Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection Page 154

by C. D. Gorri

  When they’d arrived in the other realm he’d sucked in a heated breath. The place was hot, but he was a dragon, so it hadn’t bothered him. He’d expected it to be desolate, but it was far from what he’d anticipated. He didn’t plan to return to Hell. When his time came to meet his maker, he prayed he went to the other side. Fuck all if that hadn’t been the weirdest, scariest shit he’d seen. He was sure he was facing his own death. The things he’d witnessed, he was sure would have the power to turn his stomach for years to come. The hard part was figuring out how to tell his parents, since he wasn’t sure if hiding the truth was possible. Nadim. Just the name of his twin made his lips turn up into an involuntary snarl.

  Creed, that big red bastard, was an ally he was glad to have. He and the son of Satan might’ve been friendish, if they’d have met any other time or place. The things he’d witnessed in the Hell Realm though made a first meeting strange to say the least. Nikai had to admit, Creed was good at breaking the ice. Or rather heating shit up.

  He owed the Fey Queen and his Belle a thanks since they’d asked the other males not to kill his dragons. Which of course was the reason Creed had spit out Jak’s wing. Lula had asked if dragons regenerated body parts. The answer was hard since it depended on the dragon. Dragons could regenerate limbs, and others had to have their limbs reattached. He, unfortunately, had to help several of his elite dragons by using his magic to reattach limbs. But if a dragon waited too long, even the strongest dragon could die or lose the limb. So the answer was yes and no.

  The males waiting for him had their eyes downcast, trying to avoid him. Yeah, they were lucky to be alive, because he felt like roasting them all with a single roar.

  “Hamo and Stiye, you two will help Jak back. I want every one of you in the training arena tomorrow morning at suns up.” He took to the air, flying ahead. His dragon was much larger and faster than the others. With his second gone, none of the others could keep up with the pace he set, yet he expected them to do their damndest. If they were left in Lord Mkikoa’s lands, he’d kill them when he made his sweep. He’d given Nikai approval to come there, but he wouldn’t tolerate any of the dragon guards to stay and ‘loiter’, as the other man called it.

  Chapter Five

  Nikai paced his master suite, not seeing the large space before him. He wondered for the hundredth time how his brother could’ve fooled him for so long. Sure, Nadim was a master manipulator, but Nikai never thought he would’ve been a damn idiot who fell for Nadim’s treachery. “Oh, but I was, dammit.”

  He slammed his fist against the stone wall. A satisfying crunch of bones echoing around him heralded the breaking of several bones. Minutes later, he grunted when the wounds healed. At least the injury gave him a second to wallow in his own pity.

  “What has put you in this foul mood, son?”

  He spun toward the entrance, shocked to hear his father’s booming voice. “What are you doing here?” Nikai asked, ignoring the question, and asking his own. He strode across the space, pulling his father into an embrace that would’ve been bone breaking if the old King wasn’t almost as large as Nikai.

  “Is this not still our home?” King Nadir lifted one dark brow.

  “Everything is still yours and mother’s. I just rule it with an iron fist.” Nikai held up his healed hand, wishing the damn thing was as mangled as his heart.

  Taking a step back, he looked his father up and down, trying to gauge why he’d returned. Both his parents had found a sense of belonging with Tanith and her husband on the other side of their realm. Nikai had made several trips to ensure they were safe and happy, although he’d have gladly killed the entire clan of dragons had they fucked with his blood.

  “I am only teasing you, son. You know your mother isn’t willing to move back here. That is unless, of course, you’ve got a house of little dragonlings for her to fuss over. Even then, I’m not sure she’d want to leave your sister.” His father shook his head, but his smile belied the fact they were happy right where they were.

  Nikai didn’t know how to break the news of Nadim’s betrayal to his father, nor the fact they had a grandchild who’d been taken away from all of them. Fuck, he’d been back home for over a week and still hadn’t come to grips with the knowledge. Nor had he gotten over losing his Belle for the second time. He’d thought knowing where she was would ease the ache. He’d been wrong, so damn wrong.

  “Nikai, what is it?” His father asked, placing one hand on his shoulder, the other over Nikai’s heart.

  Having the King as a father when he’d been young was a blessing and a curse. He and Nadim were wild, yet their mother told them they needed to set an example for their kingdom. Nikai took her dictate to heart, his brother laughed and did the opposite. By the time he’d been three summers, his dragon had already appeared, and he’d been huge. Nadim was angry that his own dragon didn’t come out, and until then, he and Nadim never fought. Thinking back to that time, he understood what it cost his parents to watch them fight. His father was fierce as a leader and had been a great King, but he’d been an amazing father. Standing in front of his father, King Nadir, he fought the insane urge to blurt what had happened.

  “Father—I have news, and I’m not sure where to start.” Nikai looked away. His eyes caught on a portrait of two black dragons and a much smaller dragon from when they’d been children. Dragonlings in flight his mother called it.

  “You can tell me anything.”

  Nikai moved to the painting, tracing the image of him and his twin with one finger. His gut twisted at all the loss they’d suffered.

  “Nadim lied,” he spat. Fuck, he spent the last week coming to terms with the treachery that was his twin. He had loved and hated the bastard in equal measure, yet when they’d been younger, he’d been sure they’d grow old flying side-by-side. How would his father feel, hearing his own son was literally burning in the deepest pits of Hell?

  “They say it’s best to just spit it out,” his father said.

  Nikai nearly choked as he remembered the demon Creed doing that with Jak’s wing. Luckily, they’d reattached the appendage. After a touch from Nikai gave him the burst of magic to start the healing, the other dragon was nearly good as new. “Well, whoever says that don’t know shit.”

  “This is true, but why don’t you tell me what’s weighing on your shoulders and let me see if I can help. Besides, a burden shared isn’t so heavy to carry.” His father came to stand next to him by the painting. “Your sister sure was a beautiful dragon.”

  He inhaled deeply, wondering what his father would think of Lula. He pictured Belle when she was in her dragon form, both females fucking beautiful. Pride made his chest swell as he remembered the way Belle fought Gaiston in battle. His lips lifted in a snarl, wishing he could go and kill the other dragon again, making his death even more painful after nearly killing his mate.

  “I have a daughter.” He didn’t face his father in the ensuing silence.

  His father turned toward him, his eyes going wide.

  “Who is the mother?”

  “Belle of course.” He was appalled his father even thought to question who it could be. A dragon didn’t mate with just any female, otherwise their realm would be overpopulated.

  “Nikai, how is this possible? She left our lands thousands of years ago. I would think you’d have known...” His father trailed off.

  “Nadim pretended to be me the day she left. Remember the day Lord Mkikoa came here? He went to her as me. The veil between worlds was thin, and Nadim somehow found out she was pregnant. He told her to get rid of the child like the vile bastard he was. Sorry father.” Nikai took a breath, knowing no parent wanted to hear their child was the worst of the worst.

  “He was your brother. How could he do such a thing?” King Nadir gripped the mantel with one hand, staring at the painting.

  “He was a vile bastard. I think he’d hoped she’d have gotten rid of our child knowing it would kill me, especially if he would be the one to break the
news to me. But my Belle wasn’t willing to do such a horrible thing. She’d seen where Mkikoa had left and slipped out the same way shortly after he did. She chose our child’s life over—well obviously over me and the choice she’d been given. Nadim lay dying and never would’ve told me if he’d have thought I had a chance of finding them. Not once in all the time I’d grieved her loss, searched for her—and he knew she’d been pregnant, did he ever tell any of us. Why?” Nikai growled.

  “He was jealous of you. I understand a little better than you as I can see from someone looking in at the two of you. If only he would’ve tried harder in the beginning when you were both young. You two were meant to rule together. By the time you were five, it became clear that wasn’t a possibility. I—your mother and I overcompensated Nadim for his lack of ability by giving him more attention. He never showed it bothered him that you were to be King. Not every male is born to rule. You know that. Hell, this realm is full of males who are not Kings. Nadim appeared to relish the fact he didn’t have to conform the way you did, but he had all the prestige of the royal house.”

  “You and mother were wonderful to all of us. I don’t blame either of you for how we were raised,” Nikai tried to reassure him.

  His father gave a nod. “He wasn’t the perfect son, Nikai. Hell, I wouldn’t have sworn he wasn’t above committing a minor crime, but to tell your female to get rid of a child, your child?”

  “Nadim was a male who didn’t think rules were meant for him.” The bastard thought he was above everyone else, even the King and Queen.

  His father walked over to one of the chairs flanking the large window and sat, sighing heavily. There was no way Nikai could tell him that Nadim was rotting in Hell. Fuck, no parent wanted to hear their flesh and blood was so damn evil they’d gone to the worst place for eternity.

  “Where are they now, Belle and your daughter?”

  He took a deep breath, figuring it was best to say it and be done. “Lula. That’s my daughter’s name. She’s mated to twin bear shifters and lives on Earth. However, I’m sure they travel to the Fey Realm.” At his father’s raised brows, he continued. “Belle found sanctuary there when she fled from here. She and the Fey Queen are very close.” He held up his hand to stall his father’s words. “Jennaveve is the Fey Queen, and she’s mated to twin males as well. I did not meet them, but I sensed them within her. Father, the males I met with Belle and Lula, they were, for lack of better terms, very different.”

  “What do you mean, different? We are dragons, different means nothing to us. Why did you not capture the females and bring them back with you?” King Nadir may not be the ruling male any longer, but he was still a force to be reckoned with. As he snarled the words, smoke wafted from his nostrils.

  “Trust me, I wanted to do just that, but I liked my head and other body parts right where they belong.” Nikai would explain how his second lost his head later.

  “Are you saying you’re afraid of a couple of females and males who are not dragons? What kind of Dragon King are you, son?” His father paced away from him, spinning back to face Nikai. “Your daughter, is she like you or—”

  And there it was, his father asking what Belle feared the most. Nikai ignored his father’s first words because he was most assuredly not scared of Belle or his daughter, let alone the males they’d brought with. “She’s every bit as gorgeous as her mother, only her pink dragon appeared a little lighter than Belle’s. I must tell you, they both are fierce and huge. Much larger than any female dragon I’ve ever seen, and even bigger than many of our males.”

  King Nadir nodded. “I always thought Belle was a stunning female, especially when she shifted. I can remember a time when the pink dragons were revered. When it became not so, I’m not sure.”

  Nikai stopped pacing, jerking back like he’d been slapped. “What?”

  His father nodded. “Oh yes, thousands of years ago, there were pink dragons. The lighter their scales, the more powerful the dragon. They were very rare and coveted by every kingdom. And then one day, they were gone. Nobody knows what happened to them, or so I was led to believe. I was a young dragonling, you understand. The pink dragons would fly with the most elite dragon guards, their size and unparalleled powers made them the perfect leaders. When they battled, their scales turned a fiery pink, almost red. Their flames burned hotter than any other, even the kings. Now that was a sight to behold. You didn’t want to piss off a pink dragon. As I got older, they’d become a fable, something that was more myth than truth until Belle came along. Many of the elders were frightened of the young female until she and her family came to live within our Kingdom. She never showed any signs of being a battle dragon. But I know what I saw when I was young. From what you’re describing, Belle and your daughter are both exactly what has been thought to be extinct.”

  “Where would I find stories of the pink dragons, father?” Nikai asked, his heart hammering against his ribs. If he could get answers regarding the pink dragons’ origins, he’d have a reason to go to Belle.

  “When are they coming home?” his father asked instead of answering.

  Nikai laughed as he thought of the young female with her two males. “I don’t think Lula will ever be coming here.” Saying the words was like a physical blow to his already bruised heart.

  “That’s ridiculous. She’s an heir to the throne.” His father puffed his chest out. The regal male was affronted that anyone wouldn’t covet their world.

  “Yes, but she wasn’t brought up to love all things dragon. In fact, I have a feeling she hates anything related to us except her mother. Besides, she has two mates. Bear shifters who are much more than average shifters.” Envy was a bitter pill to swallow.

  His father stood and began pacing the length of the room. “We must bring them here. Let them see how wonderful our world is, and they’ll realize what being a dragon means. Your Lula will find a mate amongst our elite males. These bears, what can they offer her?”

  Nikai let out a sigh, wishing what his father suggested was easy. “She’s with child, father. Besides, I will not interfere in her happiness with her and the males she chose. I...I find I already love her. How is that possible?”

  “Ah, that is the way it is with a parent, my son. I fell in love with you boys when I found out you were in your mother’s womb. The moment I scented the change in her, you boys had a piece of my heart. There was no thought of shame as I fell to my knees and laid my hand on her stomach. I felt life within her that we’d created with our love and knew I’d kill for my young. Shortly after that first moment of recognition, I heard you and your brother’s heartbeats. Life was fuller for us knowing we created two of you. I spoke to you both daily, reassuring both dragonlings I’d love you equally.” His dad’s eyes were shiny with unshed tears.

  Nikai exhaled, knowing he’d done the right thing by not telling his father about Nadim and his place in Hell. “I wish I could’ve known what that was like with my Belle and Lula. If I’d have had the chance…I think I would’ve spoke to her as well.”

  Nadim robbed him of that and so much more. Sure, Belle left with his child inside her, keeping both hidden for all this time, but she’d done it thinking he didn’t want a child with her. Fuck, he’d screwed things up by pushing her away. He froze, the past mistake and his most recent one slamming into him like the force of a dragon on a mission. Nikai let her leave him in the clearing without a fight, again.

  “I shall not let her go this time, father. I won’t allow any being to treat her with anything other than respect. Not only because she’s to be my queen, but also because she’s a female of worth. If I hear so much as a whisper about her pink scales not being good enough, I’ll decimate the dragon and their entire line. Father—her tears turn into jewels. I don’t know if that was what the pink dragons before could do, but she’s a dragon worthy of any male, regardless. I love Belle, and if she’ll forgive me, I would be the luckiest dragon to have ever lived. I’ll do whatever I have to do in order to gain her
trust and, Goddess willing, her love.” Hell, he’d give up his kingdom if that’s what she demanded.

  “You saw her shed tears that turned to gems, Nikai?” his father asked in a low tone.

  Nikai nodded.

  “Son, this changes everything. We need to get the elders together. Belle and her daughter must be protected at all costs. If it is found out…their lives and that of all they care about could be in grave danger.”

  “Absolutely not. This stays between us. I will not have Belle or my daughter’s life scrutinized or made into something they do not wish. My mate, my choice, or rather her choice. If and when Belle comes here, we’ll decide together what we’ll do. The elders didn’t lift a claw to help her even knowing there were fables regarding dragons like her. For now, I want nobody but you and I aware of what she and Lula can do. Give me your word, father.” Nikai pressed his fist against his chest, making a cut until a ruby drop of blood swelled. He waited for his father to do the same. A blood oath backed by his father’s word was binding.

  His father nodded, repeating the action, and giving Nikai his word. A swell of power engulfed them, sealing their deal. For now, Belle and Lula’s secret was safe.

  Belle rolled her shoulders, shaking off the vestiges of sleep. Goodness, how long had she slept? A day, a week? She got to her feet, crinkling her toes through the soft rug covering the stone floor of her bedroom. With a glance outside the window, she squinted toward the two suns high in the sky. A clear sign a new day was beginning, but she could hardly remember closing her eyes the night before, or was it two nights ago?

  She inhaled the fresh breeze coming in through the open window, halting when she realized how odd it was to see sunlight blinding her. At night, she always shut the windows and sealed the curtains across them to keep the light from filtering in and waking her too early. She loved the residents on Fey, but lord love a duck, she enjoyed sleeping in. To accomplish such a task, she had to follow a couple of hard and fast rules in order to keep the noise from the early risers out. Shutting her windows and closing the curtains usually accomplished the task, and the Fey knew not to disturb her if they were shut.


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