Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection Page 142

by C. D. Gorri

  “Right there,” she cried, and he began circling the taut nub of her clit. “Ohmygod…keep doing that, and I’ll fucking explode.”

  “Yes,” he rasped, his hips now working at a frenzied pace along with his fingers. “Come all over my cock, honey. I want to be covered in your scent. Do you hear me?”

  Whimpering, she clenched her arms tighter around his neck, cheeks flushed below her hooded eyes. “Garridan…”

  Labored breaths exited his lungs as he hammered inside her warmth while beads of sweat formed along his heated skin. They dripped from his chest onto her breasts, coating her as he claimed her, and he felt the primal urge to drink from her. Drinking from another Vampyre was sacred in their culture, and it was usually only done between bonded mates. Still, the longing persisted, and he felt something well deep within. Never had he yearned to drink from a woman during sex, but with Siora…by the goddess, he craved it. He ached to feel her blood rush against his tongue as her pussy drenched his cock.

  “I’m going to come!” she cried, lips falling open as her mouth formed an “O.” “Oh…yes…fuck!”

  Her body bowed beneath him, drawing him deeper inside her body as he lunged forward. Lifting his hand from her clit, he slid both palms under her shoulders, anchoring her as he continued to ram inside. Pleasure sparked at the base of his spine as his balls tightened, and he pressed his face into her nape. Clutching her close, he felt the spasms of her orgasm choke his cock in a thousand tiny deaths. Giving into the pleasure, he let go, allowing her tight folds to jerk his release from his cock.

  Pressing against her, he moaned her name into the wet skin of her neck as he came. Thick, sticky jets of release shot into her viselike channel, coating her core as the thrill of claiming her deepest place overwhelmed him. Eliciting shouts of bliss, he purged every last drop inside her, wishing he could imprint himself upon her. Her body fit against his as if they were made for each other, and he inwardly laughed at the romantic thoughts. If Siora knew his sappy inner musings, she’d most likely jibe him for it for centuries.

  Quakes and shudders wracked his frame until he settled into her, resting his weight on his side so he didn’t crush her. Sprawled half-atop her luscious body, he sank into her as she sighed below.

  They were tangled together, sweaty and sated, and he nuzzled her as his fingers sifted through her soft, short hair. He knew she wore it that way so she wouldn’t have to mess with it during training. It showcased her prominent cheekbones and stunning eyes, which was probably why he caught himself staring at her more often than he should. How could she think Celine was more beautiful? By the goddess, he loved Siora’s pretty face and strong features. And her body? It was smooth and powerful, with slight curves in all the right places. To him, she represented true beauty, someone who fought for their people while remaining true to herself. In his eyes, there was nothing more noble.

  “You’re quiet,” she said, running her nails over his back as he shivered. “You’re never quiet. Shouldn’t you be scolding me? Do you have the urge to point out any tells in my lovemaking?”

  Chuckling, he kissed her neck before resting his head on his fist as his elbow dug into the mat. “No complaints here. You were perfect.”

  Her fangs rested atop her bottom lip as she smiled, making her look adorable—so much softer than she appeared on the field. By the goddess, he wanted to see her like this every day, relaxed and sexy and open.

  “I did not expect that to happen during our training session. I’d apologize, but I think you actually made the first move.”

  “Why would you apologize for having fantastic sex?” Tracking his finger across her jaw, he regarded her. “Let’s do it again next training session.”

  Joy entered her gaze before she squelched it. “Garridan,” she said softly.

  “Don’t,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss her. “Don’t take us to the place where we have some serious discussion about whether this was a mistake or not.”

  “It was.”

  “Fine,” he said, playfully rolling his eyes, “so what if it was? Did you enjoy it?”

  “Um, yes,” she said, her expression one of mock exasperation.

  “Me too. So let’s do it again. We have a huge battle before us, and it can’t hurt to enjoy ourselves while we work off some steam. I think it will take several more sessions for you to fully let go of your tell. We’ll practice each night, and then we’ll have sex afterward. It only seems fair.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  Laughing, she shook her head. “I’m not sure I see the logic, but, hey, you’re right about our impending battle. If we’re going to die, I’d like to have some magnificent sex before I bite the bullet.”

  “Exactly.” Winking, he smoothed his palm over her shoulder. “No labels, and no serious conversations. We can do all that after the battle, if we both survive.”

  Her eyes narrowed as she studied him. “I thought you were going to ask Celine to bond with you. The rumor is public knowledge at this point.”

  Sighing, he shook his head. “My father wants me to marry an aristocrat even though I’ve told him I have no desire to do so. Celine is a lovely woman, but I don’t want an aristocratic life. I enjoy the army and protecting our people.”

  “That’s what I want too. I love being a soldier. It’s about time you Neanderthals let us join you.”

  Feeling his lips curve, his eyes roved her flushed features. “You’ve taught me a lot. I thought I was so progressive, but I guess you can’t see what you’ve never experienced.”

  “When I first joined, I couldn’t understand why you were so hard on me. I wanted so badly to do well, and I felt like you singled me out.”

  “I saw your potential from the first day,” he murmured, running the backs of his fingers over her cheek. “I knew if I pushed you, you would get better. You might’ve decided you hate me, but you’d get better.”

  Her fangs toyed with her lip, causing his shaft to jerk inside her. “I pretty much detested you,” she teased. “I was too stubborn to see you were trying to help. And you kept calling us ‘men,’ which really pissed me off.”

  “I’m a creature of habit,” he said, lifting his shoulder. “I’ve done better lately, right?”

  Nodding, she ran her leg over his hairy one. “You have. I’ll try to turn my disdain to something more palatable. Keep fucking me like that, and I’m sure it will happen.”

  “Mission accepted,” he murmured, giving her a peck on the lips. Sighing, he brushed a tuft of hair from her forehead. “I guess we should call it a night.”

  “Yeah. I want to hang with my dad for a bit before he goes to sleep. We usually have dinner together, but he sees the benefit of my training sessions with you.”

  “I’d like to meet him one day.”

  Those stunning eyes widened. “That’s definitely moving into ‘serious’ territory. My dad is my rock. I don’t bring home random dudes to meet him.”

  The challenge swelled in Garridan’s chest, and he felt the consuming urge to meet it. One day, he would earn Siora’s trust and meet her father. It was a lofty goal for someone as private and guarded as she, and he vowed to make it happen. For now, he gave her a soft smile and arched an eyebrow.

  “I’m pretty sure it’s insubordination to call your commanding officer a ‘random dude,’ but I’ll let it slide.”

  Their chuckles filled the room before he helped her to her feet. Once dressed, he drove her home. When they approached the tiny house, he offered to walk her inside, but she declined.

  “We’re not formal out here on the farm, Garridan,” she said, exiting the vehicle and closing the door. “I don’t need the red carpet. Thanks for the training, and for…well…thanks.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said softly, giving her an informal salute. “See you in the morning.”

  “See you in the morning.” With a wave, she turned to walk up the wooden steps, and he put the car into gear to head home, not giving a damn he wore a perma-grin the entire way.
  Chapter Seven

  Siora threw herself into training, reminding herself that although it was exhausting, she would have plenty of time to rest after they defeated Bakari. For now, she focused on conditioning her body and mind to excel. She still got up early each day for her solo conditioning, spent several hours on the field, and ended each day with her sessions with Garridan. Most nights, she fell into bed after kissing her father on his bearded cheek and apologizing for not spending more time with him. He would gaze at her with his gentle eyes and tell her how proud he was, which made all the hard work worth it.

  Each day on the field, Siora did her best to ensure no one suspected her relationship with Garridan had turned sexual. He treated her the same, still calling her out slightly more than the other soldiers and maintaining it was because he saw her potential. She did her best not to slip into her old pattern of bristling at his coaching, although she sometimes failed. It was on those evenings, after she lost her cool and became frustrated with him on the training field, they ended up having the hottest sex. So, she guessed it wasn’t a total failure since it led to such an enjoyable outcome.

  “What are you thinking about?” Garridan murmured in her ear, coming to stand behind her as she sipped water on the outer edge of the training field. “You have a shit-eating grin on your face.”

  Gazing up at him, she almost melted at the desire simmering in his eyes. “I was remembering last night when you punished me for losing my cool on the field yesterday.”

  His nostrils flared as he emitted an almost imperceptible growl. “I loved bending you over and taking you from behind.” His gaze trailed to her breasts, hidden beneath her loose tank top and sports bra. “But taking you from the front is also very enjoyable.”

  Breathing a laugh, she glanced around the field. “Careful, General. People might begin to suspect something. We can’t have that.”

  He was silent, causing her to stare up at him. He wore an unreadable expression, and it caused nervous butterflies to flit in her stomach.


  “Right. Don’t want anyone to know about our undefined, clandestine affair. Got it.”

  Latimus summoned them from across the field, and she set her container on the table.

  “I think Latimus wants me on the obstacle course.”

  “I’m working with Cian’s group on deploying the new TECs today,” he said with a nod. “See you after training. I stocked some Slayer blood in the fridge at the training center, so we can have that before we spar tonight.”

  “Okay,” she said, swallowing thickly as she wondered if she’d somehow upset him. “See you later.”

  As she jogged to the obstacle course and began the grueling exercise, she couldn’t stop her mind from wondering about Garridan’s reaction. They’d only been having sex for a few days. It was a casual fling to work off some steam…wasn’t it? It wasn’t as if they had any sort of a future together once the conflict with Bakari was over. Garridan would most likely assume a high-ranking role in their army while Siora hopefully became head of security at Lynia. Garridan’s role would span the entire kingdom, so he’d most likely be stationed at one of the more prominent compounds, while Siora had no desire to live anywhere but Lynia. Her father lived there, and she would always choose to live nearby so he wouldn’t be alone.

  Although Garridan claimed to have no desire to bond with an aristocrat, it was very unlikely he would consider bonding with her. The scandal of a high-ranking Valerian aristocrat of Garridan’s prominence bonding with the daughter of a Lynian farmer would send shock waves through Valerian society. Although the kingdom had evolved from the strictest adherences to tradition since Miranda became queen, there were limits to the progressiveness. Hell, Garridan’s parents would most likely disown him if they knew he’d even touched a poor farmer’s daughter from Lynia.

  Still, knowing all that, Siora wouldn’t lie to herself. As she maneuvered her body across the obstacle course, daydreams flashed through her mind. Ones of her and Garridan working together to secure the kingdom by day and heading home together at night. To a shared home where her father was waiting and tiny Vampyres with Garridan’s amber eyes and thick brown hair ran to them with open arms. In her vision, she embraced the tots before settling in for dinner and eventual sleep. Then, once the house was quiet, he would hold her as they recounted stories from their day before making passionate love and falling asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

  “What the fucking hell?” she muttered to herself, grunting as she scaled the rock wall that lined the obstacle course. “Ditch the daydreams, Cinderella.”

  “You talking to yourself, Siora?” Radomir chided as he climbed beside her. “Keep it up so I can kick your ass.”

  “In your dreams, buddy,” was her confident reply before she high-tailed it over the summit and scaled down the opposite side. Once on the ground, she disengaged from the rope and wiped the dirt from her hands.

  “Damn, you’re fast,” Radomir said, landing beside her and unclasping the hook that held his rope. “It’s a good reminder not to jibe you. Just makes you more likely to beat me.” He tapped his temple before pivoting and heading toward the cooler that held fresh canisters of water.

  “Get your fucking mind out of la-la land, Siora,” she scolded, kicking the dirt with the toe of her boot. Fantasizing about any sort of future with Garridan was futile and an extreme waste of time. They were just fucking, and when their one-on-one sessions were over, their trysts would end too. The thought flooded her with a thousand tiny prickles of sadness, but she lifted her chin, determined to push them away.

  And when in the hell had she started visualizing having children? For the goddess’s sake, she’d never dreamed of having kids with anyone. She wasn’t opposed, necessarily. It just didn’t seem like something one did when their primary goal was to excel as a soldier. If she chose that path, she would need a partner who understood her desire to balance her military career and motherhood, which was extremely hard to find in a society where women had only recently obtained the ability to join the army.

  But Garridan would understand…

  The words floated through her brain before she could stop them, and she waved her hand, somehow attempting to shoo them away although it was pointless. They lingered deep within, forcing Siora to acknowledge they were true. Garridan was perhaps one of the only men on the planet who would support her military aspirations and wish for her to succeed. He was invested in ensuring it happened, and there was a nobility in that, which made the complex emotions she experienced around him even more confusing.

  “Great job, Siora,” Latimus said, approaching. “You were the fastest on all the obstacle course challenges today. I’m excited to announce it to the entire regime later.”

  Pride swelled within that her early-morning conditioning exercises were paying off. “Thank you, Commander. I want to do well so I can lead a battalion when we face Bakari.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that,” he said, tilting his head. “You and Garridan have been getting along in your one-on-one sessions, right?”

  If he only knew. “Yep,” she said, feeling like a dolt at the overly cheerful tone of her voice. Keep it cool, Siora. Good grief. “I’ve learned so much from him. He’s extremely skilled at one-on-one combat.”

  “Good. I’ve been thinking about the battle, and I want you two to team up and lead three battalions. He will be commanding officer, but you’ll be second-in-command. If all goes well, it’s a natural step toward your progression in the army. Afterward, if we win—”

  “When we win,” she said, lifting a finger.

  “When we win,” he said with a grin, “I’ll speak to Commander Kenden and nominate you for head of security at Lynia. After co-leading a successful mission with Garridan, it should be a no-brainer.”

  Elation bloomed in her chest, and she couldn’t contain her smile. “That would be amazing. I’ll lead the troops with everything I have and will work with General Garrida
n to ensure we remain as safe as possible while kicking Bakari’s ass.”

  “Excellent. In the meantime, keep it up on the obstacle courses and in the training sessions. Cian and Radomir still have the edge on you in sparring history. Hopefully, you’ll close the gap as you learn to hide your tells.”

  “I will.” Straightening, she puffed out her chest. “I’m determined to even the score, believe me.”

  Chuckling, he cupped her shoulder. “I have no doubt you will. Speaking of, it’s time for the afternoon group sparring sessions. You ready?”

  Vowing to kick Cian and Radomir’s asses no matter how much energy it took, she gave a firm nod. “Ready.”

  Turning, they headed toward the open meadow, excitement coursing through Siora’s veins as she digested the commander’s praise.

  Chapter Eight

  That evening, about an hour into their session, Garridan held up a hand as his full lips formed a smile. “By the goddess, I think we’ve done it,” he said, his words slightly breathless from their exertion.

  “Done what?” she asked, straightening from her crouch.

  “Fixed your tell. You haven’t dropped your hip once today. Well done.”

  Elation coursed through her. “Sweet. I was hoping I was getting better. It took about a week. Not bad.” She patted herself on the back.

  Chuckling, he stepped closer and placed his palm over the juncture between her neck and shoulder. “I’m proud of you. I hope that doesn’t sound placating or pompous. In the past, I’d probably be afraid to tell you I was proud of you because you’d tell me to shove it.”

  She gave a playful eye roll. “I wasn’t that bad.”

  “Okay,” he mocked, scrunching his features.

  “It’s just different when you’re different,” she said, shrugging. “When you’re a woman, and a man in a superior position says he’s proud, it indicates surprise. You know, like he had no expectation you could do it in the first place.”


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