?”

  His question only made her cry harder. Yung was at a loss for words. He didn’t know what to do in these kinds of situations. Not knowing what to say, Yung continued to clean his mate’s face, arms and legs. Iris cried the entire time.

  When he was done, he quickly cleaned himself. He’d shredded his clothes when he shifted. He’d just have to sleep naked on the grass. It would be night soon and his mate hadn’t had much sleep. He watched more tears drip from her eyes. He grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the grass. They laid down and he pulled her close.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Yung asked.

  “I’ve never killed anyone before.”

  Oh, that’s why she was crying. “It was either us or them, love.”

  “I know. Still. When I was… doing it, it felt good.”

  “That’s your beast side. It’s a natural hunter. Your attacker was your prey.”

  “I don’t like that feeling.”

  “From now on, I’ll make sure you never have to suffer that feeling again.”

  “You can’t.” She told him. “In this world, there will always be someone who hates me. Vampires, wolves. I’m what they both hate.”

  She was right. “Then from now on, I’ll be what they both hate also,” he told her.

  “You can’t do that.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you, Iris.”

  “What about your pack?”

  “I’ll deal with them.”

  “That doesn’t answer my question.”

  “It’s all I’ve got for now, Iris. I’m sorry.”

  She didn’t reply.

  “We should get some rest before heading on. Are you hungry?” Yung asked desperately hoping she would say yes.

  Instead, she got up and walked over to a tree farthest away from him, sat down, and continued staring off into space. He needed sleep but he couldn’t take his eyes off his mate. She still hadn’t looked his way yet. Frustrated with her and the whole situation, Yung growled.

  She still didn’t look his way. Fuck! He closed his eyes, determined to get some rest. Not even a minute later, he opened his eyes and sniffed. His gazed jerked to her. She was staring up at the sky, biting her lower lip. The change. His mate needed him. He could smell her heat in the air. How could he resist such a sweet calling?

  But she wasn’t talking to him and though she needed him, he refused to make the first move. If she needed him bad enough, she would come to him on her own. Yung closed his eyes again and fought his instinct to go to her. His wolf howled, demanding he go to her.

  He couldn’t. Not now. He understood why she wanted to be alone. She’d had her first kill. That was hard on anyone. She’d killed a wolf in front of her wolf mate. How could she not feel torn about it? And, he’d seen how she’d controlled that wolf.

  She’d used her vamp powers. He’d have to tell Hyun that his copper cuffs didn’t stop all vampire abilities. Yet, he was thankful for that this time because that saved his mate. From the looks of it, it had been her first time using her abilities.

  She was confused and afraid. And she wanted to be alone. He would not force her to accept his presence just so he and his wolf could feel better. If she needed him, she’d let him know. He hoped.

  Yung turned away from her, giving her some privacy. Though he told himself he wouldn’t, he couldn’t help turning back over to stare at her. She was no longer crying, but he could tell she was still torn up.

  “This is all my fault,” Yung said. She didn’t look his way. “If I’d never taken you, if I’d never gotten upset about you being a vamp… fuck, Iris. I’m sorry. I should’ve been the one who killed that wolf. I should’ve uncuffed you so you could leave. I have no excuses. In fact….” He stood and walked over to her. She still didn’t look his way. His wolf whimpered.

  I know, beast. I know. I’m disappointed in myself also.

  He grabbed the cuffs and pressed the code into the side panel. They clicked. He pulled them from her and checked her wrists for bruises. Thankfully, there weren’t any. He tossed the cuffs onto the ground.

  “If you want to leave me, you can. If you never want to see me again…” Yung sighed. “I understand.”

  “I never want to see you again,” Iris told him.

  He felt like he’d been punched in the gut. She stood up. Her gaze met his.

  “Goodbye, Yung.”

  He wanted to reach for her. His beast screamed for him to do so. He didn’t. He couldn’t. She had every right to hate him. She had every right to leave.

  “Goodbye, mate.” Before she disappeared, he told her, “I’ll never want anyone but you. But I’ll never force you to want me.”

  And then she was gone. And he was all alone. Yung stared around him. Something wet dripped onto his collarbone. He touched his cheek. He was crying. Fuck. His wolf howled. He had no one to blame but himself. Yung walked over to the grass and sat back down.

  For years, he’d yearned for a mate. Then the Fates had given him one, one who was perfect in every way. But he’d mistreated her because she was different from him. He’d mistreated her because she was a vampire.

  Just like he’d suffered because of vamps, she’d suffered because of wolves. Yet, her heart was still pure. But his, his was tainted. She deserved better than him. She would have better than him. And he would have…nothing. His chest began to ache. He rubbed the area over his heart.

  “Fuck,” he said out loud. “I miss you already.”

  “I wasn’t gone long.”

  He turned around. There his mate stood, carrying a blanket, some clothes and two sandwiches.

  “Iris, I thought…”

  “You thought I was leaving you?”

  Yung nodded.

  “I should.”

  “I know,” he whispered. Please don’t.

  “But, I want this vamp war animosity to end. And I think it can. I think we can bring it to an end. You and I can be the ones who start to bridge the gap between vamps and wolves.”

  Yung pushed himself to his feet. “Does that mean you will stay with me? You’ll be my mate?”

  “I will. But, I’m petty. So, you will suffer my wrath.”

  Yung smiled. “You can do whatever you want to me, mate.”

  “You do realize that we have a lot of work ahead of us?”

  “I do. Starting with my pack, with my father. But I believe in us. I believe we can bring forth a change. Can I hold you now?”

  “Hold? I’m going through a change.” She sat her items on the ground then motioned for him to come closer. “I need you to do more than hold me, mate.”

  His wolf growled. “Your wish is my command,” Yung told her as he approached the woman who’d taught him that if you loved someone enough, then nothing else mattered. Tonight, they would celebrate that love. Tomorrow, they would work on spreading it to others.

  Thank you for reading!


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  About Siren Allen

  Hi, my name is Siren Allen. I'm a writer and lover of all thi
ngs erotic and romantic. I reside in southern Mississippi where I write steamy romances that are guaranteed to make you blush. When I'm not listening to the characters in my head and jotting down their adventures, I am busy working as a Clinical Laboratory Technician.

  I love to travel, preferably with my husband, so he can do all of the driving. I enjoy time with my family, who are just as silly as I am. I have no children...yet, wish me luck! My hobbies are reading, writing and shopping, though I hate trying on clothing. If I wasn't a writer or a Laboratory Professional, I would probably be a Secret Agent. But that's the beauty of being a writer; you can create your own world and be whoever you want to be. In my imaginary world, I am Queen and my siblings are my minions.

  I don't cook, I tried it once, didn't work out for me. My husband however, loves to cook. Which is one of the qualities that drew me to him. My weekends are spent writing and having sleep-overs for my wonderful nieces and nephews. I don't know the feeling of motherhood but if it's anything close to what I feel for my nieces and nephews then I know it is an intense unbreakable bond that can never, ever be severed. Yep, I love those kids that much and more. You can find out more about me on my website ~ http://sirenallen.com

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