Blood Rebellion (Supernatural Intelligence Agency Book 1)

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Blood Rebellion (Supernatural Intelligence Agency Book 1) Page 6

by Nadine Travers

  She smiles and heads into her walk-in wardrobe. “You didn’t think I’d let you go alone, did you? Also, my mate will be there, which means I need to be there too since his pack knows about us and will wonder where I am.”


  “Yep, don’t worry, he doesn’t know about your mission. I told him I wanted him to meet my best friend.”

  I roll my eyes. “You’ll behave?”

  “I will if Damaris doesn’t put himself in my path.”

  I laugh. “Don’t worry, he’ll be too busy dealing with me.”

  Now my curiosity is awake, and I wonder what these parties are like. I look at Jade getting ready and deep inside, I’m a little envious. I now know everyone has the ability to find a mate, including me, and that stirs something deep inside.

  10. Damaris

  THE LITTLE DISTRACTION JEREMY gave me was worth it. My energy is back, and my balls are empty. “Enter!” I respond at a knock.

  I watch the door open, and Jeremy comes in. “Well, I see that’s done wonders for you.” I smile in response. With Jeremy, you always get the best of everything. “Now that you’ve replenished yourself, the club won’t open for another hour, so we have a bit of time to discuss your plans and all that comes with it.” Jeremy sits on the couch and invites me to sit in front of him.

  “You know how each faction works, and you know we can’t do more than we are now. You’re in the same position I am, except you’re not being hunted down.”

  “True, we can’t become the head of our family because we’re too far from it for different reasons, and you think being a part of this rebellion is the way to change things?” Jeremy asks.

  “Yes and no. What we want is freedom, that the neutral zone extends into each faction’s territory. We’re not the only ones who want that. We have some of the faes with us too. I know we’re trying to gather as many followers as we can. We also need to gather some magical objects to help our quest.” I want him to join me in the vampire faction. He’s the only one I’ve considered a friend for over a century.

  “Who’s in charge?”

  “I don’t know much about her. I deal with Donovan. I know he calls her ‘Lady’. She’s in a position to give us what we both want.”

  “You’re partnering with a dog now?”

  “Stop. Donovan’s never done anything to us. Yes, he is a dog, but we’re working together to get what we want. He’s mated to a witch. While it’s not strictly forbidden, it’s made them outcasts. None of us like that, and I think the Lady is an outcast from her faction as well. For me, I’ve had enough. I’ve already compromised myself with Alto. I’m his blood brother, but I’m also a threat to his family. You know that blood is sacred.”

  Jeremy crosses his long legs. “It’s intriguing. I’m not surprised we aren’t the only ones interested in seeing change.”

  I smile, I knew he’d be interested. “True, we’re not the only ones not happy with the system. It needs a rebellion to force a change. If not, we’ll be stuck with how things are for eternity.”

  “So you want a revolution?”

  “Not a revolution but a rebellion, or more specifically a blood rebellion.”

  Jeremy doesn’t reply and I can see he’s thinking over what I said. “You know we’ll lose a lot of our own in the process.”

  “That’s a possibility, but don’t forget that happens with every rebellion or revolution and after we will have the peace that we want. We need to clear the old blood and bring in new, but yes, the process will cost us at some point. That’s a part of life.”

  “You’re prepared to pay that cost?”

  “You think that it hasn’t cost me already? Not only is Casey from Internal Affairs looking for me but my brother is as well. I’ve committed treason, and I know it, but I’d rather take the chance for a better life for me and for us. You’ve always been my best friend. We’re in the same situation. You’ll never be able to rule over your brother’s clan, that fucker has too many children to succeed him. You’ve been a puppet all these centuries, and you know you’re worth more than that, as am I.”

  Jeremy stands and starts pacing. I let him think. I did the same the first time Donovan came to me. I’d never considered betraying my blood brother, but Donovan made me see things differently. He made me realize that my immortal life could be better, but we’d have to risk everything, to begin with. Yes, I’ve killed, but I’ve killed for the cause. I missed the opportunity to kill Lizbeth, but she’ll be dead soon enough. Her half-demon mate will not stop me. She will die. That bitch was the start of my fall and caused me to lose my cover at the same time.

  “What will you do if they capture you and try to take you back to Alto?”

  “You know the rules in the neutral zone prevent them from handing me over even if they do capture me.” I look around the penthouse and realize I’ve never asked Jeremy about his club. “Speaking of family, I’ve always wondered why you have this club separate from yours. You’re the only one in the vampire faction that has something like this.”

  He smiles at me. “Well, it’s something my father worked for, but he also told me that one day he hoped we could have more like this place and not only in the neutral zone. He had a vision, but he never shared it with the rest of the family, only with me. My father believed that for all the species in the community to survive we needed to come together. I can see it’s starting to happen. Some of us are starting to find our fated mates outside our own community and even within the human world. Your brother is a good example. His mate is human even though she was able to extend her life with his blood, but nonetheless, if his fated mate is killed, he will kill himself after he kills the one who did it.”

  True, I’ve been a witness to it for the last few decades. It started as a rare case, but now it’s different. “I know vampires can turn humans, but they’ll never be able to become high ranking. Only those that are born or mated to one can. They only have them for their blood and to fuck them. For other species, you need to born one to be one. We have the advantage, but now those in power are stopping us from turning people into vampires. They don’t want the bloodlines tainted.”

  “And you think a rebellion will allow us all to become equal?”

  “Most of the wars between us or with other factions have been going on for centuries, and most of us don’t know what started them. They’ve become tales parents tell their young children to make them afraid or angry, to keep the war alive. I’ll say for my part I’m doing it for selfish reasons as I want my brother out. I’m fucking tired of being his puppet. I’m doing it for myself first and if others benefit from it, so be it, but that’s not my main goal.”

  Jeremy stops pacing and stands in front of me. He’s the only person I know that can help me, and I can help him too. “What do you want from me?”

  “Simple. I want you with me. We’ve fought wars before, and we watch each other’s backs. We need a place like this for all the species to meet and maybe mate and fuck. You can provide that and blood for those that are in need. I need your expertise in those areas.”

  “If I agree, what’s next?”

  “We meet with Donovan. He knows the Lady and will put us in contact with her. I’ve met her once, but I’ve never seen her.”

  “Really? How do you know it’s not a guy?”

  I laugh. “I saw her shadow on the curtains, and I can tell she’s got tits.”

  Jeremy smiles. “Only you, my friend, would say something like that. From what you’ve said, and for what my father wished it was, I’ll jump with you. You’re right, doing this forever isn’t a life. I’ll die from boredom. Contact Donovan and we can talk. I want to learn what he has to offer because I’m guessing we have more to give to him than he can give us.”

  “Fair enough.” I take out my phone and dial Donovan. “It’s me. Jeremy wants more details, he’s interested in helping us…Yes, we are… No, nothing official, he just wants more information… Don’t worry, we can make an exception
for you and your mate… Yeah, you know the place. I’ll let Jeremy know. See you later.”

  Jeremy stands. “I need to be downstairs, the party is starting, and I need to check on my guests.”

  I nod. “Donovan is coming, you need to tell your bouncer about him and his mate. He’s the initial contact within the group. We’ll talk later, but for now, let’s go make the party fantastic.”

  Jeremy smiles at me. “Well, my friend, a party it will be. We need to have some fun before we talk more about business.”

  He smacks my back, and with that, we leave my room and head down for the private party. Jeremy runs the type of parties where you can meet all kinds of people. Some are mated, and it’s the only place they can be with their mates.

  We hear the beat of the music. The party has started, and we’re going to have fun.

  Will Jeremy join us? I’m afraid he already knows too much. If he doesn’t agree to join us, the worst will happen, and he’ll be killed. So tonight we party like tomorrow doesn’t exist.

  11. Casey

  “DO WE HAVE TO WAIT LONG?” It’s crowded, and the lineup is long.

  “We’ve started to move, be patient. I’m telling you tonight will be worth it, and you know Damaris is here, so that doubles the prize,” Jade tells me.

  “I wasn’t gifted with patience when I was born. I think she had a hangover that day and missed my birth.” We can hear the beat of the music, the closer we get to the main entrance. A couple ahead of us starts to make out and I’m glad Jade told me what to expect with this party so I’m not shocked. I’ll stay close to her, but I know at some point I’ll have to explore by myself. We finally reach the front of the line, and a big bouncer stops us.

  “Do you have invitations?” he asks, and I look at Jade expecting her to pull them out.

  “I’m Dean’s mate. He said I could bring a friend tonight.”

  The bouncer starts to smell Jade, obviously confirming her story. “Dean is already here. He told me about his mate, but I didn’t know she was a daywalker.”

  “You never know who your fated mate is going to be,” she replies.

  “Your friend has a name?”

  “I’m Cas...” I start to say when Jade hits me. Not that I want to give my real name, but with the mission, the less that people who know it, the better.

  He winks me. “Nice to meet you, Cass. Maybe we can meet later.”

  That’s weird. “Sure.”

  With that, he lets us enter. I’ll never understand the whole flirting thing. “Jade, how come you didn’t use the fake invitations?”

  She looks at me. “They were my backup plan, in case that didn’t work. It’s lucky he thought you were attractive.” She laughs, and I roll my eyes.

  She takes my hand, and we head to the back of the room, passing the dance floor where people are dancing, or rather rubbing against each other. Others have private booths and are talking, kissing, or fucking which makes my eyes widen just a little. I can see so many different kinds of people, not only different species but different clans within their factions.

  Jade screams and jumps on a male, and I guess it’s her mate. She kisses him full on the mouth. I never really think about sex and love The combination has always been taboo in my mind. We’ve been taught that love doesn’t exist for us and that’s why we’re perfect for doing the job we’re trained to do. Not only that, because we’re not blood-related to any family, it means we’re impartial when it comes to the factions.

  “Love, this is my best friend Casey, but if anyone asks, tonight her name is Cass. I’ll explain why later.”

  He nods and kisses Jade on her cheek, then extends his hand to me without releasing Jade. I shake it. “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Likewise. Jade’s told me much about you as well. I was hoping when she decided to bring me here, I’d get to meet you.”

  “Jade told you about us?”

  I nod.

  “Good. It’s good you finally know even daywalkers can have a fated mate. I know a few that have them.”

  I thought Jade was the only one who’d found a mate but from what he said there’s more of us that have mated. I’m curious now wondering Who else at Internal Affairs has found a mate since that’s where all the daywalkers work. “They told us differently.”

  “I know, but it’s bullshit. You never know when you’re going to find your mate. I’m just unhappy we can’t live together. I hope one day that will change.”

  “Hey, Dean, long time no see.”

  Our conversation is interrupted as a group of people come and shake Dean’s hand.

  Jade gets up from her mate’s lap to sit close to me. “What did I tell you?”

  I need to process everything. If it’s true, it will change all kinds of parameters inside Internal Affairs and also the factions.

  “A lot of people know?” I ask in her ear.

  “Only people that come here, and they don’t talk. It’s one of the rules.”

  I have some serious thinking to do after tonight. “I need to go to the washroom, where is it?” I ask Jade.

  She points me in the right direction. “Don’t be too long or you’ll bring unwanted attention.”

  I agree and see her whispering to her mate. He nods at me. Jade knows I’m on a mission, but it’s also an eye-opener. Has Internal Affairs kept us in the dark for a specific reason? Why has no one never told us? The more I think, the more questions it brings. Now is not the right time to be thinking about it. I need to focus on why I’m here.

  Once I finish in the bathroom, I look around and scout the surroundings. I pass beside the dance floor again as I head back to Jade and her mate. Jade knows I love to dance, but not tonight. Maybe another time.

  “Hey, come here. Dance with me.” Someone grabs me from behind and slams me against him. The smell is disgusting, and his big hands start to roam over my body. I feel sick. I’ve never been in this position before, and I freeze. I know how to fight, but I’ve never been groped before.

  I’m suddenly released and turn around when I hear someone groaning behind me to see a man lying on the floor.

  “Do not touch her.” A large werewolf male with short black hair and lots of muscles on display is standing over a man.

  “She’s unmated, she’s fair game.” Now that I can see my attacker, I realize he’s a bear shifter. No wonder he smelled.

  “She’s mine. If you don’t back off, I will kill you.”

  “Whoa there, I don’t belong to anyone.”

  My savior kicks the bear shifter and grabs my hand, pulling me along as he leaves the dance floor. His touch stops me from retaliating against him. I’m surprised to discover that his growling, along with him grabbing my hand in his strong grip, has made my pussy wet and ready. I see Jade start to stand, but her mate stops her. Her mouth opens and closes as Dean whispers to her, and shock widens her eyes.

  “Hey! I’m not your mate, and where are you taking me?”

  Without saying anything, he grabs me and puts me over his shoulder, and I suddenly know how a potato sack feels. I start to hit his butt, which is hot under my hand. He enters a room and turns on the light before putting me down and locking the door.

  “What’s the meaning of all this?”

  I’m finally able to see his face. Along with his short black hair, he has blue eyes, which turn bright yellow then blue again. I guess he’s fighting his wolf right now. I start to walk backward until I hit a desk, telling me this is some kind of office.

  His breath is raging, and he steps closer. “You’re a daywalker?”

  I suck in a breath at his voice. Why is my fucking body reacting like this, and why aren’t I fighting him? “Yes, I am.”

  “I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is simple. Your body is reacting to me because you’re my fated mate.”

  I chuckle. “Really? Not true. I don’t feel anything for you, no desire whatsoever.” I try to get some distance between us. I don’t kno
w him, and I don’t trust him.

  He smiles, and I can see his werewolf fangs showing a little. “Now I know you’re lying. Tell me, why aren’t you fighting me? I know you’re able to easily free yourself. If I touch you, you’re going to melt.”

  “Dream on.”

  “I’d rather have the real deal versus a dream. You can’t lie about your desire for me. I can smell that pussy of yours, and she knows her mate. I’m the only one that’ll be able to drive you crazy with lust, and you’ll beg me to fuck you.”

  For some reason, my body no longer belongs to me. Daywalkers smell delicious when we’re aroused according to what I’ve been told in the past. My breath rages as He approaches me. It’s the first time in my life I’ve felt like I’m the prey instead of the predator.

  “If I let my beast out, you’d be on the floor, and I’ll be mating you, marking you as mine. You know you want this. Your head can fight it, but your body craves it.”

  “We can’t. I need to find someone. It’s important that I track him down.”

  Despite my words, my body is on fire and only wants him to move closer and play with it. I know in my head that I’ve got to catch Damaris, it’s the only lead I’ve had for weeks.

  He approaches me and looks in my eyes. “I know you’re not lying and you’ll need to help me understand, but I have to mark you. My wolf wants it, and so do I. It doesn’t sit well with him that you’re chasing another male.”

  I smile. damn werewolf, and for them, the chase is a different one. “I don’t know that I’m your mate. We can’t complete the mating until I’m sure.”

  He grabs my cheeks in his hands. “If you think you going alone, you’re wrong. You’re stuck with me. I don’t fucking care who you’re chasing, but I think it’s part of your job. I will mark you, but not on the neck. I’m the alpha in my pack, it wouldn’t look good if you’re not marked. For now, we’ll be quick, but you’ll come with me after, and I’ll make love to you the way it should be.”

  “I don’t know you. What’s your name?” I try to say.


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