The Book of Magick Power

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The Book of Magick Power Page 17

by Jason Augustus Newcomb

  4. Send this light turning in a counter-clockwise direction, as it continues to grow, imagining that the turning light is sweeping away all outside energies.

  5. Continue this growing and sweeping light until the globe of light fills the whole circumference of your aura, an egg shape surrounding you about a foot to a foot and a half around you in all directions.

  6. All outside energies have now been dispelled from your personal space.

  7. Tell your subconscious to maintain this swirling light, and return to normal consciousness.

  8. Record your experience in your journal when you can.

  Exercise 58 - Psychic Barrier

  Time Required: 2 to 10 minutes

  This following technique can be used in addition to the preceding whenever you are in a situation in which you wish to avoid the negative energy of someone who is nearby. We have all been in situations where people have aggravated and drained us with their negativity. You will be surprised at how easily this technique will repel negative people. You may even do it in the midst of a conversation, and you will find that the negative person will find a polite excuse to leave you.

  1. Go into the Alpha state, using your anchor.

  2. Do the preceding exercise quickly and simply visualizing the white light from your super-consciousness filling your aura.

  3. Visualize this light accumulating at the outer edges of your aura, and becoming a solid clear barrier, like a force field around you or a crystalline, impenetrable egg.

  4. Ask your subconscious to maintain this barrier as you continue to go about your business.

  5. Record your experience in your journal when you can.

  These two simple exercises should easily neutralize any negative influence, particularly when you are out and about in public and need a quick solution. However, if you are at home or in your workspace, you may also use the pentagram ritual or the circle casting procedures to achieve a similar effect. Regular use of all of these practices will render your personal psychic vehicle impervious to all negativity whether from within or without.

  If you should ever find yourself in magical battle, which I strongly suggest you avoid, or under magical attack from someone who really wishes you harm, you might also want to consider creating a magical guardian servitor. General instructions on creating artificial servitor spirits will be explained in chapter 8. You can easily adapt these instructions to create a sort of psychic warden, whose job it will be to block or extinguish any negative currents that are directed your way. Traditionally, magicians have created such astral guardians in the forms of dogs, cats, or birds of pray such as hawks or eagles. You may of course design a guardian in whatever form suits your needs.

  Exercise 59 - Binding

  Time Required: 20 to 30 minutes

  Hopefully you will never experience this, but if you absolutely know someone is out to get you, and they are sending bad energy toward you relentlessly you can bind them away from you psychically. You may also use this technique if someone is dangerously bothering you or threatening you with physical violence. This should only ever be used on people who are actively threatening you. Don't simply use this idly. You must not do this with the intent to harm, or you will bring harm upon yourself. The only purpose of this is to keep the person away from you, to protect yourself from harm.

  It is traditional to perform a binding operation when the moon is waning, but your own experience will be the best judge in this matter.

  If you have a photograph of the person or something that belongs to them, you can physically bind this object with a black ribbon while you are doing this, creating a physical talisman of your operation. In this case you will also need a piece of black cloth to contain these things. You will then bury this ritualized object in the ground somewhere far from your home. However, if you do not have such an object, the whole operation can be performed simply through the visualizations that follow. The instructions will contain the physical actions of working with the picture and the black ribbon and cloth, but you may omit them, concentrating very vividly on the visualization portion.

  1. Consult your subconscious with the pendulum, to make sure that this operation is really necessary and advisable.

  2. If you have a picture or some object, and a piece of black ribbon about two to three feet long, and a piece of black cloth, you will need to place it on a table or altar in the center of your work room.

  3. Go into the Alpha state, using your anchor, and perform a purification, circle casting and pentagram ritual if you wish.

  4. Do some Kundalini arousing breaths to increase your accessible power.

  5. Look at the photograph of the person you wish to bind. Remind yourself of why you need to keep this person away from you. With your third eye, begin to visualize the person as standing just outside the barrier of your circle. This visualization should be of the person exhibiting their negative behaviors or bad energy. You are only attempting to bind up this bad energy.

  6. Pick up the length of black ribbon, and tell your subconscious that this black cord has the ability to bind the person’s negativity away from you. Your subconscious will respond with some sort of emotion. At first this emotion may be fear or doubt, Keep telling your subconscious that their negativity will be bound away from you over and over again, until the emotion that you feel is strength and empowerment.

  7. Once you are feeling strong, begin to visualize black tendrils of energy coming up from the earth around your visualization of the person right outside your circle. Take the photograph in your hand, rolling it tightly into a tube, and begin to wrap the black ribbon around it. As you wrap the ribbon, visualize the black tendril wrapping around your visualization of the person too. At this point you could also include a rhyming spell if you wish. See Chapter Eight for an explanation and instruction in writing these simple sorts of spells.

  8. When you have fully wrapped the object with the whole ribbon, tie it off in a knot, at the same time visualizing the person completely surrounded by the black tendrils of energy, so they are completely obscured from view.

  9. Take the wrapped object and placed it onto the black cloth. Enfold it slowly in the cloth, at the same time visualizing the tendrils of black energy, sucking the person deep into the earth, to absorb their negativity. You do not wish to destroy them with this, simply to suck away their negativity. Be sure not to think of killing or hurting them, as this will cause you psychic and spiritual harm. Fold the cloth over a few times, until the picture is fully wrapped up in the cloth, and your visualization has been sucked completely into the earth.

  10. Feel safe and accomplished. You have bound the person’s negativity, and it can no longer harm you in any way.

  11. At this point you may wish to do the pentagram ritual to balance your own equilibrium, and release any negativity that may have accumulated in you.

  12. Come back to normal consciousness when you are ready, knowing that your influence will work.

  13. Record your experience in your journal.

  14. Take the black cloth somewhere at least a mile away from your home, and bury it in the earth. This will ground the energy, and assure your success.


  Psychic Communication

  “When two friends, or two members of a family, understand how the low self [subconscious] works, they may profitably begin the practice of sending telepathic messages to each other.”

  -Max Freedom Long[1]

  Telepathy is the power to communicate information or to receive information from one mind to another by paranormal means. In this chapter we will explore several techniques and exercises are provided for establishing telepathic communication, both as a receiver and a telepathic sender. There are a number of different kinds and qualities of telepathic communication. We will cover most of the simple and effective techniques for these abilities in the next few pages.

  In truth, you have already had some experience in a certain sort of telepathy in the last chapter through
psychic influence. However, now you will attempt to send and receive meaningful information between two or more people. You should also keep in mind the instructions you’ve learned for reading body language and other nonverbal communication, because these sorts of communication form an integral part of telepathy as well.

  For many of these exercises you will need a partner. Hopefully your growing psychic influence has attracted one to you by now. These exercises can also easily be adapted to group work. It seems that some people naturally gravitate toward either telepathic receiving or telepathic sending. With these exercises, try to build up your skills on both sides of the communication.

  Exercise 60 - Establishing Telepathic Rapport

  Time Required: 5 to 10 minutes

  When you are conducting any telepathic experiment with someone who is in the same room as you, you will want to be in deep sympathy with your telepathic contact as much as possible to establish the necessary psychic link. Take a few minutes to establish rapport with the following exercise.

  1. Both participants should enter the alpha state.

  2. You may want to hold hands, at least at first, to establish a link.

  3. Look into each other's eyes.

  4. Take a few long deep breaths together. Begin and end your exhales simultaneously. This will connect you very well.

  5. Then chant together, saying AUM slowly or something similar, three to five times. Feel yourselves really getting in tune with one another.

  6. Then take a few minutes to specifically set up the telepathic link. For instance, if you are going to be generating images, choose a limited set number of these in advance, and go through a preselected series of these images. In other words, let us say you are going to be communicating colored shapes to each other telepathically. Decide in advance the shapes you are going to be using. Let’s suppose you’ve chosen a red triangle, a blue circle and a yellow square. The sender will then go through these one at a time to set them up. “I am sending the red triangle.” The sender then visualizes it, and the receiver empties their mind to receive it. You will go through each of your images in this way. By doing this you are establishing the “animal magnetic” telepathic link between each other. Once you are familiar with each other and telepathy in general this last step will become unnecessary.

  These steps are only absolutely necessary for certain exercises. Obviously when you are trying to communicate to someone at a distance they will not be possible. However, when you are first learning these skills, try to use these opening steps as much as possible.

  Exercise 61 - Contact Telepathy

  Time Required: 15 to 20 minutes

  This was a popular sort of parlor trick around the turn of the twentieth century. A lot of people used it as an example to “prove” the existence of telepathy and mind reading. However, it is possible to achieve this effect without any metaphysical abilities, so I think it went rather out of fashion in paranormal circles. The fake way of doing this is sometimes called “muscle reading.” Since you are going to be holding on to the person who is “psychically guiding” you to an unknown object in the room, it is possible to let them unconsciously guide you with muscle resistance exactly to the right place.

  Try to avoid doing this, because you are attempting to really develop your telepathic abilities. The reason for the contact is really so that the sender and the receiver can be wired directly to one another, facilitating greater telepathic connection.

  To a certain extent, at least at first, it is probably okay to let the muscle reading guide you a little bit. After all, we are supposed to be using all of our senses in our psychic development. But try not to cheat too much.

  You will need a partner, and to do this in a room that has a number of small objects in it. One of you will be the sender, and one the receiver, then you can switch if you like. This exercise works especially well in groups, where everyone is acting as the sender, and the main sender acting as a radio tower for all that energy.

  1. The sender must choose an object, and keep it to themselves (or tell the rest of the group excluding the receiver). This can be any randomly selected small object in the room.

  2. The sender and the receiver should get into the Alpha state and establish telepathic rapport.

  3. The sender will then hold out their arm, powerfully visualizing the selected object, and powerfully willing the receiver toward it. All of the sender’s effort should be spent in propelling that telepathic instruction down into their extended arm.

  4. The receiver should grab hold of the arm sender’s arm at the wrist and clear their mind, passively receiving the telepathic communication from the sender.

  5. The receiver should allow themselves to receive any impressions that come, but also simply allow their subconscious to guide their movements. When they feel, see or otherwise experience any urge, the receiver should move wherever the feeling urges.

  6. The sender should continue at all times to powerfully focus on sending the receiver to the correct location.

  7. The receiver should move toward the object until they’ve found it. This will in most cases be relatively easy.

  8. Record the experience in your journal.

  Exercise 62 - Empathic Telepathy

  Time Required: 15 to 20 minutes

  The purpose of this technique is to receive telepathic information on an emotional level. Sometimes you will just receive emotions in this exercise. Other times, you may find yourself vividly entering the consciousness experience of the person you are in rapport with.

  This technique is really a corollary of the establishing rapport technique from the last chapter on influence. When we imitate the body language and breathing of someone exactly, we are not only establishing a connection with them, we are also creating the same emotional state that they are in within ourselves. This is because some of the most powerful ways in which we create emotions in ourselves are through our body posture and our breathing. So, by imitating the body language and breathing of someone who is in an acute emotional state, we can enter into that exact state with them. By doing this, we can connect with the person on a very deep and powerful level.

  You will obviously need a partner for this exercise.

  1. The sender must choose an experience from their past in which they felt a very strong and powerful emotion. This must be a specific experience that they can clearly recall. It can either be a positive or negative emotional state, but it must not be an ambiguous or insignificant state, particularly at first.

  2. The sender and the receiver should get into the Alpha state and establish telepathic rapport, omitting the last step.

  3. The sender will then go back to that experience from the past vividly in their imagination, powerfully returning to that specific time when they were experiencing a distinct emotional state. The sender should get into the exact bodily position that they were in when they were experiencing that state, so that they can become totally immersed.

  4. Once the sender is totally and deeply experiencing the emotional state, they should nod their head or say that they are there, remaining totally in this powerful emotional place. The receiver should endeavor to imitate the posture and breathing of the sender, right down to minutia such as facial expression, head position and the exact breathing rate and location of the breath in the body.

  5. Once the receiver has completely imitated the sender’s physical expressions, the receiver will begin to feel exactly what the sender is feeling, and can describe it to them, sometimes including exactly what is going on in the imagined scenario. The important thing however is the feelings. The receiver should endeavor to describe what they are experiencing, keeping it as much as possible in sensory terms, rather than passing any judgment or complex labels to it.

  6. Record the experience in your journal.

  Once you have become adept at this practice, you can use it with subtlety in other situations, to really understand what someone is going through emotionally.

63 - Projecting Images

  Time Required: 15 to 20 minutes

  You can try this exercise with sending alphabet letters, shapes, colors, emotions, numbers or anything else that you can imagine. As I mentioned above, you should probably confine this exercise to a set number of possibilities that you decide in advance, at least at first. You could also simply decide with your partner that you may be sending a shape, a letter, a number or a color, and have your partner simply try to receive what category of image is being sent. You will of course need a partner for this exercise.

  1. The sender must choose an image to project, and keep it to themselves. At first it should be from a preselected limited set. Once you are experienced and successful it can be random.

  2. The sender and the receiver should get into the Alpha state and establish telepathic rapport.

  3. The sender will then powerfully visualize the selected image, projecting it toward the receiver’s brain.


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