Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection Page 20

by C. D. Gorri

  “Oh, Treasure,” he managed to say before a moan escaped his lips, “I want you.”

  “I want you too, Takoda.” Her voice was silky and soft, like her lips.

  She started to fumble with the button and zipper on his jeans. Treasure released his manhood from its confined compartment and proceeded to stroke and suck on his growing erection. The wonderful sensations she was making with her tongue made him gyrate in unison with her movements.

  He was just about to come to a happy release when a rush of thoughts about Nayati hit him.

  FUCK! We shouldn’t be doing this. What have I done?

  He quickly pulled her towards his chest.

  “Treasure, wait. Baby,” He cupped her cheek before continuing, “We shouldn’t be doing this. You still belong to Nayati. Even if we want things to be different, I still have no right to claim you.”

  Every word he spoke shattered him. He wanted to make her his so much, but he couldn’t—not without Nayati’s permission at least. And the worst part of it all was laying witness to her eyes wettened with the sting of rejection. He hadn’t seen the same expression from her in ten years.

  “It’s just he’s already upset and I don’t want to make things worse. He’s involved the council with all of this. And he is doing that because he wants me out of this territory.”

  “I don’t want that! You have to stay here in Wyoming, please!” She practically screamed the words, and tears now made a constant stream down her face. “You can’t leave me. I can’t handle that!”

  He found it hard to believe what she had said. And part of it was because he was feeling the same way. The thought of her feeling similar shocked him. His heart pounded heavily in his chest and it seemed like it would explode. It continued to beat in such a way as if to prove the point that he couldn’t be without her. There’d be no way to leave her behind now. Not when they were becoming this close. He’d soon become her alpha, at least that is what he hoped because that was what was agreed upon so long ago. At least that was how all of this was supposed to be.

  “I never took on a mate in Nayati’s pack because I always knew that my heart belonged to you. Even at a young age, I had an inkling I’d one day be with you. It was the sole reason why I didn’t flee from the cave you discovered me in. At first, I thought my feelings merely stemmed from being promised to your pride. But now that I’m older, I’ve become more attached to you. Our bond is growing. Don’t you agree? I mean, I was daydreaming about kissing you tonight.” She said as she buried her head on his chest.

  “I understand you may not want that, Treasure. I don’t either, but Nayati isn’t leaving me with many choices. He’s been trying to pick a fight with me for the past six months. And I refuse to engage. If I do, I’d lose my best friend.” He said as he lifted her chin with his index finger and deepening his gaze upon her.

  “I get it. You’ve been friends for such a long time.” She pulled away from him and lowered her gaze.

  His eyebrows knitted.

  “No, I didn’t mean Nayati, Treasure. Yes, he has been a friend, but I meant you. In fear of causing you harm, I won’t fight him—not when you are still in his pack. I’d rather die.”

  “Don’t say that either!” She said as she pounded his chest with her fist. Her tears glistened in the moonlight and left a large wet pool on the top portion of his bare chest. “I can’t lose you, Takoda. I can’t.”

  She buried her head in his shoulder and continued to sob uncontrollably. Takoda wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. He wanted nothing more than to take her pain away. None of what Nayati was doing made sense. He held her tighter. But it was impossible to console her.

  “Baby, why all the tears?” He found himself asking, even though he already knew the answer.

  “Because I want to be with you. The more time I spend with you, the more I realize you are my mate. This isn’t about lust with me.” She said as she swallowed hard and pulled away from him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything, but I can’t keep this to myself any longer. Ever since I met you, I’ve known that you are my fated mate, Takoda. If Nayati wants to pick a fight with you and your pride,” her voice trailed slightly before continuing, “I can’t be a part of it. You all mean too much to me. I’d leave first. I couldn’t hurt you or any of the pride. All of you took me in. How could he even fathom harming any of you?”

  “You think we are fated mates?” His eyes searched hers as he palmed her shoulders.

  It’s not like that idea didn’t cross his mind on more than one occasion, but he had no idea that she was perceiving the same thing.

  “I shouldn’t have said anything. Really, I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry. But just understand that if this rift comes down to another Civil War, I will go rogue and leave Wyoming myself. I get you can’t leave your pride. You have to protect them. But I’d rather leave than hurt any of you.”

  He cupped her cheek.

  “We will figure out something. I promise. But for now, let’s get dressed and get something to eat.” He said in a silky tone while stroking her cheek with his thumb and wiping the tears that stained her face.

  “Promise?” She said as she rested her head on his cheek. “Because I’m pretty sure I can’t live without you. I am certain that would break me.”


  Once they were dressed, Takoda wrapped his arm around Treasure, and the two headed towards his car from the thick of the forest near his side of the Wyoming compound territory.

  “Where would you like to go?” He asked as he opened the passenger’s side of the Nightfall Mica colored Lexus LS.

  “I’m the wrong person to ask. Nayati hasn’t really let me out of the compound much. This was the first time in forever. So, I’m pretty sure the places I remember are long gone.” She palmed the buttery leather as she slid in.

  “When was the last time you’ve gone out?” He asked after sliding into the driver’s seat and turning on the car. It purred to attention.

  “When you took me to that pizza place.”

  “Alibi Pub? That was at least eight months ago—maybe more. He hasn’t let you out of the compound in that long?”

  “No, he hasn’t. But let’s not talk about him. Let’s take this time to enjoy some dinner.”

  “What do you feel like having?”

  “Honestly, pizza and a beer sounds good right about now.”

  “Well, Alibi it is then.”

  It was a short drive down the mountainside to get to the pub. He put his arm around her once they were out of the car and led her in. They sat over at the bar where there were several Flatscreen TVs playing various games of baseball and soccer. The bartender came over and placed a napkin in front of each of them as they were getting into their seats.

  “What can I get you?”

  Treasure scanned the draft beers quickly and smiled.

  “I’ll have the Pakos IPA.”

  “Certainly. And for you, sir?”

  “The Easy Street Wheat, please.”

  “Alright. coming right up.” The bartender said as he grabbed two chilled mugs from the freezer and began to pour the beer. He quickly returned and placed them both on the cocktail napkins. “Would you like a menu?”

  Takoda looked at Treasure.

  “I’m fine with a Margherita pizza. I’m not all that fancy. Cheese is good for me.”

  “A purist. I like it.” He turned to the server, “The Margherita pizza, please.”

  “Wonderful choice.” The bartender said as he grabbed the menu from their hands and went over to the cash register to type in their order.

  “So, about earlier,” Takoda cleared his throat before he started, “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just don’t want to do anything that could put you in harm’s way. You are important to me, Treasure. Very important.”

  He branded a half-smile in her direction, but she lowered her eyes in retort.

  “Takoda, I was serious earlier. If Nayati wants to pick a fight, I wi
ll go rogue and leave Wyoming. I’m not fighting Nayati’s craziness, nor do I wish to help contribute to another Civil Were War.”

  “But that’s if you can escape. The laws are quite clear. If he—”

  “I’m well aware of the laws. If he announces the fight before I’ve had the chance to announce my going rogue, I will have no choice but to fight. Unless—” her voice trailed.

  Takoda’s brows knitted.

  “I’ve already told you, marking you at this point in time is too risky. That will most definitely send Nayati over the edge.”

  “It’s not risky according to the gods or the council.”

  “But the laws of betrayal are also clear,” Takoda said as he placed a hand on her thigh. “He could kill you.” He pressed circles onto her exposed skin right above her knee as he continued. “I can’t be in a world without you. I love you too much.”

  He screwed his eyes shut and let out a breath.

  “If only I wasn’t so protective of you. And if only I wasn’t such a stickler for the laws, I could have taken you into the fold sooner.”

  She cupped his hand that was on her thigh.

  “Takoda, your thoughtfulness about law and how you rule as alpha over the pride is one of the reasons why I fell in love with you in the first place. Besides, even if you weren’t such a stickler, your pride is. No Omega would have taken me seriously until now. You know that.”

  He let out a long breath, kissed her cheek, and then pressed his head against her forehead.

  “You are right. And I did all of this to protect you, but all of this abundance of caution seems to be biting me in the ass. The gods are toying with us. Allowing us and our cougars to know we are fated mates and then denying us the blood right to be together.”

  “It’s not fair, it isn’t.”

  Chapter Three

  They finished their pizza and drafts within a short hour. Being careful not to bust curfew for Treasure, they headed to the car shortly after paying the bill.

  “We should head back so Nayati doesn’t get suspicious,” Takoda said as he opened the car door for Treasure. “The thing is, I don’t want the night to end just yet.”

  His lips were a breath from hers.

  “What did you have in mind?” Treasure said with a teasing chuckle as her palm brushed Takoda’s extended arm that was still holding the car door.

  “This.” He said as his lips met hers.

  The heat rushed her as she wrapped her arms around him. In fear of none of this being real, she opened her eyes to see his face, and that’s when she saw Nayati come up from behind the densely wooded area surrounding them, heading for Takoda’s car.

  “I allow you the privilege of trust and this is how you repay me, Treasure?”

  His voice was dark, his eyes wild with hatred as he spat out the words.

  “Nayati, brother, it is not what you think.”

  Takoda said as he turned on his heel with outstretched palms as if to signify a truce. Nayati shot a disdainful look in Takoda’s direction.

  “Do not call me your brother. Brothers do not betray one another and neither does an Omega of my pack.” He then turned to Treasure. “As your Alpha, I forbid you to see anyone from this day forward. I can’t trust you, therefore I will confine you to the compound from here on out until you learn obedience. Do I make myself clear?”

  Nayati grabbed Treasure’s arm and yanked her into the woods before Takoda or she had a chance to protest. Treasure screamed and tried to break free from Nayati’s grasp as Nayati pulled her further and further into the wooded area.

  Takoda shot after them and was at their heels. He tried to reach for Treasure while trying to shift. But before he could, four of Nayati’s pride jumped out from the dark shadows of the forest and surrounded Takoda.


  “I’m coming, Treasure!”

  The four closed in on Takoda, snarling and snapping at him. One lunged for his throat and the other three forced him to his knees.

  “You will never have her. Never! You understand me?” Said the one whose fingers were tightly wrapped around Takoda’s throat. Takoda struggled with the shifter’s hands, and then another one from behind him knocked him over the head. Takoda’s knees buckled, and he fell to the ground. The smell of soil mixed with copper filled his nostrils as the four of them continued to beat on him. Takoda struggled to gain the upper hand, but try as he might, he could not coax his cougar to come out. He could not understand why this was happening. He had heard of other shifters having problems with releasing their animal side, but those were always halves—they weren’t born with the innate skill like he was. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. He continued to block each kick, punch, and bite, but within a few more moments, his eyes grew heavy.

  The last thing his eyes fixed on before everything went black was how tightly Nayati’s grip was on Treasure as he led her further into the woods towards their pride’s compound.


  Takoda awoke and found himself back at his own compound with a fire burning in his fireplace and a blanket wrapped around him. He palmed his forehead as a rush of pain came over him.

  What happened? The last thing I remembered?

  A rush of the evening’s event come over him.

  Oh, no! Treasure!

  He shot up from his lying position on the couch, and a sudden pain hit him from what seemed like his entire body all at once. He let out a whimper.

  “Careful, Takoda! You took a pretty bad beating! Lay back and drink some tea. The boys and I found you, and just in time, too. You had lost a lot of blood. What happened?”

  Takoda let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in. “He took Treasure.” He let out another breath that was followed by a sigh. “I don’t understand it Viho, why would he renege on his promise to me? This goes beyond his quarrel with me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he’s doing it to keep Treasure as his own Omega concubine.”

  “Honestly, Takoda, at this point I wouldn’t put anything past the man. I’ve been worried about him just as long as you and I think it’s time we either take the fight to him or leave Wyoming.”

  “You get I trust you with my life, Viho. Despite everything you’ve been through, you chose to be my Beta instead of Nayati’s, and I can never thank you enough for that loyalty and trust. But you are Cheyenne and according to current council law, you have rights to this land.”

  “Don’t go soft on me! Stop it with this crap! I am in your pride because I wanted to be. And I go where this pride needs me. You are my Alpha and I will do as you wish, but if your wish is for me to go with Nayati, I’m afraid I cannot fulfill that wish for you. He’s changed. We both get that, and the longer we stay here, the longer we keep this pride in danger.” Viho said as he passed some herbal smelling tea to Takoda. “I understand you love her, and I, like you, sense that she is your fated mate and our pride’s Luna Queen. But we must think of the entire pride’s safety—first and foremost. I’m sorry, my Alpha, but you know I am right.”

  “Yes, I do, and the decision is simple. The pride must leave Wyoming for safety. Take the pride with you and protect them.”

  “You are not coming with us?” Viho said with widened eyes.

  “Not when he still has her.”

  “You can’t fight his pride alone. That’s suicide!” Viho said with knitted brows.

  “He’s not alone. He has me.” A voice projected from the kitchen.

  Viho peered in the general direction of the voice, and Donovan appeared

  through the threshold.

  “Donovan, forgive me, I know you are a powerful alpha in your own right, but it’s just the two of you against his fleet of Omegas.”

  Donovan patted Viho on the shoulder.

  “We will do just fine, especially when the pride and my Sonya are safely away from Wyoming. Once the battle ends, or God willing, we come to a truce, we will send for you all. But honestly? I’m hoping we won’t need to fight. I’m hoping w
e can drive a wedge between Nayati and Lenox. That’s the key to solving this whole problem.”

  “My Alpha, I beg of you to let me stay behind as well to aid you in your fight with Nayati.”

  “No Viho. You must lead our pride to safety. Should we not be successful, you will become our pride’s alpha. And that is a direct order. You have no choice but to obey me.”

  “Yes, Alpha, I understand.” Viho nodded. “I don’t like it, but I will prepare the pride to leave at dusk.”

  “Very good,” Takoda said as he patted Viho on the shoulder. “I am certain you will not let me down.”

  Viho got up from the couch and walked towards the front door in a slouch, signifying defeat.

  “Do you honestly think we’ve got a snowball’s chance in hell of breaking into that compound and rescuing Treasure without alerting Nayati?” Donovan asked Takoda.

  “No. He has a sixth sense and might be alerted to me coming. This will more than less likely be a bloody battle if you ask me. And that’s honestly fine by me because I want to pummel him for hurting her.”

  “I figured this wouldn’t be easy, but maybe we should focus on Lenox? He’s the real reason all of this is happening.”

  “Donovan, this is not your fight. I will understand if—”

  “The fuck it isn’t! He wants me out, too—or did you forget that? I’m not backing down from this fight. As far as I’m concerned, he is the sole reason that you and I have had to fight to protect who we love. Now, his ancestors may have once lived off of this land, but he forgets that a pack was here long before he personally set foot on these mountains. And might I remind you they are mountains both you and I welcomed him to? Our packs and prides all used to coexist together well before Lenox came around to cause trouble. This is Lenox’s third strike as far as I am concerned. It’s now a full-on fight.”


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