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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 46

by C. D. Gorri

  “Figured you might need these if you’re going on the run from the law.” She joked.

  Paige smiled and thanked her, shoving her feet into the shoes before Sebastian grabbed her hand and pulled her toward Quinn’s SUV.

  “Bry said we could use his truck.”

  “Won’t that get him into trouble if we’re caught?” She protested, worrying for her new friends.

  “We aren’t going to get caught. We’re just going to find a place to hide out for a few hours until we can meet the guy from the FBI.” Sebastian explained.

  Together they said quick goodbyes to everyone before climbing into the SUV. Michael moved up alongside the window. He passed Sebastian a cell phone, “I have friends at the PD, give me an hour. I’ll do my best to get this sorted so you can stop hiding from the press.”

  “Thanks Dad. We’re headed to the wildlife reserve. If nothing else we’ll shift and hole up in the caves on the south side.”

  “Good idea. Stay safe, son.” Michael told him, slapping the door before stepping away so they could drive off.

  They turned the truck around and Sebastian told her to duck down just in case anyone was still along the road.

  “Won’t they see you?” she asked, sliding down into the footwell so she was out of sight.

  “Pray no one is on the road.” Was his only response.

  Fifteen minutes later they were on the main highway headed toward the reserve without having been spotted.

  Paige sighed in relief. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Sorry? For what?” Sebastian glanced over before pulling his eyes back to the road. “Sorry your boss is an asshole art thief? That’s not exactly your fault, sweetheart.”

  “No, I’m sorry I brought all of this to your front door. I didn’t mean to drag you into this, much less your whole family. Someone could have easily spotted one of the younger cubs shifting and blown everything up in our faces.”

  “But they didn’t.” He responded. “Something you’ll learn about my family is that we take care of our own. No one would have wanted you to handle this alone, Paige. Quinn and Aubrey were happy to help us. Aunt Ruth and Uncle August were too.”

  “Your dad seemed pretty upset when he showed up this morning.”

  Sebastian shook his head vehemently, “Not at you or I. He was upset that Arnie had brought that down on our head. Trust me, the only reason we left is to protect the pack. Otherwise we’d still be there come hell or high water.”

  Silence fell over them for the next several miles and Paige soaked in the warmth of Sebastian’s hand in hers as they drove. When they made the turn off for the wildlife reserve she grew antsy again.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

  “Are you sure it’s not?” he teased, winking at her. “Stop questioning everything, sweetheart. We’re going to be fine. We’re bears. We can spend a little quiet time today in the caves and then meet with the FBI and turn over the evidence. Everything will sort itself out after that.”

  At least there was no chance of Arnie looking for her here, she thought to herself. Who in their right mind would go to a nature park when there was two feet of snow on the ground? They parked next to an empty ranger station and got out of the truck, Sebastian shoved their clothes in his bag and looped it around his neck before he shifted. Paige felt slightly miffed that he barely seemed to take note of her nudity this time, but her nerves had her shifting into her bear and following him without another word.

  It was harder to move in the snow this time for her because they were going uphill instead of downhill, but Sebastian tempered his movements so as not to leave her in the dust and before long they were entering the small mouth of a cave. The front of the cave was just large enough for Sebastian to get inside as big as he was in bear form, but about thirty feet in, it widened into a massive space. He quickly shifted into his skin and set his bag down.

  This time, Paige took a moment to really look him over from his broad shoulders and wash board abs to his massive penis and long legs. He was an adonis in the flesh. She felt the burn of desire fill her belly and she let out a low rumbly growl.

  Flashing her a grin he crouched and began removing clothing from the bag. “Stay in your fur if you want, but it’s warm enough in here to shift.” He pulled on a pair of sweats and them pushed the bag her way.

  Paige considered remaining in her bear for the duration, but that seemed foolish. They were mates and shifters. He was most likely going to see her naked more often than clothed. Shifting into her own skin, she moved forward, slowed by the tender soles of her bare feet.

  “So….” She cocked her hip saucily, arousal returning to her blood as she watched him light a fire and rise to his full height. “Maybe we can have a little alone time before we have to meet the FBI agent?”

  “That’s the idea.” He turned to face her, his beautiful green eyes taking in her body. Her confidence lifted as his long legs ate up the distance between them and his cock rose as he approached. “I know it’s not the ideal sitation, but I thought we could at least have a couple hours to ourselves.”

  She reached for him, taking his hand and letting him pull her naked body up against his. Her nipples were already hard little pebbles and she could feel her desire on the inside of her thighs. He took her mouth, kissing her deeply as she wrapped her arms around his neck. His taste was as addictive as his touch, and she arched her body, pressing tighter to him. “Fuck me. If you keep that up, I’ll come all over your stomach, sweetheart.”

  She nipped his bottom lip and grinned, “Kinky. We might try that another time, but I really need to feel you inside me. I’ve been dreaming about this moment ever since the night of the art show.”

  He groaned in agreement as she nibbled on the tendon between his throat and shoulder. “I’ve been jacking off to images of your beautiful face for weeks.”

  The fire in her belly roared to life, “You touched yourself to me?”

  “Fuck yeah, I have a hundred fantasies I plan to play out with you now that we’re together.” He told her, sucking her earlobe. “Like the one where I lay you out in the moonlight and taste you.”

  “Taste me?”

  “Every fucking sweet inch of you. I want to taste every part of you until you’re burned into my brain.”

  “Then make love to me. Stop making me wait.” she begged, even as he lowered to his knees in front of her, kissing her bare belly.

  Without another word, he went to work, kissing and licking every inch of her he could reach, and when he couldn’t reach any more, he pulled her down to the ground, stretching her out on the cool rock floor and pushing her legs apart.

  “So sweet. You smell delicious.” He nuzzled the cap of curls between her legs and then used the flat of his tongue to lick the outside of her pussy lips. “And taste even better.

  “Sebastian…” she panted heavily, her knees splaying open to give him access to the most secret part of her. “I’m dying here.”

  “What a way to go.” He replied before he spread her pussy lips wide and slid his tongue through her damp center. “Let me hear how much you want it, baby. Every moan is heavenly.”

  Paige couldn’t hold still as he began to ply his wicked tongue over her delicate pussy. Her clit throbbed, but each time he landed on it, he bounded away, leaving her groaning with need and dripping all over the place.

  “I’m going to drown in all this glorious cream.” He murmured, growling against her. She cried out and dug her heels into the stone beneath her, rocking her hips up to get more of the wonderful vibrations on her body.

  His tongue pushed into her opening, fucking her smoothly, but it was the thumb he used to diddle her aching clit that drove her over the edge of reason. Before she knew it, she was humping his face, crying out his name and pleading for more.

  When she finally calmed, he lifted his head, his wide grin wet with her cum. “I knew that would be fucking incredible.”

  “Did we have an earthquake?” she asked,
“Because I’m pretty sure the earth moved for me.”

  Climbing upward, he arched his body over hers and lined the head of his cock up with her flooded pussy. “Just wait, sweetheart, I’m not done with you yet.”

  He rubbed the tip of his dick against her already sensitive clit making her jolt like she’d been electrocuted. Maybe she had been. Her blood was certainly boiling in her veins and her brain felt fried. When he sunk the first inch of himself into her, she cried out as her body stretched to accommodate him. He took his time, his biceps flexing while he held himself above her, concentrating on easing into her. This was nothing like she’d imagined. It was tender and incredibly touching. He wanted to make it special, and as much as she wanted to bounce on him like a fucking bull rider, she understood his need to take his time.

  Wrapping her legs around his lean hips, she felt him ease a few more inches of his length into her and then it was like the dam burst because he pushed the rest of his dick all the way in until his balls were banging against her back door. The full sensation was heavenly, so she wasn’t about to complain.

  When he pulled out and pushed back in, setting up a smooth, pounding rhythm, she matched it, rocking her hips upward into him. Electricity sparked between their bodies, and a steady hum set up in her brain while her body took over and reacted naturally to its mate. Inside, her bear suddenly seemed to push forward and she felt her fangs elongate. The need to mark him again was too strong. She couldn’t keep her mouth away from his shoulder. The tang of his coppery blood spurred her on and she dug her nails into the back of his scalp, pushing his face into her own throat in the hopes that he’d return the favor. He didn’t hesitate, sinking his own fangs deep into the sensitive muscle and then throwing his head back to howl his release into the night as she exploded around him. Something magical happened in that moment. A piece of her locked onto a piece of him, and their souls paired. She felt raw, and powerful as she realized she’d just started a new chapter in her life. This one would be all about being a mate, and raising a family, and she couldn’t wait. If only they didn’t have to face one more major hurdle.

  Chapter Six

  Several hours later, exhausted and sated, Sebastian and Paige returned to the SUV. The sun was setting and the temperature outside was dropping fast. A thin layer of frost covered the windows of the truck and they could see their breaths as they buckled up and prepared to go to their meeting.

  “Are you ready?”

  Paige’s face was pale and Sebastian wanted nothing more than to shield her from the whole thing.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” She murmured, hands in her pockets, face drawn. “I just want to get it over with.”

  “We just have to get the evidence in the right hands so that Arnie is shut down completely. That flash drive in your pocket will clear both of our names.” He assured her, pulling onto the highway.

  The drive was slow thanks to slippery, snowy roads, but they reached the Mini-Market—a gas station that served some of the best burgers in the area—and Sebastian backed into a parking stall.

  “This way we can see what’s coming at us.” He explained, his nerves creeping up into his throat as various cars slipped in and out of the parking lot without incident. A few moments passed and a black SUV entered and parked on the far end of the lot, shutting off it’s lights. A moment later Sebastian’s phone buzzed.

  He pulled it free of his pocket and stared at the strange number before saying hello.

  “Sebastian Jameson?”

  The voice on the other end was female and completely unexpected, but he managed to find his voice and respond.

  “Yes, who is this.”

  “Agent Fielding. I understand you have something you need the Bureau to see?” She said, her voice firm but curious.


  “I don’t have all day Mr. Jameson. I’m here as a courtesy to Ruth, but I’m not interested in playing games. As I understand it, you’re a wanted man. What’s to stop me from arresting you?”

  “Hopefully your relationship with my aunt.” He glanced at Paige who was literally shaking in the seat next to him, her nerves so tight. “Look, we’re not on the run, we’re just trying to get the evidence into the right hands.”

  “Mine are open.” She said, and then hung up the phone abruptly.

  Taking a deep breath, Sebastian slid it back into his pocket and reached for Paige. He took the flash drive from her before giving her hand a squeeze of reassurance. “It’s going to be okay, sweetheart, you’ll see.”

  He pushed open the car door and climbed out, carefully picking his way across the now frozen concrete toward the other SUV. A quick glance back at Paige had his stomach tightening into a knot, but he pushed on. The woman in the black SUV got out and met him a few feet from her car.

  “Seems a bit funny that you just happened upon evidence that clears your name, Mr. Jameson.” She said, holding her hand out.

  He passed her the flash drive and nodded, “Paige was in contact with someone in the FBI for the last couple of months, but he’s gone MIA.”

  The woman’s face grew tight and she paled. “Sal.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Sal Winchester was found murdered this morning in his bed.”

  Sebastian flinched as if he’d been slapped. “Holy shit.”

  “Arnie Glasson seems to believe you’re the ones behind the art heist. What’s the chances you’re behind Sal’s murder as well?” she questioned, giving him a hard look.

  “We didn’t steal anything or kill anyone. Paige got tied into this by this FBI guy, Sal, and she wanted out but he told her she had to bring him the proof that Arnie was in possession of the art.” He pointed at her fisted hand where the flash drive sat. “That’s the proof.”

  “I’ll get it to the right folks, but I can’t promise it will clear everything up in an instant.” Agent Fielding replied. “If you’re not guilty your best option is to turn yourselves in.”

  “I’m not letting my—woman, get put in a jail cell because of that monster. You get that to the right people and we’ll take care of ourselves.”

  She nodded as if she’d expected his answer, and then turned away. “Good luck, Mr. Jameson.”

  Sebastian headed back toward his own SUV as Agent Fielding’s pulled out onto the highway and disappeared into the darkness. He felt both lighter and heavier without the evidence in his own hands.

  Climbing back in the truck, he reached for Paige and stole a kiss.

  She shivered as she pulled back from him, “Well? How’d it go?”

  “Good I think. She took the flash drive and now we wait.”


  “I’ve been thinking about that. I don’t see why we have to hide away now. I think we should go back to your apartment and stop hiding period.”

  “Are you sure? Arnie will still be looking for us.”

  He nodded, “I hope he finds us. I’d love a chance to kick his ass.” He paused, considering his next question carefully. “Was your FBI agent’s name Sal?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “He’s dead. He was found this morning murdered.”

  Paige looked as if she’d been slapped. “Dead? Oh my god. That’s even more reason we should stay in hiding. What if Arnie finds us and tries to kill us?”

  “Short of going back to the caves, we’re out of options. I can’t take you back to the pack because we bring too much attention to them and I can’t risk our secret getting out.”

  She sighed and looked out the front window silently for several moments. “Okay, my apartment it is.”

  He gave a firm nod and then pulled out of the parking lot. “I promise, whatever happens, I’ll keep you safe, sweetheart.”


  Paige’s apartment had been ransacked. Everything inside was topsy turvy and there was police tape across the front door. Clearly the police had been here, the question was, was it trashed before they arrived or by them?

  The t
ears on Paige’s cheeks tore Sebastian’s heart to bits, but his hands were tied. Until Agent Fielding processed the information to the right people they were still in limbo. Together the pair of them began tidying up the apartment, only to freeze when a loud banging began on the front door.

  “Police! Open up!”

  Sebastian’s heart froze in his chest as he hurried to the door. This was it; they were being arrested. He should have assumed the apartment was being watched. Damn it.

  “Sebastian, don’t!” Paige yelled just as the door flew open into his chest and a large man in black forced himself into the room with a gun in his hand.

  “Get down, on the floor!” the man snapped, his face covered by a ski mask. Behind him a smaller figure entered, also wearing all black.

  Sebastian backed up until he was standing in front of Paige as a shield but he refused to go to the ground. “Who the fuck are you?”

  The second man pulled his ski mask up and with a wicked glint in his eyes, Arnie responded, “Your worst nightmare.”

  “Arnie!” Paige gasped, her hands against Sebastian’s back as he forced her backwards down the small hallway with tiny steps. “You can’t do this!”

  “I can, and I will.” Arnie replied. “You know too much about my operation. I can’t have loose ends.”

  “You’ve already sic’d the police on us…” Paige protested. “I don’t know anything that could hurt you.”

  “You do. I know you do. Why else would I have your little friend Agent Winchester killed.”

  “I knew it was you.” Sebastian hissed. “How did you go from being an art thief to a murderer?”

  “Does it really matter? I’m not the type to go into a monologue about my past deeds. I’m just here to get business done. Now, both of you on the floor.”

  “Fuck you.” Sebastian snapped. He’d positioned Paige close enough to the bedroom door that he felt confident she could reach it before bullets started flying, now he just had to make his move. With one last sharp inhale, he leapt forward at the bigger man holding the gun on them and slammed into his arm, sending him wheeling backward toward the kitchen.


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