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Saviours Page 4

by Beth Abbott

  “Ok, well, as soon as you know anything, let me have the details, and I’ll do what I can to help.” Hannah promised.

  “Ok, will do.” Drago confirmed. “I’ll keep in touch.”

  As the line clicked dead, Hannah glanced at Danny.

  “What do you think this Lebedev guy is likely to ask for?” She wondered.

  Danny shrugged.

  “As long as he doesn’t ask for a blonde, green-eyed genius, with the finest ass in London, I’m sure we’ll be able to help him.” He smirked.

  “Or a drop-dead gorgeous sex-God with a body made for sin, and a heart of pure gold.” She responded seriously.

  “Yeah, that too.” Danny nodded. “Anything apart from those two and we’re good to go.”

  Chapter 5 – Hollywood

  Hollywood stared at the door to the family waiting room, desperately willing it to open.

  Four hours.

  Well, four hours, three minutes, and thirty-five seconds, if you wanted to be precise. That was how long he’d been sitting in this waiting room from hell.

  Ok, so there was nothing ‘hellish’ about it, per se, it was just way too cheerful for the filthy black mood that had descended on his soul.

  One time!

  Just the one stinking time in his life he’d actually met someone he could envisage spending his life with, and it turned out she had the worst fucking luck of anyone he’d ever met.

  He pictured Niko as he’d last seen her, lying on the hospital gurney, being wheeled away from him, her beautiful face so pale it had almost looked like an alabaster mask.

  She’d been so scared, and there hadn’t been a damn thing he could do to take away the fear. Hollywood wasn’t used to feeling so helpless.

  The only words she’d said to him before they’d taken her away, was a plea for him to look after Roman, and the more he thought about it now, Hollywood guessed that she’d meant if anything bad happened and she didn’t come through the surgery alive.

  He closed his eyes and dropped his head forward, so his chin almost rested on his chest.

  He wasn’t going to think about that now. He was going to use every last ounce of his energy to be positive and take himself to his happy place.

  He was sitting on a fishing boat in the Gulf of Mexico, a beer in his hand, one of his buddies at the helm, and Niko sitting on his lap, her face curled into his neck.

  Kellen was sitting on the deck playing with Roman, and Hollywood’s mom was in the galley, cooking up some of their catch for a delicious lunch.

  Yeah, that was his happy place alright.

  The reality didn’t quite live up to it just yet.

  He had yet to take Niko and Roman back to his home-town of Mobile, Alabama, and although they’d already spoken on the phone, Niko and Roman still had to meet his mom.

  It would happen, though, Hollywood thought. HE was proud of his home and he wanted them to see it. Maybe if he had some downtime at Christmas, he’d take them home. Or if he couldn’t get enough time off to go home, he’d send his mom a plane ticket, for her to come to London to visit with them.

  She’d absolutely freak out at the chance to visit all the sights, and he couldn’t wait for her to meet Niko and her new step-grandson, Roman.

  Step-grandson? Wow! Did that make him Roman’s step-dad?

  Damn straight it did! And the only thing that would make it more official, was when he married the boy’s mama and legally adopted him.

  Hollywood sat up straighter, waiting for the shudder that usually rippled through him at the mention of the ‘M-word’.


  Not even a flicker of revulsion at the thought of marriage.

  How was that even possible?

  He’d spent the previous twenty years of his adult life avoiding any woman who might have any sort of inclination towards getting him to put a ring on her finger. And here he was, seriously contemplating… hell, he was way past contemplating… seriously planning on marrying Niko, whether she said yes to him or not.

  Hollywood opened his eyes and concentrated.

  Not the slightest sign of a palpitation, nor any elevation in his heartbeat, and his breathing was regulation slow and steady.

  He wasn’t panicking at all.

  Well, wasn’t that a turn up for the books!

  Landon Hillwood, at age thirty-eight years, seven months, and five days, had finally joined the land of the grown-ups, and decided that marriage might be something he’d like to partake of.

  Well, holy shit!

  Before he had a chance to break out a grin, Hollywood heard the door open, and the surgeon they’d spoken to earlier walked in.

  “Miss Federova’s family?” He glanced at them, as though he couldn’t remember them properly.

  “Yes, we’re Niko’s family.” He stood up instantly. “I’m her next of kin.”

  Well, that much was certainly true. You could hardly delegate that role to a three-year-old!

  The surgeon pointed to some chairs.

  “Do you mind if we sit down?” He smiled. “Honestly, I’m knackered!”

  Hollywood pulled a few chairs together, and along with Kellen and Luke, the surgeon sat down.

  “Ok, so you’ll want to know how Miss Federova is, first and foremost, and I’m pleased to say that she’s stable, and her long-term prognosis is that she should make a good recovery.” The surgeon smiled.

  Hollywood flopped back in the chair.

  “I’ve been waiting for those words for more than four hours.” He admitted. “I can’t begin to explain how good they sound.”

  “I can imagine. But there was something else I wanted to discuss with you.” Malcolm Harrhy continued. “We already knew the ribs had been cracked a few weeks ago, from the information you provided when she arrived. But what we didn’t realise was that they’d been cracked multiple times, some of the fractures possibly from quite a few years ago.”

  “Niko’s parents died when she was a teenager, and she was raised by her much older brother.” Kellen explained. “He was extremely abusive, and Niko was often at the receiving end of his temper.”

  “She claimed he didn’t hit her, though.” Hollywood frowned. “She was adamant about it.”

  Harrhy shrugged.

  “As slight as she is, it wouldn’t take much to crack a rib.” He pointed out. “A push or a shove could do it. Even just being roughed up a little bit. Her blood tests show a variety of vitamin deficiencies, one of which is vitamin K, so it’s entirely possible her bones are affected as a result. Has she been on a particularly strict diet to stay so slim? Or has she suffered with anorexia or bulimia, for example?”

  “She hasn’t been on a diet as such, but her brother only allowed her a very small amount of money to live on. Knowing Niko, I suspect that most of it would have been spent on food for her son.” Hollywood explained.

  “I see.” The surgeon nodded. “Well, the extra problems with her bones have meant that we’ve had to be slightly more invasive than I would have expected with the titanium plates we’ve put in, but overall, it hasn’t changed the outcome. She’ll be fine in the long-term, but obviously she’s not going to heal overnight. She’ll need a lot of recovery time. Will that be a problem?”

  “No problem at all.” Hollywood confirmed. “I’ll make sure Niko has everything she needs, and that she does all her physiotherapy.”

  “See that you do.” Harrhy nodded. “Pneumonia is a major risk, so make sure Miss Federova does her breathing exercises regularly. And see to it that she sees her doctor as soon as she’s discharged. She’s going to need building up and specific vitamin supplements prescribed to get her back on track again.”

  The surgeon heaved himself to his feet with a groan.

  “Twenty-four hours on your feet is not the best way to spend a day.” He smiled, before turning for the door. “She’s in the Intensive Care Unit at the moment, being made comfortable. As soon as they’ve settled her in, someone will be out to take you to see her.”r />
  “Thanks, doc.” Hollywood stood up automatically, but the door was already swinging shut behind the surgeon.

  He flopped back down on his chair, leaning forward and dropping his head into his hands.

  “Niko’s gonna be Ok.” Luke reminded him. “It’s gonna take some time, but she’s gonna be as good as new.”

  Hollywood lifted his head and stared into those strange eyes, one half blue and half black.

  “It’s not Niko’s recovery that’s getting to me.” He admitted.

  “Then what’s on your mind?” Kellen frowned at him.

  “I was wishing that Ilya was still alive.” Hollywood growled. “Just so I could kill that fucker all over again, only much slower, and way more painfully than last time!”

  Chapter 6 – Kellen

  Kellen held Roman high in the air, and carefully manoeuvred him forward so he hovered above the hospital bed in the High Dependency Unit.

  “Come here!” Niko was already propped up at forty-five degrees with the bed raised, and she smiled tiredly, holding her hands out to grab her son’s face, kissing him everywhere she could reach.

  “Mama, that tickles!” Roman giggled in protest, but Kellen noticed he was gripping onto Niko’s fingers, not letting her go for anything.

  It only took a minute for her to start to tire, and Hollywood stood up to take Roman from Kellen.

  “Give him to me.” Hollywood grinned, holding the boy tightly in his arms. “I can’t understand it for a minute, but I’ve missed this little rug-rat more than I could’ve imagined. And it’s only been a couple of hours!”

  He propped himself on the edge of the bed with Roman sitting in his lap, keeping his hand wrapped around the boy so he couldn’t accidently bump his mama. Only two days post-op, she was still as weak as a kitten, and there was obviously a high risk in letting a three-year-old anywhere near her.

  “Have you been a good boy for Ellen and Luke?” Niko took her son’s hand in hers, rubbing her thumb reassuringly across the back.

  “I’m always good, mama. Aunt Ellen said so.” Roman nodded as though Ellen’s word was gospel. “We went swimming, and to the park, and we’re going to bake you a surprise cake for when you come home.”

  Kellen chuckled as he watched Niko smile at her son, who obviously had no idea what was meant by the ‘surprise’ part of that statement.

  “Wow! It sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun.” Niko sounded tired.

  “And tonight, Roman and I are having a ‘guy’s night’ around at my place.” Kellen smiled. “There’s video’s, popcorn, and I’ve set up a tent in the spare bedroom so Roman can camp out tonight.”

  “You mean ‘camp in’ don’t you?” Hollywood chuckled.

  “In – out, the only difference is no bugs crawling up your pyjama legs, and no owls hooting in the middle of the night, keeping you awake.” Kellen shrugged. “Plus, we get to watch Lego Batman. What could be better?”

  “It sounds like you have a great night planned.” Niko tore her eyes from her son for a second to glance at Kellen. “You know I can’t thank you enough. You, and Ellen and Luke. I don’t know what I’d have done without you looking after Roman.”

  “We’ve only stepped in while Hollywood has been here with you.” Kellen pointed out. “The last couple of nights, when they’ve kicked us off the ward, Hollywood has come home and collected Roman, and he’s been taking care of him.”

  “Yeah, yeah! Because I’m such a saint!” Hollywood scowled at him, but Kellen could be sure he saw the blush creeping up his friend’s neck.

  “H makes me breakfast.” Roman interrupted the conversation. “Today I had toast and strangled eggs.”

  Hollywood choked out a laugh.

  “Scrambled eggs, buddy. Not strangled eggs.” He explained.

  Roman shrugged, as if it made no difference to him.

  “So, what’s the latest on your recovery?” Hollywood asked Niko, as he ran his fingers up her forearm. “Have they had you doing physio yet?”

  “They had me doing deep breathing exercises again this morning.” Niko smiled. “And I had to go for another scan to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be.”

  “And was it?” Kellen grinned. “I mean, it all looks to be in the right place from where I’m sitting, but I’m guessing that’s not what’s important, right?”

  “Well, according to the guy who came to see me before lunch, they’re quite happy that the titanium plates are in the right places, and that the fractures should start to knit together in their own good time.” Niko smiled. “At least that means they won’t have to operate again.”

  “Well, that is good news.” Hollywood smiled. “And have they said how long they expect you to stay in hospital?”

  “If I don’t have any setbacks tonight, they’re moving me to a main ward tomorrow.” Niko smiled. “And after that, it’ll just be a few days before I can come home.”

  “That’s fantastic.” Kellen grinned. “And I had a great idea for how to keep you safe during your first few weeks of recovery.”

  “Safe?” Niko glanced between Kellen and Hollywood. “What risk is there that you think I need to be kept safe from?”

  “Umm, little people?” Hollywood pointed down at Roman, without letting the little fella see what he was doing. “Some little people can get overly excited and forget that they’re supposed to be gentle and careful with bigger people.”

  Niko smiled.

  “Yes, I can see how that might happen.” She acknowledged. “So, how do you plan on keeping me safe? And don’t say by keeping me away from ‘little people’, because that’s simply not going to happen. I’ve spent far too much time away from him recently.”

  Kellen reached down into the bag he’d brought with him.

  “This is for you.” He pulled the Kevlar vest out and placed it onto the bed.

  Niko looked down and chuckled.

  “A ladies’ sized Kevlar vest? For me?”

  She reached for the vest and tugged it towards her.

  “If it’ll hold off a bullet, it should hold off a stray hand, foot or knee.” He shrugged.

  Niko smiled up at him.

  “I don’t think anyone has ever given me such a thoughtful gift.” She acknowledged. “Or such a useful one.”

  “If you like it, I can always try and get you one in pink.” Hollywood grinned. “I may just have to spray-paint a black one, but I’m sure I can make it look a bit more feminine.”

  “I’m not particularly fond of pink.” Niko scrunched up her nose. “But I like all shades of purple.”

  “Then I’ll do what I can to make it purple.” Hollywood winked at Niko.

  “Hannah is going to visit later this afternoon and bring you something decent to eat.” Kellen remembered. “Is there anything in particular you want?”

  “I’m not sure that I have much appetite yet.” Niko admitted. “They keep trying to get me to eat ice-cream, and I keep telling them I can’t eat sugary foods. We’re at a bit of a stand-off.”

  “How about some chicken, and maybe a salad, or some vegetables?” Hollywood suggested. “You like chicken.”

  “I do.” Niko nodded. “But I’d be just as happy with crackers and some cheese.”

  “Ok, then I’ll let Hannah know you don’t want anything sugary, but beyond that, I think I’ll let her surprise you.” Hollywood smiled.

  “Did you ask her whether it was Ok for me to start my job when I’m recovered?” Niko glanced at Kellen. “It may take six to eight weeks, but I’ll be back as quickly as I can.”

  “I mentioned it to her, but Hannah’s response was a little too colourful to repeat in front of little ears.” Kellen grinned, remembering Hannah’s actual words with a smile. “The gist of it was that your contract starts on Monday, whether you want it to or not, and you’ll qualify for sick pay until you’re well enough to actually start working from home.”

  He could see the look of shock on Niko’s face.

“Why would they pay me sick pay?” She shook her head.

  “Umm, maybe because you’re sick?” Kellen snorted. “If I remember correctly, there’s something in our contracts to say that for the first six months of our employment we get seventy-five percent of our pay when we’re sick. That lasts for up to twenty-four weeks, and then it drops to half-pay until you get to twelve months. After you’ve been employed six months, you get full pay for twenty-four weeks. Of course, if your illness or injury is work-related, you get full pay for as long as it takes to get you back to work.”

  Kellen watched Niko’s jaw drop open. Obviously, the concept of being paid while you were sick was something completely alien to her.

  He glanced at Hollywood, who was watching Niko with a grin on his face.

  “I think you need to close your mouth before you start catching flies.” Hollywood leaned forward to lift Niko’s jaw.

  “That’s… well, it’s ridiculous!” Niko gasped, wincing as she seemed to jolt her body. “It’s paying me money for nothing!”

  “It’s no more or less than anyone else would get if they were in the same circumstances.” Kellen shrugged. “It’s one of the bonuses of working for a good employer like the Guardians.”

  “Can I be a guardian?” Roman glanced up at Hollywood as he asked the question. “When I’m as big as you?”

  Kellen grinned at Roman’s assumption that he would ever grow as big as Hollywood.

  “Sure, you can.” Hollywood agreed easily. “But you’ll have to eat all your vegetables to get big and strong enough.”

  Roman scrunched up his nose as though he were thinking twice about it.

  “I can eat fries. Fries are a vegetable.” He offered.

  Hollywood chuckled.

  “Well, I guess that’s a place to start.” He shrugged.

  “Umm, excuse me?” Kellen turned to see a nurse standing at the end of the bed. “I’m afraid it’s only supposed to be two visitors to a patient.”

  Hollywood glanced around and gave the woman what Kellen recognised as his most winning smile.


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