Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection Page 156

by C. D. Gorri

  “I need you to listen very carefully to what I’m about to say. Are you listening to me?” Belle shook the smaller female.

  “What can you say that will change the reality of what I just learned, Belle?”

  With her hands gripping the other woman’s arms, she stared down into her friend’s eyes. “People are always saying how wonderful it is to be a survivor. They spout shit about it on Earth and say how amazing so and so is. All because they didn’t die after something terrible happened to them. And yes, you and Egypt are survivors. I’m a survivor. But you know what? We survived not because we’re survivors, but because we’re damaged. Beautifully damaged. I’d rather be here with my friends and family I chose, who chose me back. Even though we’re all fucked up in our own ways, we are so much better than a bunch of stick up their asses, perfect dragons, who wouldn’t know a truth if it slapped them in the face.”

  “Goddess, you are so wise. Me too. Oh, Belle, I wish...I wish I could remember.” Asia leaned forward, burying her face against Belle’s chest.

  She knew what the other woman wished, and if she could, she’d unearth what was hidden within her mind.

  “Why is my mom crying?”

  Belle sent soothing healing through Asia, knowing she needed it. “Your mother is cleansing her soul, child. Come, let’s go for a walk. I think we all need some fresh air.”

  In all the time they’d been on Fey, she’d never exerted her power of persuasion over the duo, allowing them to decide for themselves what and when they did things. However, there was a sense of urgency bombarding her. Egypt wasn’t just a non-shifting panther child. The bastard who took Asia had a plan. As she delved within both females, fixing what she could, she was utterly stunned at what she found. Asia had already been pregnant with Egypt when she’d come to America. The vampire had known exactly who and what the teenager had been. Belle had tried to figure out why the teen had seemed so familiar to her, yet she’d been totally blind to the truth. Now, she needed to get the pair healed and calm, so she could speak with Jenna and get more protection on Fey. Fuck, she hadn’t realized how Asia was blocking her from a memory, one even she had tried to forget. No, the younger woman was never a whore. Belle never thought for a moment that Asia had been. She’d come to America, not on a family vacation like her mind had told her, but as a shifter blood supply to a vampire clan, against her will.

  Asia was running for her life and that of her unborn cub when Kenneth the bloodsucking fucktwit stumbled upon her. A cub that wasn’t just a panther, but a royal dragon as well. How had Asia found a dragon to mate? A dragon from the same bloodline as Nikai? She breathed a sigh of relief that the male dragon wasn’t Nadim since he was evil to his core. Whoever the dragon had been, she only sensed goodness and light.

  Chapter Six

  Nikai jerked backward, his first thought was to trace to where he felt Belle and the part of him within her. He opened a small link between them, using immense power to keep her from knowing he was checking in on her. He admired the bright glen they were in, comparing it to the beauty that was his realm. The Fey Realm was clearly a very lush world, and one he’d never visited. He wondered if Belle or the Fey Queen had done something to ensure he kept from trying to enter. More than likely the answer was yes.

  His concentration was focused solely on his gorgeous mate, otherwise he’d have been prepared for the slam of recognition that hit him, reminding him of his childhood. The sweet scent of family and youth.

  “Belle, can you give me magic powers so I can fly like you?”

  His attention jerked to the side, focusing on the tiny sprite of a child who appeared almost waif like. Her long, dark hair falling down her back reminded him of his sister when she’d been a young dragonling. He held his breath, waiting for her to turn and face his mate. His dragon went still within him.

  How was it, that a young girl who scented of his sister, and resembled his sister, yet wasn’t his sister, was in the realm with his mate?

  “Our mate did not take our kin with her,” his dragon rumbled.

  Nikai didn’t bother to speak back to the beast, already knowing she’d never have done such a thing.

  “Egypt, I cannot give you magic to fly on your own, but I can take you flying with me if your mother says it’s okay.”

  His mate’s gentle voice rolled over him like silk fingers, sending shivers down his spine. He held still, holding the link with a vice like grip.

  “Maybe later. Belle just woke up after days of sleeping off what would’ve killed most beings. How about you and I go back inside and let our fearless friend get some more rest?”

  “Ah, do we gotta?”

  The sense of urgency to get where the three females were had him breaking the connection. He turned to face his father, a lie on the tip of his tongue. He sealed his lips, taking a moment to process what he’d witnessed.

  “I need to go to Belle,” he blurted. Fuck, if he kept this shit up, he’d become a bumbling fool. One not worthy of the title of King. A King did not blurt. Ever.

  “Nikai, calm yourself and tell me what you saw. I know you connected with your Belle, so tell me what it is that has you ready to rush to her side posthaste.”

  He contemplated ignoring his father’s demand and flashing to where Belle was, knowing the other male wouldn’t be able to follow him, but he was the King, and as such, he didn’t run. “Belle is with two females. A mother and a child. The mother is a cat shifter of some sort. She appears to be injured, but Belle is healing her. I don’t know. I could sense Belle’s healing around them both. The girl, she wasn’t fully grown, a teen maybe—she’s a hybrid, father. She’s part dragon.”

  Nikai took a deep breath, watching his father absorb his words before he continued. “From behind, I would’ve sworn she was Tanith as a young dragonling. Even her voice reminded me of Tanith when she’d been younger. I can remember how she’d tease Nadim and I, then run off laughing. Her long hair always flowed behind her like a midnight curtain. This girl, she too has hair black as pitch or appeared that way through Belle’s vision, and...she has the scent of our family.”

  His father went still, his eyes slitted to that of his dragon. Nikai felt the other male within his mind, relaxing as he shared the memory in detail. It wasn’t that his father didn’t believe Nikai, but he would also want to experience what he had.

  “How can this be? Who is the father?” the old king asked.

  The only male he could come up with was such an abomination he feared saying it out loud. No way in hell could his twin have fathered a child with a shifter from Earth. Hell, his brother had been dead for far longer than what the girl had been alive.

  “I think you should sit down, son.”

  Never did a conversation go well when you were asked to sit first. “I would rather stand, if you don’t mind, Father.”

  As he stood there, stunned into silence while he listened to his father explain about his sister’s son Jabari’s kidnapping years ago. He seethed; angry they’d kept such knowledge from him.

  “Why did you not come to me? I would’ve searched to the ends of every realm for him. She must be devasted by his loss.” His sweet sister surely would have wanted him to look for the boy.

  “It was after Nadim’s death and she had just delivered your niece, Zahur. The realm was in chaos after The Veil almost collapsed thanks to Nadim’s treachery.” He sighed and looked away. “I exiled Nadim when I’d found out he was responsible for the breakdown of The Veil. He’d been dabbling in magic that was not meant to be played with, not by us or anyone who wished to stay sane. Your nephew, he was young and looked up to you. Nadim hated that and would be harsh in his treatment to the boy. Like with your Belle, I fear he was able to trick Jabari. Nikai, we believe Nadim had something to do with Jabari’s disappearance as well.”

  Nikai recoiled in shock. He had no clue their father had done any such thing to the bastard. “Why am I just now hearing this? This is my Kingdom. I’m the Dragon King and should’
ve been made aware of such treachery by my own blood, not to mention why The Veil was breaking down. Do you know how many dragons’ lives were lost thanks to him?” Of course, he also should’ve realized the boy was gone. He should’ve known his sister was hurting from the loss of one of her children. Not only was he a bad mate, no terrible mate and awful father, he was not a good uncle.

  His anger lashed out like a blast, forcing his father onto his knees. Nikai pulled back a little, giving the other male room to breathe. “Answer me,” he yelled.

  “He was your twin, your brother. I didn’t want to sever that bond between brothers. We told him he was to leave the Dragon Realm and never return until he made amends. A week later, Jabari was gone without a trace. He was a smart young man. He would never have up and left without a very good reason, and the only thing we could come up with was Nadim.”

  Nikai looked up at the ceiling and pictured the bastard rotting in Hell. A scream ripped from his throat. The things he’d witnessed in Creed’s realm were horrendous. Beings sent there suffered days and nights, worse than any they’d ever visited on their worst enemy. Not that he felt an ounce of pity for his brother.

  “This female and her child, they must know where Jabari is.” King Nadir didn’t beg but Nikai could hear the tremor of hope within his entreaty.

  His father’s words brought his head back down, flames dancing all around them both. “The mother and girl were taken by a vampire who had bartered for them. I think your son, sold our nephew to a den of vampires as a blood slave. I think Jabari mated with the female as a truemate, Father. If she and the child are alive, and away from him, I’d say it’s safe to say he’s dead.”

  “No, surely he lives. Look at you.” His father waved his hand in a sweeping motion before continuing. “You didn’t die.”

  His father clutched at his chest; his lip trembled. Nikai had never seen the huge male cry, not once in all his years. Goddess, he didn’t want to see him do so now.

  Nikai lifted his father to his feet with a thought, hating he’d hurt the older male in his anger. “My Belle was a dragon of great power. She severed our bond, keeping the both of us from going insane. Not that I think she did it to save me, but herself and our child. A dragon who loses their mate doesn’t survive, especially if that mate is alive and within their reach. You know this.”

  He took no pleasure in watching the defeat that washed over his father. From one moment to the next, the male appeared to age a hundred years. He lost a son a long time ago but held out hope for his lost grandson. To find out your own child could be so evil cut deep. Soul deep.

  “I will protect Jabari’s child, like she should have always been. And just so you know, Nadim is burning in Hell. I saw him there with my own eyes. Don’t ask, just trust me when I say I was there.” Nikai inhaled deeply, letting out the breath slowly. “I must go to them. There is something...I don’t know what it is, but I feel it.” He pounded his fist on his chest where his heart was pounding hard against his ribcage.

  “Give me a moment, and I’ll come with you,” King Nadir said.

  “No, should something happen to me I need to know you are here and prepared to take care of our people.”

  “What are you saying, Nikai? Our people need you to lead them. You’re the Dark Dragon.”

  He nodded. “Yes, and as such, I will see to the safety of my mate and our family. I had to make an example of my second during battle because a few of my elite thought as he did. That Belle should be eliminated. You will see his head on a pike out front. Do not remove it or allow it to be moved. I will be back as quickly as I can. If you need me, summon me.”

  His father stepped up to him, placing both hands on his shoulders. “Nikai, you’re a wonderful ruler and an even more wonderful son. I’m sorry I failed you and your brother. Please let Belle know I was foolish in not protecting her and your child all those years ago. I will ensure she is aware of my ignorance, and there will not be a dragon left standing who will not welcome her with open arms.”

  Nikai hugged his father, then he flashed to the Fey Realm, keeping to the air so that he didn’t disturb the inhabitants. The Fey were a dangerous lot, but he had a key to get in thanks to his Belle holding a piece of him inside her. He told her he wouldn’t come unless she asked for him, but he’d forgot to tell her he would come if she was in danger. Whatever she’d done recently had sent out a call, and now, he could feel a darkness searching, not for her, but the young girl who was his kin.

  Belle sensed the disturbance in the air as she was getting ready for bed. She opened her third eye, letting her senses read what she couldn’t see. With each step toward the front door, a heaviness that wasn’t natural weighed in on her. A slight grin tugged at her lips. “Ah, someone thinks to play with us,” her dragon trilled.

  “You are so bloodthirsty. We just battled some baddies less than a week ago,” Belle told the dragon.

  Her dragon gave an indelicate sniff, staying quiet when she stepped outside and raised her hands. Belle made a show of yawning and stretching, shifting only her eyes for better vision than what she had in her human form.

  “Oh, we have visitors of the dark stupid kind, and it’s not our mate. The idiot thinks he’s sneaky and can come into Fey without us knowing. Silly bloodsucker. Let’s kill him quickly so we can get some rest.”

  “Yes, well, he’s brought a few friends.” Belle counted eight males. All of whom stank of decaying flesh. Her dragon made a gagging sound, making her roll her eyes at the beast’s antics.

  “Jennaveve, we have an invasion on Fey of the bloodsucking kind happening.” She shot the announcement through their link into the Fey’s mind, waiting to see if the queen responded quickly. Since she’d mated with the twin hybrid vampires, she sometimes took a few minutes, depending on what the trio were doing.

  “Excuse me, but what the flying fucketydeadfuck are you talking about?” Jenna asked from beside her.

  “Well, if we were wanting to stay on the down low, you popping in probably just blew our cover, My Queen.” Belle rolled her eyes again without looking down at the other female.

  Jenna shrugged. “Damien said I sucked at the whole stealth thing, so it was best I just stuck to what I do best. FYI, that’s kick douchecadoos’ asses. Sooo, where are the icky fucketydeadfucks I need to off? I mean, we need to off. See, I’m getting better at delegating and sharing.”

  This time, Belle did turn to look down at Jenna, a slight smile splitting her lips. “That is so kind of you. Um, what...are you into cosplay now?”

  Her friend did a little twirl, showing the entire outfit to Belle before speaking again. “Well, you see, it’s like this. Lucas is all about gaming at the moment. He says it’s honing his kill skills, and he’s teaching our girls how to fight baddies virtually. Well, I decided if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, so, I did some research. There are some really cute characters, and so I thought I would dress up like some of the females I saw online. Well, then Damien decided he liked to play too, only he preferred a different kind of game. Do you see where I’m going with this?” Jenna brought her left hand up and made a fist. She then brought her right hand up, pointer finger extended and poked her finger in and out of her left hand’s fist.

  Belle shook her head as the other woman began making squishing sounds that were way too accurate to what it sounded like when couples did the dirty. “Focus, Jenna. Not on the dirty deeds you three do, but on killing the...what did you call them?”

  “The fucketydeadfucks?”

  Her friend really was a little unhinged, but Goddess did Belle love her. “Yeah, them. Let’s go kill them before they try to hurt Egypt and Asia. Can’t have them trying to hurt my kin by mate, now, can we?”

  “Nah, pretty sure Asia will find her fangs, and Egypt will find her flames. Come on Dragon Woman, let’s do this.” Jenna linked their arms and started marching them toward the hill off to the left of the main house.

  “Err, is that my superhero name?” Belle asked, her dr
agon rolling within ready to break free.

  Jenna came to a hard stop, pulling Belle with her. “Of course not. We’re Superheroines.”

  Through the darkness, she could see Jenna roll her beautiful eyes like she was talking to an idiot. It was so comical Belle tossed her head back and laughed. Lord love a duck, the female was batshit crazy, but she was her best friend.

  “Of course, I’m your bestie. Your ride or die. Your BFF. Your one and only, Supa J. Now, come on, they realize we know they’re here, and oh my gawd, they really stink. Like fucking hell, they’re offensive to my nose. We may need to air out the entire realm after we kill them. You hear me you fucketydeadfucks. You stink, and it’s rude to come to my realm and stink it up like you ain’t got no manners. Didn’t yo mama teach you better than that?” Jenna disappeared before any of the males got a word in.

  Belle wasn’t a tiny bit surprised that the Fey Queen was aware of who and what Asia and Egypt truly were. She sent a bubble of protection over the main house after ensuring both females were secure inside, her dragon hovering for a moment longer.

  The adrenaline spiking through her veins had her bouncing on her toes like a kid in a...well, a candy store. Sure, she could shift to her dragon and wipe the males out quickly, but like Jenna, she loved a good ass whooping, if they were the ones doing the whooping.

  Two males dressed in suits strolled toward her, their hair perfectly coiffed as if they’d taken the time to get fixed up to come raid their realm. Dumbasses.

  “Good evening, deadfucks. You probably shoulda made better choices in life. You see, you could’ve turned right, but you went left, and then you didn’t pump those fucking breaks and bam, here you are. So many poor choices. Well, now, you have another choice. You can die fast and less painful or slow and extremely painful. Your choice. Can I tell you a secret? I hope you choose the latter.” She shrugged.


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