Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection Page 136

by C. D. Gorri

  “Do you know how a mating works?” he asked with a trembling voice.

  “Yes,” she mumbled. “Please, just move…do something…I need…I need you,” she stuttered. Her cougar was coming to the surface, wanting its connection to Maverick, too. She felt her body shift slightly, and rightly so. The mating was for the both of them.

  His thrusts started slow, but increased enough that the pain she’d felt was long gone due to her fast-healing abilities. Now, all she felt was pleasure…until his hands tangled in her long, blonde hair. She knew this part was coming, and at one time had feared the pain of him pulling her back to his chest.

  However, there was no pain. Maverick tightened his fist at her scalp and pulled her to his chest. There was no warning…no time to take the next breath before he struck, sinking his canines into her neck…marking her as his mate.

  She bucked, and the storm that had been building in her body exploded into a climax unlike anything she’d ever felt. The release was met with punishing thrusts by his cock, filling her completely.

  The moment his canines came free of her flesh, her cougar took over, bucking him off. It was in their animal nature to fuck and bite and climax that way to ensure their markings and blood exchange happened.

  Sora pushed him over. He moaned when she pulled his cock back to her body, taking him inside. Her shifted eyes focused on the pulsing vein right where his neck and shoulder met. There were no words when she leaned forward and bit him, drawing only a sip of blood into her mouth, swallowing it down. Knowing that the blood not only tied her to him as a mate, but tied her to his pride.

  “Fuck, Sora,” he growled as he climaxed, pumping into her…lifting his hips to spill his seed into her body.

  There was no time for them to bask in the glow of their mating, because she felt the shift upon her. Not only was it a shift of accepting the alpha’s blood…it was the sacred shift of a mated alpha pair.

  “We must shift now, Sora,” he said, kissing her one last time before he jumped from the bed to open the door to his quarters.

  When she met him at the door, her human body shimmered, shifting into her cougar body. Maverick was at her side in an instant and they took the stairs, heading for the back door to the mansion where it was left open to keep the swinging door available to anyone who needed to run.

  Maverick nudged her animal’s hind leg, urging her to run. There was an air of happiness and playfulness coming from the alpha as she took off into the darkened forest, unafraid of anything that could be out there, because she was protected by the mate given to her by the gods.

  Chapter Twelve

  Maverick had a new sense of protection as he ran behind his mate. The feeling was much different than his love for his pride. While he would still die for them, he knew he would walk through the fires of hell to keep Sora from harm. There was nothing that could stop him.

  They ran for hours, playing and stopping to lay and rest, nuzzling each other…rubbing their furs together to combine their scents and let their animals familiarize themselves with each other. When in shifted form, you had to let them run wild. There was a balance between shifter and human, and it came naturally to those who were born that way.

  It was after midnight before they returned to their quarters. He carried her up the stairs, crossing the threshold as a mated pair. Sora slept against his chest as he bathed her, tucking her under his chin and against his chest once they finally climbed into bed.

  He watched her as she slept with her hair splayed out across his right arm and the pillow behind it. There was a need for sleep, but he couldn’t manage to close his eyes for long. As he thought about the joy in their mating, he also wondered how she would accept his offer to train her to use her alpha powers. He would wait until the newness of their mating wore off to approach the subject with her. Sora still had a home in Washington to sell and settle into her role as the alpha’s mate. There would be time for everything to come together.

  He must’ve fallen asleep, because he woke later in the morning with his mate still snuggled against his side. Her hand was resting over his heart in their sleep, and that filled him to the point he thought it would burst.

  Maverick raised her hand to his lips and kissed the back of her fingers, but she didn’t stir. She was exhausted, and rightly so. They’d mated in a frenzy the night before, and he should be sleeping beside her. Instead, he reluctantly released her, sliding from the bed. He hurried to dress and made his way downstairs where he heard the hustle of morning meal being served and enjoyed by his pride.

  The moment he walked in, everyone froze. The females began to tear up as the males stood from their seats and cheered when they saw the mating mark on his neck. Rounds of congratulations were given, and the females started preparing a celebration meal for that night. Finally, he held his hand up and motioned for his Guardian, Vance, to come forward.

  “Congrats, Alpha,” Vance said, slapping him on the back of the shoulder. “Your mate will make for a strong second alpha.”

  “She will,” he agreed. “I’d like to spend the day with her. Would you take over at the office today?”

  “Glady,” Vance replied with a nod. “Grab some food and take it to her. Care for her, and I wish you nothing but happiness.”

  “Thank you.” Maverick turned toward the pride and spoke to them all. “Please give us the day to ourselves. I’m sure your new alpha’s mate will be happy to see you all tomorrow.”

  As he held the platter of food made for him by Ella, he turned to see Sora’s grandmother standing in the doorway with tears streaming down her weathered face. “Mrs. Hudson.”

  “Oh, alpha, you’ve made me so happy,” she cried, covering her face. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted for my sweet grandchild. She’s not had an easy life, and she was right; the gods sent us here for a reason. Thank you for accepting us both.”

  “Sora will be cared for and protected the way she should’ve been her entire life,” he vowed, and bowed slightly as a sign of respect to his mate’s elder.

  “Oh, go on,” Mrs. Hudson pushed, waving her hand in front of her face to dry her tears. “Don’t mind me and my old ways. I get a little emotional at matings. Give my granddaughter my love and tell her to come see me whenever she is ready.”

  “I will,” he promised and left everyone to their meal. The connection he had to the pride through his magic was felt as the atmosphere in the house changed from calm to sheer happiness at the mating. They loved Sora, and he did, too. There was no denying it.

  She was still asleep when he returned. The sun was casting a soft ray of light over the bed where her naked body was half covered by the gray sheets. His eyes traced her back, following it down to where her ass was hidden beneath the coverings.

  “Sora,” he whispered as he climbed in the bed, kissing the top of her shoulder after moving her long hair out of the way. His cougar rumbled deep in his human throat at her scent. She smelled of him, sex, and her natural floral essence. “Wake up, my mate.”

  “Mav,” she hummed in a sleepy voice that was way too sexy to miss. He had to feed her or he would end up making love to her while the food got cold.

  “I brought you some food,” he whispered, and kissed her forehead when she rolled to her back. “Let me care for you.”

  They spent the morning feeding each other by hand. She would occasionally stroke his jawline, and he made a point to touch her full lips every chance he got. There wasn’t a time when they didn’t have their bodies touching in some sort of way.

  The heat and scent coming off of her body was too much to handle, and he set the platter on the floor and took her lips with his own after feeding her the last strawberry, tasting the sweet fruit on those lips he had come to obsess over.

  “I want to make love to you,” he begged, pushing her to her back. His mate accepted him into her body, moaning his name as he slowly thrust into her body.

  “Don’t ever stop,” she urged.

  “Never, my love…never

  Chapter Thirteen

  There was no logical human reason for Sora to fall in love with Maverick, but she wasn’t human. She was a shifter.

  Every moment since she had taken the steps up to his quarters the night before had been everything she’d ever dreamed of since she was a young woman. The only difference was that Maverick was an alpha, like her. In her youth, she only wanted to find a mate to settle down with while her father continued to rule the pride. She didn’t have any obligations besides that, because he refused to accept her alpha bloodline even though he’d been the one to pass it down to her when she was born.

  “You’re thinking too hard, Sora,” Maverick interrupted her, rubbing the spot between her eyebrows. The relaxing touch of her mate sent all of the memories away, and she leaned into his chest. “What’s wrong?”

  “Thinking,” she offered, closing her eyes. “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s something,” he corrected, pulling her away from his chest. She immediately missed the connection. “Tell me or I’ll worry.”

  “I’m thinking about how my father wouldn’t teach me how to use my powers,” she admitted. “I never thought I’d be mated to an alpha, and I surely didn’t think I would ever be in a leadership role, either.”

  “You have powers, Sora,” he reminded her. “They’re just suppressed.”

  “I don’t even know where to start.”

  Maverick sat up, moving her with him. He piled the pillows against the headboard and rested her against his chest, again. Sora found that was the place she felt most comfortable.

  “I don’t expect you to do anything you don’t want to do in regards to learning your powers. I can train you at any time,” he promised. “You still have the land in Washington to sell, and now, with our mating, we need time to bond.”

  She nodded and thought about the land halfway across the country. It was a beautiful spot, and she hoped another pride would buy it from her. Maybe a new, young alpha just starting out? She’d left the sale of the land in good hands. The realtor was shifter friendly and recommended by the lawyer who had helped her take ownership of everything that was in her father’s name.

  “I’ve left the land in good hands,” she admitted. “I hope it goes to a nice family or young shifter group.”

  “That would be ideal,” he agreed. “Until you get word on any possible offers, what would you like to do?”

  “First, I want to see my Gran,” she remembered, slapping her forehead. “She’s had to have been up for hours already. She was probably worried because I haven’t come to find her yet.”

  “Your grandmother knows. I saw her this morning. She wanted me to tell you she is extremely happy for you.”

  “Good,” she breathed. “I worry for her.”

  “I know you do, and she has made many friends already within the pride,” Maverick announced. “She is well loved and will be cared for here.”

  Sora nodded and snuggled against her mate’s chest once more, finding solace in his touch. “Can we go see the pride?”

  “We can,” he assured her. “Whenever you are ready.”

  “I need clothes and my phone,” she urged. “I should check my missed calls and emails to make sure the realtor hasn’t contacted me.”

  “Let’s shower,” he ordered, pulling her from the bed. “I want to make love to you again before we go.”

  “That sounds like a great idea,” she flirted.

  The water wasn’t even warm yet when Maverick pulled her into the large shower. The glass was clear, but she didn’t care. No one would be coming into his quarters without announcing themselves, and she was certain he’d take the head of anyone who even attempted knocking on the door the morning after their mating.

  She growled when he lifted her, thrusting into her body. His canines raked over her mating mark as his strong arm held her up. With his free hand, he used his thumb to circle her clit, causing her body to tighten. There was nothing more pleasing than the way he touched her. She’d never tire of his attention.

  “I want to mark you with my scent and seed,” he growled into her neck. “You are mine, Sora…as I am yours.”

  “Mine,” she whispered, feeling the climax build the more he thrust in time with his thumb. Her nails raked his back, marking him. She couldn’t help it. They were animals by nature, and she wanted to bite him again.

  He must’ve sensed her need, because he tilted his head to the side, offering her the bite. For an alpha to show his throat to anyone was a sign of trust and respect, and that was only reserved for their mate…their true mate.

  Her cougar urged her forward, striking the spot she’d marked the night before. His blood was hot on her tongue, and his growl of approval sent her over the edge. Throwing her head back, she called out his name as she came, begging him for as much as he was willing to give her.

  “Sora,” he growled, thrusting into her body. His hands tangled in her hair as he held her against him while he climaxed. It may have been the shortest time they’d made love since the night before, but it was still amazing.

  Maverick turned her, refusing to set her down. The water cascaded over her hair as he kissed her. His tongue was rough and his canines were sharp, but his touch was soft and loving and everything she desired. They stayed there for a long time until he finally set her down to hand over his shampoo. She let him work the suds through her hair, washing it clean.

  “We have to get going,” she reminded him.

  “You do know that a mated pair usually doesn’t come out of their mating bed for days, right?” he asked, chuckling when she poked him in the ribs.

  “Well, the alpha must tend to his pride,” she reminded him. “They will go feral without him.”

  “They won’t,” he chuckled. “At least, not today.”

  They were teasing each other, and she liked that side of him just as much as she did when he smiled or laughed. Sora made it her mission in life to make Maverick show some sort of happiness every single day.

  “But, you’re right,” he relented and turned off the water. “We should make an appearance for a bit. I’ll call down and have someone bring your clothes while you dry your hair.”

  “Thank you,” she replied and accepted a towel from him. He started to use another to dry her hair, but she shooed him away. “I can do this part.”

  He smiled and turned for the bedroom. A moment later, she heard him talking to someone on the phone. When he returned, she’d found his brush and used it to detangle her hair. She’d need some conditioner the next time they had a romp in the shower.

  “Let me,” he pleaded. She gave over the brush and was surprised at how gentle he was with her hair. “I could do this every day.”

  “I might let you,” she chuckled. “Usually, I have to use conditioner to get out the tangles.”

  He paused and frowned, “I should’ve thought of that.”

  “No, it’s okay, Mav,” she promised and turned to take the brush from his hand. “I have some in my things.”

  “I hear someone coming up the stairs,” he growled, his eyes flashing a golden color.

  “It’s just one of the females bringing my things.” She paused to listen. Sure enough, the soft footsteps arrived at the door and then the sound of a bag being placed on the ground reached her superhuman hearing. The footsteps faded and Maverick relaxed.

  “I’ll bring you your things,” he mumbled as he walked away. She smiled at his back. He was going to be very protective.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Maverick’s mood turned sour the moment Sora’s phone rang.

  “It’s the sheriff from Packwood.” She frowned and pulled the phone to her ear. “Hey, Mark. What’s going on?” She knew this male by his first name?

  Her hand automatically went to her mouth and tears built in her eyes. Maverick was on his feet and at her side in an instant. She started to shake, and he wrapped his arms around her as he used his super hearing to listen in on the call.

; “Sora, I’m so sorry. Someone vandalized your land. They set the main house on fire, and…it’s a total loss. I need you to come out here to survey the damage. The realtor has already given me the listing information so I can have pictures of the original building. You’ll need to contact the insurance company, too.”

  “Who…who would do this?” she cried, grabbing onto Maverick’s arm like it was a lifeline. He felt his cougar rise to the surface to provide protection.

  “We just don’t know yet. I hope to have answers for you by the time you get here.”

  “I’ll make plans to fly out there,” she replied, looking up into his eyes. He nodded and started making a plan for a detail team for her safety. “I’ll call you back when I know what time I will be in town.”

  She said her goodbyes and dropped the phone to the floor. “You heard all of that?”

  “I did,” he growled. “I’ll send my best Guardians with you.” She nodded, but he could tell she didn’t like it. It was uncommon for an alpha to leave his pride for any length of time, and Sora knew Maverick couldn’t go to Washington with her.

  “I won’t be gone long,” she promised. “I need to talk to Gran.”

  “Go,” he ordered.

  As soon as his mate left the room, he used his powers to call out to all of his Guardians. They were his best fighters and would care for Sora in his absence. The moment they replied, he felt their fury. They didn’t even know what his call was about, but he knew it would anger them even more when they arrived in his office.

  “Alpha?” Vance called out as he and Levi Raines entered the room. The others followed only seconds behind them.

  “Close the door and have a seat,” he ordered. “Your alpha’s mate needs you.”

  The males did as they were instructed and took the two seats in front of his desk. The others grabbed seats along the walls, and Quentin remained standing, but leaned against the door for protection. Maverick had to calm his animal and his alpha powers, or his pride would feel his emotions. It could cause them to go into a feral fury if he wasn’t careful.


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