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Saviours Page 2

by Beth Abbott

  “We’re in an ambulance, heading for the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.” Hollywood barked. “They think Niko has a punctured lung.”

  Kellen’s shock must have been evident on his face, because Ellen leaned over and took Roman out of his arms.

  “What…? How?” Kellen asked. “What happened?”

  “We were heading to our table when someone bumped into one of the waiters.” Hollywood explained. “Anyway, they have these high tables near the bar, and as the waiter stepped back, he hit one of the tables. As it started to tip, everyone reached for their drinks and jumped out of the way, and before I knew what was happening, someone had bumped into Niko, knocking her over, and the table came down on top of her, right on the same side of her ribcage where she’s already got a bunch of cracked ribs. The paramedic thinks one could’ve punctured her lung, because she’s having a hard time breathing and is in a lot of pain.”

  “Sh…oot!” Kellen sighed. “That poor girl has no luck!”

  “Tell me about it.” Kellen could hear Hollywood’s frustration.

  “Look, do you want me to come down there?” Kellen glanced up to find Ellen giving him a sign to say she’d take Roman with her and the twins. “Ellen can take Roman with their boys, and I can be there in maybe thirty minutes.”

  “Yeah, that would be awesome.” Hollywood agreed easily. “And could you get hold of Hannah to see whether Niko is officially on the books yet. She wasn’t due to start until Monday, and we need to know whether she’s covered by health insurance or not.”

  “I’ll call her from the car to find out.” Kellen agreed. “I’ll see you in the ER in thirty.”

  Kellen ended the call and pocketed his phone.

  “I need to get to the hospital. There’s been an unfortunate incident, and somebody’s mom is in a bad way.” He glanced down at Roman.

  “I’ll take the kids home in the car when they’ve finished their food.” Ellen reassured him. “Luke can go with you to make sure everything is Ok.”

  “Hollywood’s worried about whether her health insurance has started yet.” Kellen explained. “I guess nobody expected Niko to need treatment for anything between her arrival in the UK and starting work.”

  “Even if it hasn’t kicked in, you tell her it has.” Luke said quietly. “I’ll pick up the tab, no matter what happens. Just don’t let them know that.”

  “Hell, you can’t do that.” Kellen protested. “It could require an operation, and post-op care. We could be talking tens of thousands of dollars, if not more.”

  “First of all, this is the UK. We don’t charge silly money like they do in the USA.” Luke smiled. “And even if they did, trust me, I can more than cover it.”

  Kellen didn’t get a chance to argue, which was probably a good thing since he figured it wasn’t his argument to have.

  He just wanted to get to the hospital before Hollywood had a major meltdown.

  Chapter 2 – Hollywood

  “Do you need a drink?” Hollywood stared at Niko, looking for any sign of pain or discomfort. “Or some more painkillers?”

  Niko was lying on a trolley in the ER, her eyes staring at the ceiling, breathing regularly, a three-count in, five out, trying to regulate her breaths and stay relaxed.

  Well, as relaxed as someone with two snapped ribs could possibly be.

  “I’m fine.” She whispered, not taking her eyes away from the stains on the light fitting above her, but he felt her fingers squeeze lightly on his.

  As he watched, Hollywood saw the wetness appear in the corners of her eyes, leak over the sides and big teardrops roll down her cheeks.

  “Hey! What is it? Is the pain getting worse?” He leaned over her so Niko could see his face without having to move.

  “You went to so much trouble to arrange our meal, and everything was going to be so perfect.” She sounded so forlorn it almost broke his heart. “And then I went and ruined it.”

  Hollywood smiled down at her.

  “Ok, firstly, how you reached the conclusion that you ruined it, I have no idea.” He pointed out. “That’s like the guy who says, ‘I’m sorry I was walking on the sidewalk when your car mounted it. I sure hope I didn’t cause any damage to your vehicle when you ran me down’.”

  Niko’s eyes glanced to his and he grinned at her.

  “Sweetheart, none of this was your fault.” He reassured her. “At best, it was a freak accident, and at worst, the restaurant was negligent for not having those tall tables fastened to the floor, so they wouldn’t tip over.”

  He watched Niko for a sign that she agreed with him.

  “And it may have been our first proper date, but it won’t be our last.” He lifted their joined hands and placed a gentle kiss on her fingers. “How many times have I got to tell you that I’m in this for the long run, before you start to believe me? We’re gonna have a lifetime to have romantic dates, even if occasionally we have to take Roman with us.”

  “I think, by their very definition, romantic dates aren’t supposed to include a three-year old.” Niko’s lips twitched. “I mean, it’s hard to gaze adoringly into your eyes when you have a little voice chirping up ‘Mama, I need to pee!’ every twenty minutes.”

  Hollywood brushed the tears from her cheeks.

  “Romantic dates can be whatever and wherever we want to make them.” He smiled. “And if Roman’s there, or anyone else for that matter, it won’t make the slightest bit of difference. I’ll still be with the most beautiful woman in the room.”

  Niko’s eyes filled again, and Hollywood smiled at her.

  “I’m supposed to be cheering you up, not making you cry.” He reminded her.

  “You’re being so sweet and kind to me.” Niko sniffed and then winced, the painkillers obviously not being fully effective yet. “It’s not something I’ve had too much experience of. Just be a little patient with me, Ok? I’m really not used to being around good people.”

  “Well, you’d better get used to it.” Hollywood leaned down to place a soft kiss on Niko’s lips. “Because all of the Alpha-Stalwart-Guardian family are good people. And you just became an honorary member.”

  “Knock-knock.” Kellen’s face peeped around the cubicle curtain. “Are you decent? Or shall I go and look for another half-naked chick?”

  Hollywood turned and smiled at his friend.

  “She’s perfectly decent.” He confirmed. “But no making her laugh, and definitely no touching! Niko’s not allowed to move.”

  Kellen opened the curtain a little more and Hollywood saw Luke was with him.

  “Good to see you, Luke.” He nodded. “I’ve been trying to get hold of Hannah to check the position on Niko’s health insurance, but she’s not picking up.”

  “I think Rose and CJ’s boy Cameron are in a school concert tonight, so they’ll all have gone to that and will have their phones on silent.” Luke confirmed. “But I can put you’re minds at rest and confirm that Niko is fully covered for all her medical bills. There’s nothing for you to worry about.”

  “Are you sure?” Niko whispered. “They’re saying I need an operation.”

  “Honey, I’m the Finance Director for Alpha Company.” Luke smiled. “Are you doubting whether I know my own job?”

  “But, I thought I was going to be working for the Guardians?” Niko frowned.

  “You are, sweetheart.” Luke stepped forward, so Niko could see him more easily without moving. “Your payslip says the Guardians on it, and when you get paid into your bank it will say the Guardians paid you, just in case anyone was ever looking for evidence that you weren’t who you claim to be. But all of the payroll is done by JT’s assistant, Clare, who works for Alpha Company, and you’ll have been added to their health insurance already. So, there’s absolutely nothing for you to worry about, except possibly the fact that someone will shortly be sticking a scalpel into your chest.”

  Niko snorted a laugh and then winced.

  “Thanks for the reminder.” She said wryly.

  “Have they said what’s going to happen next?” Kellen asked, walking around to the far side of the bed where he leaned over and dropped a gentle kiss onto Niko’s forehead.

  “Niko was x-rayed virtually the second we walked through the door, so we already know that the two ribs that were cracked before have now actually broken.” Hollywood confirmed. “She just got back from having a scan, so we’re waiting to see what they’re going to do next. They obviously can’t leave her as she is.”

  “Is Roman Ok?” Niko asked worriedly. “Does he know where I am?”

  “Roman is absolutely fine.” Kellen reassured her. “He’s been bowling, where he and I teamed up and whooped the asses of Luke, Ellen and their boys. Then he played some of the games in the arcade before having some pizza.”

  “Kellen had to do a little fast-talking when hot-dogs were mentioned, because the little guy actually thought we were going to eat dogs.” Luke grinned. “But I think he understands that they’re not really made from dogs now.”

  “Poor Roman.” Niko sighed. “Yet another thing I should’ve taught him.”

  “Stop beating yourself up about every little thing Roman hasn’t learned yet.” Hollywood growled at Niko. “He’s three for goodness’ sakes. If he’d learned everything by now, what would be the point of sending him to school?”

  “And don’t worry about him tonight.” Luke reassured Niko. “Ellen asked him if he wanted to come to our place for a sleep-over, and he was so excited he damn near wet himself! The boys have a huge train set which virtually takes up the whole play-room, so my guess is that Roman will be occupied until bedtime, by which time he’ll be so shattered, he’ll sleep like a log.”

  Hollywood watched Niko’s eyes fill up again.

  “Could you thank Ellen for me?” She whispered. “She’s been so kind to us since we got here. More so than I deserve.”

  “This may come as a surprise to you, but when I met my wife, she was on the run from some London gangsters.” Luke smiled. “Her father had gotten involved with the wrong people, and Ellen ended up in hiding for three years. It wasn’t until I met her that the true Alpha Company was formed. Until then we’d just been a military unit.”

  Niko glanced towards Hollywood.

  “I thought it was just me who had to be rescued.” She smiled, somewhat embarrassed.

  “Niko, at some point in the last decade almost all the women and some of the men have needed rescuing in one way or another.” Luke reassured her. “That’s what’s helped us create the strong family bond we have. We’re all in this crazy life together, and we never leave anyone on the outside.”

  “I’ve only met a few of your family, but you’re all so inspirational.” Niko whispered. “I don’t know how you’ve managed to stay together as a unit for so long.”

  Luke chuckled.

  “That’s easy.” He shrugged. “We’re the family we chose, not necessarily the family we were born with. I lost my twin brother before I got out of the army, ironically, murdered by the same gangsters that were chasing Ellen. The reason I got through it was because I had other brothers by then, in JT, Matt, Danny, Drew and Tony. Now I have even more brothers and sisters, and nephews and nieces I never would have had without Alpha Company.”

  “It’s good that you know how lucky you are.” Niko smiled.

  Hollywood squeezed Niko’s hand, ready to point out that she was part of this big, extended family as well, but before he could speak, the curtain was pulled back and the medical team walked in.

  “Well, Miss Federova, you have been in the wars, haven’t you?” The guy in front smiled at Niko. “I’m Malcolm Harrhy, one of the surgeons here at the Chelsea and Westminster. I’ve just been checking your scan results, and I’m afraid you’ve done yourself quite a bit of damage. Two broken ribs and a couple of fractures which wouldn’t take more than a strong gust of wind to snap right through.”

  “Has anything punctured the lung?” Hollywood asked. “Niko’s in a lot of pain.”

  The surgeon turned to Hollywood with a smile.

  “The damage Miss Federova has to her ribs would be enough to make grown men faint with the pain, without there being any damage to the lungs.” Mr Harrhy explained. “Thankfully, the scan doesn’t actually show any evidence that the right lung has been punctured, but it does look like the ribs are pressing on the lung. We need to do something about that as a matter of urgency, because a coughing fit or even a sneeze could have disastrous consequences.”

  “She needs surgery urgently?” Hollywood wanted clarification.

  “Absolutely.” Harrhy nodded. “I just wanted to let you know what was going on, but now you understand the seriousness of Miss Federova’s condition, my team will stay and prep her for surgery, while I go and get myself ready.”

  Hollywood felt Niko’s fingers tighten around his, and he looked down to see her worried face.

  “What if something goes wrong?” She whispered. “People have operations all the time and don’t wake up.”

  “Miss Federova, while there is no such thing as a surgery which has a one hundred percent guarantee of success, at this moment in time, your risks of dying without the surgery are far higher than they are with it.” Malcolm Harrhy stepped forward until he was leaning directly over her. “The operation itself is fairly straightforward. I have to reset your ribs and attach titanium plates to stabilize them and hold them in place while they heal. There are a number of bones splinters I need to remove as well, but that’s not going to cause too much of a problem, and shouldn’t delay matters by more than a few minutes, as we have a clear picture of where they’re sitting.”

  “How long will the operation take?” Hollywood asked.

  “Anything between two and four hours. It all depends on how much damage there is to the bones on either side of the break, and how well the plates attach. If the bone is crumbling, we may have to use longer plates, which may require slightly more invasive surgery.” The surgeon explained. “Following the operation, you can expect a day or two in the ICU, being monitored, before you’re moved to the High Dependency Unit, where you’ll start physiotherapy and breathing exercises to prevent pneumonia developing.”

  “How long before I’m fully recovered?” Niko wondered aloud. “Weeks? Months?”

  “You’ll probably stay with us for a week or so, followed by a lengthy recuperation at home.” Harrhy smiled. “Two months if all goes well. Maybe three? This is the sort of operation you can’t rush to recover from.”

  Niko looked like she was about to burst into tears.

  “I’m going to lose my job before I even started it.” She sniffed. “How am I going to care for Roman? Feed him? Cuddle him?”

  “Sweetheart, don’t worry about Roman, Ok?” Hollywood cupped Niko’s face in the palm of his hand, making her look at him. “I’ll look after him until you’re allowed home, and I’ll make sure he doesn’t go short of cuddles. And when you’re ready to be discharged, you can just be a stay-at-home mom until you’re well enough to go back to work.”

  “What work?” Niko sniffed again. “The Guardians won’t keep my job open for me for three months.”

  “Niko, you’re being given a job that only you are qualified for.” Luke pointed out. “The job will be there when you’re fit enough to join us, even if that means you work from home for a while. I’m sure Hannah can fix you up with all you need so you can work without ever leaving your sofa.”

  “Miss Federova, I hope you understand that you don’t really have a choice in the matter. There’s a very strong possibility of you sustaining a potentially catastrophic injury, the longer we delay this operation.” The surgeon interrupted. “We need to get you into surgery while we have a window of opportunity and an available theatre. It’s our best chance of getting you home to your son fit and well.”

  Hollywood stared down at Niko, understanding the fear in her eyes.

  “I’ll look after him, I promise you.” He reassured her. “I’ll look after you bo

  It took a few seconds for Niko to find her courage, but eventually she nodded.

  “Ok.” She smiled nervously at the surgeon. “Do it.”

  “Good decision.” Mr Harrhy grinned at her. “I’ll see you in theatre in about half an hour. I’ll be the one wearing blue.”

  Hollywood watched as the surgeon swept out of the cubicle, leaving a bunch of other medical staff behind.

  “Gentlemen, would you all move outside while we start prepping the young lady for surgery?” A nurse smiled as she stepped forward. “You’ll have a chance to speak again before we take her to theatre.”

  Hollywood leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Niko’s lips.

  “I’ll be right outside the curtain, Ok?” He murmured. “If you need me for anything, just call.”

  Niko nodded, and he could see she was trying hard to be brave.

  He stepped out with the others and took up sentry duty right outside the cubicle.

  “Why don’t you guys go and grab a coffee?” He suggested to Luke and Kellen. “I’ll come and join you in the cafeteria as soon as they’ve taken Niko to theatre. Until then, I’ll stay here in case she needs anything.”

  He watched his friends walk away and edged a little closer to the cubicle curtain.

  At the moment, being ten feet from Niko was nine and a half feet too far.

  Chapter 3 – Kellen

  Kellen made his way as far as the doorway of the emergency room, stepping just outside where he could keep Hollywood in his line of sight.

  “I’m going to call Ellen, to let her know what’s happening.” Luke murmured as he continued walking towards the exit.

  Kellen pulled his phone out, knowing he would have to let Hannah know what was going on.

  Normally he would be thinking about keeping Niko’s family informed about the situation, but, of course, there was nobody for him to contact.

  He hit speed-dial two and waited for the call to connect.

  “Hey, Kellen. Everything Ok?” Hannah’s voice came on the line even before he heard a ringtone.


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