Jaxon - Bad Boys of New York Book #1

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Jaxon - Bad Boys of New York Book #1 Page 4

by Mackenzy Fox

  She turns her glacial glare toward me and I return the sentiment by not giving her an inch.

  “Cute,” she says with an eye roll.

  I turn to John. “Are all the arrangements made for the apartment?”

  I don’t feel great about leaving my place for this amount of time but I guess this is what I agreed to, knowing full well what it means. Plus, I’ll have Sundays off to go check on things and catch up with business at the clubs.

  The dragon looks at me again, then back to John. If looks could kill, we’d both be dead.

  “Apartment? What apartment?”

  I hold back a shit-eating grin. God, I love getting under her skin like how she’s been under mine for the last fourteen plus years.

  “I’ve organized the apartment next to yours for Jaxon and Ryan on the shift swap, they need to be close by in case there’s an emergency and you need them urgently.”

  I rest my arm on the chair and then my chin on the crook of my finger as I silently watch her get mad. I have to say, she goes a delicious color. An image of her over my lap while I spank her cute little ass comes to mind and I shift in my chair.

  “An emergency?" she says like somebody finally told her there’s no Santa Claus. “What kind of emergency? My place is like Fort Knox as it is.”

  John lets out a very exhausted sigh.

  “You know what happened with Bill, it has me worried, then there’s that crazy-assed stalker you had last year; need I remind you she managed to get up to the top floor.”

  “Well, that didn’t say very much for the security in my building, did it?” she retorts as if that explains everything. “You fixed all of that, it’s like a high-security prison now.”

  Wow. If a swanky new apartment building in Tribeca is a prison, I almost ask John where I sign up permanently, maybe he’ll adopt me.

  “I’ve got some major deals going down, Morgan, do you know how many threats I get a week? Against the family, against me and my team, against you?”

  She looks at her father blankly. “Mac’s done just fine.”

  Don’t mind me, I’m not really here.

  “Yes, five days a week, no weekends, no nights,” he reveals. “That can’t happen going forward, not until things settle down with this deal, nothing really has to change for you, Morgan, just a little tighter security. I don’t know why your safety has to be a big debate, you should be more grateful.”

  He’s not telling her everything and it’s for the best. The girl probably wants to sleep at night. The truth is, there are some new threats against John, and while that’s nothing new, he’s got a lot of enemies, but those enemies can threaten to hurt your loved ones so it may seem over the top, but you can’t be too sure where these things are concerned. Some people are bat shit crazy. Some of the shit that she doesn’t get to see would make you thankful to have someone like me looking over your shoulder. Not that she’ll ever be thankful.

  She clenches her jaw. “Why do people want to hurt you?” she asks, for the first time she shows some real human emotion. “You’re not a bad person, even when you are trying to ruin my life, I just don’t understand any of this.”

  John looks at her over his glass halfway to his mouth, his face softens. “It’s how it is when you’re successful,” he declares. “Where there is money there’s power, where there’s power there are people who want to take it. It’s greed, Morgan, and it brings out the worst in the wrong kind of people, so don’t argue on this with me, you won’t even know security is there, right, Jaxon?”

  I tilt my head toward the old man.

  “Absolutely,” I affirm, trying to make that sound believable.

  Her eyes narrow on me and, yes, I’m enjoying this just a little bit.

  “So, what does he do follow me to work and back, carry my shopping bags? Come on dates with me?”

  She doesn’t even address the question to me. That’s right; I’m the help, the staff, no need to talk to me unless absolutely necessary.

  I want to choke with laughter imagining being the third wheel on date night.

  “Morgan, there’s no need to be bratty about this,” John tuts, annoyed, as I flick my eyes between the two of them. His patience is dwindling. “You’ll work out your schedule with Jaxon and then it’ll get emailed to me, the two of you can work out with Leon where Ryan will fit in.” His tone is final. She knows she’s defeated; she has no choice.

  Her annoyance is palpable and it’s delicious.

  “But, Dad…”

  He holds up a hand, cutting her off. “Morgan, do as you’re told for once.” He sighs, giving her a lopsided half-smile, she really is the apple of his eye, even when he’s pretending to be annoyed with her. “You’re the most precious thing left in my life and my word is final on this, don’t make an old man get soppy in front of Jaxon on his first day. Do as I say.”

  “Isn’t the day already over?” Morgan stubbornly replies with a side-eye at me, which is as cold as ice.

  I stifle another sinful smile and meet her annoyed face.

  “Oh, on the contrary, Miss James, it’s only just beginning,” I reply darkly, my eyes deliberately flick down to her lips. “I’d like a tour of your apartment ASAP. We can go over there now, lucky for you, I’m a night owl.” I give her a quick wink.

  “Lucky me,” she quips sarcastically.

  The mutual hatred is still alive and well, this may make things difficult. I question again my own sanity and remind myself of the objectives to why I’m here.

  I try not to remember that the drawcard is mainly the money, that’s not a very good start to a new job, but hey, if all I have to do is put up with pouty Morgan James being pissed off with life and being able to rib her mercilessly and get away with it, this might not be so bad after all.

  I’m actually starting to think this might be a little bit more fun than I once imagined. In fact, it might be the best mistake I’ve ever agreed to.



  My nightmare begins to unfold.

  We don’t say two more words to one another in the study, instead, I’m forced to listen to my father’s ongoing claptrap as he and Jaxon re-organize my life. The ride down in the elevator isn’t much better, especially now we’re alone together. His close proximity in the confined space is extremely intimidating.

  Tall, dark, and handsome… sure, but he has an attitude. I saw the glint in his eyes and that can’t be mistaken for anything except pure pleasure at my annoyance.

  Maybe he really has been sent to torture me? More to the point; why does he smell so freaking good?

  I feel like I should say something but it’s like the cat’s got my tongue. Everything I come up with seems pathetic. He’s made it quite clear that he’s here to step on my toes, be my father’s little bitch, and give me snide comments and remarks that I really don’t appreciate. One thing hasn’t changed for the better and that’s his attitude problem.

  It does not help that he is completely comfortable with his current new surroundings and environment. It’s like nothing bothers him at all.

  I think about high school, daring to believe that this is the same man standing next to me and I can’t get a read on him, he’s so hostile. About halfway down, as time ticks by as slow as humanly possible, I can’t take it anymore.

  I turn suddenly to look up at him; he has to be a good foot taller than me, so it’s a long way up. He doesn’t appear to be uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form though, even at my sudden movement.

  “So, Jack, how’ve you been?” I say out of nowhere. I hope my voice doesn’t sound as shaky as I feel.

  Maybe I could try to be nice.

  He arches a brow to indicate he has heard but doesn’t look at me.

  “Oh, I’ve been just fine, and I go by Jaxon now.” He stares straight ahead, unfazed.

  I turn back to face the shiny pressed metal doors as my heart races at his very masculine voice. In this close perimeter, his scent is extremely noticeable, not to mention
intoxicating. I have no idea what’s wrong with me; seriously, I need a lobotomy if I’m even thinking about anything good to do with him. He’s got bad boy written all over him and what’s more, he knows full well and probably enjoys it.

  “Listen, it’s been a long time since high school,” I begin; the mere mention of it and his body noticeably stiffens. “Can we let bygones be bygones and all of that?”

  He swallows hard. “Let’s not talk about that, in fact, let’s never talk about that.”

  Oh dear.

  I bite my lip wondering if he really means it, he seems so hostile. Not so smug now, are you, Jaxon? But I think I prefer that to whatever this is.

  “There are things to say,” I press on.

  He cracks his neck as if about to go into a fighting ring. “Not from where I’m standing.”


  “It was a long time ago, there’s nothing memorable to dig up or reminisce over, so let’s just drop it.” His tone is clipped and final.

  I bet he’s used to getting his own way in most things, you can just tell.

  Hell, he’s got alpha male written all over him.

  I stay silent but I have so much to get off my chest, yet I can’t seem to form the words.

  “So, I’m stuck with you and you hate me, obviously,” I retort, a tad melodramatic but I’m on a roll here. “So, let’s just be honest about it, that way, we can get past the elephant in the room and move on.”

  “I never said I hated you,” he replies, monotone. “And there’s nothing to move on from.”

  “But you don’t like me,” I press. “Because of our history and I’m trying to apologize for anything I ever did or said…” I trail off, what’s the point? He stares at me with a weird look on his face. His eyes are a violent blue, electric, and it leaves me momentarily speechless.

  “I’m here to do a job, Miss James,” he says like he’s rehearsing for a part. “That job is protecting you, there’s nothing I don’t do in life that isn’t one hundred percent dedication. However, that doesn’t mean we have to be friends or even like each other, it’s all the same to me, so this will work a lot better if we can learn to co-exist and that means putting the past behind you and moving on, which I’ve clearly done and you clearly have not.”

  I stare at him with an open mouth. Who does he think he is talking to like that?

  I mean, asshole of the year award in progress.

  “The name is Morgan,” I retort haughtily. “And co-existing is fine by me, but it kind of feels like this is on yours and my father’s terms only, seems kind of one-sided, don’t you think?”

  “Your father is a powerful man,” he goes on. “And his main objective is to keep his family safe, that means that’s now my main objective too and I will do what perhaps other security personnel may not be equipped or willing to do if it came down to the crunch. I also have some ground rules which we need to discuss.”

  Now he’s insulting Mac?

  I try to reign in my temper at his words. I honestly don’t know who in the hell he thinks he is talking to. Maybe a swift knee to the nuts might be in order; he sure as hell has a chip on his shoulder, it’s the size of Brazil.

  “Ground rules?” I spit. “Are you actually serious right now?”

  “Yes,” he says, meeting my eyes. “Deadly serious.”

  I never forgot how pretty his eyes were, even now when they look down at me like I’m a bug to be squashed, he can’t hide them, they burn like an electric blue fire.

  “What are you talking about?” I roll my eyes insinuating he’s crazy, which he is. I’m not following any of his stupid rules. If anything, he can follow mine.

  “We’ll get to that in the car, or later.”

  “You’re actually riding with me now?” I cry incredulous, I assumed he was kidding. I want to go home and get into my sweats and binge on junk food and Netflix.

  A look comes across his face and his eyes dance. “Yes, I’m riding with you. You need to show me around your building after all, no time like the present.”

  My heart almost races out of my chest at the thought of him in my apartment. I definitely have a problem but I’m not sure what it is.

  “Can’t Leon do that?” I say, shoving my purse back on my shoulder roughly. “Surely you don’t need me to give you a grand tour, he’s quite capable, in fact, we’ve done just fine up until now.”

  He’s still looking at me.

  “We’ve established you don’t like me and you definitely don’t like me being here, but the simple fact is, it isn’t up to you, it’s up to your father, so as I said, we need to work out what works best for the both of us, it is you after all that I’m here to protect.”

  Somehow, that seems to translate as what works out best for him, not for me. He and my father have just taken my freedom away and they both expect me to do cartwheels about it.

  “You think you can just waltz in here and start telling me what I can and can’t do?” I spit, wondering why this elevator is taking a hundred years to descend.

  “I actually do think that, yes.”

  I glare at him. “You’re out of your mind.”

  “I don’t think so, Morgan,” he says, my name rolls off his tongue like smooth butter melted in with just the right amount of sarcasm. “Besides, your father has always liked me, saw me for who I truly was, that’s something I respect.”

  I swallow my guilt and close my eyes.

  So, he is still bitter. I knew it. For God’s sake, it was high school!

  I refuse to apologize for it even though I already tried, if he wants to live in the past then go right ahead, he talks about moving on but, somehow, I don’t believe him. And anyway, he has enough cocky attitude going on to sink a battleship. He’s literally rolling in smugness; it oozes off him. Oh yeah, he knows he’s all that.

  Maybe flattery will work?

  “You look good.” I could cut my tongue out the second the words leave my mouth.

  I feel him shift to look at me but I don’t meet his gaze this time.


  I clear my throat because being around him is seriously steaming up all my windows. “You heard me, Jax.”

  If I’m not mistaken, he snickers. “Right.”

  Abort flattery.

  Maybe he really is just a first-class asshole.

  Finally, the elevator pings and I practically dive out of the doors. My heel gets stuck as I try to escape quickly and I trip on the metal and throw myself forward. His hands snare me at the waist to stop me falling, not for the first time tonight. I feel his hard body pressed up against my back. He feels so freaking hot, it’s beyond ridiculous.

  I feel him move to my ear. “You’re really bad in high heels,” he mutters.

  “Sue me,” I snort back, trying to sound nonchalant and unaffected.

  “Don’t try a stunt like that again or we’re gonna have a problem, got that, sweetheart?”

  I shove out of his grasp, not liking how his fingers dig into my hips because they feel oh so good, and I straighten my back as if I haven’t just made a fool of myself.

  Several images of him behind me holding my hips as he moves his delectable mouth to my neck invade my senses and I want to bleach my brain. He doesn’t get to make me feel this way.

  I seriously need to go and see my shrink this week.

  “I can’t even leave an elevator without you doing your action man thing? And don’t call me sweetheart.”

  “If it wasn’t for me, you’d be flat on your ass.” He smirks, releasing his grip and striding past me toward the doors before I can say anything. He’s speaking into something at his wrist… wait, what’s he doing?

  As I trail behind him and we get outside onto the pavement, Marcy pulls up in the Merc, I realize he’s got some kind of walkie talkie devise. Of course he does. I watch as he opens the back door and then I climb in; unbelievably, he scoots in next to me instead of in the front seat next to Marcy where he belongs.

  I serio
usly am not in the mood for this shit today. I was willing to play nice, to forget the past and move on, but he is obviously not mature enough to accept that and do the same, despite what he says.

  I ignore him and look out of the window. Marcy pulls out into the evening traffic and a few moments later, she meets my eyes in the rear vision mirror. I roll my eyes in answer. Her eyes crinkle with amusement.

  Just then, my phone rings in my purse and I dig it out. It’s Dixie. It would normally be extremely rude to answer and talk in the presence of others, but he is technically my bodyguard, a staff member, so really, it’s like he’s not even here.

  I thumb the green answer button and Dixie blurts out, “How’d it go?”

  “Awesome,” I reply sarcastically. “The world makes sense again, hoorah.”

  “That good, huh?”

  “You’ve no idea,” I sigh.

  “What the hell happened? Is he cute?”

  I glance in my periphery and Jaxon is looking out of the window, ignoring me.

  “Nothing newsworthy, and yes.”

  “What? Tell me everything!” I almost have to hold the phone away from my hear at her squeal.

  “I can’t right now,” I say, though I should just tell her he’s a hot, first-class A-hole with a bad attitude and a stick stuck up his ass.

  “Oh my God… he’s there, isn’t he?”

  I let out a slow, silent breath. “Yes.”

  She gives me a throaty laugh.

  “How cute are we talking here?”

  “Off the charts,” I reply without hesitation.

  Let him think what he wants about a one-sided conversation, I really don’t care.

  “Oh my freaking God. Can you get a picture?”

  She is actually serious. This is my best friend.

  I laugh. Okay, I may be putting it on a little bit just to annoy him. “Yeah, I’m sure that won’t be a problem, I’ll get right on it.”

  “Where are you?” she giggles back.

  “In my car, heading home.”


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