Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection Page 32

by C. D. Gorri

  Some thought I was antisocial, but I was selective of who I brought into my life. I had to be.

  I sucked in a deep breath of air, closed my eyes and allowed the cool breeze to caress my cheeks. My cellphone vibrated, snapping me out of my thoughts. I hated cellphones, but it was a necessity; for emergencies. I didn’t have social media and used my phone only to make calls for work. I glanced at the name displayed on the screen and unfortunately; I had to answer the call.


  “Ava, where are you?” Derek asked. He was one of the nicest bosses I’d ever had, but painfully forgetful. I’d tell him I was grabbing lunch, and he’d phone asking for the writeup for the picture I’d taken. Sometimes I had to leave sticky notes over his desk to remind him which story went with which picture.

  “I’m hiking this weekend, remember. I want to take photos for next week’s wildlife piece.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Derek said. I heard him scratch his head. He had a nervous tick where he scratched the back of his head, leaving red welts on his skin, and sometimes his hair fell out. When he did this, he knew he’d forgotten something.

  “It’s an important piece. You know it’s my dream to work for National Geographic. If I get the shots I need, I’m sending them my portfolio.” I already had my degree in photography and journalism, and my portfolio was almost complete. I needed this weekend to get some of my best shots to package the portfolio for them. Ever since I was a little girl, I’d wanted to work for National Geographic. All it took was their show on the ocean to get me hooked for life. I did everything I could to help my chances. They received many applications, which meant they only selected the best. And I had to be the best.

  “Yes, yes, of course. It slipped my mind. I take it you will stay the weekend?”

  “Yes!” I reeled in my irritation; Derek paid my salary, and I needed to play nice if I wanted to stay in his employ. “You know I can’t get the best shot in only a day. I need to stay here and blend in, wait for the animal to come to me.”

  Silence filled the air, and I rolled my eyes. I shouldn’t lose my temper with him. He was actually an amiable person; it was just… sometimes… I needed a break.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked delicately. It sounded like he was having another bad day and I shouldn’t take my frustration out on him—he had enough of his own issues.

  “Nothing, there’s a dinner with my folks this evening and was wondering if you wanted to join me. But if you’re there, then that’s your answer, I guess.”

  I knew he shrugged to accompany that loud sigh.

  “Perhaps next time.” I lied. I always said, ‘next time’. Besides, he wasn’t my type, he led an unhealthy lifestyle, and he was my boss.

  “Okay.” Silence filled the space again. “I’ll see you Monday then.”

  “Yes, I’ll see you first thing on Monday. Enjoy the dinner and your weekend.” I hung up before he said anything else.

  I switched off my cellphone and pocketed it. I pressed the fob, my car’s alarm sounded and locked.

  During the time I was speaking with Derek, three more cars had parked with the occupants going to the various trails they’d be hiking. Two people headed toward the one I was taking.

  Once my backpack was on, I headed toward the start of the tough trail; I hadn’t hiked it yet, and the ranger assured me the views were breathtaking and the best this time of year. It was also their busiest weekend and she was expecting at least two hundred hikers to come and go. The ranger had pointed out I’d be able to see most of the animals, which were scarce on the other trails.

  I’d been coming to Sterling Meadow Forest for a few months and hadn’t hiked the harder path because it took much longer and I’d have to spend the entire weekend completing it. The other paths were quick trails and completed in a day. But I needed the trail where the animals were to get spectacular shots for my portfolio. I kept changing the photos in the portfolio because I didn’t think they were good enough and I needed to finish it. My clock wasn’t ticking, but I had to stop over analyzing my work, get it done, and send it off. And this weekend I had to get it sorted.

  An animal cried, stopping me. I glanced over my shoulder and still saw my vehicle in the parking lot. The cries sounded again, reminding me of a wounded animal, and I couldn’t continue until I knew the animal was safe. If it was a predator, I hoped I could run faster.

  Pushing through bushes, I came to a clearing where a deer fawn was sitting beside its mother’s carcass. My heart broke staring at the poor baby, taking me to the first time I watched Bambi. There was no way I’d allow the fawn to remain on its own and dialed Ruth, a wildlife veterinarian I’d befriended when I needed to understand animal biology.

  I didn’t approach the fawn for fear of it running off, instead I waited in silence nearby for forty minutes. When a loud noise sent birds flying, I stood slowly from my spot, kept my eye on the fawn and sauntered to the path. The fawn didn’t budge, but she watched me.

  Ruth approached with her equipment and two assistants.

  “Thanks for coming. I didn’t want to leave her on her own. She looks to be a few days old and suspect the mom died soon after giving birth.” I didn’t say I suspected something with large teeth had attacked the mother. When I’d first seen the fawn, I noted the mother had a bite on her neck but couldn’t get closer for fear of scaring the baby away. Whichever predator did that had bitten the mother and left, which was incredibly cruel.

  “Hi, Ava.” Ruth handed her equipment to the girl on her left and hugged me. “You did the right thing. I’ll check her out to see if she’s healthy, then hand her over to the sanctuary for rehabilitation.”


  Ruth had shocking red hair and blue eye shadow. She wore a pink blouse, dark green pants, and green Crocs. Each wrist bound with leather bracelets and a crystal pendant hung around her neck. She was eccentric, easygoing and a loving veterinarian.

  “Do you mind if I continue?” I pointed toward the path.

  “Oh heavens, yes, of course. When you’re done, you must visit me. I’d love to see your portfolio.” She winked.

  “Will do.” We hugged, and I left them to do what they did best.


  The winding path took me around one of the largest mountains in the area and the sights were breathtaking. I stopped near a spring and sat on a fallen log. The spring water was cool and drinkable. I splashed water on the back of my neck and wiped the sweat away with my bandana. I glanced at my watch and found I’d been walking for two hours. The sun would set soon and I needed to find a place to set up camp. I picked up my backpack and continued on my way.

  The sky painted in bright colors and within twenty minutes the blues and blacks had taken over, bathing the path in dark shadows. I stopped at an area not used in a while, but it would have to do. The ground was level enough for my tent, with sand and an old log for a fire. Since some animals came out at night, I decided against hiking in the dark, and I didn’t want to spook them. The ranger had mentioned the first main campsite, but it was much farther up the trail. I’d started on the path late because I’d waited for Ruth but I’d do it again, I couldn’t leave the fawn on her own. Anyway, I hardly mingled with other hikers anyway, so the thought of camping out here alone was fine with me.

  I removed my backpack and set up camp. The tent was up with a flick of my wrist; I unrolled the sleeping bag and placed it inside. I gathered enough firewood to make a decent fire for warmth and made some tea. For dinner I’d already prepared a chicken wrap at home, followed by a packet of chips.

  I connected my cellphone to the portable charger and switched it on. Derek had left messages. He was sweet, but no. I vowed never to date my boss again. My previous boss/lover owned one of the larger wildlife magazines, and I was his star photographer—or he had made me believe. I travelled the world getting the best pictures, but when his possessive streak worsened, I saw less of him. The result was fewer travels, but frequent visits to the ER. I knew
I’d made a mistake getting involved with him. He was not a nice man. Instead of trying to go through the legal battles with the proof I had, I packed my bag. Naturally, he didn’t approve and tried to win me back by stalking me. I’d gotten away one late evening, and he didn’t have a clue where I was. I found a small town, Krystal Creek, near Sterling Meadow, which I now called home. After a while he’d stopped calling me, and I didn’t need to look over my shoulder everywhere I went. Needing to know where he was, I’d learned he started dating another girl, who was just as crazy as he was. And exactly a year later I hadn’t heard from him again.

  Once I’d arrived in Krystal Creek, I took a six-month sabbatical, then when I was ready I found a job at the local newspaper/magazine in Krystal Creek. There were two reporters, myself, and Derek, who was the owner and Editor-in-Chief. Derek came from a long line of heirs to the oil industry, but he preferred to spend his inheritance on the Krystal Creek newspaper and seemed to manage the advertising just fine. I got paid per photograph; animals, features, or anything worthy of the space.

  I read the text messages Derek had sent, and they were the usual ones; ‘Let me know if you change your mind’, ‘I’ll send my driver to fetch you’ and ‘Wish you were here’. He really wanted me with him, but I couldn’t. I didn’t have the heart to say ‘No’, but I wondered whether it was for the best. Then again, I might lose the only income I had if I told Derek I wasn’t interested.

  I sighed and deleted his texts. It was better to avoid. I would deal with it on Monday. Right now, I wanted to enjoy nature in all her splendor with only myself to keep me company, which I preferred. It wasn’t as if I didn’t want anyone in my life, I did, but the next guy would have to be worth it.

  Chapter Two


  Splashing from waterfalls and swimming woke me, and my bladder ached. I unzipped my tent, crawled out and grabbed tissues and a disposable bag.

  I didn’t want to go near my tent or the path. I ventured a short distance farther into the dense vegetation with the silver moon as my guide. Once I found a spot void of thorns and bushes, I squatted and relieved my bladder.

  When done, I covered the wet spot with sand and packed the used tissue in the disposable bag I’d throw away when I reached a trashcan at the main campsite.

  Glistening water caught my attention, and I turned in the direction of the rushing river. I’d never seen it so clear before. The other hiking trails seemed to miss the views of the river completely.

  When I turned to retrace my steps, I couldn’t figure out which way to go. I traversed through brushes on my left and when I didn’t reach my tent; I backtracked. I came to the same spot I’d seen the river and walked straight up the mountain. Again, my tent was nowhere in sight. I turned around to get to the area near the river, but when I didn’t find it, panic settled in. I closed my eyes and pinched my nose. I tried to steady my breathing and when that didn’t work; I carried on walking. Somehow I’d gotten lost when I’d thought I’d only gone a short distance away from my tent. Next time I’d pack string to find my way back.

  When bright light caught my attention, I exhaled thinking it was the fire at my campsite but then I remembered I’d killed the fire before I went to sleep. Someone else was here.

  I carefully rounded a thorn bush, but my shirt hooked on it. I tugged, got free, but ripped the material.

  Sounds caught my attention, and I neared.

  Peering around a tree I saw a fire blazing, the red, orange and yellow flames hypnotizing. But that’s not what caught my attention. I watched him lean on his elbows, kissed the woman’s neck and thrusted inside her. His ass cheeks clenched as he moved above her. He kissed her gently yet passionately down the slopes of her breasts. She moaned and writhed beneath him.

  Oh, my gods.

  I felt my cheeks heat and crossed my legs. My jaw slackened as I stared at their sensual lovemaking.

  It was not right to watch. I should feel guilty and a little dirty, but I didn’t. There was something beautiful watching this couple—it was raw and sensual. She lay on a blanket, her long dark hair pooled beneath her, her arms clutching onto him as he drove himself into her; over and over. The man was tanned and much bigger than his partner. He had short, neat hair, with muscles in all the right places; they moved with such dexterity—like liquid metal. My core tightened as I watched him.

  His rhythm quickened, she whimpered in pleasure. I watched with bated breath.

  I couldn’t look away; I didn’t have the willpower to leave. I only regretted not having my camera with me—they were irresistible, their heavenly bodies entwined as they made love.

  I bit my lip as my inner muscles clenched, seeking my release.

  My hand slipped down the front of my shirt and into my shorts. I was so turned on it wouldn’t take me long. It had been months since I’d had stimulation by my hand, and a year by another. It was by choice. If I ever dated again, it would be different. It had to be.

  I leaned my shoulder against the tree to free my other hand and pinched an aching nipple.

  I bit my lip again as the man grunted his satisfaction while she writhed and moaned, but he didn’t stop—he brought her to the edge then slowed as he eased himself out of her then slipped back inside. He sucked on her nipple and I pinched mine. I wanted to feel his hot breath against my skin, his teeth grazing my nipple, and I pinched the other one. I wanted his weight to crush my body, limiting my movement as he drove deeper.

  The man quickened his thrusts, and I pushed a finger inside my wet slit as I imagined his large member pushed deep inside me.

  Their grunting and moans were music to my ears as I neared the edge of my release.

  When silence filled the air, my eyes fluttered open to meet his deep blue gaze.

  My veins filled with ice. My heart thundered in my chest. He continued staring.

  He’d seen me. He knew I’d been watching. He caught me with my hands in my pants.

  Oh, my gods. What have I done?

  He sniffed the air and grinned. His dark gaze penetrating mine and I felt as naked as the woman beneath him.

  “What’s wrong?” asked the woman as she peered over his shoulder.

  I had to get away. I had to find my tent, pack and leave.

  I dashed from the tree before the woman saw me.

  The forest was dark. The silver moon hiding behind black clouds. A thorn bush pricked my face, causing me to cry out. I staggered away from the thorn bush and into a copse—one I’d never noticed before. Somehow I’d gotten turned around and was moving in a new direction. The faster I ran, the farther I went away from my camp, I was sure of it.

  Leaves crushed behind me.

  He followed me.

  He was catching up.

  The sounds of grunts and a low growl as he neared.

  An animal?

  I glanced over my shoulder at two glowing yellow eyes. I yelped, running faster, my ankle twisted, then I collided with something hard. I saw darkness, something snapped, and a weightlessness seeped into my bones.

  Chapter Three


  After last night’s excitement and finding that girl in our forest, our clan was on high alert. Then Blaze cornered me to let me know he’d found something. The last thing we needed was something else to set everyone on edge. Fortunately, he’d come to me first and not our chieftain or all hell would break loose and they’d blame the girl.

  I followed Blaze to the spot where he’d seen the carcasses of five deers. Their remains were scattered as if trying to flee the chaos. Each animal had their guts ripped out by sharp claws; the ground beneath their bodies a mess of organs and blood. One deer had their eyes gorged out.

  “Jesus,” I breathed as I crouched near the carcass. “We needed these animals for our full moon feast.”

  “Whoever is doing this is messing with our food.” Blaze combed his fingers through shaved hair, I think he did it out of frustration or habit. He’d shaved his head when he struggled to get the knot
s out of his hair. “Do you think one of us did it or another were-animal hunting this side?”

  “I don’t know, but we need to find out before Ash hears.”

  Blaze growled.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll find out who did it. In the meantime, clean this up?”


  I left Blaze to sort that out and pushed down the images of the grotesque scene. It sent my imagination running.

  I headed toward the huts when Windtalker waved me down. He was our healer within the clan and spiritual advisor.

  “Tyler, what have you been up to?” he asked. His one eye narrowed down on me while the other remained large and unmoving. He’d had an accident when he was young and hadn’t seen out of it since. His tanned skin leathery, and his silver hair cascaded around his shoulders.

  “I thought you already knew?” I arched an eyebrow. He usually came to us before we did something foolish, pointing a crooked finger, warning us not to do it.

  “Something happened last night,” he said hoarsely, like he’d been screaming at dancers all night.

  “Did you finally get laid?”

  Windtalker slapped my shoulder and shook his head. “Silly boy, not me… You.” He slid his crooked fingers around my bicep and squeezed. “Come see me when you feel it,” he said cryptically, let go of my arm and hobbled away on his walking stick.

  Unsure which plant Windtalker had smoked, I ignored the strange conversation for now, and headed toward the hut where last night’s voyeur was sleeping. As much as I loved someone, especially a beautiful someone, watching me have sex, I needed to understand what she was doing here. If this woman was part of a group of hunters in our part of the forest, I needed to find out, and if not, what was she doing off the hiking trail?

  Chapter Four


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